Hampton Paper Designs Presents An Alphabet Book
Aa Bb Cc By Kristin Lombardo Mika and Watercolors by Lucy Borge
For my boys, Thomas Bendel and Jackson Louis, I love you both all day long.
Hampton Paper Designs was established in 2007 by Kristin Lombardo Mika. Like most everything the company offers, this alphabet book was inspired by Kristin’s love of creating products that are charming and elegant. The images are based on hand-painted watercolors done by regarded New York artist Lucy Borge. For more information on our line of timeless stationery and gifts, please visit www.hamptonpaperdesigns.com
Aa is for Apple
Bb is for Boat
Cc is for Camera
Dd is for Dog
Ee is for Elephant
Ff is for Fire Truck
Gg is for Giraffe
Hh is for House
Ii is for Igloo
Jj is for Jack in the Box
Kk is for Kangaroo
Ll is for Ladybug
Mm is for Mailbox
Nn is for Nest
Oo is for Owl
Pp is for Pail
Qq is for Queen’s Carriage
Rr is for Rollerskates
Ss is for Sled
Tt is for Train
Uu is for Umbrella
Vv is for Vegetables
Ww is for Wagon
Xx is for Xylophone
Yy is for Yarn
Zz is for Zeppelin
AaBbCcDdEeFf GgHhIiJjKkLl MmNnOoPpQqRr SsTtUuVvWwXx YyZz
Xx Yy Zz