College Of Informatics and Virtual Education Department of Computer Technologies and Applications NAME: Makame, Makame H REGISTRATION NO: T/UDOM/2010/00410 PROGRAM: B Sc. Computer and Information Security ASSIGNMENT NO. 1 COURSE NAME: Professional Ethics and Conduct COURSE CODE: BT 400 COUSE INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Hamisi Fereji Question: write on normative, conceptual and descriptive inquires
Normative inquiry Seeks to identify and justify the morally-described norms and standards that should guide individuals and group. It also a theoretical goal of justifying a particular moral judgments (R.S. Naagarazan, 2006). Normative questions are about what ought to be and what is good, based on moral values. 1. How far the obligation of engineer extends to protect the public in any given situations.? 2. When if ever, engineers should be expected to blow whistle on dangerous practice oh their employee?. 3. When and why is government justified in interfering with the organizations? 4. What are the reasons on which ICT professions shows obligations to their employee or client or public?
Conceptual inquiry it is directed to clarify the meaning of ideas or concepts or principles that are expressed by words or by questions and statements (R.S. Naagarazan, 2006). For example 1. what is meant by privacy? 2. How is it related to risk? 3. What is bribe? 4. What is a profession? When moral concepts are discussed, normative and conceptual issues are closely interconnected.
Descriptive inquiry it is aimed to obtain facts needed for understanding and resolving value issues. Researchers conduct Descriptive inquiry using mathematical and statical techniques. The facts provide not only reasons for moral problems but also enable us to develop alternative ways of resolving moral problems (R.S. Naagarazan, 2006). For example: 1. How were benefits assessed? 2. What are procedures followed in risk assessment? 3. What are shot-term and long term effect of using pirated software? 4. Who tested the software?
References 1. R.S. Naagarazan, 2006, A Text Book on Professional-Ethics and Human Values, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.