Masters of Architecture Part 2 Portfolio_Hamza Shaikh

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If you see this, click it to access a media link... There are 2 short films linked in this portfolio: • the first one is 5 minutes long • the second is around 2 minutes long


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The deployment of pods would be primarily in areas of high t r a n s i t a c t i v i t y. A g r e a t s i t e f o r a R E S p o d w o u l d b e i n t h e L o n d o n commuter hotspots. This drawing shows the RESpod1.0 with an extension pod in the busy commuter spot, Chiltern Street, We s t L o n d o n . T h e i d e a l o c c u p a n t w o u l d b e t h e t y p i c a l L o n d o n commuter looking for a short-stay regeneration experience.

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hundred and eighty-six instances of natural sounds in relation to attention restoration and stress recovery were identified across the twenty transcripts. Content analysis revealed that bird songs and calls were the most commonly mentioned sounds, accounting f o r 3 5 % o f s o u n d s m e n t i o n e d , f o l l o w e d b y w a t e r. B I R D S O U N D S A N D P E R C E I V E D R E S T O R AT I O N (24%), non-avian animals (18%), elements (12%), and other sounds such as interaction with nature and silence (11%). As such, birds seemed to be the most salient source of restorative sounds in natural environments discussed by participants, and thematic analysis was conducted o n r e s p o n s e s r e l at i n g t o b i r d s o u n d s o n ly. T h r e e themes were identified as potential contributors to relationships between bird sounds and perceived restoration and stress recovery: affective appraisals, cognitive appraisals, and relationships with nature.

Dr Eleanor Ratcliffe Environmental Psychologist, Researcher


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