National Geographic Magazine for Narnians

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MARCH 2013


NARNIANS The Deepest Darkest Secrets of the Narnians, Revealed...

Hana Perkins 6C

Environment and Habitat

Narnia is located through a closet in a small cottage off into the snowy woods. Narnia is in Europe, and the latitude/longitude is 53째 0' 0" N / 8째 0' 0" W. Narnia has a mild temperature with a temperature around 50째F. You can expect a lot of snow all year round as the only season they have is winter. We believe they had many types of snow animals to feed off of. Including rabbit, foxes and so on. We predict that the Narnians had the same types of foods as the Irish as Narnia is in Ireland. So they had a variety of grains. Wheat and Barley were popular. They had a wide range of vegetables including potatoes, cabbages, sprouts, carrots, cauliflowers and turnips compared to other were really common. The Narnians had fruits as well. They had apples, plums, pears and a lot of different berries.

Arts and Agriculture

Castle “We were investigating into the ruins and we found a ice piece and we followed the pieces and we soon came across the castle in the picture above. Although all the pieces weren’t there we decided to predict what it looked like and pieced the pieces together.” says Investigator Hana.

Gathering Spot “We were looking through some old rubbles and I saw some footsteps imprinted on the ground, I then followed them and I came here and there were many old footsteps and across the lake was one pair of feet marks so it was pretty easy to guess what it was”

Temple of Lost Ones “Same as the Ice Castle we were investigating and found this temple and put the pieces together. When we were in the center of the temple we saw some boxes with nice decorations we opened them we saw lots of bones and at a further place in the temple at the top in writing which we deciphered it said ‘Temple of Lost Ones’ and we instantly knew that was where they left their loved ones when their time would pass”

Old Painting “We were looking through some old stuff we found in a trunk and something just caught my eye. When we had wiped off all the dust we found this nice painting. It was obvious the colors were made from natural goods. It’s a very nice painting and we suspect that this has something to do with how the old houses looked like. We haven’t found any whole houses but we found little bits and pieces of them and the texture looks like it so someone was probably painting their house.”

Social Class Structure Kings and Queen Prince and Princess Rich People The Workers Children Centaurs and Trolls The evidence that we found was that on each ruins they would have writing of who lived there and then we saw which one had the biggest house. We also saw how big the memorials for their ancestors were because in Narnia the worshipped their ancestors a lot and the bigger the memorial was the richer they were because they can afford it. In the middle of the Narnians there was a castle where the Royal Family lived and the Royal Family had a lot of safety so the people that lived closer to the castle were richer because they get more safety then the less rich people.

Writing and Language The Narnians Alphabet Aa: å Oo: ø

Bb: ∫

Cc: ç

Dd: ∂

Jj: ∆

Ll: ¬

Pp: π

Qq: œ

Ss: ß

Tt: †

Ww: ∑

Xx: ≈

Yy: ¥

Zz: Ω

Mm: µ Vv: √

We found out about the letters because when we were looking around we found a scroll with these weird looking letters but some were missing and we matched them together with some other letters from different countries and as we looked around town for any more information from maybe some descendants of the Narnians we found an old man and asked him as many questions about the alphabet and he confirmed that they work correct. He also said that that they spoke English with a tint of Irish accent. Their language was called Narniana.

Government In Narnia the government were the Kings, Queens, Princes, Princess’, the highest people in economy and from time to time the people who were elected if the greater people above wished not to take the place. The next leader of the Narnians would have to be the next boy in the family of the leader.

Law The people who decided the law were obviously the Government as most places do. The law is the same as any other country and if they do something wrong they get sentenced to however many years. An old man said that the Narnians had to adapt to the same laws as towns people because they all lived in the same country and it wouldn’t help if they fought over laws and so on. The Government were not a loud to press charges unless there was proof or evidence that the person was guilty but until then they were kept under a close eye or if it was something very bad, in custody.

Economy and Trade There was no money in Narnia because they would get stuff or buy things with food or items that are rare or necessary to live with, basically called trade. The Narnians caught food and ate it or they could trade it in for something better. They could also trade the food for necessary items like first aid or clean, fresh water. In Narnia you were either a hunter or fisher for food. They were the best jobs out there. They would also trade materials to make houses or clothes out of. Each week there was a huge market where you could trade many different things. There was no evidence of anything like money but instead where we supposed where the markets we held there were blocks where it faintly said what they could trade and what they accepted for everything.

Division of Labor In Narnia there were quite a few jobs. From 20 and older you were required to work. If you have not decided what job you will be able to get and which one you want after 1 week of being 20 the government has to choose for you and you will get the lowest paying job. In Narnia the highest paid people were the Government. The Government was the King, Queen, Prince and Princess. The lowest paying jobs were horse carriage riders. The job that got paid normal wage was mostly men, a few women here and there, the job most people wanted and the job with most people was the hunters and fishers. The hunters hunted for rabbits, deers and other wild animals. The fishers went to the sea and collected sea urchans, fish and other sea creatures. The hunters and fishers would get to their jobs at 8:00am and would finish their jobs at 5:00pm. After each fisher and hunter had collected the food they would then stack it into a pile and leave it for the separators. The separators would then separate the food in equal amounts for each separator and then the separators would go give the food away. They would give you a bit of food each and the richer you were the more food you got. The woman would stay home and homeschool the children or look after the children and house if they had kids. If they didn’t they would have to grow crops and make a stall at the market to trade. Narnia had a few jobs and the payment was very fair.

Beliefs The Narnians believed in a god called ‘Snowamra’ which is the goddess of the snow. Snow in Narnia brings the most creatures out in Narnia so everybody loved it when it snowed. There was once a queen called ‘Snowamra’ and she was a queen worshipped by everyone. She was by far their best queen. Whenever she was sick though the weather turned warm, so everybody tried their best to get her better again. There was also a legend that if ‘Snowamra’ died in peace it would bring snow everyday but if she dies in some other way it would bring misery for everybody. ‘Snowamra’ died in peace luckily and it brang snow everyday. For as long as ‘Snowamra’ is in peace and not disturbed there shall be happiness for every day forth. From then on everybody worshipped ‘Snowamra’ as she brang happiness to everyone. The Narnians also believed there has to be a queen or king in the kingdom from when ‘Snowamra’ died to show respect to the wonderful queen and also they thought that there needs to be a queen like ‘Snowamra’ to keep the Narnians together. The king and queen would have to live up to their expectations otherwise they would be disrespecting ‘Snowamra’ which was a great sin in Narnia. The story of ‘Snowamra’ was written on an old scroll deep inside the broken palace and the rules were also written down and a signature of each king and queen that lived and bowed to make sure they lived up to their expectations.

Incas Who were the Incas? The Incas were a tribe of people who lived in Cuzco, Peru in the 12th century until the 15th century. Their last Inca king was Sapa Inca. The Incas spoke and wrote with an ancient language called Quechua.

Laws and Government The Inca Laws were very harsh. If you broke the law it mostly ended in death and the punishments were severe. The Sapa Inca decided all of the laws and no laws could be made until the Sapa Inca approved of the law. The Sapa Inca was basically the Government because no one else got any say in it. When the Sapa Inca created a new law he would tell the tax collector and they would pass it on to the rest of the people. The Inca workers had no voice to do with the laws.

Will the Incas deepest darkest secrets ever be revealed? Religion and Beliefs The Incas were polytheists which meant they believed in many different types of gods. They had different beliefs.

Trading The Incas traded many things. The Incas traded sweet potatoes and fruits like pineapples and papaya.The lower valleys traded foods and materials like sweet potatoes, corn, cassava, squash, beans, chili peppers, peanuts and cotton. The higher hills provided white potatoes, a type of cereal called Quinta, coca, medicine, feathers and animal skins. The highlanders favorite thing to trade would be gold.

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