Money Demons and Corporations
Corporations and Money Demons
Corporations and Money Demons
Just as demons are in everyones life, money demons are created from Corporate Charters to benefit the major stock holders. Demons do not live in the corporations because they cannot live within a piece of paper. They need a human to control, therefore they live in the human controlling the corporation. Demons are lies that live within human beings. These lies are lies against the nature of morality. One of the money demons is that money is the most important thing to have in the world. This ideal gives the demons control over others to control their money source. Thereby controlling individual morality with the focus of life on money and not on the welfare of the community. The focus is a lie to use the money to buy according to desires and not according to needs, even disregarding how the money is being earned.
Bankrupt Societies Demons cause us to support their lies until we become emotionally or financially bankrupt. The demons goal is to destroy us with lies about money. With humans there is an element of morality in dealing with our demons, this morality is exempt within a corporation, even though a Corporation is treated by law as a human being they are not. Corporations have no morality and are controlled by stockholders with money as their primary goal and governments that oversee them. When a corporation is corrupt the government has provided this opportunity to exist through legislation, then becomes corrupt as well.
Original Concept With the advent of Corporations and the laws pertaining to corporations Demons have taken on a whole new look and feel. Corporations were originally intended to incorporate people to accomplish a task that individuals were unable to do, for the benefit of the majority in a community. This is a great idea and it works very well and is needed in our society. In reality this is what has made our country as great as it is. The original ideal was to help the community whether it was to create clean water or some other utility or benefit. This is the goodness of a Corporation when it serves to benefit the community. Originally this was the sole reason for the Corporation. Now Corporations are created based on fulfilling the money desires of individuals.
Corporations and Money Demons
Anyone Can Create A Corporation In this manner anyone can create a corporation. In doing so legally the corporation has very limited liability but yet is treated like a person. This opens the door for corruption and allows corporations to get by with things ordinary citizens are not allowed to do. But yet they are still considered a person in the eyes of the law. Unfortunately the corporation does not have the morality of a person and therefore is the perfect environment for its supporter and the creation of demons. They reproduce and thrive in the people of our societies. The major demon generated from corporations is money for the purpose of self satisfaction. With the success or failure of the Corporation so goes lives of the people supporting the Corporation. Remember corporations are not liable for losses this gets passed on to the lender. I guess it is, “No wonder our politicians do so much to favor corporate legislation.” Especially if there is a money interest.
Golden Rule As the Old Saying goes, “He or She Who Has The Gold Rules” or “Money Talks and Bull Shit (Politically Correct Poo Poo) Walks”. Money creates a frenzy. It becomes something we all have to have, it controls lives to the point of what we do and how we spend our time. Money causes people to murder and be murdered or to commit suicide. No one should be surprised after all this is the goal of every demon. It is foundational of all evil in societies. Money creates envy, is in demand by everyone and separates people according to how much they have. It becomes so powerful it influences the choices of all men to do or not do what may be morally right, but to choose how to make the most money as possible. This is all done without consideration for family and friends.
Corporate Interest
Corporations and Money Demons
Corporations big and small become intertwined with government with one driving force and that is money. Even though the corporation is treated as an individual its charter is based upon making money. The demon money enters the individuals creating and supporting the corporations, thus making what they do illegitimate and deceptive. When money is the primary purpose for the existence of a corporation it only serves the invested interest of the investor and not the community. Money could care less for the unemployed or the starving.
Distort The Truth Because of this desire people distort truth and alter the bottom line of corporations to accomplish the goal of the corporation. Not taking into consideration anything other than the money. This is the state we are in at the present time. Men and women become so powerful that when they govern our country they must bow down to this demon of money in every corner of life. Because they develop a money demon from the corporation supporter. Even charitable organizations become limited to make selfish decisions to promote their beliefs that are influenced by the money.
Who Gives Me The Most Money With such a powerful control over a society this demon is virtually impossible to control, especially when corporations are treated as humans in the election process and given the equality of a human vote. Corporate money will buy media to present to the public so that their man is elected. In other words the corporations buy the votes through the influence of the media. Then according to the old saying, “Who Ever Has The Most Money Wins� becomes reality. The society ends up voting not on righteousness but who is going to give them the most money to help there own cause.
Corporate Lobbyist Corporate lobbyist are part of the election process. When the process is completed the corporations have their own lobbyist to council the newly elected. The cycle continues, Corporations gain control of the government through lobbyist and media, then the people become its puppets.
One Solution
Corporations and Money Demons
The only resolution is for the opportunity to make money be returned to individuals who make decisions based on moral character rather than corporations where the only concern is to make more money giving the money demon more power. This will only happen when the opportunity is given to individuals to contract work from government and corporations by deregulating power over individuals and regulating the demons of the stockholders. This will allow individuals to pursue business ventures without being crushed by the money demon.
Self Destruct In this same manner the money hungry corporate world will dispose itself of the corporations that do not benefit the community. I believe this is going to happen anyway. Greece will be our first example. The corrupt corporations will eventually bankrupt themselves and the governments supporting the corruption, forcing a new government to take place based on morality of the people. Money is what is evil when it becomes the focus of a society and ignores the need to help its citizens.
Morality Of The People If the United States is going to move forward we must look to the morality of its people and not the corruption of the corporate world. Corporations are good when the corporation is for the benefit of the people and destructive when it is placed in the hands of people to only acquire monetary gain. This is where the demon of money enters into the people of the corporations and its society.