Industrial & Interaction design, Hanjun Chu, 2016-2020

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HANJUN CHU 2017/2020 P0RTFOLIO Linkoping,Sweden +46 0722783669
Previous works on industrial design before my journey as a service designer

-Exploring in my life, focusing on user


Recyclables cart

Group project Critical design

Anhui, 2020.8-2020.11

Stop second-hand smoke

Individual Industrial-Interaction design

Nanjing, 2019.3-2019.5

Sofa ‘For us’

Group project Furniture design

Talking on thinking

Group project Industrail-Interaction design

Nanjing, 2019.5-2019.7

Crack your egg

Individual Interaction design

Nanjing, 2019.7-2019.9

Nanjing, 2019.9-2019.12

Social Phobia Trea tme nt
Crack your egg

Stop second-hand smoke

This product system contains a bracelet and a public visual device that aim to stop second-hand smoke from smoker group. Individual

1 [2019.3-2019.5] Product Design

-Many people suffer from harmful second-hand smoke -Bad effects


-What’s their smoking habits?

-Current solution

-People’s awareness

People’s awareness of the hazards of second-hand smoke is just 35 % according to research .

-What’s their thoughts about harmful second-hand smoke?

According to the collected 319 valid ques�onnaires Smoker Smoker-free Exposed to second-hand smoke

Reac�on when facing second-hand smoke in public place 1 Where are second-hand smoke Smoking place 2

16 303


Eluding 6� 83�

72 2 People’s Thoughts 3 About harmful second-hand smoke


Serious affects No affects all are smokers


Over 80% of people has been exposed to second-hand smoke in public space but endure Smoker’s awareness of the harms of second-hand smoke is far lower than non-smokers

NH2NO2 BaP Nico�ne Co 43.9 % 55.8 % kids at home Women kids in public Over 1/2 Fetal death Cancers Mental retarda�on 1.S�ll have Nico�ne. 2.More mentally addic�ve. E-cigare�e People’s
CONCLUSION Stop smoker Endure Home 19� Public place 81� 27� A li�le affects 29� smokers

Wang/24/pregnant Home


Help realize that smoking is a bad behaviour and quit smoking Filter second-hand smoke Strengthen awareness of harm of

Aim Group Smoker (20-50)


Thought smoking was cool Met friends and smoke toghter Bracelet

smoke Suitable product height for people from 1.6m to 1.8m. 160165 170175180 unit:m Size test 1.6 1.8 1.1 1.32 0.85 NEEDS

Compared smoking skills with each others Place Shopping mall 0ffice block Public visual device

Fliter second-hand smoke Stop smoking

Research 02-PERSONA
Gym put out the cigare�e in embarrassment no�ced the no-smoking sign but forgot used to smoking People around showed discomfort face
I smelled the smoke I felt nauseous and dizzy Husband stood and started smoking I started to stop him smoking
Liu/19/Smoker School being addicted to smoke




CONNECTING Fan Sponge Hepa filter Ac�ve carbon filter Ba�ery Soldering iron Gas detector CO sensor Tin solder Solder sta�on
The device can filter harmful substances efficiently. Second-hand smoke contains harmful substances which are much over the standard. B:Measuring with a set of filter device A:Measuring harmful substances released Smoke fills the box soon Data 1 No burning 0.0130.000 24x103 0.000 TVOC(mg/m3) H�H�(mg/m3) PM2.5(mg/m3) C0(ppm) -I did an experiment in a sealed transparent box testing filter and induction function of this device Final No burning Lit cigare�es Fan working CO sensor triggered by smoke Set and lit cigare�es Data 2 After experiment A and B 0.5 Standard 0.08 TVOC(mg/m3) H�H�(mg/m3) PM2.5(mg/m3) C0(ppm) 50x103 24 0.999 1.888 240x103 99 A 0.314 0.74 35x103 32 B
Sketch Model 5.grinding hole 6.adhesion 4.making bracelet 2.making switch 3.making filter hole cutting Holographic Adver�sing Machine Microprocessor 2.polishing 2.cutting 1.measuring

Work-energy theory

3D Holographic machine

Filter hole

2. How to connect two products? NFC communica �on chip

Data transmission

Product 1


Func�on 1. filtering second-hand smoke 2.recording total data of filtered CO 3.transmi�ng data to the visual device

Product 2

Public visual device

Func�on 1. receiving data 2. showing different holographic as the data received that makes smokers see the harm of second-hand smoke directly

Holographic machine

Bracelet Public visual device

NFC chip

NFC induction Light belt

Data reader Holographic light belt

Control board Holographic fan leaf

NFC switch Shell

NFC chip


Electric machine

50 40 12 Unit: mm 1100 1200 450 400 400

1. Annoyed by second-hand smoke

2.Wear the bracelet

4.Turn on the NFC switch, green light turns on and transmission starts

5.Contact the device for data transmission and 3D i llustra�on

3.Smoke detected and blue light triggered, bracelet starts filtering

6.Think about qui�ng smoking

Maybe i should stop smoking? Oh, god. I’ m hur�ng them with terrible smoke Men Women

Hurt lungs

Number of cigarettes you have smoked Total filter volume

How closer for people suffering from those smoke to lung cancer than normal ?

Different group

Different degrees



Sofa ‘For us’

This sofa design is for young couples who do not own a big house. They are close but some�mes they also need private space.

Furniture Design

Group project


My Role

Problem analysis,concept and sketch,model,model improvement,rendering,furniture proofing

BiYuan Yang

Problem analysis,furniture proofing

YueTing Zhang




sit freely sit closely need private space

bigger space



single fashionable

Traditional multiple

market gap


financial stress


Design a sofa which can fit close space and private space with a partner and can be furnished in apartments with limited space.

mor�se-tenon,hardware,new fi�ng bandage+steal/wood ,rope seat support steel/wood frame+rope+sponge connec�on



removable piece, crisscross seat,fold cushion

group separate movable high/low single sofa, stack block


frame snap move fashion

wooden board, wooden strip+bandage wooden, wooden+bandage roll up+bundle up so�ener

waste u�lizia�on parachute fabric




support removable oblique bandage frame fi�ng

To creat two space,the bandage has been too hard and it may cause sofa less durable.

�ps �lt the bandage to creat two space directly. change the structure of the frame. not stable 2 �ps separate the frame, increase support. create crosswise bandage to support . change fi�ng structure and shape.

Model broken bandage
1 1.Cut and drill 2.Make bandage 4.Make cushion 5.Make connection piece 3.Assemble frame

450 unit:mm

1800 700 bandage and connec�on

removable subassembly

crosspiece fitting bandage
1.Li� the cushion 2.Li� support pole 3.Cross under the bandage 4.Install 5.Install fi�ng Scene Close Private


Recyclables cart

This project aims at old junkman in Chinese countryside to help them do recyclables processing correctly in �me, and establish right concept on this environmental act for people around.

[2020.8-2020.11] Product Design

Group project


Research, User journey, Act and Brain stroms, Model, Sketch, Rendering

User journey, Brain stroms, Model, Photography

Background Field research

Aim group research

In many Chinese countryside, the concept of garbage classifica�on has not been implemented into ac�ons, there are elderly people who do their job as picking recyclables and sale for making a living, is usually dirty with low salary, is an environmental act but not been respected by people surrounded.

Make money

-garbage processing in countryside Yu Shu village, Anhui, China
Old Junkman in China Contryside -daily work
hard work but low pay, li�le knowledge of recyclables
being understanding and respect
junkman’s work is an environmental act
Clean car Public trashcan Centralized Burning
kinds of
Place trash can as different living space, no garbage sor�ng, is hard to rummage recyclables for junkman dirty during junkman’s work No dedicated garbage colle c�on, which was borne by old junkman Age 67 rummage trashcan pick rubbish for over 10 years
garbage fortnightly
bo�les and hardboards
front of his house
road, overripe smell
an old wood cart Transport machine -hard to rummage recyclables living with
find recyclables store 2 weeks work
son’s family of there
disliked those garbage
our house, terrible!
one selling point 30 minutes away, get about 22.5 dollars per month

2.find bo�les cardboards

walk on the road find trash cans 1.rummage 3.put into sack

1.�ghten the sack 1.pour out rubbish 2.classify, �dy 1.pile them on handcart and pull 1.discharge 2.wait for weighing 3.get cash 3.cover the poncho in case it rains

2.carry sack home by hand

cars run fast on the road, it’s dangerous heavy sack passersby’s disdain cross contaminated bad smell at home repe��ve work physical strength long distance low payment easy to lost on the way back home damage to waist

4. Decrease transporta�on diatance 5. Make people respect this environmental act Design Proposal

bad smell dirty 1. A clever way to change dirty trash can 2. Pick more kinds of recyclables, make more money 3. Avoid storing garbage at home

User journey map Act and Branin stroms STAGE DOING PAIN SPOT TOUCH POINTEMOTION
Sale Pick Store 1 Search Bring Transport

Small scale models



Sketch Recyclables Cart
pick garbage the way back home Recyclables cart Listen to recycling instruc�on Recyclables processing Wash hands Get money Get recycling products as gi�s Improved user journey Plas�c bo�les Plas�c packages Broken glass Glass Carton Mental Paper Display board Wash special size recyclables place
recycables cart
Func�on Daily
WHERE WHEN entrance to a village every 3
help selling recyclables in �me Glass,
Plas�c, Mental WHAT FOR HOW Materials right recycling and sor�ng make people respect old junkman’s act materials transparent, recyclable visual color / display board


Book talking

This product aims to provide people a way to find a “stranger friend” to communicate with deeply and naturely about books.

[2019.7-2019.9] Product Design

Group project


Background, Interview,Ideation, Sketch, App interface, Rendering, Storyboard


Analysis, Ideation, App interface


Background, Ideation, App interface

-What’s the problem

Thinking Day 2 Reading 10:00��/Home Day 1 Day 2 Day 2

oh,things can be different, if...... delete send

I want a real deep talking

Working 8:40��/Office Party 7:00��/Cafe 10:00��/Home Chat with friends Background -Story Line

We need deep mind communica�on, but now most communica�on in our life is just a cover-up.

Social Topic

formal, profit but lack mind


In an appropriate environment, to do face-to-face communica�on about understanding of books. I find a fantacy restaurant today

I read a book yesterday night I felt confused



We lack deep mind communica�on, but we need.

To have a deep research on people’s daily communica�on and their real feelings. I asked ques�on about their personal life, daily talking, reading habits, emo�onal output.

According to Robin Dunbar’� research most friends are weak �es Less emo�on/�me/in�mate/connota�on w eak �es str ong �es

stronger general

According to American GSS report less friends average amount 1985 2004 year

3 2 2023 feel no friends can talk deeply with year

percentage 19852004

10� 24.6� 2023

Topic on books can help

According to People’s Daily of China Reading is an ac�vity tha t renews your thinking mind and get be � er contact with the word .

Live with six classmates Student Hu 21

Read one extra-curricular book per month

Games, Celebrities, Jokes

Won’t share opinions on books or any other personal emo�ons with them.

I think it can’t resonates . And it may cause unnecessary fight.

Work over 8 hours a day Father Han 34

Do most reading on his phone


I do not read much I’m just so �r ed to speak out my own mind or thinking.

Life being more stressful , I need to work hard and take care of kids

-Write dairy, read book review on the internet

-Un �l the re are someone that we understand each other then I will tell my real feelings.

Find the one who understands him


Public desire

According to China reading report

hope for more public reading ac�vity 68.6 %

Design goal

Aim group

-Just follow reviews on the internet

-I’m afraid it will take up much �me to listen or speak out opinions. And you may get unsa�sfying results.

Encourage him to do deep talking

Product type outdoor facil i�es

pr omo�ng deep communica�on about reading between people loca�on public area

20-45 years old group people want to talk deeply


Deep reading communica�on

product set ques�on


public facility thinking app scan every book have a code book door open,reserve scan safety transparent facility preserve

Find the book Answer deposit

sample seats reading arboretum quite outdoor private commercial ground university

gravity sensor book door 1200 300 900 book name QR code


door wall

registerlog inhomepage set ques�onput book scan

my space check my answer get contact message pay deposit bring the book end layout


ba�ery light

send single answer short answer other answer bookshelf

return book scan put the book get deposit
answering answer
choose ques�on scan wrongright structure
check my book get back book switch
How to talk deeply
How to find each other same thoughts about the book like sthe same book stranger, in the same area 2. get contact number informa�on note
1. get the book
How to get contact we find the one understand each other, get contact, get the chance to do further deep communica �on.
Machine interface scan code on empty box set ques�on new code put book set ques�on book name answer book name return book answering pay deposit get right get wrong home page sign up log in enter Final screen
light switch
Inner bookshelf
Final rendering size
Unit: mm
4032 4025 1:100 4025 1600 1800
Get contact find one share thinking Enter Choose an empty bookcaseScan the “set ques�on” code Door open put your book set ques�on and contact way set ques�on Scan the QR code answer ques�on Enter Find a book she like Right answer get book receive contact way answer BLOW UP WITH IATLIA Storyboard


Crack Your Egg

This is an app that contact social phobia and doctor to help pa�ents get treatment in a relaxed atmosphere.

Interac�on Design Individual [2019.9-2019.12]

Crack your egg

Social Phobia Treatment

-Mass social phobia group -Bad effects

90 % of the world’s people suffer more or less from social phobias.

Jeanne Mar�ne The Art of Mingling

ill for over 10 years feel shame 36� of pa�ents been ill for over 10 years 58� of pa�ents feel ashamed of themselves treatment helps 59 � of pa�ents behave be�er in love a�er treatment

Many people suffer from social phobias for a long �me,they hope to cure.


-Main reason

They always feel being observed and leaving bad impression to others.


In life Immunity decline

to friendship and love

Accompanied by other body issues

-Main treatment

Congni�ve behavioral therapy with drug the rapy

-Common symptoms

In work Have difficul�es in team work

Can not show real abili�es

In soci ety

More youngsters suffer from social phobia

Campus bullying and juvenile crimes

Afraid of talking with boss

Maybe accompanied by agoraphobia

Feel embarrassing in public toliet , can’t pee

PROBLEM STATEMENT to treat social phobia? to ensure the treatment relieves?

Afraid of humilia�ng ge atures or awkward expression

Afraid of other’s staring while e a�ng Avoid mee �ng and group ac�vi�e s




-Design goal

Pa�e nts characte ris�cs

-They focus more on others expression , especially negative facial expression such as being sad.

Cogni�ve behaviour treatment

-During the treatment, encouragement is important. I say positive words like good job a lot.

Encouraging ways

Saying is the main effective way. You can also create a relaxing atmosphere by playing music if patients like.

Scene prac�se

-It’s an important part in treatment, for example I may imitate a boss and talk with patients.

Online treatment

-Some patients feel more comfortable and convenient by that way. I also have an online treatment web.

2 3 4 5 6

About relaxing

-Relaxing them both in mind and body can help to cure phobia symptoms.

Too much drug causes drug dependence



Doctor: Guan ChenBin Hospital: Nanjing Brain Hospital

Posi�on: Social Phobia

Associate Chief Physician Specialty:

Treatment processing Drug �ps

Do scene prac�se

Record nega�ve thoughts

Complete specialized evaluate chart

Learn social skills.


Online treatment does a work too

They need relaxa�on

APP De sig n

Warm easy style

Pa�ents are sensi�ve to expression

Talking is the main treatment way

Cha rac t er , L ogo

Func�on 1

To help the “social phobia” group do online treatment with doctors


-Group characteristic

F acial Expression Logo Desig n App I nterface

-About relaxing Colo r Tr eatme nt Ga me





Medi ci ne Gu id an ce

medicine dose ma�ers need a�en�on

-What’s necessary during a treatment medicine name record nega�ve thoughts

Ev alua tion evaluate chart

System map

Scene Practice patients

Ga me different scene talk prac�se

Learning how to overcome social skills

Communicate Learn talking skills Check prescrip�on Do scene task

doctor patients other patients

Teaching talking skills Set prac�se task Send a prescrip�on Communicate


Prescrip�on Free prac�seDoctor’s task


Enter Prac�se Pills

Office(boss) Toliet(public) SquareJoin a group

Register Log in Select your expressionSelect decora�ons Enter Message Choose scene


Ar�cle videoDoctor, other pa�ents Record

Learning Daily mood Talk with partner

“Collage face” game Talk with waiter Show smiley face Ea�ng with talking

Close the door Knock door First talkTalkComplete the talk

Knock door

Start First talk Water sound disturbanceExpression talking Do group conversa�on

Start a conversa�on See others expression

Finish the chart Record nega�ve thoughts Send

USER2 doctor

RegisterLog in Pa�ents Therapy

Personal Message Situa�on Set task Course Send to pa�ents Prescrip�on

decora�on Home pageDaily mood Pills Message Task Choose scene


Choose Log Pa�ents

hi Knock gameCongratula�on Talk Learning Congratula�on Evaluate chart Nega�ve thoughts Ea�ng with talking Collage game

Order See
The doctor side is computer. do online therapy check pa�e nts’ situa�on help relax complete the therapy Task �ps
The pa�e nts side is phone. Log
waiter’s expression
Choose face Personal

Pa�ents choose face Logo

Social phobia just hide in their shell. Cover up their real face and mind .

Social phobia hide in their shell and see the world secretly .

Crack your egg

In scene practise, when they meet someone, crack the closing egg then you can see one’s face.

Calm Shy

Shy Happy

if the use r goes into scene prac�se , when they meet someone, crack the closing egg then you see the real face.


Happy Scared

Surprise Sad

Disdain Surprise

Scared Disdain

Sad Excited


Visual Design
Final Screen Welcome to Crack your eggs LOG IN Email Password SIGN UP Unit Referral Hospital Speciality:Phobia Posi�on:A Willie 25 Ray Personal Kate Besson Female Beginni �me:2019.1.20 Beginning �me:2019.1.15 Situa�on:general Beginni �me:2018.7.20 Amy Female Begining �me 2017.3.23 Ending �me Pa�ents Therapy Personal Task record Pills record Situa�on 1. reastaurant prac�se 2019. 1.23 1.Paroxi�ne Hydrochloride 30mg........ Kate Besson, start his threapy at 2019.1.20.......................... Treatment Record Personal informa�on Kate Besson Female Pa�ents Therapy Personal Resume Vedio yourself and face bravely. 2019. Therapic method Journal 2019. 3. 2019. 2. 27 Vedio It’s vedio about skills talking with friends. contact the world Vedio vedio about how start your Unit Referral Hospital Speciality:Phobia Posi�on:A ending Doctor Personal Crack your eggs Course Set Task Prescrip�on Restaurant It’s ac�se about ordering talk with waiter Tips Office It’s ac�se about talking with boss.......... Tips Toliet Square It’s prac�se about par�cipa group Tips It’s prac�se about helping you overcome embarassing in public toliet............

Crack Your Egg

Social phobia

Warm color and cute texts to relax pa�ents

Help them receive therapy

At sce ne prac�se, pa�e nts can find different expression and learn to talk in different situa�on.

Doctor Website gives doctor clear situa�on of pa�ents and help them do therapy

Social phobia Treatment and relax


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