86, Sandan 2-gil, Jinbuk-myeon, Masanhappo-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea
Copyright @ 2016. 03 DSK MACHINERY All Rights Reserved
CEO Greeting 1995년 한국의 서경 엔지니어링(주)와 독일 Dorries Scharmann사와 합작으로 “World top leading mechanical re-engineering” 회사라는 vision을 가진 중공업 관련 기계수리 전문회사로 시작하여 수많은 중공업관련 대형초정밀 공작기계들을 수리에서 시작하여 부분 개조, 새 기계와 동일 수준의 full scale 개조까지 가능한 명실상부한 세계최고 수준의 대형정밀기계전문 engineering회사로 성장하게 된 것은 지금까지 저희를 믿고 신뢰해주신 국내외 고객사들과 어려운 환경 속에서도 오로지 vision과 mission의 성취를 위해 헌신해 주신 저희 회사 모든 직원들의 피와 땀의 결실이라는 것을 잘 알고 있습니다. 이제 저희 디에스케이기계 주식회사의 모든 임직원들은 급변하는 세계시장 속에서 세계초일류로 거듭 태어나기 위해 “세계 최고의 경쟁력을 가진 초대형 기계 전문회사”라는 새로운 vision을 선포하며 제 2창업을 선언하게 되었습니다. 앞으로 지금까지 겪어온 것 보다 더 험난한 역경이 있더라도 저희는 고객에게 최적의 solution을 제공한다는 변치 않는 전략위에 저희 사업영역과 시장을 넓히고 다변화하면서 저희의 새로운 vision을 이루어서 고객과 partner에 감사 받고 종업원들의 꿈을 함께 이루며 사회와 인류에 봉사한다는 저희 mission 을 실현토록 노력하겠습니다. 다시 한 번 고객, 협력사, 종업원 여러분들의 도움과 성원을 기대합니다. 감사합니다.
Starting as a specialized repair company for heavy industry and with the vision to become the “world’s top mechanical re-engineering company”, we began as a subsidiary of Dorries Scharmann – Germany and Seokyung Engineering Co., Ltd-Korea in 1995. It began with the repair of very large machine tools for the heavy industry (power generation, ship building, trains, etc) in Korea. Although working in a production environment and faced with very short lead times, through the dedication and skill of our staff and for the customers who believed and trusted in us, we restored the machines’ accuracies and capabilities to a like new condition within budget and on time. We have grown and believe we are one of the world’s best large precision engineering firms with the ability to fully renovate old machinery to new standards and increased capabilities. As we enter our second phase in development, we truly are becoming the world’s most competitive machine tool builder in the manufacture and remanufacture of “world class” machine tools that are used to produce large, heavy, accurate and hard to machine workpieces. As market conditions change along with the need to provide our products with increased productivity and capabilities, our professional staff is committed to fulfill our customer’s specific and exacting requirements through the latest in advanced technology. Our vision is to expand and diversify our markets and business activities, this strategy will provide optimal solutions to our customers and will realize our mission to serve society and humankind. Once again we appreciate your help and support. Thank you.
History 1995
05월 서경엔지니어링(주)와 독일 Dörries Scharmann합작으로 (주)디에스케이서비스 설립
DSK Service Co., Ltd was established as a subsidiary of Dorries Scharmann & Seokyung Engineering.
12월 lngersoll, Waldrich Coburg, Waldrich Siegen, Skoda의 한국A/S센터로 지정
Designated as the Korea A/S center of Ingersoll, Waldrich Coburg, Waldrich Siegen and Skoda.
07월 품질경영시스템(ISO 9001:2000)인증 획득
Acquired ISO 9001:2000.
01월 (주)디에스케이로 상호 변경 04월 ISO 9001:2000 및 ISO 14001:2004 통합인증 획득
Changed the company name to DSK Co., Ltd. Acquired integrated ISO 9001:2000 & ISO 14001:2004.
08월 기업부설 기술연구소 인정 (한국산업기술진흥협회) 11월 제45회 무역의 날 500만불 수출의 탑 수상
R&D Team affiliated with DSK was recognized from Korea industrial technology association. Won an award for 45th trade day - Tower of Export (5 million dollars).
07월 국내최초 160ton CNC heavy duty horizontal lathe 개발 09월 국내최초 350ton CNC vertical turning and milling machine 개발
Developed 160 ton CNC heavy duty horizontal lathe first in Korea. Developed 350 ton CNC vertical turning and milling machine first in Korea.
02월 대형크랭크샤프트용 방진구의 베이스프레임장치 특허등록(제10-0931380호) 04월 디에스케이기계(주)로 상호 변경
Registered a patent of steady rest's base frame device for heavy duty crankshaft (NO. 10-0931380). Changed the company name to DSK Machinery Co., Ltd.
07월 국내최초 160ton CNC heavy duty horizontal lathe 납품 07월 한-중 합작회사 설립 (회사명: 북경북일 디에스케이 공작기계 기술유한공사) 10월 대형공작기계용 자동 공구교환장치 특허등록 (제10-1075094호) 10월 대형공작기계용 자동 공구교환장치의 수직수평방향전환 장치 특허등록 (제10-1075101호) 대형공작기계용 자동 공구교환장치의 그리퍼 이송장치특허등록 (제10-1075099호) 대형공작기계용 자동 공구교환장치의 그리퍼 구동장치특허등록 (제10-1075096호)
Supplied 160 ton CNC heavy duty horizontal lathe first in Korea. Company name : Beijing BYJC-DSK MachineTool EngineeringTechnologyCo., Ltd. Registered a patent of ATC (Automatic tool changer) for heavy duty machine (NO. 10-1075094). Registered a patent of operating direction conversion of gripper unit for ATC of heavy duty machine (NO. 10-1075101). Registered a patent of straight movement of gripper unit for ATC of heavy duty machine (NO. 10-1075099). Registered a patent of jaw movement of gripper unit for ATC of heavy duty machine (NO. 10-1075096).
03월 디에스케이기계(주) 신축 공장 완공
Relocated new factory (129 Sinchon-ri, Jinbuk-myeon, Masanhappo-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongnam).
09월 Roll grinder 개발 완료
Completed a roll grinder development.
03월 세계 최대 공작기계 그룹 Fair Friend Group (FFG) 소속
Belong to the biggest machine tool group 'Fair Friend Group' (FFG)
www.dskmc.com Major Products
Major Products 디에스케이기계(주)는 조선, 원자력, 풍력, 제철, 자동차, 항공등의 산업분야에서 생산하는 다양한 제품을 최고의 품질로 가공하는 초대형 정밀기계를 생산합니다.
CNC Heavy Duty Plano Miller CNC Roll Grinder CNC Heavy Duty Horizontal Lathe CNC Heavy Duty Vertical Turning Lathe
www.dskmc.com Major Products
CNC Heavy Duty Plano Miller
※ DPM (Table type plano miller) / DGPM (Gantry type plano miller)
DPM4500 (DGPM4500)
DPM5500 (DGPM5500)
DPM6500 (DGPM6500)
DPM7500 (DGPM7500)
DPM8500 (DGPM8500)
DPM10000 (DGPM10000)
Distance between columns
4,500 mm (177 in.)
5,500 mm (217 in.)
6,500 mm (256 in.)
7,500 mm (295 in.)
8,500 mm (334 in.)
10,000 mm (394 in.)
Distance between table surface & spindle nose
2,500 ~ 4,500 mm (98 ~ 177 in.)
4,000 ~ 5,500 mm (157 ~ 217 in.)
4,000 ~ 6,500 mm (157 ~ 256 in.)
4,000 ~ 7,500 mm (157 ~ 295 in.)
4,000 ~ 8,500 mm (157 ~ 334 in.)
4,000 ~ 10,000 mm (157 ~ 394 in.)
Table size
3,500 mm (138 in.)
4,500 mm (177 in.)
5,500 mm (217 in.)
6,500 mm (256 in.)
7,500 mm (295 in.)
9,000 mm (354 in.)
Ram section
600 x 600 mm (24 x 24 in.) AC 75 ~ 105 kW (AC 101 ~ 141 Hp)
Spindle motor power Control system
600 x 600 / 630 x 630 mm (24 x 24 / 25 x 25 in.) AC 105 kW (AC 141 Hp)
AC 105 ~ 150 kW (AC 141 ~ 201 Hp) Siemens / Fanuc
www.dskmc.com Major Products
CNC Roll Grinder
Distance between centers
6,000 mm (236 in.)
13,500 mm (531 in.)
Center height
1,100 mm (43 in.)
1,900 mm (75 in.)
Roll diameter Workpiece weight in hydrodynamic steady rest Control system
Ø 446 ~ 1,100 mm (18 ~ 43 in.)
Ø 446 ~ 1,600 mm (18 ~ 63 in.)
Ø 900 ~ 2,500 mm (35 ~ 98 in.)
35 tons (77,000 lbs)
60 tons (132,000 lbs)
300 tons (660,000 lbs)
Siemens / GPC2
www.dskmc.com Major Products
CNC Heavy Duty Horizontal Lathe
Specification Max. workpiece weight between centers Max. swing over carriage Max. turning length Spindle motor power Control system
50 tons (110,000 lbs)
100 tons (220,000 lbs)
150 tons (330,000 lbs)
250 tons (550,000 lbs)
350 tons (770,000 lbs)
4,000 mm (157 in.) 15,000 mm (590 in.) 90 ~ 130 kW (121 ~ 174 Hp)
20,000 mm (787 in.) 150 ~ 250 kW (201 ~ 335 Hp)
5,000 mm (196 in.)
6,000 mm (236 in.)
30,000 mm (1,181 in.) 200 ~ 300 kW (268 ~ 402 Hp) Siemens / Fanuc
250 ~ 360 kW (335 ~ 482 Hp)
www.dskmc.com Major Products
CNC Heavy Duty Vertical Turning Lathe
※ DVTL (Vertical turning lathe) / DVTM (Vertical turning and milling machine)
DVTL4050 (DVTM4050)
DVTL5060 (DVTM5060)
DVTL6070 (DVTM6070)
DVTL7085 (DVTM7085)
Max. turning diameter
5,000 mm (196 in.)
6,000 mm (236 in.)
7,000 mm (275 in.)
8,500 mm (334 in.)
10,000 mm (393 in.) 12,000 mm (472 in.)
Table diameter
4,000 mm (157 in.)
5,000 mm (196 in.)
6,000 mm (236 in.)
7,000 mm (275 in.)
8,000 mm (314 in.)
350 x 350 / 400 x 400 mm (13 x 13 / 15 x 15 in.)
400 x 400 mm (15 x 15 in.)
Ram section Table turning speed Max. workpeice weight Control system
50 (100) rpm
DVTL80100 (DVTM80100)
DVTL100120 (DVTM100120)
10,000 mm (394 in.)
450 x 520 mm (17 x 20 in.)
30 (50) rpm
50 ~ 80 tons 100 ~ 150 tons 100 ~ 200 tons (110,000 ~ 176,000 lbs) (220,000 ~ 330,000 lbs) (220,000 ~ 440,000 lbs)
20 (30) rpm
20 rpm
150 ~ 400 tons (330,000 ~ 880,000 lbs)
200 ~ 600 tons (440,000 ~ 1,320,000 lbs)
Siemens / Fanuc
www.dskmc.com Accessories
Accessories Attachment
Rotary Table
Several types of the attachments for additional machining work in large size machine tools such as straight attachment, angle attachment, universal attachment and special attachment which is customized by the request of the customer can be supplied by DSK Machinery.
In case indexing function is necessary during workpiece machining, DSK Machinery supplies a good solution that allows precise and quick machining by use of the rotary table with 0.001° indexing degree.
대형 공작기계에 장착하여 부가적인 가공작업을 하기 위한 attachment를 공급하고 있으며, 그 종류로는 straight attachment, angle attachment, universal attachment, 그리고 고객의 요구에 의해 customizing 된 special attachment도 제작 중에 있습니다.
가공 시 인덱싱 기능이 필요할 경우, 최대 0.001°의 분할각도를 가진 로터리 테이블을 제공하여 정확하고 신속한 가공을 가능케 합니다.
ATC (Automatic Tool Changer)
Steady Rest
Automatic tool changer is installed at the right or left side of the machine for effi cient operating and machining, and has ISO 50 and 60 taper both. Tools can be mounted on and dismounted from tool gripper vertically and horizontally even during machining.
In order to bear higher workpiece weight than machine’s original capacity or keep stable machining condition, steady rest is used for safe and precise machining. DSK Machinery supplies 3 types of steady rests such as hydrostatic steady rest, hydrodynamic steady rest and roller rest.
효율적인 장비 운용과 가공을 위해 장비의 측면에 자동공구 교환장치가 설치될 수 있으며, ISO 50과 60 taper를 사용할 수 있습니다. 가공 중에도 수평, 수직 방향에 관계없이 공구를 교환할 수 있어 가공 중에 발생하는 시간손실을 줄일 수 있습니다.
소재의 안정적인 가공 혹은 장비의 용량보다 무거운 소재를 가공해야 할 경우, steady rest를 사용하여 안전하고 정밀한 가공을 가능하게 합니다. Hydrostatic steady rest, hydrodynamic steady rest, roller rest 3가지 타입의 steady rest를 제공합니다.
AAC (Automatic Attachment Changer)
Operator Platform
Automatic attachment changer is installed at the right or left side of the machine independently and has a multi-position shuttle for all attachments. Wherever the ram is located, attachments can be changeable and this procedure is controlled by standard NC program.
Operator platform is installed at the right side of the column and can move vertically and horizontally. Workpiece measuring should be available wherever the ram is located and the operators must be protected from chips and coolant.
자동공구교환장치와 마찬가지로 장비의 측면에 독립적으로 자동 attachment 교환장치가 설치될 수 있으며 움직이는 shuttle를 이용하여 모든 attachment를 원하는 위치로 이동시킬 수 있습니다. Ram이 어느 장소에 있든 attachment의 교환이 가능하며, 이 모든 일련의 과정은 NC 프로그램으로 제어가 가능합니다.
Operator platform은 일반적으로 column의 오른편에 설치되고 수직 수평 방향으로 이동이 가능합니다. Ram의 위치와 관계 없이 소재 측정이 가능하여야 하며 칩과 coolant로부터 작업자가 잘 보호될 수 있도록 제작되었습니다.
www.dskmc.com Modernization
Modernization 디에스케이기계(주)는 고객 맞춤형 장비 현대화 사업(Modernization)을 통해 가장 최적화된 생산성과 효율을 발휘하면서도 가격 및 납기에 강력한 경쟁력을 자랑하고 있습니다.
www.dskmc.com Modernization
Modernization Work Process of Re-Manufacturing If a customer wants to modernize his old enough machines which are having low productivity or current machines cannot be expected to perform machining of the workpieces sufficiently in the near future due to the change of capacity or business filed, DSK Machinery supplies the best solution with competitive and satisfactory price and delivery that comes from rich experiences accumulated for a long time. The modernized machines we supply have high productivity and efficiency like new machines. 생산성이 낮고 노후화 된 장비를 신규 장비 수준의 효율성 높은 장비로 변신시키고자 하거나 사업영역의 변화로 기존장비의 규모로는 가공이 불가능할 상황에 놓인 고객들을 위해 디에스케이기계㈜는 일련의 과정을 통해 신규 장비에 못지 않은 성능을 발휘하면서도 가격 및 납기에 경쟁력을 가진 장비 현대화(Modernization) 사업을 수행하고 있습니다.
장비현대화의 단계별 분류
2. Analysis of the original drawings and re-design
3. 3D simulation & FEM analysis
4. Re-machining of each part
Single step classification of Modernization
1. Overahul
1. Overahul
- 정도 교정 - 파손품, 노후품 수리 / 교체 - 장비의 구조적인 부분은 제외한 일반적인 수리 작업
- Accuracy adjustment - Repair or replacement of defective parts and old parts - General maintenance work except machine's main structure
2. Retrofit
2. Retrofit
- Overhaul 전체 작업 내용 포함 - 신규 CNC system - 신규 hydrostatic / hydraulic line - 신규 gear box 및 feeding system
8. New worm rack
7. New hydrostatic pad
6. New ballscrew
5. Column extension with new casting
3. Remanufacturing - Including entire retrofit work above - Extension of main structure such as bed, table, column, crossrail, etc or new manufacture of these parts - New headstock - Manufacture of the important parts except big casting parts - Application of DSK Machinery’s new machine design, concept and technology.
- Retrofit 전체 작업 내용 포함 - Bed, column 등 장비 구조 부분의 연장 / 신규 제작 - Headstock 신규 제작 - 장비의 주물구조를 제외한 대부분의 파트 신규 제작 - 디에스케이기계㈜의 신규 장비 기술력과 디자인을 그대로 적용
장비현대화의 경쟁력 100
9. New gear boxes and motors
- Including entire overhaul works above - New CNC system - New hydrostatic and hydraulic line - New gear box and feeding system
3. Remanufacturing
1. Used machine
Competitiveness of Modernization 100
12.Table assembly
13. Crossrail assembly
17. Workpiece machining
신규 (New)
가격 (Price)
11. Bed assembly
(단위(unit) : %)
생산성 (Productivity)
10. New electrical panel
납기 (Delivery)
장비현대화 (Modernization)
16. Geometric accuracy test
15. New CNC system
14. Headstock assembly
www.dskmc.com Modernization
Gantry Type Plano Miller Item Machine maker Year of manufacturing Distance between 2 columns Main Dimensions
Milling Head (New WACO S20 & Crossrail) Others
Distance between table surface & spindle nose
Table Type Plano Miller
Before INGERSOLL 1958
After DSK Machinery 2006
6,700 mm (264 inch)
7,000 mm (276 inch)
5,500 mm (217 inch)
7,200 mm (283 inch)
6,700 x 21,930 mm (264 ~ 863 inch)
6,700 x 21,930 mm (264 ~ 863 inch)
Max. table load
300 tons (661,000 lb)
300 tons (661,000 lb)
22,000 mm (866 inch)
22,000 mm (866 inch)
8,000 mm (315 inch)
8,000 mm (315 inch)
3,000 mm (118 inch)
3,000 mm (118 inch)
4,500 mm (177 inch)
5,000 mm (197 inch)
Table size
Ram section Spindle motor power
Quill type Ă˜381 mm (15 inch)
680 x 630 mm (27 x 25 inch)
94 kW (128 Hp)
105 kW (143 Hp)
Spindle speed
400 rpm
2,500 rpm
CNC system
Before Re-Manufacturing / Customer : Doosan Engine
Item Machine maker Year of manufacturing
Main Dimensions
Milling Head (New WACO S20 & Crossrail)
Before FOREST LINE 1986
After DSK Machinery 2007
Distance between 2 columns
7,000 mm (276 inch)
7,000 mm (276 inch)
Distance between table surface & spindle nose Table size
5,800 mm (228 inch)
7,200 mm (283 inch)
6,000 x 15,000 mm (236 x 591 inch)
6,000 x 24,000 mm (236 x 945 inch)
Max. table load
375 tons (827,000 lb)
400 tons (882, 000 lb)
15,000 mm (591 inch)
24,000 mm (945 inch)
9,000 mm (354 inch)
9,500 mm (374 inch)
1,200 mm (47 inch)
3,000 mm (118 inch)
4,000 mm (157 inch)
5,000 mm (197 inch)
900 x 900 mm (35 x 35 inch)
680 x 630 mm (27 x 25 inch)
156 kW (212 Hp)
105 kW (143 Hp)
900 rpm
2,500 rpm
47 (ISO60)
120 (ISO50/60)
Semi auto 6 units
Semi auto 12 units
Ram section Spindle motor power Spindle speed CNC system
Before Re-Manufacturing / Customer : STX Heavy
www.dskmc.com Modernization
Vertical Turning Lathe Item Machine maker Year of manufacturing
Main Dimensions
Before KOLOMNA 1992
After DSK Machinery 2011
Table diameter
7,500 mm
8,000 mm
Max. turning diameter
10,000 mm
10,000 mm
Max. workpiece height
5,000 mm
6,000 mm
X-axis stroke
6,000 mm
6,000 mm
Z-axis stroke
2,800 mm
3,000 mm
W-axis stroke
3,600 mm
4,200 mm
Table & base
Lubrication system
Hydrostatic system
160 kW
250 kW
0.12 ~ 12 rpm
0.1 ~ 20 rpm
200 tons
300 tons
Worm rack
Table motor capacity Table speed Max. table load
Turning head
Horizontal Boring Machine
Head driving system (X-axis) Max. cutting force
250,000 N
Ram section size
420 x 360 mm
450 x 520 mm
CNC system
Before Re-Manufacturing / Customer : SeAH Besteel
Item Machine maker Year of manufacturing
Main Dimensions
Before TITAN 1986
After DSK Machinery 2013
Rotary table size
4,500 x 4,500 mm
Max. rotary table load
120 tons
2,000 x 4,000 (2EA)
2,000 x 4,000 (2EA)
2,000 x 6,000 (2EA)
2,000 x 6,000 (2EA)
10,000 mm
15,000 mm
4,000 mm
6,000 mm
1,400 mm
1,400 mm
900 mm
900 mm
4,000 mm
B-axis index
0.001 degree
Ф 200
Ф 200
13 ~ 733 rpm
13 ~ 733 rpm
Spindle motor
75 kW
75 kW
Spindle taper
BT 60
CNC system
Table size
Boring diameter Main Spindle
Spindle rpm
Before Re-Manufacturing / Customer : SeAH Besteel
www.dskmc.com Modernization
Crankshaft Lathe Main Dimensions
Roll Grinder
Item Machine maker Year of manufacturing
After DSK Machinery 2006
Machine type
Heavy duty horizontal lathe
Journal crankshaft lathe
Max. workpiece diameter
4,134 mm (163 inch)
4,300 mm (169 inch)
Max. workpiece length
13,500 mm (531 inch)
13,500 mm (531 inch)
Max. workpiece weight
100 tons (220,000 lb)
300 tons (661,000 lb)
CNC system
Item Machine maker Year of manufacturing
New 1 set top rest and tool ram New 1 centering device
Before Re-Manufacturing / Customer : Doosan Heavy
After DSK Machinery 2012
480 ~ 900 mm
480 ~ 900 mm
Driving wheel motor
100 kW
100 kW
Max. workpiece weight
40 tons
40 tons
5,500 mm
5,500 mm
Grinding wheel diameter Main Dimensions
Max. distance between centers CNC system
New electric equipments (cabinet, motors and so on)
New 50 ton x 10sets steady rests Others
New auto balancer New crack detector
Before RetroďŹ t / Customer : POSCO
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