Wakefield Conservative Group Manifesto

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Raising Aspirations, Uniting Communities Our Manifesto for Change www.wakefieldconservatives.com

Raising Aspirations, Uniting Communities

WAKEFIELD COUNCIL NOW A two-horse race between Labour and the Conservatives Labour 32 Seats Conservatives 23 Seats Lib Dems 2 Seats Others 6 Seats LABOUR MAJORITY OF JUST ONE Only the Conservatives can beat Labour in Wakefield – FACT! The Liberal Democrats have very little presence or influence on Wakefield Council. The two Lib Dem Councillors from Ossett rarely vote against Labour - a Liberal vote is a vote for Labour. A Conservative vote is the only vote that can make change happen across our District. On May 6th, you can vote for change - and change Wakefield

These booklets have been paid for by local Conservatives and not by the tax-payer. Published by Wakefield Conservative Party Group of 24 Zetland Street, Wakefield WF1 1QT on behalf of Alex Story, Antony Calvert, Nick Pickles and Ann Myatt. Printed by Acorn Web Offset Limited, Normanton Industrial Estate, Normanton, W Yorks, WF6 1TW.



Our Manifesto for Change

INTRODUCTION An introduction from Mark Crowther, Leader of the Conservative Group, Wakefield Metropolitan District Council It really is time for change! Our District has been run by a ruling Labour Group for too long – 36 years. The last thirteen years coinciding with a Labour Government has seen council tax double, services that we all expect and need become more expensive while in some areas standards have fallen; just look at our roads and how they have deteriorated; just look at how we fail to cope with inclement winter weather; and so on. We know that Council Tax is a burden on everyone so we are committed to keeping it low, just as many Conservative run Councils throughout the country have already done. More than that we are committed to affordable, high quality services. We believe in efficiency and can be relied upon to tackle waste, duplication and meaningless bureaucracy wherever we encounter it. Across our District we are seeking your support and are ready to work hard for you. Our vision for our District is to create a place where we are all proud to live, we want to see better education, investment in our infrastructure, safer communities and a thriving local economy that encourages local business and local people. It is time for a new direction, a new beginning, it really is time for change.


Cllr Mark Crowther



Raising Aspirations, Uniting Communities

THE CONSERVATIVE TEAM Mark Crowther Conservative Group Leader Nadeem Ahmed Conservative Group Deputy Leader & Children and Young People

Richard Hunt Economic Development Annemarie Glover Communities

David Hopkins Business and Resources Graham Jesty Adults and Health

June Drysdale Culture. Sport and Leisure Geoff Walsh Highways, Transport and Environment



Our Manifesto for Change

FREEZE COUNCIL TAX NOW The recession has, is and will affect us all. We are all having to tighten our belts. WMDC should be no exception to this. Hard working families are hurting now. They need help now. Another hike in Council Tax is the last thing we all need. David Cameron, Leader of the Conservative Party and Mark Crowther, local Conservative Leader in Wakefield, have agreed to work together to freeze Council Tax for local people. If elected in Wakefield and nationally, we will join the scheme announced by David Cameron whereby if Councils bring their Council Tax increases down to 2.5%, the next Conservative Government will ensure a ZERO increase in Council Tax. Under a Conservative government and a Conservative District Council, we guarantee to freeze Council Tax in Wakefield for at least two years. No ifs, no buts – it’s a promise. All you have to do is vote Conservative.



Raising Aspirations, Uniting Communities

OUR PLEDGES TO YOU 1. We will, in conjunction with a Conservative Government freeze Council Tax for at least two years, 2011-12 and 2012-13 2. We will abolish Labour’s charges for bulky waste collection 3. We will reinvest in our roads and footpaths and begin to undo some of the neglect of the last three decades 4. We will support local businesses, help to develop a thriving local economy and regenerate the Wakefield Pound 5. We will devolve power and decision making back down to local level by creating citizen assemblies that will enable local residents to shape the future of their own communities rather than decisions taken for them in the Town Hall 6. We will ‘open the books’ to the people of Wakefield so local residents and tax payers can see exactly where their money has been spent, and will be spent in future.



Our Manifesto for Change

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT At this time of economic challenge a Conservative administration will ensure that local businesses are at the heart of all our regeneration activity. We will: • Drive cooperation and communication between the Council and its partner agencies with local business through the establishment of business partnerships • Foster greater business startup, especially for small and medium size businesses • Focus on restoring the reputation of the districts markets • Develop economic growth within the district • Cut bureaucracy and red tape We will investigate and publicise business rate relief to help relieve the financial burden and ensure that local businesses aren’t paying more than they need to and to fully support Conservative Plans to make Small Business Rate Relief automatic. Ways to make parking more accessible across the district will be explored, with an aim of keeping shoppers in the city and encouraging people to spend the Wakefield Pound in the district. Within the process of regenerating the authority it is vital that the housing needs of the district are addressed, more affordable housing and investigation into the ever growing waiting lists is needed, along with partnerships between the council, the private sector and housing agencies.



Raising Aspirations, Uniting Communities

Highways, Transportation and the Environment

A Conservative Led Wakefield Council will put a “Quality of Life” benchmark on each and every decision that we make. As Conservatives, our vision is for the district to be a cleaner, greener, and safer place for local people, so that they can enjoy and take pride in their communities and work with us to ensure that our district is more attractive. A Conservative council will: • Reinvest in our roads and footpaths and begin to undo some of the neglect of the last three decades • Focus on improving transport provision across the district, working with partners to resolve issues including the state of local rail stations and making cycle ways and footpaths clearer and more accessible • Promote sustainable transport by encouraging greater take-up of car-share schemes and to promote greater usage of local public transport • Ensure that developments do not go ahead without adequate supporting infrastructure • Improve our parks and green spaces by making them cleaner and more attractive, including firmer action against irresponsible dog owners • Work to ensure that the people of the district can see the benefits of recycling and we will seek to further reduce the use of landfill by support and education • We will bear down on littering and environmental crime wherever that blights our district and ensure that enforcement, education and encouragement are used to improve the places we live in, so you can get on and enjoy your quality of life so that future generations can be proud of our district.



Our Manifesto for Change

CULTURE AND SPORT The heritage and history of our area deserves stronger leadership to ensure that our cultural portfolio not only meets but exceeds its natural potential. Your local Conservatives are committed to making sure that the district’s cultural voice is heard at every level of local, regional and national government. A Conservative council will make it our aim to enhance the District’s cultural experience by: • Creating a single dedicated Culture Portfolio to be headed by a local Councillor whose sole task will be to advance our cultural interests and portfolio at every level • Developing a Comprehensive Tourism and Visitor Strategy for the District that clearly sets out the Council’s Key Ambitions for Improvement • Continuing the Council’s engagement with Welcome to Yorkshire (WTY) and the West Yorkshire Tourism Partnership • Encourage greater usage of the district’s sports and leisure facilities through improving access and maintaining high standards • Consulting local residents on how we can continue to improve our cherished Annual Festivals such as the Festival of Food, Drink and Rhubarb and Pontefract Liquorice Festival



Raising Aspirations, Uniting Communities

CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Education is a top priority for your local Conservatives. We aim to provide every child with the best possible education. The national index of deprivation indicates that Wakefield is the 54th most deprived local authority area in England. 34% of the District’s population live in areas that are among the 10% most deprived in the Country. 22% of children live in deprived households compared with 16% nationally. A Conservative council will: • Set up a Head Teacher Forum to enable both Secondary and Primary School Heads to advise the Local Authority • Co-Opt our local members of the Youth Parliament (MYP’s) onto the Council’s Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee to ensure that young people have a strong voice in the delivery of services that directly affect them • Work closely with the young people’s service to ensure that all youth clubs work within and alongside our schools • Promote volunteering to provide our children with additional out of school activities to improve their confidence and social and interpersonal skills • Better promote fostering and adoption in the district to ensure that more looked after children get the opportunity to go to families who will provide loving and welcoming homes for them.



Our Manifesto for Change

BUSINESS AND RESOURCES Front line services rely on the council having a sound approach to business while achieving best value from its various resources. A Conservative controlled Council will deliver effective and efficient services by closely examining the books and putting sound common sense political principles into action. We intend to reward excellence and responsibility. We will introduce changes based on our well researched priorities that are sensitive to the effects on individual departments and members of staff. A Conservative council will: • Drive efficiency and savings to ensure council tax payers do not pay for central waste and inefficiency • Undertake a comprehensive review of the council’s ICT systems in order to ensure that they become more accessible, user friendly and reliable for staff and customers while supporting efficiency and lower costs • We will undertake a fundamental review of service and support departments to cut out waste, duplication or unnecessary politically inspired activities so as to release money for real front line services • Endeavour to deliver accurate, unbiased communications between the Council and the Citizens of the District. We will end the citizen newspaper and ensure that all Council notices, advertisements, leaflets and publications are produced in a cost effective way to prevent waste and unnecessary expenditure



Raising Aspirations, Uniting Communities

COMMUNITIES Conservatives aspire to a district where all of our diverse communities are trusted to develop their own local approach to social cohesion. We will work closely with all of our residents and local groups to help them play a bigger and more strategic role in how their community develops in the future. Giving power back to local people and to local communities is at the heart of our vision for a modern and vibrant district government. A Conservative council will: • Work with the police and our own Enforcement Teams to ensure tackling antisocial behaviour is a major priority • Ensure the public’s voice is heard and their concerns over law and order and community safety are fully addressed • Work with councillors, parish councils, community groups and key individuals in the district to devolve decision making power and accountability to local people and communities • Drive transparency so citizens can see clear lines of communication and receive answers to the questions they ask about the services they use. We are committed to a more open and transparent way of working • Work with the Probation Service and the Police Authority to ensure that all areas of the district benefit from Community Payback and Proceeds of Crime schemes • Address the needs of the wider community who suffer from the irresponsible actions of a small minority and not hesitate in using all the powers available to the council to take firm action when needed.



Our Manifesto for Change

ADULTS AND HEALTH Wakefield Council has failed to keep pace with the ever changing needs within adult services. Specialist areas like Dementia and Intermediate Care need to be supported by all recognised agencies to maximise available funding and resources. These are changing times that expect and demand the highest standards of care and performance. Health & Social Care covers a wide range of services provided to the most vulnerable people in society. Modernising and identifying ways to improve these services will be driven by Conservative values for quality, but most of all we will listen and respond in a positive manner. A Conservative council will: • Support and encourage older people to live full independent lives in their own homes • Embrace new technology and advanced methods of communication to meet the needs of an ageing population • Cut through red tape and bureaucracy to provide residents with peace of mind and security • Introduce an older people’s forum which will work with other agencies to develop a network of support providing older people with reassurance and assistance.



Raising Aspirations, Uniting Communities

ALEX STORY CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE FOR WAKEFIELD If I am elected I will be focussing on tackling the real problems that we face. We must make Wakefield an attractive destination for visitors and businesses alike. As your MP I will fight to free public servants from red tape, government interference and political correctness, whilst increasing productivity. I will always defend the rights of the victim over those of the criminal and I will be pushing for a proper immigration and border control policy.

ANTONY CALVERT CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE FOR MORLEY AND OUTWOOD Wakefield has suffered from over 35 years of Labour rule. In that time our local area has been hit by scandals and local incompetence. At a national level we have a similar picture; a government without direction or moral compass. Wakefield Conservatives have made huge gains in recent years. We have seen our councillors swell from just a handful to 23. One more good result and excellent services, low taxes and safer streets are on the way. After 35 years this is just what your area, families and communities desperately need. Labour has run out of time, energy and forward thinking. This May, you can vote for change.



Our Manifesto for Change

NICK PICKLES CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE FOR NORMANTON, PONTEFRACT AND CASTLEFORD If elected as MP for Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford I will always put the local community first. This means campaigning to protect care levels at Pontefract Hospital and stopping the proposed wind farm in Darrington. I will work to support every effort to help local businesses and ensure real career opportunities for young people. I am passionate about championing charities and community groups who, with Government support, could do even more. As your MP I will always be focused on serving all my constituents and making a real difference to communities.


CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE FOR HEMSWORTH If elected as MP for Hemsworth I will work hard on public health issues, making our health services more responsive to the needs of local people. I will endeavour to bring together and improve cooperation between the health and social services in caring for our elderly people, who deserve better. I will work to promote the creation of new jobs and training opportunities, particularly for young people, and campaign for excellent local schools for all our children. As your MP I will set a good example of public service, concentrating on the interests of all my constituents all of the time.




CHANGE WITH THE CONSERVATIVES With your support, we can change Wakefield and Britain on May 6th.


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