Hannah Carmichael Selected Works 2018

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the 2018 selected works of



masterplan............... 8 block.................................14 park................................... 22 housing........................ 28

HANNAH CARMICHAEL EDUCATION University of Waterloo, Class of 2020 Candidate for Bachelor of Architectural Studies

2015 - present Cambridge, ON

Greenwood College School Ontario Secondary School Diploma

2009 - 2015 Toronto, ON

DSDHA Architectural Assistant

Summer 2018 London, UK


Adaptable team member across several projects including competition entries for two masterplans, physical models for a mid rise residential project site analysis for schematic design of a master plan and web content development. Fall 2017 New York, NY

Leroy Street Studio Architectural Assistant Dedicated team member on the completion of an Interiors DD Package of a major residential project through iterative design of custom details, drawing production and team coordination.

Winter 2017 Toronto, ON

Perkins + Will Architectural Assistant Contributed to the design development stage of a major recreation project through iterative drawings and models, hand and digital, while completing 8 feasibility studies, and graphics for client presentations

SKILLS Vectorworks

Rhinoceros 3D






Physical Model Making

EXHIBITIONS Bearing: Projects Review 2016 University of Waterloo annual exhibition showcasing outsanding student projects from the 2015-2016 academic year.

ACTIVITIES Research Assistant: Bouyant Foudation Project Currently asssisting Dr. Elizabeth English, founder of the Buoyant Foundation Project, develop a prototype in Minden, Ont. for flood mitigation strategies.

Co-Director: Alternate Reality Game Co-directed 76 people in a the production of an alternate reality game for a class wide assignment, which caught the attention of local radio and newspapers.

BOOKWORM HIKER hockey player I am a passionate and insightful third year

stock ‘white of girl who studentphoto at thefor University Waterloo went kensington asbut at School to of Architecture, well ate as fiction starbucks,’ except this girl ate fanatic always looking for the next best two plates of squid tentacles story. The following works are expressive instead.

of my desire to design playful collective environments with a rigourous creative process, each telling a story of their own. Enjoy! hannah.g.carmichael@gmail.com

film fanatic



1 (416) 320 5295


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am pleased to recommend Hannah Carmichael for the position of student intern or junior designer at your company. As a Senior Architect at Leroy Street Studio, I was Hannah’s direct supervisor while we put together the interior design development package for a 24,000 square feet retreat house in New York. She came in at the last three months of an intense design and drawing process and contributed a great deal on completing our set. During this time, she demonstrated her sincerity to design, quick adaptation of new CAD and 3d programs, a strong commitment to her tasks, a cheerful and positive energy, and good team work. She enjoyed sketching through options, studying details and going through materials to develop the space and the objects with in the space. She brought fresh eyes to the project and I was happy to see how the project matured during our time togather. Some of the tasks, such as putting together the kitchen plan and elevation drawings that correctly represented our design and functions of the kitchen, were beyond her level, but she learned each process quickly. She successfully completed the kitchen package by following directions, asking questions, and applying what she learned to the next level and did not get frustrated by the review and redesign process to get the details correct. She was very pleasant to work with. For all of these reasons, I do not hesitate to say that Hannah will be a fine intern for your company. Should you have any questions, please contact me at the number below. You may also contact Marc Turkel who was the partner in charge for the project .


Arom Jeon

To Whom It May Concern: To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to express support and recommendation for Hannah Carmichael as a prospective employee. In the that Hannah wassupport with theand Toronto Perkins+Willfor studio, sheCarmichael demonstrated skills employee. in every role Iperiod am writing to express recommendation Hannah as acritical prospective Inand the task assigned to her.was with the Toronto Perkins+Will studio, she demonstrated critical skills in every role and period that Hannah To Whom It May Concern: task assigned her. job in her position as student intern and was an asset to our office during her tenure. She Hannah did a to terrific I am writing to express support and recommendation for Hannah Carmichael as a prospective employee. In the was abledid to assist me job directly onposition a conceptual design project a larger in her the tenure. design She Hannah a terrific in her as student intern andand wascontribute an asset totoour officeteam during period that Hannah was with the Toronto Perkins+Will studio, she demonstrated critical skills in every role and development of a major recreation project. was able to assist me directly on a conceptual design project and contribute to a larger team in the design task assigned to her. development of a major project. She has excellent designrecreation and written communication skills, is extremely organized, can work independently, and Hannah did a terrific job in her position as student intern and was an asset to our office during her tenure. She is able to effectively multi-task to ensure that all projects areiscompleted in a timely can manner. the Monctonand She has excellent design and written communication skills, extremely organized, work For independently, was able to assiststudy me directly on a conceptual designsketches project and contribute to a larger team in theconcept design plan. YMCA feasibility she capably took my concept and developed them into a credible is able to effectively multi-task to ensure that all projects are completed in a timely manner. For the Moncton development of effectiveness, a major recreation Because of her I evenproject. gavemy herconcept additional responsibilities to organize the afeasibility study related YMCA feasibility study she capably took sketches and developed them into credible concept plan.to

that project. Hannah wentand above andgave beyond that assignment, and created a verycan concise compelling draft Because of her effectiveness, I even her in additional responsibilities to organize the feasibility study related to She has excellent design written communication skills, is extremely organized, work and independently, and that we could build upon. Concurrently with that task, Hannah was able to balance her workload to prepare a very that project. Hannah multi-task went above beyond assignment, and created a verymanner. concise and compelling is able to effectively toand ensure that in allthat projects are completed in a timely For the Monctondraft engaging community consultation were only two of the many contributed to. plan. that wefeasibility could build upon. thatThese task, Hannah was able to balance her she workload toconcept prepare a very YMCA study sheConcurrently capablypresentation. tookwith my concept sketches and developed themtasks into a credible Because of her effectiveness, I even gave her additional responsibilities to organize the feasibility study related engaging community presentation. Theseteam wereon only two and of the many tasks she to.during to Other tasks included consultation working effectivity with a larger a pool arena project. Shecontributed helped them that project. Hannah went above and beyond in that assignment,and and created a verymeetings. concise and compelling draft the design stage preparing for client presentations This allowed her to Other tasksdevelopment included working effectivity with a larger team on a pool microplanning and arena project. She helped them during that we could build upon. Concurrently with that task, Hannah was able to balance her workload to prepare a very showcase her design, graphic and presentation skills. In short, Hannah has developing skills that would be an the design development stage preparing for client presentations and microplanning meetings. This allowed her to engaging community consultation presentation. These were for only twoendeavor of the many tasks she to. asset to an architectural design firm, and I recommend she chooses tocontributed pursue. showcase her design, graphic and presentation skills. Inher short, any Hannah has developing skills that would be an asset an architectural design firm, andwith I recommend heron foraany sheproject. chooses to pursue. Other to tasks included working effectivity a larger team poolendeavor and arena She helped them during Please let me know if you have any further question the design development stage preparing for client presentations and microplanning meetings. This allowed her to Please let me know if you have any further question Sincerely, showcase her design, graphic and presentation skills. In short, Hannah has developing skills that would be an asset to an architectural design firm, and I recommend her for any endeavor she chooses to pursue. Sincerely, Please let me know if you have any further question Sincerely, Philip J. Fenech OAA, PhilipMRAIC J. Fenech OAA, MRAIC Principal, Principal, Philip J. Fenech OAA, MRAIC phil.fenech@perkinswill.com

phil.fenech@perkinswill.com Principal, Mobile: 416 702 7523 Mobile: 416 702 Office direct 416 7523 217 6525 Office direct 416 217 6525 phil.fenech@perkinswill.com Mobile: 416 702 7523 Office direct 416 217 6525

Hannah Carmichael 7


A MASTER PLAN FOR FINCH w/ Ethan Duffey, Jacob Drung, Jing Lao After a comprehensive study of Toronto’s history of housing projects and masterplans the studio was tasked with proposing a plan for the Finch and Keele intersection in Toronto, a site presenting jarring contrasts between the large industrial lots adjacent mid century cul de sacs. Our team prioritized the disection of lot sizes, block porosity, and program diversification to develop a basis for urban evolution rather than the still frame of a utopic vision.


finch + keele existing


tokyo nakano city, FAR 2.8

new york greenwhich village, FAR 4.8

toronto st lawrence housing, FAR 3.2

munich technische universitat, FAR 3.2


50m 25m


150m 135m

2m 30m


8m Flagpole shaped lots form from sale of subdivided lots due to high inheritance tax in 1980s Japan. A viable strategy for building in the midblock emerges.

Block sizes and frontage create active street face as the Building typology changes whether or not it faces a street or avenue; larger lots and buildings are along avenues.

Interior small lots protected by L/U shaped large lots, introduces small streets running through the block to promote a ‘neighborhood’ atmosphere (vs ‘fortress’ housing project).

Solid, mid-rise perimeter facing the street, with select intersection paths. Forms interior courtyard condition with unique internal lot structure. Combination of mid and low rise buildings creates an active streetscape.

finch + keele proposed


low rise stacked townhouse

mid rise mid block

mid rise street front

residential tower

low rise podium

residential tower Hannah Carmichael 11




apartments 40% Affordable Units 60% Market Rate Units 1BR - 52 m2 2BR - 75 m2 3BR - 103 m2


stacked townhouses 40% Affordable Units 60% Market Rate Units Ground floor office or retail space with multiple tenants living on top. Living - 250 m2 (3 households)



work-live units Office space suitable for small business (creative studios, individual practices, doctor’s offices etc.) with living space on top. Office - 100 m2 Living - 125 m2 (up to 2 households


light industry Residential and office space imposed on top of light industrial space to prevent the displacement of existing employment on the site.




built form Each block is to have 3 different types of building. This physical mix is to accommodate social, economic, and programmatic mix in order to create a diverse neighborhood.


green and open space Public parks are visually or physically connected across the site, creating the sense of expansiveness while remaining intimately framed by built form.


lots Lot sizes determined by frontage on facing streets - smaller lots face smaller streets and vice versa. The mid-block is to be in-filled with flagpole lots.


streets and blocks Diverse street types used to carve out grid blocks with unique edge conditions.


zoning Zoning should be a gradient, not a mosaic. Employment and light industry are to be preserved on the site while residential and commercial uses are superimposed on top.

Hannah Carmichael 13


A PRODUCTIVE PODIUM. PRODUCT OF PREVIOUS MASTERPLAN DIVVY aims to rigorously explore the fine grain lot methodolgy that aids in the creation and longevity of a diverse street face and skyline. The sustainability of the fabric relies on the blocks ability to adapt to the site’s evolving needs while policing resource accessibility and homogenous sprawl/program isolation. Through the continued analysis of lot typologies, DIVVY nods to West 8’s Sporenburg masterplan. This masterplan achieved diversity in form as well as diversity in evolution of form by creating a hierarchy of time/turnover. This is most obvious in the ‘staple/sculptural’ buildings they place every few blocks to act as the root of the block, a more permanent fixture to influence future growth. DIVVY focuses on the design of the ‘staple’ building of it’s block. The design of this building is focused on maximizing the flexibility of a permanent structure without sacrificing lasting beauty and programmatic/formal nuances for “something that can be used for everything is - at the end of the day - not used for anything at all.” (Jacques Herzog) The following drawings illustrate the structural, programmatic, and formal hierarchy used to produce lasting piece of flexibile architecture.




free parcel


• • •

own ground and airspace above (up to four storeys) high income custom homes no assemblage

• •

ground floor commercial, no assemblage second to sixth storey residential, double to triple lot assemblage commercial street face and mid income apartments

stacked lot 10m 15m

block lot 20m



residential office/commercial light industry

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ground floor // co-light industry space

mezzanine // co-work

fourth and fifth floor // residential

second and third floor // flex office space

sixth to twelfth floor // residential

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A PUBLIC PARK FOR PLAY. SHRED THE PARK began as an exploration of how public spaces could become healthier, productive and democratic by promoting the ‘collective right’ to remake/make, use and belong. In order to achieve a public space that engages it’s a user in ways evolve the parks form and topography in tandem with the publics interests, a framework of infrastructure was designed to create opportunities for the appropriation of space .



Workshop/indoor skate park




Rock Climbing Building


BMX Park


Path Matrix




speed permanence maintenance

Hannah Carmichael 25



excavated infrastructure for self maintained bmx park



the ‘inbetween spaces’ for junk playgrounds defined by protruding walls + angled roofs of submerged rock climbing hub



meeting of programs stemming from skatepark and woodshop infrastructure with raised and submerged paths


the workshop as a hybrid for the maker and user - process and product become interdependent



Hannah Carmichael 27


SUPPORTIVE HOUSING FOR WOMEN. KONA is supportive housing for women and their children from vulnerable backgrounds of housing insecurity, financial insecurity, drug abuse, or domestic abuse. The project transitions the women to secure and sustainable livelihoods and programmatically and architecturally empowers women and children through adventure, leadership positions, liberative conditions, autonomy, and collective celebrations of one another.



independent living Units are primarily accessed from the outdoor circulation corridor to provide autonomous means of access .


celebrated domesticity Common spaces acting as bridges between units with shared laundry and larger play spaces to allow mothers to aid one another in child care.


responsive child care Emphasizing mutual respect, cultivation and appreciation of nature, community engagement and a celebration of the many languages children speak in order to develop them as divergent thinkers, active members of their community.


proactive recovery The programs for women work radially out towards the community from the central courtyard. Continuing counselling, they also take on leadership roles in the community that celebrate their current set of skills and develop new and employable ones. Workshops are run by the women for the community based off their skills whether it be dance, coding, textiles or accounting. The next step street face commercial space where these skills are made profitable in a business venture run and managed by the women.


liberated circulation The adventurous and playful quality of the architecture, specifically the circulation, aims to liberate both women and child in their movement, imagination, and curiosity, so that their transition is far from institutional but rather sets a new standard for how the home and community may allow you to think divergently, feel deeply, and act freely.


District Public School

Emilio Reggia

Ithaca Forest School



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Fifth Floor


Third Floor


Ground Floor




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THANK YOU! E hannah.g.carmichael@gmail.com C 1 (416) 320 5295

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