Brand Analysis The St. Augustine Distillery and Ice Plant are intriguing and unique businesses all on their own. The Ice Plant was originally built in 1907 as part of St. Augustine’s first power and ice complex. It was the first location in Florida to make commercial block ice over 100 years ago and is now on the National Register of Historic Places. Today the Ice Plant is aiding in helping the St. Augustine Distillery in making Florida’s first bourbon and other fine spirits. The distillery has a distinct personality. Through their advertising and business website, they put off a personal, original, rustic and vintage feel. Having this personality appeals to a wide demographic of locals and visitors. The business works alongside local farmers to create their spirits and preserve the farming heritage. It is the first location where spirits have been distilled and created in Northeast Florida since prohibition. ( The St. Augustine Distillery and the Ice Plant are typically advertised as separate entities. Our idea is to bring the two businesses together as one since you truly cannot have one without the other. The Distillery’s social media presence is popular on Instagram with nearly five thousand followers and average of over one hundred likes per photo. They do not necessarily post daily, but they do post throughout the week. An area where the distillery is lacking is Facebook. Currently there is no Facebook page for the St. Augustine Distillery, only the Ice Plant. This means whenever guests are touring the facility or talking about one of their products, they cannot be tagged in these posts regarding them, making it difficult for individuals browsing social media to connect and find out more through Facebook. The Distillery can also be found on Twitter with around 1,000 followers and daily posts about what they are currently working on and bottling, and YouTube with nearly 300 subscribers and monthly videos titled “Technique Series” and “Cocktail Series.”
On the other hand, the Ice Plant has an impeccable social media presence, boasting high followers on both pages. Their instagram page has nearly five thousand followers and averages over one hundred likes per photo while the Ice Plant Facebook has almost 15,000 likes and 26,000 check-ins. The Ice Plant was also voted as one of the “Best Cocktail Instagram Feeds” in Imbibe Magazine, giving them national recognition. They can also be found on twitter with nearly 1,000 followers, but no posts since late October. A key competitor of the St. Augustine Distillery and the Ice Plant is the San Sebastian Winery. They are the only other location in town that makes their own alcoholic beverage and offers free tours just like the St. Augustine Distillery. The Winery’s Facebook page has nearly 21,000 likes and 53,000 check-ins and only posts about once or twice a month. While their Instagram also has a decent number of followers, around 1,300, the Winery is not active with their posts and only posts about once or twice every two weeks. This is not a good tactic for social media because it doesn’t allow consumers a chance to connect with the business other than in person.
Consumer Analysis -
St. Augustine Distillery: Demographics: Our Target Audience would consist of males and females between the ages of 18 and 65. They would probably be Middle class and employed with an annual income of $40,000 to $60,000. They would most likely either have a high school or college education. The target audience would also mostly consist of tourists and families visiting the area on vacation. The target audience would either be married with or without children. G eographics: The St. Augustine Old Town Trolley Tours stop several times a day at the distillery which will bring in mostly tourists.The distillery offers free tours every 30 minutes daily as well as free samples of
their products. Because the distillery’s target audience are tourists, we can assume that we will see most of our business during peak tourist seasons which include the months of June, July, August, November, December, and January. Since most of our customers are from out of state, it would be helpful to target large density areas in nearby states.The Distillery offers the same high class atmosphere of the Ice Plant for free which will draw more people into both the Distillery and the Ice Plant. Psychographics: Our Target Audience would most likely enjoy traveling and be open to experiencing new things. They value time spent with their family and friends and enjoy learning about the history of St. Augustine.
Ice Plant: Vintage cocktail bar and eatery Demographics: Our Target Audience consists of both males and females between the ages of 25 and 55. They would most likely have a college education and have an annual income between $60,000 to $70,000 a year. Our target audience would either be married with children or single and with friends. We believe these consumers will be middle to upper class and employed because of the price of our products. Because the Distillery is attached to the Ice Plant, there will be a mix of families who had just toured the distillery and young to middle age adults who are dining inside the restaurant. The Ice Plant has a late night happy hour which is 7 days a week from 10:00 pm to 1:30 am. We think this will bring in younger locals that like to stay out late. Geographic: Most of our consumers would be tourists visiting St. Augustine however, some of them would be locals who reside in St. Augustine. Since St. Augustine is the oldest city in the United States, people from all over the country come to visit. Because the Distillery is attached to the Ice Plant, we can expect most of the tourists to come in after their tour. While tourists are
a main component of our target audience, the locals of St. augustine will also be a huge part of our consumer base as well. Psychographics: Our consumers would most likely be people who value high quality when it comes to a dining experience. Our consumers also enjoy socializing and meeting new people. They are outgoing and value experiences over material objects. They would most likely live a comfortable lifestyle and have a disposable income.Their motives are to relax and enjoy their time with friends and family. As upper middle class americans they appreciate a high quality in food, experience, service, and atmosphere and this is one the core values of the Ice Plant. Overall, we would like to combine the Ice Plant and St. Augustine Distillery in order to reach a larger target audience. By targeting both locals and tourists from out of town, we can expand our consumer base. The building is located in historic downtown and was built in the early 1900’s and is the only remaining ice manufacturing plant in North Florida. When the owners of the building remodeled they wanted people to be “overwhelmed by the sense of history an authentic turn of the century manufacturing plant can bestow” (Restoring St. Augustine’s Historic Ice Plant). The Ice Plant and Distillery use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram to promote their craft drinks and specials. Objectives/Goals As stated earlier, the current social media problem for these businesses is that the St. Augustine Distillery does not have a Facebook account. Because of this, it is very difficult for our target audience to be able to actively engage with a place they love. Since there is not a Facebook, consumers are unable to share or tag their thoughts and experiences with others. Our coherent message and theme to be communicated via the campaign is that The St. Augustine Distillery and the Ice Plant are typically advertised as separate entities. Our idea is to bring the two businesses together as one since you truly cannot have one without the other.
Below we have come up with our main goal for the campaign along with unique objectives that we believe will market these two businesses as a whole to make our target audience of tourists and locals to keep coming back and most importantly, want to come back because of the social media presence the two businesses put out. ●
Goal- To use the St. Augustine Distillery tour to draw people into the Ice Plant by marketing the two businesses as a whole.
Objective 1- To increase knowledge of the St. Augustine Distillery and Ice Plant as a joint business to locals and draw in tourists by 35%
Objective 2- Make 45% of tourists and locals aware that the Ice Plant is a part of the St. Augustine Distillery
Objective 3- Increase foot traffic by 50% to the Ice Plant after the St. Augustine Distillery tour In order to justify how our above objectives are fulfilled for this social media campaign a
Qualtrics survey was distributed on social media pages. You can see the appendices or see below in the evaluation/measurement statement. Because of our main goal, various objectives and specific strategies appeal to our customer insight and online relationship with our target audience will be greater.
Strategies In order to stand out from the crowd, the St. Augustine Distillery and Ice Plant intend to implement three main strategies: 1. Combine promotion for the St. Augustine Distillery and Ice Plant, so customers automatically affiliate them together. The St Augustine Distillery and Ice Plant are currently
separated as far as promotion is concerned. It is important for customers to have knowledge about both parts of the business, and implementing specific tactics to fix this problem is crucial. 2. Create a social media presence to inform others about the St. Augustine Distillery and Ice Plant, in order to increase traffic online and on-location. Social media is an incredibly smart and efficient way of spreading the intended message. The message is reached to the consumers quickly, and provides the potential customers with all of the information needed. Since The St. Augustine Distillery and Ice Plant are associated together, the social media marketing for each name should flow together smoothly. We intend to create specific social media tactics to accomplish this strategy. The result of this strategy would be to attract more traffic to the website and on-site at the business. 3. Emphasize the importance of video marketing, and feature the content on media platforms. We live in a visual world, and video marketing is growing in popularity. Often consumers look to find videos of the company they are interested in. Not only does it create a professional look for the company, it gives consumers a very specific idea of what they are searching for. If videos are frequently being posted, there is a higher chance of creating a loyal following of customers. Not only would video marketing be informative, but could be shared easily.
Tactics/Technology In order to implement our strategies and begin our tactics, a huge re-brand was incredibly necessary. The St. Augustine Distillery and Ice Plant advertised their websites and social media sites separately, this resulted in a social media marketing problem. There was not even a link on the sister site to the other company. The St. Augustine Distillery’s free tour could easily be marketed with the Ice Plant as the end point thus making the two a packaged deal, but
this separation has cancelled out this possibility. So what did we do about this? We combined the St. Augustine Distillery and Ice Plant into one logo for social media. We created accounts under the title The St. Augustine Distillery and Ice Plant Bar. However, we took a different approach for the individual websites. We created a landing website which redirects viewers to either the Distillery website or the Ice Plant site by clicking on the desired destination. The sites will remain this way in order to declutter the main site. A mock of this is demonstrated in the appendices. The tactics we will be using to accomplish our objectives and strategies are Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and Twitter. All of these sites will be under the combined title “St. Augustine Distillery and Ice Plant” our handle will be @distilleryandiceplantbar. We will use Hootsuite to curate content and keep our posts consistent and our followers informed as well as entertained. We will gear our posts to sell the free Distillery tour and the Ice Plant as a two part event! Twitter will be curated to post about all website updates as well as reposts from Instagram and Facebook. We want this platform to have all the latest updates or social media posts and links to where the original content can be found. Our customers will appreciate this ‘one stop shop’ and use twitter as their company resource. Youtube will be linked with Facebook and Instagram. Once a month we will schedule to post a new drink tutorial on Youtube. Once this content is launched facebook will be scheduled to post a video link to this tutorial. Instagram will post a 30 second preview of this video with a caption directing fans to the Youtube page. The reason behind this is to keep our customers entertained and loyal. By providing this consistency, our customers will remember to check our sites and combining platforms will keep traffic moving.
Facebook will be our main platform for customer interaction, second being Instagram. On Facebook we will comment on reviews and pictures. We will answer all messages and post our latest specials and deals from the Distillery and the Ice Plant to reach our target audience quickly. We can tailor and promote our posts to release when Facebook is most used. Reaching our audience quickly and constantly by providing entertainment and specials on their timeline will keep our fans loyal and engaged in our brand. Building brand awareness is crucial. Instagram will be used as a form of interaction with our customers. Instagram is a visual platform so we will post pictures relating to the theme of our brand, we will also comment and like images that we are tagged in. Our customers will find our page visually pleasing and consistent in theme. No promotional images will be posted to avoid looking like an advertisement, as this may cause fans to unfollow. Instagram will attract our target audience and our strategically themed images will keep them waiting for more.
Evaluation/Measurement To evaluate and measure the effectiveness of our campaign it is important to first understand where the businesses currently stand and know how many people are interested in continuing through to the Ice Plant after touring the St. Augustine Distillery. To determine this a qualtrics survey was created and sent out via social media and collected a total of 50 responses. 41% of respondents had visited the distillery previously and of this percentage, 58% of respondents were asked to continue on to the Ice Plant after their tour. 59% of respondents had never been to the St. Augustine Distillery and 89% had never been to the Ice Plant. Respondents who had visited the St. Augustine Distillery and Ice Plant were asked to rate their overall experience on a scale of 1-10. The St. Augustine Distillery had an average overall rating of 7.6 and the Ice Plant had an average of 7.7. 78% of respondents were
interested in visiting the distillery again and continuing on to the Ice Plant to try more of the distillery’s products. With these results it was clear to see the overall goal of the campaign is something that consumers want to see. The new tactics from the campaign will focus on promoting the two businesses as a whole. The St. Augustine Distillery and Ice Plant will combine all social accounts and utilize online technology to increase marketing activity. The curated content on each social media platform will shed the company in a positive light and help consumers gain an interest in their products. As the new tactics are implemented, effectiveness can be measured by an increase in sales at both the distillery and Ice Plant. Furthermore it can be measured by how many visitors come in to the distillery and continue on to the Ice Plant and stay for a longer period of time. Sales Associates and Tour Guides can also engage in conversations with customers and see what brought them into the Distillery and Ice Plant. By doing so the business can learn more about their consumers and whether or not the tactics are beneficial.
Restoring St. Augustine’s Historic Ice Plant. (2014, February 15). Retrieved December 2, 2015, from
St. Augustine, Florida. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2015, from
St. Augustine Distillery Grand Opening | St. Augustine, FL. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2015, from
Appendices: New Branding
New Website
DISTILLERY and BAR buttons redirect viewer to the original websites.
New Facebook
New Youtube
New Instagram
New Twitter