Our summer program is a mix of high-quality recreation and education combined to provide new experiences, personal growth, and fun. Our activities take place at our Laramie facility, the beautiful Washington Park and the surrounding community area.
Campers enjoy traditional outdoor games, fun physical challenges, as well as a variety of team and individual sports in a noncompetitive atmosphere. The goal is to teach good sportsmanship, team building, and enjoyment of physical activity.
This part of the program gives youth the opportunity to experiment with unique art media, crafts, creative productions, and drama. These activities enhance imagination, creative thinking, cooperation, self-esteem, and decision making
Youth gain important outdoor skills and environmental knowledge through mental challenges, team-building, creative thinking, problem-solving, and leadership. Activities take place at Washington Park and various areas in the Snowies and Vedauwoo.
All campers MUST bring these items to camp each and every day. If they do not, they will not be able to participate in camp activities. Please put camper’s name on all items!
Backpack or daypack, and inside it... Water bottle Sunscreen (show camper HOW AND WHERE TO APPLY
Hat Bug spray Jacket If you cannot obtain any of these items on this list, let us know because we may have extras we can loan you.
Please do not bring extra items, such as sports equipment, stuffed animals, toys, trading cards, electronic games, or music players. High Adventure Summer Program accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of any of the “contraband” items. Campers will have a great time just bringing themselves.
Shorts Tennis shoes (no open-toed sandals Sunscreen and a hat On cool days, campers can wear long pants or sweats over clothes they can take off when the sun comes out. Clothing needs to be modest and appropriate for outdoor activities and art projects. Do not wear nice or expensive clothing; we will get good and dirty. Do not bring personal items such as jewelry and makeup.
COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS We encourage parents to contact us with any questions, concerns, or suggestions. We value parents and their input, and rely on parent partnerships to make camp the most positive experience possible.
Your camper’s camp counselor is always available to talk to you during the camp day if it is something quick, such as instructions, or you can set up an appointment during a time that works for you. You can call our office and speak to Shannon (Owner/Director) or Sarah (Assistant Director) during office hours.
Call our office at: (307) 742-0127 Email us at We are open 6:30AM - 6:00PM Our office staff is available from 8:30AM - 5:30PM If you call outside of this time, you can leave a message.
The Parent Information Area is in the East camp room. Notes, signs, or reminders will be posted in this area for parents to read about things to bring for upcoming activities, special events, etc. Camp activities begin at 9:00AM, and campers will be back to our facility or across the street at the park by 4:00PM. Campers arriving before 9:00 and leaving after 4:00 will be in a supervised setting, where they can do fun activities that interest them or socialize with other campers.
Camper and parent must check in each morning at the check-in desk at the East door. This is when you can give us any special instructions for the day. Do not drop off or pick up your camper without checking him/her in or out and letting the Camp Counselor know.
Campers are in coed groups of about 15 with an adult camp counselor. Campers are grouped according to age and the grade they will be attending in the fall.
Camp tuition covers the cost of most activities, but there are some activities that require an additional fee. Examples of these activities are skating, putt-putt golf, Rec Center activities, etc. Families will receive a calendar showing the dates and times of the activities each month.
A nutritious light breakfast, full lunch, and an afternoon snack are included in tuition. Campers can also bring a bagged lunch if they wish, but please don’t pack perishable items used they are insulated. Monthly menus are available. Campers cannot share food.
Payment for activities can be made at the check-in desk each morning before 9AM. Parents have the option of paying activity fees in advance at the front office. Please do not send spending money with your child.
CAMP RULES Parents: Please review these camp rules with your camper(s).
8. Leave your shoes on when outside, except when your counselor says go barefoot.
1. Be considerate of others in what you say and do.
9. Campers should dress to be outdoors all day. Expensive clothing isn’t needed nor appropriate at camp.
2. Cooperate with other campers and be supportive of one another. 3. Follow the instructions and directions of the staff! 4. Stay with your camper group and do not wander! 5. Gum is a safety hazard and is not allowed at camp. 6. Leave sticks and rocks on the ground where they belong. 7. Tread lightly upon the earth be considerate of the environment.
10. Do not bring extra items from home to show/trade. They can be easily lost. 11. Cell phones, Gameboys, iPods, etc. aren’t needed at camp and should be left at home. 12. Weapons or objects that can be used as such are not permitted at camp. 13. Camp is a wholesome, strictly G-Rated atmosphere, so anything (literature, etc.) that comes to camp is subject to those standards and may be put up until the camper goes home.
Camp High Adventure 8
506 S. 21st St. Laramie, WY 82070 (307) 742-0127