Unit 1 Introductory Studies

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Hannah Spearman-Oxx BA Hons Graphic Design Level 4




‘Journey Home Project Museum Trip ‘Life and Death’ Project Lecture Notes ‘Through the Letterbox’ Project Illustrator Sessions In Design Sessions Perfect Bookbinding

page 4 - 19 page 20 - 25 page 26 - 39 page 26 - 39 page 40 - 49 page 50 - 71 page 72 - 73 page 74 - 81


page 82 - 83








I considered journeys and the way we recall them to both each other and follow instructions from maps and even sat navs. My sketches formed an idea of displaying these instructions in a typographic way. I looked at the the concept of the way to and from uni being the exact opposite of each other. This inspired me to look at mirroring text. Overall, I felt like this was quite a predictable response to the brief and I was keen to use typography but not in such an obvious way.



For idea 2, I looked into aspects of walking to uni that could translate into an infographic style. I also began to think about how the paper could fold out and turn from a simple piece to something much more elaborate. I felt the lines would be quite easy to understand and would work as a way to show a transition from A to B. In order to develop, I’d have to look at existing infographics and see the kinds of things they included.

2 <7>



> As my journey to University involves travelling down a lot of roads and turning left/ right, I thought of the idea of a piece of paper which folds out to reflect this. I considered how the final folded out piece could look really effective as a poster and I also thought the final shape could look really interesting. However, I chose not to develop this idea because I was set upon creating something 3D. It could definitely been an interesting geometric piece and I could have also incorporated some interesting typography. <8>


Idea number 4 was inspired by Pantone Swatches and the way they frame something visual.

I began to consider the colours and textures people may experience on their way to uni and how I could create something to enhance this or allow people to experience it in a different way. I thought this could be some kind of visual record of different aspects of the walk - perhaps things that were on the ground, in front of you and a bit higher than eye level. This could then create a fan that would map the journey.

4 <9>



‘Signs’ struck me as the natural way of mapping a journey. These ranged from names of roads to signs near roundabouts and crossroads. I began to think about how signs help to locate places and landmarks but don’t actually depict our personal attachment or associations to a place. For example, there is a road on the way to uni when I always question whether I’ve remembered my keys. I liked the idea of creating a more personal journey and changing the signs to show this.

5 <10>

6 <

Finally, I considered different senses. Sound seemed like a really interesting avenue to explore. I thought about how interesting it could be to present sound in a visual way so I began to look at the kind of things I heard and thought about how they travel. I thought that acetate or some kind of transparent material would be a good way of representing this because you would be able to see the layers of sound. This also tied in well with my idea of creating something 3D. This was the idea I was most keen to develop.





I recorded a journey to Uni with my housemates. The audio was 26 minutes long and I decided to convert the first five minutes into the visual piece. Walking through Winton at this point meant it picked up lots of interesting surrounding sounds, including other people and cars driving past. After picking out the main sounds and considering how loud they seemed on the audio and whether they travelled, I created 5 layers on In Design and started to place the text within these. The size of the words and whether they were used in bold or not depended upon the relevance of the sound. I tried to make the text on the front layers bigger because they would be more noticeable and ‘louder.’ After this, I planned to have the layers printed onto acetate and fix them to a wooden frame. I chose Gill Sans because it’s a traditional typeface and I felt this fit well with the fact I was almost paying tribute to the words people spoke.

<12> <12>


door slam

It’s so cold!

car drives past absolutely freezing car drives past oh we really need to hi! get the kitchen hiya, how was your weekend? tidied by the way foot steps you go out at all?

excuse me! excuse me, cross road cross road cross road cross road sorry!

this doesn’t feel like October at all

oh, sorry!

run over

Ryan, what areyeah, she’s not in until 12:30 cars drive past okay so what did he say? you eating? after that? none of us know, cars Ryan? she wouldn’t tell us

oh right.

Marcus! Slow down! we’re in at 9:30, yeah? morning! how are you feeling?

car drives past

Julie, what’s the time?

9:05 <13>


<14> <14>

Experimenting with plastic

< In terms of developing this project, I cut up an old plastic folder and layered up text to see whether it would work. I realised distance was an important factor so I’d have to make sure the layers had enough space between them to show that they were different pieces and make the contrast between the text more obvious. This encouraged me to build a frame for the separate pieces of acetate, as opposed to simply putting them in a flat frame. I had never done anything 3D before, so I knew it would definitely take some time to determine exactly how it was going to be put together and work out measurements.


project/1 acetate prints


I had the 5 layers printed onto separate sheets of acetate. I chose to have these printed onto A4 because I felt this would be a suitable size for the frame - not too big but not too small and all the text would be legible. Here are two examples of the acetate sheets; the only way I could get a representation of how they would look as a piece was from my In Design document. I fixed a wooden frame around all of the acetate sheets. Part of the challenge here was actually to measure and saw the wood to the right dimensions but in the end it all fit.


<17> <17>



If I had to reproduce or improve my final piece, I would look at painting the frame a more suitable colour, eg black or something similar. I think a stronger colour would have been good at bringing out the text. I also wasn’t keen on the pale colour of the wood, it reminds me of ikea or something. I would also have loved to add more layers so the piece could have grown, or maybe create a collection of them, focusing on different points of the journey. My crit feedback asked me to include some kind of time-scale. However, I decided against it. I liked the ‘mystery’ surrounding the piece and I thought that there could be a lot more focus on the words and people could interpret it however they liked.

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1st October 2014 We visited the ‘disobedient objects’ exhibition at the V&A museum in London. In terms of design, it looked activists using the medium to create change and documented some of the objects used within protests. I found it really interesting as throughout the ages, protesters seem to have come up with really effective and clever ways of conveying their messages; it was a great place for inspiration and ideas.




Coral Stoakes <22>



“A message can be communicated in so many ways...


The V&A trip really helped open my eyes to how influencial design can be. It was so interesting to examine the range of work displayed and how the size, words used and ideas behind them changed to suit the political or social movement they stood for.


There were elements of the exhibition itself that were also influencial. I liked the use of boards for displaying information and the circular showcase area in the centre. I was also drawn to the black and white illustration around the opening of the exhibtion.

and people are so creative when they take design into their own hands� My Sketchbook 1st October 2014

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‘Life’ noun

‘The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism.’

‘Death’ noun

‘the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism.’

http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/life http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/death



1 >

I was immediately drawn to the idea of ‘bad luck’ to illustrate life and death, especially as superstitions are quite widely recognised in the UK and this is where my target audience are based. I started to look at objects such as black cats, following the idea that if they crossed the path of the cat by overtaking on the right side, this could be bad luck. Ladders were also an interesting object to play around with. I don’t tend to create work in illustrator so I knew this was going to be a more challenging brief. Researching superstitions also ended up sparking other ideas, which are demonstrated in the following pages. <28>

< I developed the ‘cat’ idea, examining the belief of their nine lives because I felt this tied in well with the ‘life and death’ theme. I thought dividing the lorry side up into different squares could be a really interesting way to display an idea. I also looked of putting an umbrella up inside and how this is sometimes considered bad luck. I thought I could divide up the scene into two separate ones. This inspired the theme of ‘water’ and how it could be dangerous, eg floods or freezing. I realised nature had a lot of links to ‘life and death,’ but I wasn’t sure this would be as hard-hitting.




3 >

Some of my other initial ideas involved considering objects and shapes that were symmetrical and then relating these to life and death.

(See Right)

This then inspired other ideas involving buildings and objects which are threatening/ unthreatening ie lego blocks and real bricks. I thought the ‘target’ idea was a really simple relation to death. I started to look at other ways of directly relaying information and thought about statistics and somehow manipulating these to be broken or smashed. This reminded me of the work of Craig Ward, who printed work onto glass and then smashed it and photographed his results.


4 <31>



The lecture we had for the ‘Life and Death’ project was really useful. We examined the idea of seeing a flat object as something 3D and then applied this to the lorry design. It helped open my eyes to different ways of interpreting briefs and maniplulating flat objects. In terms of my own project, I applied these principles by creating the smashed text and making it look 3D. There were also lots of texts we were recommended after the lecture so I began to look at these. <32> <32>

Life & Death Lecture

<33> <33>



scissors beat paper

paper beats rock

rock beats scissors <35>

project/2 After experimenting with both the rock, paper, scissors / fox and target idea, I was struggling.

I also don’t tend to do much illustration work - my portfolio includes a lot of typographic work.

I didn’t feel like either were strong enough. The first design didn’t feel striking or immediate enough, and I knew part of the brief was to select objects which immediately conveyed the message of life and death.

I knew that I needed to practice on Illustrator more, so I looked at some tutorials on Lynda. I also bought a specialist magazine which had tutorials and made time to read them.

I thought the fox and target idea might work a little better, but I got worried that some people might support fox hunting; it was difficult to pick an image which universally appealed to the audience.

However, I was running out of time on my project so I looked back over my initial ideas and decided to expand on the typography idea, where I manipulate a statistic about road deaths to look smashed and damaged on the right hand side of the lorry. I traced the shape using the pen tool and felt that this excersize in itself helped me to get a grip with some of the basic shape and pen tools. This meant I was able to experiment with my ideas and the compisition of them on the page. Overall, this confirmed my theory that the illustration ideas weren’t really working so I began researching statistics about road injury.


response to the fox/target idea using Illustrator




I knew that I wanted to use grey-scale colours because in my initial sketches, I noted how well black and white work in terms of contrasting one another and working in relation to the theme. My first experiment was worded completely wrong, so here are some images of my second attempt where I ensured the number was at the focus. I preferred a darker and more striking background as opposed to the second grey and white colour experiment. If I had more time, I may have gone back over my design and, taking inspiration from the lecture we had, create some kind of 3D background to the piece.

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lectures/1 Question everything, look at things from a different angle. What am I being told and who is telling it and why is it being presented in this way?

Richard Hollis on Graphic Design: ‘making marks and arranging it to convey an idea.’ Purpose of Graphics is to move people.

Understand an audience – put yourself in positions you’ve never been in. Consider attitudes towards and between cultures

Graphic design is often thrown away. The rate of change in graphic design is enormous – most doesn’t last for a long time, some endures.

Recycles and reworks of old ideas is a common theme.

David Carson – challenging the layout of type

‘Guerilla Graphics’ – hijacking people’s attention / design appearing in places it shouldn’t.

‘Designers should read about everything except graphic design’ – Phillipe Starck

Communication / Visual Language covers a rich range of items. A designer needs their own aesthetic taste and judgment of taste. They should also be ethically driven.

Roadsworth.com – Canadian Banksy Tommy Ungerar – 1960’s antiwar posters Saatchi & Saatchi


David Carson


lectures/2 Non verbal communication Body Language / physical body and form as a vehicle of communication. Interpersonal skills

Dynamic history movements in the visual arts and drama, literary works, movement ect. Uniting people ‘to be cultured’ knowledgable / experienced

Visual Culture – our language changes with generations. We operate through various channels. Pace of visuals eg flicking through the TV at night. Banksy / Culture Youth subcultures are defined by their types of imagery/dress/music/ dance/language

High culture vs Low culture

Culture: Understanding Shared experience/ language/codes

Signs and visual language changes

High: Ballet, opera, piano – often dictated by class Low: Popular / mass interest, eg X Factor Plurality of cultures Sub-cultures Multi-cultural

Production, Distribution, Consumption


Visual Cultures Construction / Communication of meaning – understanding, interpretation, definition Visual Culture embodies a lot – fine art, architecture, etc pleasures in producing and consuming ‘neomania’ – excitement and demand for the new. Our culture is evermutating with new technologies Traditionally, preference was given to people who can read. There were changes in attitude towards people who were educated.

Perfume advertising sells a concept – no information is given about smell or price. Visual Literacy – read images Contextual knowledge Prior experience / information Understand our relationship with image / text Appreciation of culture / source Totenism – relations between objects are made to represent relations between people or groups of people

Artistic culture – we give value to things – personal / sentimental/ artistic/ use/ momentary and exchange value Sigmund Freud – psychoanalytical theory – pleasures, voyeurism, exhibitionism ‘The role of the individual in understanding visual culture’ inocious, or subconscious thoughts, desires or pleasures. Autor Theory – form of explanation that depends on notions of expression and individual personality. Eg film and television


Ranking / evaluation – top 40, film critics, reviews, turner prize Taste leaders – artists, critics, historians, curators How do we understand? There are two basic approaches to understand visual culture. Phenomenological and hermeneutic subjectbased approach Structure-based approach examines the importance of the role of structures – values, systems by representation.

lectures/3 Advertising spans a lot of contexts, eg posters, cinema, banners, bus shelters, Advertising space is very valuable Adbusters are against commercial culture (there is a publication in the library which exposes the corruption in advertising. Advertising creates wants and needs and dictates these to us, often playing on our emotion and fear Fast-paced culture which produces some of the most creative design ideas infomercials can tell us things, reminder campaigns – men in war PT Barnum – 1800’s advertising agency – first great advertising genius and greatest publicity exploiter the world has ever known

Adverts hijack and demand our attention Judith Williamson – decoding advertisements DVD’s for research – shots. Collections of advertisements from all over the world Subscribe to adage.com emails for updates on emails Vance Packard ‘the waste makers’ ‘the hidden persuaders’ Naomi Klein ‘No logo’ London: Museum of brands, packaging and advertising Greg Myers ‘ads make sense only when considered in the social works around us’


‘Mass persuasion’ – you can feel hungry or surprised or some kind of emotion in reaction Social communication Negative influence? Satisfaction of customers needs? Induce / increase consumption The consumer is the mass market Meet the desires and sustain consumers demands Embedded advertising/ product placement ‘spectacular commodity society’ Guy Debord – we are driven by possessions and the need to consume

Social Grades A – Higher managerial, administrative or professional B – Immediate managerial, administrative or professional C1 – Supervisory/ clerical/ junior management, administrative or professional AVERAGE SALARY C2 – Skilled manual E- Lowest levels of subsistence (beggars, casual workers, unemployed – no independent income) 80% of all the impressions are received through the eyes – visual persuasion

Frankfurt school – critique of corporate Capitalism and American mass culture conspicuous consumption – habits of the leisure classes Eric Clark – ‘the want makers’ coding systems: lighting, colour, monochrome, sound, editing, costume. Advertising Standards Authority Ambient Advertising Bob Garfield – ‘advertising is an environmental pollutant’ History: advertising has evolved with technology, hand in hand.


‘concious and intelligent manipulation of internal habits’ control public opinion / human behaviour Celebrity endorsements transfer value of individual to value of product We encounter 3000 advertisements a day Subliminal advertising is banned in the UK

lectures/4 Arthur J Cropley Creativity in education and learning ‘higher education has been widely regarded as indifferent or even hostile to creativity’ ‘generally unrecognised in undergraduate disciplinary learning in UK higher education’ Idea of creativity as a skill / attribute, often seen as an ‘abused word, meaningful or meaningless’ Advertising is seen as the strongest area for creativity Creativity could be described as ‘taking from one context and using in another’ ‘creativity is a culturally situated phenomenon’ hope, meaning, philosophy, imaginative, inventive, ideas, problem-solving, innovation,

Aristotle / Plato discuss creativity – the notion goes back to ancient time seen as mysterious, inspirational ‘gift from the gods’

IDEO Cognitive process to creativity Selecting, relating, combining, evaluating, selectively retaining, communicating


Cognitive approach to creativity Knowledge of field, probelm-solving, creativity in problemsolving

Emerged in the 19th Century in the form of romanticism Steve Jobs is viewed as a genius who ‘transformed our lives’ ‘the secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources’ Consider creativity as a constraint-based experience Kleinman, P 2007 ‘Creativity as a constraint-based experience product-focused transformation- focused fufillment-focused’

‘production of novelty’ <46>

Varoom Strange Harvest.com Tom Keiley – Ten faces of innovation Malcom Gladwell: The tipping point, Blink Weird ideas that work Rob J Suton

Creativity Mindmap


lectures/5 Packaging Design In an average day, we come into contact with 15000 trademarked products In a supermarket, it’s 35,000 ‘shelf life’ – packaging is the lowest in design hierarchy thedieline.com – packaging design 2007 – Andrew Gibbs useful source to gain knowledge of packaging around the world Packaging can often link with other methods of advertising etc ‘often the package is more important than the product it contain’

Functions of packaging basic – protect / contain protect against weather / pests transport store display and stackability ergonomics safety and security buy appeal / eye appeal provide info on productneeds to be memorable needs to communicate immediately and effectively needs to be memorable and reassure consumer encourage a purchase – persuade and entice ‘pester power’ – aiming products at kids eg ‘monster food packaging’ kids want to overcome their fear of monsters and the best way to do this is to eat them. Tactics: Brand mascot / icon, sometimes anthropomorphic Narrative of the product



Our lectures have covered a wide range of topics and they have been really interesting. They have taught me to question things and I’ve also learnt that graphic design spans across a wide range of topics, some that I would never have considered. We also had to complete a range of excersizes. These have included analysing products and investigating information in magazines. My notetaking skills were okay during this unit, but from now on I am going to keep them in the same notebook and make sure I date them, just so they’re a little bit more organised.





Out of the three articles we could choose, I selected an article from 2014, which revealed Police misusing the RIPA - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act in order to gain personal information about the sources of newspaper stories. The authour was strongly opposed to this, believing that it would prevent people from leaking stories to newspapers and therefore, corruption could not be exposed. Personally, I was drawn to the story because I found the irony of being undermined by the Police - a figure in society who we are supposed to trust, really interesting and I thought there were a lot of wider themes for research.



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<54> <54>

The RIPA laws were introduced in 2000, as a way of combating terrorism and uncovering murder and organised crime. Yet, alarmingly, the Police appear to be using the law to secretly investigate phone records of journalists and expose confidential sources who provide information to newspapers. This has been evident in cases such as Chris Huhne and Newton Dunn, and by doing this, Police are actually breaking the European laws. On a wider level, undermining of confidentiality may mean people are reluctant to contact reporters with potential stories, through fear of being exposed. This will lead to society becoming increasingly secretive. An application by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has emerged, examining British laws that appear incompatible with provisions in European law. Overall, the misuse and abuse of RIPA inhibits journalists from acting on behalf of the public and threatens our civil liberties.



> After summarising the article, I decided to start looking into the theme of classified information being ‘leaked.’ This seemed to be a common theme in the news of recent years and my tutorial feedback led me to investigating the Edward Snowden case.


I read a number of articles (see reference page) and I began to understand that he had leaked classified information about Governement Surveillence programmes. Here are the scans of my notes whilst reading the articles.



I thought CCTV and privacy could be interesting topic in itself, so began to look into this. I found out that the UK was the most heavily surveyed country in the world - and most people aren’t aware of it. I questioned whether an informative leaflet could be the answer to this brief, however, I was still interested in furthering my knowledge, so I carried on with my research into CCTV, and read some Governement articles outlining the function it plays in society.




This quote was a turning point in my project; it introduced the theme of burglary. I thought this could work really well because the letter was aimed towards home owners and some may not be aware that they were at risk or how to prevent theft. It also coincided with a number of burglaries on other student houses on my road so I knew it was a problem in current society.








I felt like my initial sketches didn’t have any particularly strong ideas, so I did some more research into burglary. One of the main problems was that I wasn’t sure exactly what I wanted to convey to the audience. I was keen to tie it in with some kind of online petition or campaign, but there wasn’t a strong enough message apart from warning them of the risk of burglary.



‘missing’ adj

‘1. not present; absent or lost 2. not able to be traced and not known to be dead 3. go missing to become lost or disappear’

vanish disappear awol mislaid misplaced lost

<62> <62>

<63> <63>


<64> <62>

At this point in the project, I finally came up with an idea of a traditional ‘letter shaped’ item that would come through the post. It would look as though the envelope was white, however, when you open the letter you realise it’s actually transparent plastic, and part of the text moves as you take the letter. I wanted the words to relate to burglary. On a wider level, I felt that it reflected the act of things which are supposed to belong in a certain place, being taken or relocated, which is what burglary is.

<65> <63>



To see whether my idea would work, I created a mock-up using an old plastic sheet, a sharpie and some sketchbook paper. In doing this, I was sure that I wanted to fold the paper into 3. However, I needed to produce some more sketches to determine exactly what was going to be contained in the letter. I decided it would be a letter given-out by the Police, warning about burglaries in the area of Bournemouth.


Idea development



FUTURA futura <


I chose to use futura as my typeface for this project because of the structure it has. I wanted the letter to seem authoritative and important, as it was outlining the fact that burglaries were on the rise in this area in comparison with recent years.

I decided that I wanted to create a line graph showing the number of burglaries in recent months and the success rate of the Police in conjunction with these. I did further research into the crime statistcs in Bournemouth for recent years and reproduced these into a line graph using Illustrator.

<68> <68>

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Overall, I’m not massively pleased with my response to this project. I feel like the design still has a lot of work to be done and it doesn’t really have it’s own identity. If I were to re-do it, I’d spend more time polishing it off and experimenting with other colours. I’d also buy a better camera to photograph it, but I don’t have any money.



> We learnt how to use various tools in Illustrator which helped us to create and manipulate shapes. After getting the hang of these, the task was to replicate the logos provided in our workbook. I really struggled with this task; I don’t have much experience of Illustrator and I found a lot of the tools really confusing. On the other hand, this excersise definately helped me get more used to the pen tool, and by the end I was really getting the hang of creating curves and this was a great help in creating some of the more fiddly shapes. Overall, I felt my efforts were adequate, but if I was faster on Illustrator I would have got round to the task of redesigning the logos. In order to help me improve my skills at this programme, I’ve been watching tutorials on Lynda. Eden’s classes have helped me with the basics though. I also got a magazine full of tutorials to help me. It was a really good excersize in learning and practicing Illustrator and the tools I got to grips with came in useful in other projects.



Fishork <73>


< I was keen to keep all aspects of my business card simple, including the colour scheme and artwork. I decided to look at the letter ‘H’ because it’s my initial and I’m always drawn to typography. I realised I’d have to contrast this single letter with smaller text explaining how to contact me, so I decided to make the ‘H’ as large as possible.


Avenir Black Aa Bb Cc Dd

I looked at existing business cards to see the kind of details they included and decided to put my full name, email and number in a lighter version of the typeface I had chosen.

Avenir Light

My typeface choice was a serif font as I felt this had more of an approachable feel.

Aa Bb Cc Dd



Hh ngiseD cihparG xxO-namraepS hannaH ku.oc.liamg@osh 27251201870


Graphic Design Hannah Spearman-Oxx hso@gmail.co.uk 07810215272


hH back



Hh_ ngiseD cihparG xxO-namraepS hannaH ku.oc.liamg@osh 27251201870

Graphic Design Hannah Spearman-Oxx hso@gmail.co.uk 07810215272



< I refined my initial design by adding colour. I felt like this was a lot more exciting and interesting than the basic black and white theme I’d chosen before. I also added an underscore in the hope that the viewers eye would be guided along to the contact details I had provided.




We were asked to collect 5 images from the internet and use the basics we learnt on In Design, including inserting placeholder text, to develop page layouts. Here are 3 examples of that I designed in class.


ISSEQUE QUE Nobit volor as maximpo rrorem faccatendem reiundam

con non rero voluptate

Nobit volor as maximpo

nis nonsequiates alibus doluptatum et ommollandem

At es moluptibusda uiaeperum dessi opti sum quatios natiiste aliquis esenis ut abore

fugit alicidelit voluptatus

Equi doluptae officimin rent. Offictium utem. Ceperum et fugiaernatur anditibus experum faceste sequam, sint voluptatem. Equam voloreped esequod ipsandis untions equatin consequ atiusap elendit atemperciet ut quis utatur, ne dolut aut aut inctem anit, sinto ipsandi odioreptibus et volorum que latectorum utem aliquam quatus.

nimusapid quis molorera quaerro desed et et equatin consequ atiusap elendit atemperciet ut quis utatur, ne dolut aut aut inctem anit, sinto ipsandi odioreptibus et volorum que latectorum utem aliquam este sequam, sint voluptatem. Equam voloreped esequod ipsandis untion


Enducillab imil iuriberionet re peribus ipienda di odis etur animagnis pro expeles ulluptat. Soluptur sent, in et aliquae vitatur serunt. At. Reped el ipsam, omnihilis volectorro corpora pa sequam duci officit atemperum in pla doluptate es ipitatur repudae cum quid que aliquibus et que eos ipitiunde doluptatur? Toribusae.

Enducillab imi iuriberionet re bus ipienda di etur animagnis expeles ullupta Soluptur sent, et aliquae vitat serunt. At. Reped el ip omnihilis vole



il e periodis s pro at. in tur

psam, ector-

/upta voloria coruntem

Uptiorem sundae es et laut ape nonsedi is quas aut id et omnihilis maio. Puda plibus volupta tiuntur a dis etur, tiuntur a dis etur, tiuntur a dis etur,

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I attended the bookbinding session and learnt how to create a book using the perfect binding tecnique. This was a really useful session as I had never done any kind of bookbinding in the past. I made a small notebook during the lesson (shown left) and we were given a notesheet so I can remember how to make another one. I also researched other binding tecniques and I’m keen to have a go at Jaopanese Binding.




Style no 47. Hannah by David Sims, Heads: Hair by Guido https://www.pinterest.com/pin/293508100686683921/ http://www.dorset.police.uk/pdf/cstats_Force_2014-15Q2.pdf https://40.media.tumblr.com/ba03c25b5abfb20d08669791709505aa/tumblr_ neg5y0w5ec1qa4iv8o7_500.png http://www.ukcrimestats.com/Neighbourhood/Dorset_Police/Bournemouth_Central_Safer_ Neighbourhood_Team http://www.thefreedictionary.com/missing http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/bank-accounts/11122849/Fraud-expertswarn-on-hotspots-where-flats-are-targeted-with-letter-box-scam.html http://garnerclancey.com/pdfs/Crime%20Prevention%20Social.pdf https://ico.org.uk/~/media/documents/library/Data_Protection/Practical_application/ SURVEILLANCE_SOCIETY_FULL_REPORT_2006.PDF http://www.raeng.org.uk/publications/reports/dilemmas-of-privacy-and-surveillance-report http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200809/ldselect/ldconst/18/18.pdf http://www.freeimages.com/assets/3/24548/cards-pile-251254-m.jpg http://www.atkinsglobal.com/~/media/Images/A/Atkins-Corporate/projects/header-banner/hullcctv.jpg?h=394&la=en-GB&w=966 http://designspiration.net http://designspiration.net/graphic.design http://www.victoriasadler.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Coral-Stoakes-Placard-960x1280.jpg http://bookpatrol.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Disobedient-objects-installation.-jpg.jpg graphic design: a user’s manual http://designspiration.net http://designspiration.net/graphic.design http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/life http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/death http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a2/Faced_products_on_a_supermarket_shelf.JPG/1280px-Faced_products_on_a_supermarket_shelf.JPG http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0CAQQjBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fs3images.coroflot.com%2Fuser_files%2Findividual_files%2Foriginal_336781_1hoSINQsSsIX__zWCBI0d3Rop. jpg&ei=TxZ3VI2uMIjtatqxgsAN&bvm=bv.80642063,d.ZGU&psig=AFQjCNE_14udpWFdYnLE3FNSg7SODLeCSg&ust=1417177031430058 https://www.spycatcheronline.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/c/a/camo-safe-heinz-tomato-soup-camostsou-a_2.jpg http://designspiration.net http://designspiration.net/graphic.design


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