SONS Coffee Shop

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Corporate Goal…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Mission Statement……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Vision Statement………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Corporate Persona……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Core Value Statement…………………………………………………………………………………………………... Target Market…………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Core Communication Statements……………………………………………………………………………………... Graphic Identity Elements……………………………………………………………………………………………... Graphic Requirements & Limitations………………………………………………………………………………… Slogan and Slogan Mandates…………………………………………………………………………………………... Package Design…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Introductory Advertisements………………………………………………………………………………………….. Social Media…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Outlet Design……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Furnishings……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Grocery Display………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Signage………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Corporate Materials……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Philanthropy and Community Service………………………………………………………………………………... SONS Foundation Application…………………………………………………………………………………………

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We will always provide a premium cup of Brazilian coffee along with an experience that is as impactful as our endeavors to impact the community

Sons will address each communities need in order to develop a sense of togetherness within each city.

Sons’ mission is to serve the world’s finest quality of coffee to communities, while delivering incomparable customer service and creating change in each community we operate in by donating 5% of each sale to a specific need within that community.

-Simpatico: -Warm inviting experience -Impacting the community


We will provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere in our coffee shops. We will guarantee community involvement and always put customers and the community as our top priority. We will serve gourmet, high quality coffee and with every purchase, a donation to the SONS Foundation will be made. Our employees will be known for their quality customer service and knowledge of the services they provide and the community in which the store operates. Peace and friendliness will always be promised at SONS coffee shops.

-25 -45 year olds -established adults -income of 35K- 60K -single and married couples

Our target market is a wide range of adults from single working men and women, to older established married couples. We also target young married couples too. All of these differences in age and status have an underlying common goal; they need a place to serve them high quality products with great customer service, where they can be entertained or escape and relax. With our upstairs loft, customers can get away and relax in peace. On weekends when we offer the stage with entertaining shows, customers can find the free enjoyment they needed from a stressful week at work. Their middle class incomes ensure they can afford our coffee and still contribute to community donations. They are conscious of their spending but still have enough to give back to the community needs.


Consumers are the top priority to SONS Coffee Company, both as the community and customers. Their needs will always be placed first and always feel welcomed at SONS. Our goal is for them to develop relationships with our employees and want to continue to come into our shop. We will expand those relationships outside of the shop and into the community. We want SONS coffee shop to regularly visited and establish "regulars" as customers. We want customers to always feel they can come to SONS for any reason; to study, meet up with friends, hang out on a weekend night, or just to get away from reality and have a calm setting to enjoy high quality coffee. Consumers will notice our drive to be involved in the community, and see us as a forward thinking company and a leader in the community. We will stay in touch with all consumers through social media and always keep them up to date on the latest specials and events happening at SONS.

Employees will always have excellent customer service skills and exceptional communication proficiency. They will always remember and be reminded that our top priority are customers and the community. Employees will be recognized in the coffee shop and in the community for continuing the high standard of customer care. The employees will also be involved in our annual awards banquet and our community service projects. Inside the store, they will have knowledge of all job tasks and will be able to execute all jobs properly so that they can be utilized where needed. This will be emphasized through employees' job training. Every 8 months, they will go through an updated training class to keep all employees on the right track and updated with how the store operates. Employees will stay updated with what is going on in the store, with the foundation plans, and in the community through weekly emails, social media, and newsletters. Employees will be encouraged to share with friends through the usage of social media. During their training course, they will learn what is allowed and what is not when it comes to social media. They will be expected to be respectable through their employee social media accounts. Employees will held to a high standard of performance. They are to arrive on time and ensure their duties are always fulfilled through their shifts at work. Absences are to be reported in a timely and responsible request off of work. Employees will pay special attention to customer complaints or concerns and are to report them directly with the manager on duty at the time. They will do their best to address the 5issue in a positive manner and fix whatever the problem is. They will help to always produce a calm and peaceful experience at SONS coffee shop.


The graphics shown are all of the acceptable versions of SONS logo. There are versions using each of our logo colors and then in black and white. By using our logo colors for color printing, we ensure the warmth of our colors reflect the warmth of our coffee shops. These colors continue the peaceful and tranquility feelings that we produce in our stores.


The graphics shown are NOT acceptable versions of the SONS logo. The SONS text must always be located to the right of the coffee animation. The colors are to remain the same as listed on the acceptable choices. They are not to be changed or lightened to the degree where they look like different colors. No matter the size of the logo, the coffee cup animation should always be taller than the text SONS. The word “coffee� should never be included as part of the logo.


We chose this slogan because of its simplicity, yet powerful statement. We are not only addressing our coffee by including the word "brewing" but we wanted to incorporate the community and how we feel about our involvement with community needs, so therefore we included "compassion" and "community". This slogan does not have any negative implications and is only encouraging compassion for the community. We feel this really embraces that, indeed our coffee is important, but our compassion for the community takes priority.


Materials: For regular coffee bean distribution, we will sell our coffee in clear, plastic bags. These bags will be sold in our coffee shops and grocery stores. Construction/Design: The bag of coffee beans we sell is clear all the way around, so that consumers can see what they are purchasing. We feel this sets us apart from other coffee distributors because our look is different. Our logo will be printed on the front of the clear package. Our mission statement will be printed on the back of the package, along with the nutrition chart. Also on the back will be the word BRAZIL, identifying where the coffee comes from, with a picture of the country. We will identify the type of roast/blend on the front of the package, right under the name. The amount, in ounces, will also be located at the bottom, on the front of the package. Name Display: Our name will be printed along with our logo on the front of the bag. The logo will be larger than the name and printed in the center. The name will be located underneath the logo. The logo will be printed on a white circle so that it is easier to recognize. Size: We will offer three different sizes of bags of coffee for distribution. Small Medium Large Height: 7 3/4" 10" 16 1/2" 10 Depth: 2 1/2" 2 1/2" 4 1/2" Width: 3 1/4" 4 1/4" 6 1/2"

To-Go Cups: The solid cups will be used for hot drinks and the clear cups are for cold drinks. Both kinds of cups are made of corn husks. This ensures them being environment friendly. They also help with keeping the temperature of the drinks longer. Coffee Sleeves: The sleeves are textured to ensure easy grip for customers. They are made of cork to be eco-friendly. By being helpful to the environment, this helps carry out the persona of our stores and helping the community. In Store Dinnerware: We have chosen glassware to use in store. This way, we can wash and sanitize them for use again. This ensures being environment friendly.11 The colors of the dinnerware follows with our company colors and carries out the warm feeling that the rich colors portray.

Our advertisements will be on billboards, in newspapers, and on the internet on different websites. Our ads are generally advertising SONS as a company and including coupons in our newspaper clips and links to our website on the internet ads. With these ads, our goal is to spread the word about our company to as many consumers as possible and invite them to our shop.


Our Facebook page will be our main social media communication. This will be where customers the most information and any details that pertain to SONS Coffee Company. We will post everything from news about how we are involved in the community to daily specials. Other information will include our store locations and hours. We will connect with customers through this outlet and pick random weekly winners for free coffee. This is also where we will post announcements about the weekend entertainment. Instagram is where we will post pictures of products or weekly specials. We will also hold contests and giveaways for followers reposting and tagging new friends. This will not only draw in customers and create more followers, but also spread the word about our store faster through people sharing with friends. By using the hashtags #SONSCoffeeCo and #SONS4Community, we will view their posts about our shop or their visits and choose a weekly winner. We will post the winner's picture and name at the store and all social media outlets. They will win a gift card from SONS for $20.

We will utilize our Twitter account for any updates or encouraging quotes and Bible verses for the day. Daily specials, short announcements, and any changes to store hours will also be shared on this outlet. During the day, we will post things that are happening at the shop to invite more customers in.


Our locations will be located downtown in the heart of each community. Our top goals include community involvement and educating customers about the communities. What better way to do that then to be in the heart of each city we are located? Our stores will be located on the streets so that it will attract walkers on the streets coming to and from home and work to drop in. It is also easy access being on the street for drive-thru customers. Our building will be unique in its simplicity yet capture attention because it will look different than the city buildings around it.

Our front doors were specifically chosen so that they reflect our warm and welcoming feeling inside the coffee shop. These doors make customers feel like they are walking into home. The rich brown color helps carry out the brown used in our logo and prints. The windows help create light and open up the store more. The huge size and warm colors of the doors help bring customers in and feel invited and welcomed. This brick is used all throughout the downstairs main part of the shop. It will be on all walls in the downstairs area. The brick is to help continue the warm and cozy feeling of our store. We want guests to start with feeling like they are walking into home with the front doors and maintain that feeling when they step inside and see beautiful brick.


This wood floor will be placed in all areas of the coffee shop. The dark wood continues the feeling of rich and warm welcoming in the store. It will also reflect the same feeling of home and coziness that the doors and brick walls portray.

This bay window will be located next to our corner area with the couches. This ensures the shop to be opening and inviting. With such a large window and double doors located on two sides, it will be the only window. Since the size of the bay window is so big, it will let in the light during the day and give a great view of the city at night. This window helps the flow of feeling warm, comfort, and invited in our shop. 15

This is an example of the windows our loft will be constructed of. The loft is designed to be a place of escape and tranquility. With the usage of walls that are all windows, customers can still be connected to what is going on downstairs if they want to. We will have full length curtains that if they choose to, they may pull over the windows to create an area of peacefulness.



We designed our floor plans for downstairs and the loft in a way that emphasizes the warmth and welcoming nature of our coffee shop. The downstairs area is open and free to everyone. The upstairs loft will be an area that is reserved for a more quiet setting. The loft is intended for customers who may need to study or work, or who are just wanting to get away to peace and quiet.


We chose a group of furniture that continues the look and feel of our store. We want customers to still feel the warm and welcome feeling of home. The seating is very relaxing and inviting, seating from one person chairs to couches where a group can sit and enjoy company.


Our outdoor furniture is made of weather proof bamboo. It continues the warm colors that reflect that feeling portrayed inside the shop. The couches and chairs offer another lounge area outside with a center table that matches. The outdoor lighting is very dim and warm feeling. On colder days and nights, the fire pit will be lit for customers to enjoy and stay warm.


-On the top shelf we will have a sign with our name and logo. -On the second shelf we will have the packages of coffee beans. They will be arranged by rows and grouped together with different brews and flavors. -On the third shelf will be coffee mugs that we sell from our shop. -On the bottom shelf will be t-shirts with our name and logo on them.



With our corporate materials, we decided the simple and clear would be the best. Our design continues with our guidelines about our logo so that anyone receiving our materials can be certain they are from our company. Our materials are also printed on eco friendly card stock to continue with our support for the community and being environmentally aware.


Corporate Philanthropy Guidelines: -Philanthropy -Enunciation: -The focus of our philanthropy will be localized needs within each community we operate. -Justification: -We want to be specifically involved within each community we operate because we feel it is important to give back to the citizens of the community that support our business and keep it alive. -Application: We will accept applications from non-profit organizations within the community that express need in specific areas. -Foundation: The Sons Foundation is a foundation that will award a gift to one organization within our community every year at our annual banquet. -Board Members: We will delegate board members representing different areas of the community in which we operate, to decide which of those areas will be awarded. The different areas could possibly be the children of the community, homeless, senior citizens, and families in need. -Meetings: The board will hold an annual meeting to discuss the needs in the community and choose which organization will be awarded. -National or Local Focus: Our focus will be the local community in which our business operates. -Awards: -Gift processes: We will hold a banquet at the end of each year, inviting all organizations that applied to a dinner and awards ceremony. At the banquet the board members and Sons representatives will award the winning organization. -Fund Development: The Sons Foundation will be funded by the Silvera family for the first year of our company's operation. To begin the fund, the Silvera family will donate a starting base of $10,000. After the first 24 year, we will continue to fund the foundation by donating 5% of all sales directly to the fund. One day, every six months we will donate all profit of sales made that day, directly to the fund.

Name:______________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________ City:_______________________________________________________ State:______________________________________________________ Zip Code:___________________________________________________

Organization Mission Statement:_________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is your reason for applying for this award?____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ How do you help your community? Include projects or involvement.____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ How will you use the award to help your organization and the community?______________________________________ 25

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