The Gender Fluid Collection - COS

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COS magazine COS Gender Fluid Collection

SS 20 19 Gender Fluid Collection


COS magazine


Table of content

1. About COS 2-5

2. Gender Fluid Collection 6-11

3. Editorial Brief

4. Editorial Preview 20-23 5. The Catalog 24-31 6. Catalog Preview



7. Minisite

Model casting



Hair 16 Makeup

8. References 34-35


The shoot/Post Shoot


Gender Fluid Collection



COS magazine


WHAT DO WE NEED TO KNOW BEFORE KICKING OFF? Based in London - the first COS store opened on Regent Street in 2007. Its online store was launched after three years, in 2011. Today, the brand is available







COS stands for ‘collection of style’ and is owned by







The mission of COS is to make great design accessible to everybody and to lead the way towards a more inclusive and sustainable world (H&M, 2018).

Our three ambitions: 100% leading the change 100% renewable and circular 100 % fair & equal By offering reinvented classics and wardrobe essentials, COS create pieces that are made to last beyond







niques merge to form timeless, understated collections. Who








want a modern, functional and considered design. The brand believes that everyone should have the

Gender Fluid Collection


sign. By adapting to these features, COS





space for their customers (Cos, 2018). COS believes that the link between fashion and architecture is how people use and perceive the two: It is about the experience! Karin Gustafsson, head of womensopportunity to wear quality design. Un-

wear design, says that the feel is always

doubtedly, Cos is more of a lifestyle than

the most important part when making a

it is a simple store. Their secret lays in the

decicion. In an interview with Fast Com-

fact that customers are buying into an aes-

pany she explains the following: “

thetic rather than picking a new party dress. they feel to wear and how the fabric is The brand believes that clothing is se-

to touch, the sound it makes. We real-

rious and designed to fit into the lives

ly think so much more about the experi-

of its aficionados (Independent, 2018).

ence and the function of things than just the




COS partners with established and



emerging artists, studios and galler-


Store markets

ies all over the world, creating unique


Online markets

brand projects alongside their seasonal fashion collections. All in all, COS is committed to lead the change , to a

COS follow a very strict communica-

more inclusive and sustainable world.

tion guideline, thoroughly modern minimalism. The brand has since the very beginning barely communicated through colour.




seasons, pastel hues and vibrant neon brights have been added and eventually developed their very coherent sense of style. The way COS choose to adapt their style is the same throughout their clothing lines as well as within their visual and graphic communication. COS the





COS magazine

architecture preserves


and de6

Gender Fluid Collection


WHAT IS THE NEXT STEP? Today, people tend to step away from defining themselves through their sexual orientation. Instead, people see themselves as individuals, expected to be accepted for who they want to be rather than from which genitalia one has. COS wants to inspire people to go beyond, to accept and together with their customers - lead the change! By deeply understanding people and their way of pursuing life, COS creates a space where everybody is welcome. The S/S 2019 collection is all about that space! We are so very happy to present for you - the Gender Fluid Collection! Pieces has been created by inspiration from the customers we admire, mad for all of you out there. In addition, the objective of this collection is to improve and stick to the ambitions of COS as a leading lifestyle brand on the market. We are leading the change, meaning that we adapt to our customers and their aspirations. We stand for being fair and equal, meaning that no one is left behind. This initiative is for being 100% equal and fair, not as a way to push limits and creating unnecessary discussions. Therefore, it is important not interpret ones own thought about the subject. The given brief will step by step go through necessary guidelines, in order to stay coherent. But listen, this is about being fair, settling free. If that means being a man, a woman or any in between, so be it!

COS magazine


‘The new collection is inspired by the customers we admire, made for all of you out there!’

Gender Fluid Collection


Gender Fluid - Meaning Gender Fluid is a gender identity best described as a dynamic mix of boy and girl. A person who is Gender Fluid may always feel like a mix of the two traditional genders but may feel more boy some days, and more girl other days. Being Gender Fluid has nothing to do with which set of genitalia one has, nor their sexual orientation (SonicJMC,2007).

COS magazine


Gender Fluid Collection


WHERE TO LOOK FOR INSPIRATION? Colour-blocking Earth / sea Geometric shapes Vibrant pureness Minimalistic architecture

COS magazine



Gender Fluid Collection



COS magazine


EDITORIAL BRIEF The following pages will go through the most crucial guidelines in order to fullfill this initiative. Such as model casting, makeup and hair. The styling of this editorial follows inspiration taken from earth and the sea. With the sea as a symbol for fluidity and the earth for the life it creates. Moreover, to be coherent to the theme, the style of this collection will follow a minimalistic guideline. Meaning that nor female or men models will be portrayed differently according to their gender. Nor will they be styled completely the same, meaning that features such as hair, nails or long eyelashes should be covered in a way to portray fluidity. (*the only strics guideline is that long hair will be in a ponytail). Important to remember is the fact that gender-fluid people can portray themselves as woman one day and as a man the other. Therefore, preperations will be made so that no deciciouns will be taken out of the stylists individual interpretations. All in all, following people will take the lead, and be our core to make this editorial as good as possible.

STYLIST Georgia Stockwell HAIR Dylan Chavles MUA Erin Walters

Gender Fluid Collection


Jullian Cullas

Agyness Deyn

Slick Woods

Jana Kaye

COS magazine

In this collection, we are going for a diverse androgynous look.

Seth Atwell


Erika Linder


Gender Fluid Collection


Erika Linder will be the front figure of the Gender Fluid Collection.



COS magazine


Vibrant colours. *If the model has long hair, put it in a ponytail.


Pride colours


Focosed on eyes

Gender Fluid Collection

Inspiration from the 80’s makeup. Vibrant colourful eyes.


80’s look-alike


Mother earth

Dry Grass fields

COS magazine


THE SHOOT TIME SCHEDULE This shooting will be made by the amazing photographer Jimmy Marble, due to his very minimalistic and timeless sense of style. The COS gender fluid collection will be photographed during early morning to capture the morning light. The chosen destination is in Norway, close to the sea, some minutes away from an open grass field. The location is perfect. It will capture the sense of freedom and be the perfect place to communicate our message.

MODEL DIRECTION We strive to keep a very natural look. Mean-


ing that no special angles are asked to be captured. The models direction lays in the hand of our photographer, based on this editorial guide-


line. We believe that through the makeup, hair and style, the right photos will come naturally.

COS gives Jimmy Marble all responsibility for processing the taken pictures. The aim is to create a nostalgic feeling through analog retouch. The colours will be very pure due to the fact that both hair and makeup already is very vibrant by itself. See refferred pictures for a sense of the retouching.

Gender Fluid Collection


COS magazine


Gender Fluid Collection


COS magazine


Gender Fluid Collection


THE CATALOG The Gender Fluid Collection is about more than just creating timeless, non gender specified clothing. This is a project that will shape the core of COS, to continue to inspire our customers! By side of the actual collection, COS will create a catalog. It will be placed in store, for our customers to read during their shopping hour or to grab on their way back home! Throughout the process of getting where we are today, as a brand, with our Swedish roots and very open mindset, we believe that there are stories of importance to share! Gender Fluidity tend to be a very difficult subject to talk about, my be because of its non clearness or just by the fact that no one has really heard about it. COS aim to lead the change in a more open discussion, an on that road make people understand that they are not lonely. This catalog will invite the customers of COS to ‘meet’ the people they have met, and get inspired by what they have been through. This catalog will feature the SS 2019 Gender Fluid Collection, as a visual collection of the greatest learning during the creation of the collection. In the following six pages, their will be a catalog preview showcasting how the magazine could be portayed both visually and verbally.

COS magazine


COS magazine COS Gender Fluid Collection

SS 20 19

Gender Fluid Collection



LETTER GENDER FLUID uetly, step by step, I have been starting to make my own move. I see the people around me as individuals, who may not be the exact person I think they are. Let me tell you about Gender fluidity, The late 2000s and the 2010s were when the term truly began to


noticed, venturing somewhat out of

online forums, especially in academic literature. This was also the time when millennials, of whom 12% identify as non-cisgender, were beginning to come of age. Social media has begun to catch up with the changing understanding, and growing acceptance, of nonbinary gender. A person isn’t considered gender-fluid just because they like to wear typically masculine clothing one day and feminine clothing the next day—that is considered a form of gender expression. To be gender-fluid is chiefly a question of internal personal identity, and is therefore a psychological phenomenon. I tell you, it is so important to accept. To accept the people around you and to respect. Respect their decisions. COS Gender Fluid Collection is all about that. It is our statement for being 100% equal and fair. Step by step, all of us can do something. Step by step, no one has to be alone. JESSICA PEELS editor-in-chief COS magazine


Gender Fluid Collection


Opposite page. Model: Erika Linder. Shirt ‘‘Rosa’ satin shirt. COS gender fluid collection. €80. Jeans: ‘Blue’. COS gender fluid collection. €145

COS magazine


Gender Fluid Collection


Coming out as gender fluid or non conforming? ‘ I t ’s O K n o t t o h a v e i t a l l f i g u r e d o u t y e t .’ By: Brittney Mcmanamra The siblings, Sophia and Jakob, have

get in trouble, that she would get hurt.

always been close. They tell each other

Now physically, but by heart.

everything. When Sophia Lind came out

Back then, I didnät really know

to her brother at 12 years old, she knew

it was a thing’. Jakob told Brit-

how she felt but she didn’t have the

tney. “I knew how I felt, I knew

words to express it. Because she didn’t

what I kind of identified as, but

know anyone else who identified as gay

the words gay or lesbian, I didn’t

or lesbian, Jakob Lind said he wasn’t know anyone else that was gay

‘I was just ble., that

heart. Bac

quite sure her identity was “a thing.” or lesbian, so I didn’t really know In an interview with COS magazines

how to word it. I was just like, ‘I

Mcmanamra, Sophia put into words what think I should let you know that a lot of young LGBTQ people feel. And when I eventually get a boyfriend, it will by voicing that, She is helping combat

be a girl.’” Sophia’s coming out story is

it. According to the National Institutes super cute, but it’s also important. Soof Health, many teens who don’t have

phia and Jakob are together is letting

LGBTQ role models, don’t hear much

other teens know that if they are won-

talk about LGBTQ people, and who lack dering whether they identify as LGBTQ knowledge on the variety of orientations

but aren’t sure what the right words are,

and identities out there experience con-

they aren’t alone. It’s also not the first

fusion before coming out. That’s what time Sophia has sent an important meshappened to Sophia — she wasn’t sure

sage about sexual and gender identity to

what the word for her feelings were, but

her fans. Sophia, who identifies as gen-

she knew she wasn’t attracted to the op-

derfluid, explaines that he message that

posite sex. Instead of calling it anything, she want to explain is a signal to other Sophia simply told her brother that her

LGBTQ people that they aren’t alone.

first boyfriend would probably be a girl.

That’s so important. (McNamara, 2017)

‘I was just so worried that she would COS magazine


This page. Model: Jakob Jager & Sophia Lind.Knitted sweater: ‘Noah’’. COS gender fluid collection. €200. Wool sweater: ‘Jane’. COS Gender fluid collection. €250

t so worried that she would get in troushe would get hurt. Not physically, by

ck then, I didn’t really know it was a thing‘

Gender Fluid Collection


THE MINISITE This minisite

is reserved for the Gender

Fluid Collection, as an initiative besides COS own website. The objective of this platform is to create a space where the COS team can share the valueble information they all have collected during the experience. Moreover, this minsite will share behind the scenes articles as well as important stories around the subject. We believe that nothing is greater than sharing about our learnings. By that, COS can lead the way to a more inclusive world!

COS magazine


Interviews Inspiration Fashion

Gender Fluid Collection


REFERENCES INTERNET SOURCES Budds, D. (2016). The Secret To COS’s Inspired Minimalism. Fast Company. Available from: (Accessed 14 Jan 2019) H&M. (2019). About us. H&M. Available from: (Accessed 14 Jan 2019) Independent. (2018). Available from: cos-thoroughly-modern-minimalism-7834566.html (Accessed 20 Noverber 2018) SonicJMC. (2007). Gender fluid. Urban Dictionary. Available from: https://www.urbandictionary. com/define.php?term=gender%20fluid (Accessed 31 nov 2018) McNamara, B. (2017). Ruby Rose Talks About Coming Out, Being Gender Fluid. Teen Vogue. Available from: (Accessed 30 january 2019)

PICTURES page 1-3 Louise LInder. (2018). Models. Louise Linder. (Accessed 25 November 2018) page 5. COS. (2018). Interior. COS. Available from: (Accessed 20 November 2018) page 6-9 Louise LInder. (2018). Models. Louise Linder. (Accessed 25 No-

vember 2018) page 10/11. Pinterest. (2019). Pinterest. Available from: (Accessed 14 January 2019) Marble, J. (2019). Photos. Available from: (Accessed 15 January 2019) COS. (2018). Interior. COS. Available from: (Accessed 20 November 2018) page 12. Pinterest. (2019). Pinterest. Available from: (Accessed 14 January 2019) page 14/15. Newton, T. (2019). The Cool, Casual Pink Lip. Into the gloss. Available from: (Accessed 13 January 2019) Flanelle. (2019). TOP 10 ANDROGYNOUS MODELS. Flanelle. Available from: (Accessed 13 Janiuary 2019) Pinterest. (2019). Pinterest. Available from: (Accessed 14 January 2019) Gutierrez, G. (2016). This Androgynous Model Makes the Case for Gender Fluidity. Preview. Available from: (Accessed 12 January 2019) Hill,R. (2019). Arta Chic. Available from: (Accessed 20 of December 2019) page 16/17. Correia, E. (no date). 80S MAKE UP: BLOCOS DE CORES NOS OLHOS SÃO O PRÓXIMO TREND DE MAQUIAGEM . Desfilei. Available from: (Accessed 20 November 2018) Pinterest. (2019). Pinterest. Available from:

(Accessed 14 January 2019) page 18/19. Newton, T. (2019). The Cool, Casual Pink Lip. Into the gloss. Available from: (Accessed 13 January 2019) page 20-23 Newton, T. (2019). The Cool, Casual Pink Lip. Into the gloss. Available from: (Accessed 13 January 2019) page 25-27 Louise LInder. (2018). Models. Louise Linder. (Accessed 25 November 2018) page 28/29 (2018). Swimming pool. Available from: maintenance/testing-the-water/pool-care-basics (Accessed 26 December 2018) Newton, T. (2019). The Cool, Casual Pink Lip. Into the gloss. Available from: (Accessed 13 January 2019) page 31 (2015). Vanity teen. Available from: (Accessed 05 November 2018)


Hanna Linnea Olsson Instituto Europeo di Design BA Fashion marketing & communication Level 5, 2018-2019 CWK1 5FAMK003C Visual and video techniques Teacher: Nicolas Godon

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