The Lost Dog (Initial Draft)

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g o D t s o L e Th Aubree Antosch Hanna Raczek


he Lewis family lived in the small town of Riverdale. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis had two kids named Kyla and Kaden. The Lewis family had recently added a new member into their family. She was a Dalmatian named Sammy. One day, Kyla and Kaden were playing fetch with Sammy. Kaden and Kyla were competing to see who could launch the ball the farthest. It was Kaden’s turn to throw. This throw was unlike any other. It seemed to go as high as the airplanes go. It passed two fences into a place where Sammy had never been. The young puppy was determined to find the ball and retrieve it for his owners.

fter scavenging for the ball for what seemed to be hours, Sammy was able to discover where the ball was. There was only one problem. Since Sammy had never been to this place before he had no idea how to get home. He decided he was going to ask some of his neighbors if they could show him where the Lewis family lived.


s Sammy was walking on the sidewalk, he noticed an ant. Sammy exclaimed to the ant,


“Hi, I don’t mean to bother you, but do you happen to know where the Lewis family lives? I’m lost and trying to find my way home.” “Why hello there, my name is Annie. I’m sorry, I do not know of this family you speak of, but my friend, Benny the Beaver, may be able to help you find your family. He lives in the pond two blocks down,” the ant replied. “Thank you very much for your help. I’m going to go find him right now.” Once Sammy reached the pond, he searched frantically for the beaver. Sammy wanted to be home with his family. He spotted the beaver immediately and pranced over to him, but he also noticed that there was a crocodile talking to the beaver himself. Sammy interrupted, “Good day, sir. My name is Sammy. I don’t mean to interrupt your conversation. Your friend Annie the ant sent me. I need your help. Do either of you happen to know where the Lewis family house is?” The beaver responded, “It is not a problem my little pup. My name is Benny and this is my friend Carla the Crocodile. I am sorry to say, but I am unaware of where the Lewis family resides. Two of my friends at the zoo nearby may know where they live. Their names are Dana and Elsa.” Sammy sighed, “Thank you for your help. I am going to head over to the zoo right now.”

ammy stomped his way over to the nearby zoo. He was in search of Dana and Elsa. He was sure that Dana was a dolphin and Elsa was an elephant. He remembered Kyla mentioning that their exhibits were right next to each other. Soon, Sammy was able to locate them. He knocked on the glass of Dana the dolphin’s tank.


“Excuse me, my name is Sammy. I’m looking for my home, it’s where Kyla Lewis lives. I knew she came to visit you and Elsa last week. Would you happen to know where they live?” “Oh hello! I love visitors. Unfortunately, I do not know where Kyla lives, but she was a very nice girl. It looks like Elsa is sleeping, too. She wouldn’t know where the Lewis family lives either. Oh, I bet Fiona the Fox knows! Her exhibit is just around the corner! Good luck!” Sammy made his way over to the fox exhibit. He met with Fiona the Fox, but she still didn’t know where the Lewis family lived. Fiona told him to ask the Gina the Gorilla and Hector the Hyena, but neither of them could help Sammy find his way back to his owners. Sammy was starting to lose hope. All of a sudden, he noticed an iguana crawling on the sidewalk next to him. “Hello! My name is Sammy, and I’m looking for my family. Would you happen to know the Lewis family?” “Why hello there! My name’s Izzy. I don’t think I have ever heard of that family. I’m sorry, but the jaguar around the corner may be able to help you out!”

ammy was going to talk to anyone that might be able to help him find his way back to the Lewis’s. Sammy walked slowly up to the jaguar’s cage and whispered,


“Good afternoon, my name is Sammy. I’m looking for the Lewis family, have you met them before?” “Good afternoon, my young Dalmatian. I wish I could help you find your family, but I have met so many families that I wouldn’t be able to remember if I had met them or not. My friend, Kevin the Kangaroo, would be able to help you. I hope you find your family!” The puppy walked over to meet Kevin, hoping he would finally lead him back to his family. “Hi Kevin! I’m Sammy. Do you happen to know the Lewis family and where they live?!” Sammy screamed. “Well hello there! I do know the Lewis family, especially Kaden. He always leaves me the best presents. Sadly, I have never heard them mention where they live. I’m sorry I was of no help to you. My friend Leonard the Lion may know where they live, but I know he’s sleeping in his cave at the moment. Good luck with your search, Sammy!” mentioned the kangaroo.

ammy wandered around the zoo for a little while longer. Sammy had a new idea. He knew that there was an exhibit full of North American animals that Kyla and Kaden’s parents liked to look at! He was sure they would know where the Lewis family lived. Sammy headed over to the exhibit. He met Mason the Moose, Nina the North American porcupine, and Oliver the Owl. Unfortunately, none of these animals knew where Sammy’s family lived. However, they told Sammy that some of the birds may know where his family lived.


The Dalmatian was very eager to get home. He was excited to meet with Perry the Peacock and Quinn the Quail, in order to get the address of where his home was. He was sure that his family was worried sick about where he was. “Hi guys! I’m Sammy!” Sammy said. “Why it’s a Dalmatian! My name is Perry and this is my friend, Quinn,” the peacock responded. “Nice to meet you both! Would you happen to know of the Lewis family? They’re my family and I’m trying to find them.” “We are sorry, young one. We do not know of this Lewis family, but if we can help you in any way, please come back and find us!”

ammy was very thankful that all the animals he had encountered were friendly to him, but he was very frustrated. All he wanted was to be at home with his family. He decided he was going to go into a nearby woods to see if any of the woodland creatures would be able to lead him back to the Lewis house.


While in the forest, Sammy came across a raccoon named Rascal and a skunk named Stella. Neither of them could tell Sammy where the Lewis family lived, but directed him to a tortoise named Ted, who lived just outside of the woods. Sammy confronted the tortoise. “Good evening, Ted. I’m Sammy! My friends Rascal and Stella told me you may be able to tell me where Kaden and Kyla Lewis live.” “Why hello, Sammy! I’ve always wanted to meet a Dalmatian. If I knew where they lived, I would take you there as soon as I could, but I am unaware of where those people live.” As Sammy was leaving the forest, he heard a rustling in the woods. It happened to be a squirrel. He thought to himself, why not ask this little animal if he could direct him home? Sammy would do anything to be back with the Lewis family. He met Unity the squirrel, but she wasn’t able to help him find his way home, either.

s the young Dalmatian was walking on the edge of the woods, he noticed a vulture sitting on the side of the street, and pondered if he should ask the vulture if he knew how to find the Lewis house. He approached the vulture saying,


“Hello, my name is Sammy, is it possible that you know who the Lewis family is?” “Hi Sammy, I’m Vanessa. I can say I’ve flown over their house a few times, but I do not know where they actually live. I’m sorry I couldn’t assist you.” The young Dalmatian was about to leave the woods when he heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. He decided to wander and see if it was another animal that could help him. As he wandered more, he found that it was a wolf. He immediately ran for the street, but then he heard the wolf murmur, “Come back! Is there something that I can help you with?” “Yes… Yes there is. Is it possible that you may know where the Lewis family lives?” “First, let me introduce myself. My name is Wanda. Unfortunately, I do not know where the Lewis family lives, but it was very nice to meet you!”

ammy was very close to giving up, but he kept thinking how happy he would be when he found his owners, again. He decided to check the zoo one more time to see if any of the animals knew where he could find his family. He walked into the zoo and was able to find an ox and a yak in the same exhibit. He talked to Xavier the Ox and Yoshi the Yak. Sadly, neither of them could help Sammy find his home.


Sammy ran into one more animal at the zoo. It was a zebra. He walked up next to the zebra and rattled on his cage. Sammy begged, “Excuse me! Is there any way you can help me out?” The zebra replied, “I’m Zoe! I would love to help you out, what can I do for you?” Sammy responded, “Is there any possible way that you know where the Lewis family lives?” Zoe exclaimed, “I really wish I could bring you back to your family, but I really do not know which way to direct you. I’m sorry.” Sammy thanked her and then proceeded to go back out on the road, determined to find his way home.

ammy was running out of people to ask. He had asked every animal of the alphabet. He had nowhere to turn, until he saw a cat on the road. This cat looked lonely and Sammy wanted to help out this cat. He walked up to the cat and introduced himself saying,


“Hi, you look lost. My name is Sammy. What is your name?” The cat whispered, “Hi, my name is Lucky. I lost my family a week ago. I’ve been looking everywhere for them, but I haven’t been able to find them. What are you doing out here?” Sammy replied, shocked, “I lost my family early this morning and have asked every animal in the town.” Lucky responded, “What does your family look like? I saw a family earlier today at the grocery store hanging up posters looking for a dog. Now that I think about it, the dog was a Dalmatian, just like you!” Sammy quickly exclaimed, “Can you take me to the grocery store right now? I’ve been looking forward to seeing them for over a day!” Sammy and Lucky ran to the grocery store in order to see if the Lewis family was still there hanging up the signs. As soon as the two reached the grocery store, Sammy immediately saw Kaden and Kyla. Sammy sprinted to go see both of them. Kaden and Kyla were overjoyed to see Sammy.

s Sammy was being greeted by his owners, he noticed that Lucky was very lonely. He got Kyla’s attention and looked over towards Lucky. At this point, Kyla was convinced that Sammy wanted Lucky to join their family. She turned to her mom.


“Mom, I think Sammy wants his little friend to join our family. Please! Can he come live with us?! He did bring Sammy back here to find us!” Mrs. Lewis replied, “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to have a new member of our family, would it?” Kyla screamed, “THANK YOU MOM!” Sammy jogged over to Lucky and asked, “Would you like to come live with us, Lucky?” Lucky said, “I would love to be welcomed into your family! Thank you so much, Sammy!”

ammy and Lucky hopped in the car with the Lewis family. They drove home, where Sammy was reunited with his family and Lucky was welcomed into his new home.


This book was produced at St. Norbert College, De Pere, WI in November of 2014. It is typeset in 12-point Constantia with 12-point British Museum and Noteworthy, and it was printed at the St. Norbert print center. Original illustrations were created with pencil and digitally colored and textured. Backgrounds were digitally created.

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