*This Logo was designed by me in my first year as an architecture student. It resembles my 3 initials in English The H the S and the Q as well as my first name in Arabic, my mother tongue.
Jan. 2015
Persönliche Daten Name: Anschrift: Telefon: E-Mail: Geburtsdatum: Geburtsort: Familienstand: Staatsangehörigkeit:
Hanna Samir Qubti Würzburg, Peter-Schneider-Straße 3 017625472363 hannaqubti@gmail.com 12 April 1992 Amman, Jordanien Ledig Jordanisch
09/2010 bis 06/2014 Architecture an der GJU (Deutsche Jordanishe Hochschule) 09/2014 bis 03/2015 Architecture an der FHWS (Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt)
Schule Studium:
2008 bis 2010 Philadelphia Schule, Amman, HKJ. 2006 bis 2008 Orbit Int Schule, Khubar, KSA. 2002 bis 2006 College Terra Sansta, Amman, HKJ. 1998 bis 2002 College De Lasalle , Amman, HKJ.
Berufliche Tätigkeit Sommer 2014
Praktikant für 7 Wochen bei Turath Architekturbüro. Amman, Jordanien Aufgaben: Hilfe bei der Gestaltung eines Besucherzentrums in Al Shomari Naturreservat Standort In Al Azraq, Jordanien
Kenntnisse, fähigkeiten und Anderen Fremdsprachen:
Arabish Englisch Deutsch Französisch
Muttersprache Fließend IGCSEs O und A levels Gut kenntnisse in Wort und Schrift (B1) Konversationsniveau
EDV Kenntnisse:
AutoCAD Revit Illustrator Photoshop Google SketchUp MS-Office Vectorworks
Exzellent Exzellent Gute Kenntnisse Gute Kenntnisse Gute Kenntnisse Exzellent in Word, Excel und PowerPoint. Grundkenntnisse (löschen)
Tennis, Basketball, Bogenschießen, Lesen,Schwimmen und Fotografie
Al Weibdeh a district known for its high cultural status and home to some of Amman’s old elite families. The residential building chosen for adaptation and reuse is one of its oldest apartments building and probably the first of its kind. A beautiful building that I consider myself lucky to work on it and adapting and reusing it as a boutique hotel. The idea of the boutique hotel came from the site itself. When I realized how rich the surrounding area is with history and culture.. And when I entered the building that dates back to the 1960s I had an overwhelming feeling of opulence and luxury and thus I came up with the concept of adapting my building into a one of a kind boutique hotel in the heart of Al Weibdeh.
UP ---
Second Floor (Before) 1:200
Second Floor (After) 1:100 -
Fifth Floor (The Restaurant) 1:100
Section A-A (After) 1:100
Section B-B (After) 1:100
Section A-A (Before) 1:200
Section B-B (Before) 1:200
South West 3D (Before) South East 3D (Before)
South West 3D (After)
South East 3D (After)
West Elevation (Before)
South Elevation (before)
West Elevation (After)
South Elevation (After)
Projects Done at the FHSW. A dancing ballet school and A private house for An imaginary couple.