2 minute read
from Han Li - Portfolio
by Hannes4869
Urban Planning Competition
Pujiang County Planning
Sep, 2021 -- Nov, 2021
Pujiang, Chengdu
In this competition, I am mainly responsible for the following parts. 1, the design of the part of office building, including the build of revit model and drawings. 2, the partly plan of the landscape. 3, the analyse of the system of sponge city. 4, the drawings of diagrams.
Project Description
The aim of the futuristic urban design is to develop a strong urban pattern with a memorable design analogy in order to create a distinguishing indentity for Pujiang New Town and its Citizen. What I showed in this portfolio are my works in the first phase of the competition.
With the future transformation of the agricultural wetland and following urbanization into a business and commercial zone, a unique waterpark with recreational attractions and cultural activities will become a new gathering place for visitors as well as employees of high-class start-up companies. The Pujiang Citizen Center will be a new vibrant area space within Pujiang New Town.
Concept Generation
Water AreasBuildings
Traffic City Scale
Pedestrians Plaza
Pedestrians Bridge
Pedestrians Shoreline
Pedestrians Offices
The pedestrian circulation for Pujiang New Town is of special interest. The site with its spacious plazas is mostly reserved for pedestrians. Therefore the connecting skywalks are carefully arranged, separating pedestrians from vehicular traffic and connecting various attractions inside the waterpark within short walking distances.
Apparently formed by the water the smoothly curved building ensemble are offering interesting perspectives from different angles.
According the urban genesis all building complexes within the southern plots are placed along the main roads, creating an urban appearance along the streets.
Building Heights
The main road system is deÞned by the main existing trafÞc arteries in east-west direction. The secondary street grid in both directions connects the development zone with the surrounding.
The user reaches the parking garage conveniently from the south and east. From there, the visitor can reach the cores of the office buildings and have direct access to either the shopping podiums or the high rise office buildings.
Rescue ways
The office space designed for the modern company headquarters are placed in a block structure. In combination with the park quality of the main green axis. These ofÞces have a very high quality that gives clients and visitors a very welcome feeling. Each group of headquarter offices and ofÞces for start-up companies has its own characteristic appearance and architectural features. Such intelligent and distinct business identiÞcation will attract prestigious companies.
Sponge City
All stormwater is caught at Þrst point of contact, detained, cleansed and either reused (either in buildings or for irrigation) or sent with a controlled outßow into the municipal system. This ‘treat at Þrst point of contact’ approach means that the development is 100% protected against the effects of localized flooding because stormwater management is conceptualized from the beginning. Sponge City is only possible by the clever integration of blue-green-grey infrastructure tools – from green roofs, rai n gardens, permeable pavement, cisterns and swales to larger underground storage elements. Our tested toolkit of InÞltration, Retention, Detention, Cleansing, Reuse, and Controlled Drainage
Tools – verified through multiple highlight projects in China – form an infrastructure safety barrier that is also integrated in the open space design
• Sponge City concept focuses on the use of six key elements:
• InÞltration
• Retention
• Detention and Cleansing
• Reuse
• Drainage
• All park spaces have a natural inÞltration zone for retaining /cleansing
• Detention also occurs in the water bodies
• Reuse is for each block, where water is decentrally caught, stored, treated and reused on site
• Drainage follows natural topography, firstly cleansed prior to entering the river or municipal pipe system
Green Areas, Wetland
Greem Roof(Retain)
Blue Roof(Collect)
Permeable Paving
Rain Gardens &Tree Pit
Water Channel
Cleaning Biotope
Water Storage + Plaza
Blue Super Tree
Green Super Tree
Surface Transport, Water Feature Use