Dolce World #20

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HRD Awards 2015 “A la Carte” - Celine Roelens, Asparagulicious, Head Ornament Diamonds: K.R.I.S Diamonds - Jewel: Juwelen Roelens - Setting: Giomio & Orver - Photo: D.B. Woodrow

volume 20 | £ 7.99 Printed in Belgium



CLAEYS VERLICHTING exclusive and timeless designs Showroom Avelgem I T + 32 56 64 48 40 TOM CLAEYS,


Vincent Van Quickenborne

Source of finesse and enjoyment

Dear reader,

Where can you find the best that Flanders has

That brings us to a second source of finesse

to offer? Where does the gourmet find the

and enjoyment: Dolce Magazine. Once again

cream of the crop? Where can the connoisseur

the writers let you discover new flavours and

of fine pleasures rejoice?

delicacies. Isabel Boons, a trendspotter from Kortrijk, has already identified the successor

For starters, you can come to Kortrijk. Imagine

of the gin-tonic: vermouth. She wrote a nice

yourself walking along with me through the

guide about it, together with Ilse Duponcheel.

streets of Kortrijk. We start at jewellery Bru

Let yourself be blown away by the very diverse

Caro, where we can choose a beautiful jewel.

flavour palette of this drink in all its forms. But

On the edge of the Béguinage we compare the

from 7 until 15 november you don’t have to

flavours of two sublime local gins on the patio

choose. You can get to know all of the above

of Gastrobar Gust above the star restaurant

and more on one fair: Classic Event in Kortrijk

Table d’Amis . Do you prefer the citrus flavour

Xpo. It’s all explained to you in full detail further

of the Copperhead or are you more into the

on. All of the best that Kortrijk, Dolce and the

spicy Blind Tiger?

rest of Flanders has to offer in one exclusive event.

After that we can pick out a unique designer

We’ll see each other there!

piece in one of the many shops that honour Kortrijk’s international name as a city of interior design. Along the way we come to

Vincent Van Quickenborne,

rest in coffee house Viva Sara, where creating

Mayor of the city of Kortrijk

coffee and dessert has been turned into an art. Hedonism at its finest! We end our day in one of the many top restaurants in Kortrijk. You can read an excellent piece on one of the best, Taste and Colours, in this magazine.




Inspiring food matching with 1865 wine Maurice de Jaeger cooking with Rougié About 2 years ago the well-known Velvet Lounge was transformed into Umami ‘Contemporary Asian Cuisine’. A good decision because the ‘Asian style’ restaurant is always packed, and has foie gras already received two mentions in Gault & Millau and in the Michelin Guide. Early May a new culinary Walhalla opened its doors in the Smedenstraat in Knokke. Brasa, Contemporary Grill Cuisine, is the brainchild of Cuines 33 located in the same street.

116 The delightful lightness of lunch


Symbiosis between pure flavours and playfulness Dirkjan Decock certainly did not walk along the well-trodden path to the stove of Taste

It is not only the light, delicious dishes prepared

and Colours. For years he was active in food

by Kenneth which attract the diners, it is also the

consultancy to companies. Step by step, this

fabulous backdrop which makes people come

grew into organising his own cooking work-

back time and again.

shops and teambuilding activities, where he also inspired others with his passion for pure flavours.

Responsible editor // Jan De Kimpe // // Sharkin Invest bvba // Editorial office // Abelendreef 11 - 8300 Knokke-Heist // // // Collaborators // Jan Agten // Michel Alexandre // Katia Belloy // Isabel Boons // Michael De Lausnay // France Gavroy // Stefanie Geerts // Eline Haesel // Christophe Lambert // Peyo Lissarrague // Sam Paret // Henk Van Nieuwenhove // Wouter Van Vooren // Peter Verplancke // Lay-out // Hannibal - // Print // Antilope Printing nv - // To subscribe to DOLCE Magazine or DOLCE Club please contact Partner Press on 02/556 41 40 or

Nothing from this edition can be copied without permission from the responsible editor. // The editor is not responsible for any consequences from implementing the recipes.



10-day event full of experiences After a successful edition of the revamped ClassicA to Classic-Event in 2013 Kortrijk Xpo is once again opening its doors for this luxury event. From 7 to 15 November Kortrijk Xpo will be the stage for art, arts de vivre, luxury and culinary art.



Les Pieds dans le Plat with Molteni

While we were all drinking gin and tonic, vermouth was planning its comeback

“A Molteni is a dream, a precious gem. I love it

In trendsetting metropolises like Barcelona, New York and London this is yesterday’s news, but

and as I like to take my precautions, I have two

here with us, vermouth is given a spot on the menu in hip bars and restaurants more and more

Molteni ovens.”



When art and gastronomy meet ‘by accident’ ... Si Versailles Restaurant is located in the heart of the Zoute on the Zeedijk, surrounded by world renowned art galleries. As a consequence, gallery owners and spirited art lovers regularly frequent the restaurant. Ronny Van de Velde and his wife Jessy are hooked on the cuisine of chef Laurent Willemarck and his team.


We not only create dreams, we build the future! Outdoor living is an experience which knows no seasons. Meubili provides you with a top quality outdoor experience and sells furniture of high quality with innovative materials and a timeless design.



The Nectar

The Nectar introduces: Erasmus Bond Traditional Tonic Because premium gin deserves a premium tonic! Text: Isabel Boons | Photos: Didier Van Dooren

The emergence of sophisticated and more aromatic types of gin logically requires mixers of another level. During the last few years, a new generation of tonics - of course aimed at the perfect pairing with gin - have been making their way onto the market. Call it a welcome addition to the market because these tonics are able to lift the iconic long drink to a higher level. Erasmus Bond, a creation of The Nectar, is the perfect example of such a premium mixer which does real justice to gin. With Erasmus Bond The Nectar brings onto the market three different tonics: classic, dry and botanical.

A little bit of history

was the British occupiers in India who masked

enjoy top quality. And that is just what Erasmus

Just like gin, tonic sees the light of day as a

the bitter taste with sugar and diluted it with

Bond Tonic does!

medicine. The legend takes us back to Peru in

water. Soldiers and their commanders received

the 17th century. Duchess Ana de Osorio del

a daily dose of the medicine. It did not take

Each with their own signature

Chinchón suffered from one of the worst forms

long for someone to come up with the idea of

With the aim of wanting to offer added value

of the life-threatening disease malaria. Her

mixing it with gin, giving the drink the spark it

in the extensive gin market, The Nectar

husband - we’ll spare you his unpronounceable

needed to become a perpetual success!

developed 3 different types of Erasmus Bond tonics, each with their own aroma, flavour and

name - was at his wits end and he begged the local medicine man to cure his wife from ‘the

And then there was Erasmus Bond

fever’. The medicine man, in a generous mood,

It is the clever British businessman Erasmus

gave her a mysterious beverage to drink which

Bond who noticed a trend among the British

Erasmus Bond Classic Tonic

he made using the bark of the indigenous

soldiers and their commanders. He produced

A tonic as it should be and the perfect ally of a

“Cinchona” tree. The duchess healed in a

the first commercial tonic in 1858: “improved

typical London Dry. But also perfect combined

miraculous way. Duchess Ana was nursed back

aerated tonic liquid”. His invention was first

with more sophisticated gins like Citadelle,

to health and returned to her estate in Spain,

seen as a product to improve health, but it

Bombay Sapphire, Tanqueray 10 of Rangpur,

taking humongous quantities of the healing

didn’t take long before this first tonic was

Hendricks and Forest Spring. The tonic starts

bark with her. The magical substance - which

moved from the medicine cabinet to the

with a classic blend of citrus, elderflower and

we now know as quinine - soon became famous

drinks bar. The “Erasmus Bond” tonic pays

a hint of quinine. The velvety texture in the

all over Europe. Nowadays quinine is used to

homage, in other words, to the man who,

mouth is dominated by liquorice, cassia bark

prevent as well as to heal malaria. During the

in 1858, combined quinine with a whole raft

and lemon peel, followed by the quinine.

colonisations, malaria was very common in the

of other flavourings and turned it into tonic

tropics, and quinine was very much in demand.

water. But Erasmus Bond Tonic also meets the

Erasmus Bond Dry Tonic

Its bitter taste nearly ‘spoiled its fame’ but it

high requirements consumers have in order to

This version was created to hold its own in the



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