Dolce World #21

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volume 21 | ÂŁ 7.99 Printed in Belgium


and its Gastronomy Pavilion An exceptional show with passionate chefs

© Paulina Jakobiec


Sang-Hoon DEGEIMBRE L’air du temps

Olivier BOURGUIGNON D’Arville

Mario ELIAS Le Cor de chasse

Jauffrey MAUVIGNEY Traiteur Mauvigney

Dimitri SALMON La Dacquoise

Jean-Yves WILMOT Pâtisserie Wilmot

Luc BROUTARD La table du boucher

Philippe FAUCHET Philippe Fauchet

Arabelle MEIRLAEN Arabelle Meirlaen

Jean-Baptiste THOMAES Château du Mylord

Olivier BAUCHE La Gloriette

Patrick CELEGHIN Traiteur Paulus

Pascal FAUVILLE A Table

Olivier METZGER Metzger frères

Thomas TROUPIN La Menuiserie

Tien-chin CHI L’Esprit Bouddha

Eric MARTIN Lemonnier

Clément PETITJEAN La Grappe d’Or

Ludovic VANACKERE Atelier de bossimé

Jean-Philippe DARCIS Darcis

René MATHIEU La Distillerie

Pierre RÉSIMONT L’Eau vive

Martin VOLKAERTS L’Amandier

© Renaud Khanh

With the participation of

( chef du Restaurant Gastronomie )

Jean-François PIÈGE Le Grand Restaurant ( PARIS ) A show animated by

Philippe LIMBOURG Gault&Millau

Pierr VICINI best wine waiter of Belgium 1990


M A R C H E - E N - F A M E N N E

Ilse Duponcheel

5 years of intense passion would not have achieved this much and be

Of course there is also the photo gallery of

where we are today. I am also very grateful

10 days gastronomy and lifestyle at Classic-

for life’s lessons under the slogan “What does

Event, unique in Belgium and the perfect

not kill you makes you stronger ...”

example of what Dolce Events stands for.

I’m glad you belong to our community

The Dolce’s Pétanque Trophy too, promises

and that you are still prepared to take up

to be bigger and more international this year.

the challenge to turn Dolce into a great

The empowerment of the Mastercooks will


undoubtedly turn this into a unique event

What exactly Dolce World stands for and

once again.

where we are going, you’ll find out in this issue. A glimpse of what is to come? Dolce

Dolce also means culinary enjoyment even

World started as a passion and will grow

across our country’s borders. Apart from

further from that passion.

tailor-made gastronomic trips, you can discover culinary Budapest together with

It is no coincidence that our cover is a picture

us in 2016. Not only will we go in search of

of fire. Peter De Clerck is not only passionate

some real culinary gems, but we will also be

about fire, his perseverance and passion is a

cheering on the Belgian participant for the

great example for the Belgian gastronomy.

Bocuse d’ Or, Peter Aesaert.

Together with top photographer Henk van

What’s more, our vermouth experiences

Cauwenbergh Peter is working on a book

will be enhanced in glorious San Sebastian

with as theme ‘fire’. You can read all about it

during Gastronomika. Our annual trip picking

in this magazine.

olives will bring us once again to our partner Vale de Arca this year.

It has finally come, Dolce is 5…

We are also taking you to Galerie Berko in

All that remains is for me to wish you a

5 years which Jan and myself see as a

Knokke, looking for Chinese art with the

creative, passionate and enterprising year.

learning curve, a base from which to start

Kunstbroeders and we are cooking with

Enjoy yourself frequently and may our paths

building Dolce into a real “World”. After

Lieven Lootens behind the Molteni cooker at

cross multiple times in 2016!

5 years of learning and adjusting, today, Dolce

’t Aards Paradijs. Ilse

has grown up. We are on the eve of the real Dolce work, something we would not have

Next we challenge you with some recipes

achieved without our partners, ambassadors,

by Peter Goossens and his comrades and

gourmets and employees.

we have you savouring the dishes of Fabrice Vuillemin in his one-man restaurant Bel-

First and foremost I want to thank all those


who contributed. It impossible to mention

Belgocatering grows nutritious produce with

them all by name, but without all of you we

Urban Crops.



73 Unique book with fire in the lead… They only met recently, but straight away they got on like a house on fire. And it did not take long for them to come up with a joint project! Both passionate about what they do, they are now bundling their talents in the creation of a new book which puts fire centre stage.

No Frills Running a restaurant all alone is probably unique in Belgium, but Fabrice Vuillemin does it with great verve. Today, Fabrice is cooking for us with gourmet prawn crackers from Didess, pasta by Altoni and he uses Viva Sara’s Mademoiselle tea in his panna cotta.

88 Enjoy gastronomic Budapest On 10 and 11 May, 20 talented chefs from all over Europe will be taking part in the European final


of Bocuse d’Or in Budapest. 12 of them can get a ticket to the world finals in 2017 in Lyon. Belgium is sending top chef Peter Asaert (Belgocatering)

Visiting Belgians abroad in Fuerteventura

to Budapest in order for him to defend our national honour.

During a journey of culinary discoveries on Fuerteventura, part of the Canary Islands, Ilse and Jan are assisted by Annette Colignon. This surfer’s paradise, more specifically the fishing village of El Cotillo, is home to this cheery lady.

Responsible editor // Jan De Kimpe // // Sharkin Invest bvba // Editorial office // Abelendreef 11 - 8300 Knokke-Heist // // // Collaborators // Jan Agten // Michel Alexandre // Isabel Boons // Michael De Lausnay // France Gavroy // Stefanie Geerts // Christophe Lambert // Peyo Lissarrague // Sam Paret // Henk Van Nieuwenhove // Wouter Van Vooren // Peter Verplancke // Wendy Huyghebaert // Lay-out // Hannibal - // Print // Antilope Printing nv - // To subscribe to DOLCE Magazine or DOLCE Club please contact Partner Press on 02/556 41 40 or

Nothing from this edition can be copied without permission from the responsible editor. // The editor is not responsible for any consequences from implementing the recipes.


43 A culinary trip with you as most important participant What would happen when you bring together a creative mind and an experienced entrepreneur? Fireworks! Exactly! Ilse Duponcheel and partner Jan De Kimpe found each other via a common denominator, i.e. a passion for gastronomy.


Cheese triumvirate provides unparalleled quality and service It’s been six years since Meester-Kaasrijpers Callebaut-Vanhaver opened their shop at the

38 Gastronomy is just as important as art Galerie Berko and Knokke-Heist are very often mentioned in the same breath. This renowned gallery in Zoute specialises mainly in 19th century European paintings.


Markt in Oudenaarde with a range of more

This is China

than 300 cheeses ripened to perfection. The

Galerie Kunstbroeders located in Weverssingel,

ripening has been taking place in a warehouse

Amersfoort can look back on a flying start. With

in the industrial zone Meersbloem-Melden since

a collection of contemporary Chinese artists, the


gallery has already made quite a name for itself in the art world. Meet ‘This is China!’

70 Vertical farming in Medialaan! Imagine ... The most crisp lettuce, basil leaves as big as your hand or the most exotic herbs anytime, anywhere within hand’s reach. Undoubtedly, the utopia of many a chef. But this does not have to remain a dream for much longer, because the Flemish Urban Crops are about to start a revolution in agriculture, and in the kitchen too.




Cheese triumvirate provides unparalleled quality and service Meester-Kaasrijpers Callebaut-Vanhaver are relocating and expanding their hospitality clients Text: Isabel Boons | Photos: Jan Agten

We hardly need to introduce them to you, Nathalie Vanhaver and Luc Callebaut… The couple from Oudenaarde with an unbridled passion for cheese. A passion which is also the leitmotif of their lives. March 2016 heralds a new chapter in their ‘cheese story’. The shop will be relocated from the Markt in Oudenaarde to Burg 14, a side street just round the corner. The ripening rooms have already been moved to the industrial zone Meersbloem-Melden 46 in Oudenaarde. Dolce took a look and met Petra Van Canneyt, responsible for looking after the hospitality clients, who is, just like Nathalie and Luc, obsessed with cheese…

Meester-Kaasrijpers Callebaut-Vanhaver are

ripening, and we can now put the cheeses with

property”, says Luc. “As luck has it, once we


the same conditions for ripening together in a

decided to start looking we found something

It’s been six years since Meester-Kaasrijpers

cell which is set to those particular conditions.

really quickly, just round the corner, with living

Callebaut-Vanhaver opened their shop at the

More space also means more freedom,

quarters included. Although the shop will be

Markt in Oudenaarde with a range of more

allowing us to place certain cheeses, by way of

smaller, it will be much more intimate.”

than 300 cheeses ripened to perfection. The

test, into another room. This provides us with

ripening has been taking place in a warehouse

new and sometimes surprising results”, says

“Moreover we are introducing a whole new way

in the industrial zone Meersbloem-Melden

Nathalie Vanhaver enthusiastically.

of selling”, adds Nathalie. A first for Belgium

since November. “Before that, the ripening

whereby the cheeses will be displayed against

rooms were behind the shop, but because

Completely new concept

the wall and the customers will be standing

we have bought new premises to move into,

As of the end of March (Easter weekend)

next to me. There will no longer be a counter

we needed somewhere to house the ripening



between the client and the seller, which will

rooms too. Moreover, we now have 4 ripening

will be trading from Burg 14. Why we looked

make the interaction and communication so

rooms instead of just the 2. And that makes a

for new premises? First of all because we

much more pleasant.”

big difference. Every cheese has its own way of

are renting here, and we wanted to own our


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