Hanu Reddy Residences Poes Garden & Wallace Garden
A n E xclu s ive Ve nue fo r a n E le g a n t , In t im a te
Weddi ng
E x p e r ie nce in C he nn a i
Hanu Reddy Residences Po e s Ga rde n & Wal l ace Garde n
If Marriages are made in Heaven, then you should have an equally befitting place to celebrate them. Our Residences are the perfect locations to accommodate your wedding guests and family for your special day.
“ We had taken the Hanu Reddy Residences in Poes Garden for my daughter’s wedding. It was really a home away from home experience for the guests. They were looked after very well, the food was really good and the staff were excellent. The rooms were very clean and comfortable.” - Ms. Ashmi, Chennai
Im a g ine the op p or tuni t y for all yo ur c lo s est fr iend s and famil y
s p end
t ime
b ond to ge ther in a p e ace f ul, tranquil env ironment . Unlike tradi t ion al ho tels , o ur v ill a s g ive yo u a fe eling o f comfor t and home w hile st ill prov iding qu ali t y accommo d at ion. Yo u c an pl an yo ur g uest s stay from b e g inning to end and we h ave the unique f lexibilit y o f m a k ing s ure e ach g uest is attende d to and all the ir re quirement s me t . For l ar ger par t ies , mul t iple b ungalow s c an b e b o oke d to ge ther due to the ir l ar ge central co ur t yard. T his co ur t yard c an accommod ate 200-250 p e ople.
Couples can plan some of their intimate wedding events in our tree top, terrace gardens, our one of a kind amphitheater open space, and our large private courtyards surrounded by lush, canopies of trees.
Engagement ceremonies and Sangeets can be conducted in our large hall.
“We had approximately 60 guests at one time for our pre-wedding held on the roof terrace, a comfortable area for entertaining people.� - Mr. Anant Mistry, UK
Brides can enjoy an outdoor, terrace Mehndi Ceremony in the company of her best friends.
Our canvas allows couples to create a highly unique and personalized Wedding Experience. One that will be unforgettable.
Make an appointment to visit us
Hanu Reddy Residences
Contact Us Hanu Reddy Residences Wallace Garden No. 6A/24, Wallace Garden, 3rd Street, Chennai 600006, India. Phone: +91 9962755823, +91 9841015633 + 91 98843 53894 Hanu Reddy Residences Poes Garden No. 41/19, Poes Garden, Chennai 600086, India Phone: +91 9962755823, +91 9841015633 + 91 98843 53894 Email: reservations@hanureddyresidences.com
We look forward to seeing you
W W W. H A N U R E D D Y R E S I D E N C E S . C O M
Hanu Reddy Residences Wallace Garden No. 6A/24, Wallace Garden, 3rd Street, Chennai 600006, India. Phone: +91 9962755823, +91 9841015633 + 91 98843 53894
Poes Garden No. 41/19, Poes Garden, Chennai 600086, India Phone: +91 9962755823, +91 9841015633 + 91 98843 53894
Email: reservations@hanureddyresidences.com
W W W. H A N U R E D D Y R E S I D E N C E S . C O M