A Visual Exploration of the Circle - 1

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Copyright Š HAO All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording, or by any information and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author. www.sohjunhao.com Printed on Silencium Antique 115gsm paper. Published in 2010.

This is a project by where he explores and experiments with six of the circle’s core symbolism and it’s meanings. This study into the world of circles will experiment with the universal symbol’s geometric and symmetric forms, engaging the readers to re-interpret the circle in a contemporary approach. Often then not, the circle is depicted using long wordy descriptions. Ancient visuals sometimes accompany them but not always. Throughout this first book, the vector forms are rendered and executed according to the author’s interpretation of what the meanings visually translates to.
















Ifchase you

perfection, you

often catch

excellence William Fowble


In the first place, the circle is an expanded dot and shares its perfection. A circle with a dot at its centre depicts a complete cycle and cyclic perfection, the resolution of all possibilities in existence.


Furthermore the circle and the dot share certain symbolic properties, namely perfection, completeness and freedom from distinction or separation.


The circle is a universal symbol with extensive meaning. It represents the notions of totality, wholeness, original perfection, the Self, the infinite, eternity, timelessness, all cyclic movement. As the sun, it is masculine power; as the soul and as encircling waters, it is the feminine maternal principle. It implies an idea of movement, and symbolizes the cycle of time, the perpetual motion of everything that moves, the planets’ journey around the sun (the circle of the zodiac) and the great rhythm of the universe. The circle is also zero in our system of numbering, and symbolizes potential or the embryo. It has a magical value as a protective agent and indicates the end of the process of individuation of striving towards a psychic wholeness and self-realization.

If perfection is a pattern or shape in the modern era, the vector forms in earlier and later pages will depict the author’s explorations and experimentations of what perfection visually means to him.

From the very earliest times the circle was used to express fullness and perfection to embrace time itself in order to measure more accurately its passing. Roundness has a universal meaning symbolized in the globe. The roundness of the universe and of the human head are pointers to perfection.

Over time and across multiple cultures, the circle has come to represent an ideal of unsurpassable perfection: it eludes mathematical exactness. In this manner, it is the essence of all that is natural, primordial, and inescapably human. Aristotle wrote in the Physica that the circle was “the perfect, first, most beautiful form.” The circle has an infinite number of symmetries (lines through which it can be flipped and still look the same). The ancient Greeks appreciated this, and for this reason considered the circle and its three dimensional extension the sphere, to be the most perfect geometrical objects.







y t u a e Biseternity g n i z t a a g 22

f l e its

n Kahlil Gibra





An eternal existence. An endless period of time, without beginning or end. The circle represents the notions of eternity, ultilizing round as a symbol for continuity.


Since ancient times a simple circle has represented eternity. The symbolism of the circle embraces both that of eternity and that of a perpetual series of fresh beginnings. It visually describes eternity, the mysterious cycles of existence and the often uncanny circularity of our own lives. In Christian iconography, the circle symbolizes eternity. For Christian couples, the exchanging of the wedding rings is the outward expression of the inward bond, as two hearts unite as one and promise to love each other with fidelity for all eternity.

The Ouroboros or Uroborus is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon swallowing its own tail and forming a circle. The Ouroboros often represents self-reflexivity or cyclicality, especially in the sense of something constantly re-creating itself, eternity, and other things perceived as cycles that begin anew as soon as they end. It can also represent the idea of primordial unity related to something existing in or persisting from the beginning with such force or qualities it cannot be extinguished. The ouroboros has been important in religious and mythological symbolism, but has also been frequently used in alchemical illustrations, where it symbolizes the circular nature of the alchemist’s opus.

Likewise, the wedding covenant and the husband and wife relationship is a picture of the relationship between Jesus Christ and his bride, the church. Husbands are urged to lay down their lives in sacrificial love and protection. And in the safe and cherished embrace of a loving husband, a wife naturally responds in submission and respect.

Eternity is often symbolized by the image of a snake swallowing its own tail, known as Ouroboros, though the symbol can also carry a number of other connotations.

Just as the marriage relationship, symbolized in the unending circle, is designed to last forever, so too will the believer’s relationship with Christ endure for all eternity.

In mathematics, an annulus (the Latin word for It is also an ancient Armenian, a sovereign state “little ring”, with plural annuli) is a ring-shaped in the Caucasus, symbol of eternity. geometric figure, or more generally, a term used to name a ring-shaped object. Or, it is the area between two concentric circles. It is also a Celtic symbol of eternity.






artcan get another’s view universe




outside ourselves know




whichis the


same as

ours... Marcel Proust

Universe A circle is like the number zero - a form without beginning or end. It is a smooth form, no rough sides to stick out and cause trouble. It rolls with the flow. It is a round river rock that issues flow over. It represents the infinite nature of energy, and the inclusivity of the universe.

As the sun, it is masculine power; as the soul and as encircling waters, it is the feminine maternal principle. It implies an idea of movement, and symbolizes the cycle of time, the perpetual motion of everything that moves, the planets’ journey around the sun (the circle of the zodiac) and the great rhythm of the universe. While the primeval dot symbolizes immanent perfection, the circle may also symbolize the results of creation, in other words, the universe in so far as it may be distinguished from its First Cause. The roundness of the universe and of the human head are pointers to perfection.

Mandalas are seen as sacred places which, by their very presence in the world, remind a viewer of the immanence of sanctity in the universe and its potential in himself.

The Zen circle, a popular motif in Zen art, represents the entire universe in a single, perfect stroke. Although simple, images like this are difficult to paint successfully and thus must be done with a clear mind focused on the task.

The I Ching is also a “reflection of the universe in miniature.” The word “I” has three meanings: ease and simplicity, change and transformation, and invariability. Taoism taught that the circle, divided into 2 in a certain way, symbolized the creative principle of the universe, and the 2 parts being its female and male elements.

A great example would be that of the Mandala which is of Hindu origin, but is also used in Buddhist context, to refer to various tangible objects. In practice, mandala has become a generic term for any plan, chart, or geometric pattern which represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically, a microcosm of the universe from the human perspective.

The Yin and Yang sign is the sign from Chinese philosophy and cosmology in which the world’s most basic relationship are perceived as a balancing act between 2 opposing life forces, YIN (white) and YANG (black). Everything in the universe (symbolized by the outer circle) embodies both YIN (the untouched matter, the receptive, the cold) and YANG (light, life force, the masculine, activity, warmth).

A traditional feng shui compass’ name is “Lo Pan”. “Lo” has the meaning of “everything” and “Pan” means “bowl”, and the correct interpretation of the term means a bowl which allows you to have access to the universe mysteries. This feng shui compass is also known as the traditional Chinese geomantic compass. The Lo Pan consists of different concentric circles to improve the chi and harmony of life and while the overall circle is interpreted as the environment. This very much relates to being constantly trying to achieve totality, wholesomeness and perfection of the circle.


The circle is like a gateway between heaven and earth.










in with e l c r ci o am a “with n I ” o d o en n a circle g and n n d an hi cle nin ning ircle wit no begin am a cir n i g e ac ”I ith le ob ith n nd” I am ircle “w d no end in a circ inning w “ c e n e g th circl and no hin a ginning a circle wi th no be I am a t a i n w i i g a w ith in be cle d” cle w o beginn am a cir with no nd” I am a circle “ d no en n a circle r i c g an ithi d” I am a ing ith n cle “ no e thin d” I ircle “w d no en hin a cir ing and circle wi beginnin circle w o beginn a n e n a o t c nd n ithin a inning a circle wi o beginn ” I am a with no d” I am “with n nd” I am le a g “ n w g e n c i e n ginn a circle th no be ” I am a e “with d no end a circle nd no e in a circl and no hin a cir g e b i l o a t n d n g i i c h m n in a t w n r g n h with end” I a circle “ and no e ithin a ci ginning ircle wit eginnin circle wi beginni a circle w o beginn a “ e l a be no no ac in a hn circ ng I am no b ew am in a ning and rcle with beginni circl “with no d” I am e “with nd” I am le “with end” I rcle “wit o end” h t a i e a o o n cl ci en am ci in irc ew le circl no beg I am a e “with n end” I in a circ and no hin a cir g and no ithin a c ing and n ithin a ing and le within o a ” n t h w in no in irc ith rcl hn nn le w wi ing nd I am le “wit no e ithin a ci ning and circle w beginn a circle o beginn a circle no begi m a circ h no beg I am a c cle “wit nd no c r d i n c r o a n a a it a ci m am “with w Ia ith n ning begin end” with ning I am rcle rcle in a ”Ia d” I le “w nd” begin I am a ci with no no end” circle “w no end a circle “ d no en n a circle nd no e in a circ g and no rcle with no begin I am a ci “ d n a i i h a end” a circle ning and within nning an le within inning a rcle with eginning ircle wit beginnin I am a c cle “with no end” a circle e i g n c i c l n r i o n e with no begi m a circ h no beg am a cir ith no b I am a c ith no b ” I am a “with n no end” ithin a ci ning and cle withi no begin ” w a d I it h n ” d e d ir “wit o end” I 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circl “with n o end” c a c g r n n a g r in I e h ci no e“ in circl ning and cle with beginnin I am a ci le “with o end” circl ing and le within beginn I am a cle “wit no end a r n c i r n i c o r n i ” begi I am a c with no no end” thin a ci ing and cle with o beginn am a cir “with n no end ithin a c ning and cle wit “ i n ir n n d e I ir end” a circle ning and circle w no begin I am a c e “with o end” in a circl ning an a circle w no begi I am a c cle “w l n n a h i i n n c ir h t i ” h g with no beg d” I am le “wit no end hin a cir ing and ircle wit h no be d” I am rcle “wi no end” ithin a c ginn c i e t t n n h c r d n i “wit nd no e thin a ci ning an circle w no begin I am a ircle “wi and no e ithin a c ning and a circle w ith no b ” i d a w n ” c w in a ning circle w no beg ” I am le “with no end ithin a eginning a circle no begi d” I am circle “ nd no en ith h a d a c w n h a d b t w r I am ircle “wi d no en thin a ci nning an a circle with no nd” I am rcle “wit and no e e 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a ci with no nd” I am h t i w I “ b a w e a I e n e o “ h no nd” a circle g and no e within eginning m a circl “with n no end” n a circle and no cle withi l “wit d no e g r i e b c n i a n l d i i c in th I c ir th


Although the circle is the simplest of all curves, it is considered by mathematicians to be a polygon with an infinite number of sides. As a universal symbol with extensive meaning, it represents the notions of totality, wholeness, original perfection, the Self, the infinite, eternity, timelessness, all cyclic movement. It is complex, intricate, massive and most importantly, a shape that has no beginning and no end.

In ancient India and Tibet, the infinity symbol represented perfection, dualism, and unity between male and female. In the occult tarot it’s linked to magic and represents equilibrium or the balance of various forces.


The ultimate geometric symbol.










The unlike is joined together, and from differences results the most beautiful harmony Heraclitus




The circle is a harmonious, balance, wholeness, complete and pleasingly consistent whole geometric shape. Harmony is the state of achieving equilibrium, togetherness, repetitions, in a orderly manner.

The swastika used in Buddhist art and scripture is known as a manji (whirlwind), and represents Dharma, universal harmony, and the balance of opposites. It is derived from the Hindu religious swastika, but it is not identical in meaning.

In Zen Buddhism, the Manji represents the ideal harmony between love and intellect. It epresents Dharma, universal harmony, and the balance of opposites. It is derived from the Hindu religious swastika, but it is not identical in meaning. If harmony is a pattern or shape in the modern era, the vector forms in earlier and later pages will depict the author’s explorations and experimentations of what harmony visually translates to.









Unity to be real must stand the severest strain without breaking

Mahatma Gandhi


The state of being one. Producing a single general effect. Symmetrical and balance.




In this last chapter, we look at how unity and circle relates to each other . The circle is unbiased, solid and unwavering in its geometric simplicity, denoting unity and eternity, totality, and infinity. With its focus on the unity of opposites, a double spiral is linked to earth-centered or mystical faith in a blend of evolution and devolution -- decay/ renewal, life/death/rebirth, spiritual/physical -the back and forth flow of earthly and cosmic changes. The marriage of the male sun and the female moon represents unity in diversity, compromise instead of conflict, and conformity to a new consciousness where all is one.

The wheel is a universal symbol of or cosmic unity, astrology, “the circle of life,� and evolution. It symbolizes unity, movement, the sun, the zodiac, reincarnation, and earth’s cycles of renewal.

Revived in the sixties by hippies and others who protested nuclear weapons, Western culture, and Christian values, the peace symbol became a worldwide symbol of a new age of global peace and earth-centered unity.



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