Consultation on a new primary school Have your say on the proposals
This booklet provides details on the proposals to open a new Free School in Harpenden. What is proposed? We are proposing to open a two-form entry primary school offering places from ages 4-11. In time we also have a vision to locate a nursery sharing our vision and values on the site. From September 2012 we hope to open with up to 40 reception and 20 year 1-2 places rising to 420 pupils by 2019. However, based on demand and the availability of suitable accommodation, we may be able to accept children in higher years.
Where? We intend to open our school on a site on Victoria Road1, in Harpenden town centre2. This will require the renovation of an existing Victorian school building, which will be ready for the school to occupy in 2013/4 for the school. The school will initially open in local temporary accommodation.
How can I get involved? Harpenden Free School Trust wishes to ensure that the community supports our proposals for the new school. All your views and contributions will be taken into account before any decision about whether to proceed with the proposed free school is made and a Funding Agreement is reached between the Department for Education (DfE) and the Trust. This consultation is being conducted by Harpenden Free School Trust, as the organisation that would be legally responsible for operating Harpenden Free School if approved by the Secretary of State. A questionnaire accompanies this booklet so that you can make your views known. The questionnaire can be found via our website at Following the consultation period, the Trust will compile a balanced report describing the outcome of the consultation, which will be submitted to the DfE for the Secretary of State to consider. We will publish a copy of this report on our website by 1st August 2012. Further details on how to participate can be found in section 10 of this document. The consultation period closes at 5pm on Monday 23rd July 2012. 1
Subject to concluding successful commercial negotiations with Hertfordshire County
Council and gaining consent from the relevant planning authorities.
Harpenden AL5 4EN
Foreword Welcome to the Harpenden Free School Over the past year we’ve been on an incredible journey. We’ve had to translate our dreams and ideals into a coherent plan for how a school could realistically operate, build a consortium of organisations and professionals who share our vision, develop local support from parents and other stakeholders and finally persuade the Government that we have the drive, determination and capability to turn our ideas into reality and open a new school this year. It’s been more exciting and challenging than any of us could have imagined. So far, so good. In October last year, the Secretary of State formally approved our application to open the Harpenden Free School. This could not have been possible without the generous help and infectious enthusiasm of local parents, carers and families. We want to thank everyone who has been involved so far for your support and backing in helping us get to this stage. We are committed to the opening of what we believe is a unique new Primary Free School in the heart of vibrant Hertfordshire. This will be a school in which children are actively engaged in the design and delivery of their own education and the way the school is run. A school at the heart of the local community, which champions volunteering and social action. A school which harvests the wisdom and experience of teachers and other professionals to create the best possible environment for children to thrive.
It is vital that the completed school best represents the hopes and ambitions of the local community. A commitment to creating a broad and diverse community that extends well beyond the school gates is a key aspect of the school’s ethos, and one of the main reasons why we are so passionate about wanting to set up a new school. So we want to ensure that the school benefits from the input of the local community from the very outset. We are now beginning a period of formal consultation on our proposals. As part of this consultation process we want to hear from as many people in the local community as possible – parents, students and the wider community – about how we can work together to make the school a success. Your input is valued and appreciated so please get involved.
Adam Nichols Chair, Harpenden Free School Trust
What is the Harp enden Free Sch o o l T r ust? The Harp ende
n Free Sc from the hool Trust coming was form togethe – youth le ed r of three adership organisa charity, C owner a tions hangem nd head akers, th teacher Kinderga e of Artisan rten and s Monte public se Isledon P ss o ri rvices pro artnership vider, - all com young p mitted to eople to enabling re ach their a not-forfull pote profit org n ti a al. We a nisation purpose re created of open for the ing and running the scho ol.
What will the Free School bring to Harpenden? A unique ethos We believe that the most meaningful and effective education happens when children have the opportunity to lead their own learning. Our conviction is based on the 17-year track record of Changemakers in unlocking young people’s leadership potential, and the proven success of the Montessori approach around the world for over a century. Both have been proven to raise standards, improve attainment and enhance life outcomes for children and young people.
By bringing together these complimentary child-led pedagogies, we will create a truly unique ethos, which will instil the joy of learning, discovery and individuality in every child. There is no other school like this in the country, and parents in Harpenden have signalled in large numbers that they would love their children to have the opportunity to be educated in this way.
What are the vision, mission and ethos for the new school? Our vision is that all children leave primary school at the age of 11 as the independent, resilient, curious, problem solving leaders of tomorrow, with a confident and optimistic outlook on life. Our mission is to deliver an outstanding primary education for children in Harpenden and the surrounding area. Our ethos will consist of five distinctive characteristics:
Everybod y learns All sc
hools are in stitutions o believe tha f learning, but we t many are not ‘learnin organisatio g ns’ – in oth er words, th continuou ey don’t sly develop through bu they have ild ing on wha already lea t rnt. At Harp School eve enden Fre ryone will le e a rn : where it is it will be a safe to ma place ke mistake and then u s, to experim se these e ent xperiences Staff will be to grow be role mode tt er. ls , va personal a luing their nd profess own ional deve strengthen lopment, th ing the sch ereby ool’s learn and stude in g ethos. All nts will ma staff intain their developm own perso ent portfolio n a l and regula for reflectio r opportun n and revie ities w will be b school da u ilt into the y. We will a lso provide parental a opportuniti nd comm es for unity learn ing.
ed and A broad, balanc lum flexible curricu l llow the nationa
School will fo Harpenden Free ides an h we believe prov curriculum, whic ork for learning. ew m d tested fra effective, tried an cus on rticularly strong fo There will be a pa which is the of ry te racy; mas numeracy and lite bject areas. ess in all other su gateway to succ xible approach adopt a very fle However, we will on topic strong emphasis to deliver y with a across different vertical grouping based learning, class sizes to opriate, variable years when appr external s and the use of suit different need t alongside curriculum conten experts delivering experiential engage in lots of teachers. We will full e outside world to learning, using th etables tim le xib will have fle advantage; we each ildren’s needs on responsive to ch phasis on em g on ll have a str occasion; we wi ning. In this of the Arts in lear using the medium g styles, and the re that all learnin way we will ensu ild, are met. needs of ever y ch
Communit y
A commitm ent to crea ting a broa community d and dive that extend rse s well beyo gates is a nd the sch key aspec o ol t of the Ha School eth rpenden Fr os. Pupils w e e ill be enco supported uraged an to develop d their own c projects, b ommunity oth within a nd outside will run a w the school. eekly asse We mbly open community to the loca . Volunteerin l g by paren members ts and of the loca l commun integral asp ity will be a ect of deliv n ering the c other func urriculum a tions. The sc nd hool will be the whole a resource community for and we will building ava make the ilable to lo cal comm organisatio unity ns. In partic ular we wo share our e uld look to xternal enq uiry/sports local scho facilities with ols. Childre n will deve appreciatio lop an n of the sc hool comm national an unity, the lo d worldwid cal, e commun they can sh ities and h ow respon o w si bility and g them; maki ratitude with ng school in and life se amless.
rning, a e l f o y in g the jo iduality v i Instillin d n i ry and discove hild e a very will hav l be every c School hich wil
e ,w den Fre learning and Harpen ach to ro ri ethos p o p s s a te e n v ti o c r every M n disti e d by pect fo c s n re e s u a fl in l hh strongly this vita pproac y. Our a nd from g a o rt g a a e te d cre pe at its h by c o n al child ry wledge o n individu ltisenso k u s d m ugh n buil ro o ti ng th a o d ts tr s n p fou larly once particu ce of c a n e e l, ri b a e l il u p ex ivid ere w r the ind ches. Th pect fo s and the approa re g , y in ir e learn n enqu id o ts s ren will u u o c , fo g. Child urtesy in o rn c n a d le n l scinatio ysica grace a ics of fa and ph p t e n to e th t c m sele cilitate environ nities to rs will fa u e rt h o c p a p have o which te kills and through arning s m le e e ir th r u q fo ac c n holisti nities to phasis o opportu m to be e d il n h A l ge. very c e w ccessfu o ll knowled t will a t and su n n e e d m fi p n co ow n develo happy, of their ndent, terplay in thers. e o indepe th ces of nding la ta p rs e e d ith th d e ach by un world w ery chil v e e th to in le place irresistib g will be Learnin son. own rea for their
Children le ad
e learning We believe that childre n learn best are enabled when they to lead their own educa journey. Harp tional enden Free School will th foster childre erefore n’s active c uriosity and engageme nt in the de sign and de own learnin livery of the g, in which ir th ey will beco own experts me their . They will be encourage gradually ta d to ke an increa sing lead in and delivery the plannin of their learn g ing experien as helping to ces, as well shape the w ay the scho Our staff will ol is run. be coache s and facilit process, sup ators of this porting and challenging appropriate ly whilst ma intaining a c natural colla ulture of boration be tween child adults in the ren and school. Edu cation is fasc when it exp inating lores what yo u love and te uplifting whe aching is n it is purpo seful and c hallenging.
Who are the organisations that make up the Harpenden Free School Trust? Changemakers has over 18 years’ experience of working with schools to support organisational development, build the capacity of teachers and deliver curriculum content directly to young people. Changemakers was instrumental in the introduction of enterprise and citizenship education in schools, and has advised the Rose Review of the Primary Curriculum, the Tomlinson Review of 14-19 Education and the development of the government’s new National Citizen Service programme for school leavers.
Artisans Kindergarten is a thriving and over subscribed nursery provision in Harpenden. Set up in 2007 it is one of the top five percent of provisions in the country based on its latest Ofsted report. Artisans uniquely combines the best of Montessori principles with the best of mainstream education, preparing children for a successful and happy journey in education and for a positive and fulfilling outlook in life.
Isledon Partnership, through Aquaterra Leisure, manages eight public leisure facilities in Islington and seven in Bath & North East Somerset in partnership with the two local authorities. It also works beyond the leisure centres, in partnership with primary care trusts, housing associations, other not-for-profit organisations and councils, to bring the benefits and fun to be had from physical activity to as many community venues, parks and play areas as possible.
What sort of education will the school offer? Harpenden Free School will deliver the national curriculum through a child led ethos and pedagogy, strongly influenced by the Montessori approach. We aim to build in common sense approaches based on ‘what works’, drawing on the extensive professional experience and expertise of our founders and the outstanding teachers we will recruit. We seek to create an educational and spiritual culture that fosters the natural curiosity of a child to make sense of the world they live in and expand their own horizons. To do this the ethos of the school will be built and evolve around the views and interests of the children, guided by the wisdom and experience of the adults. Children will be trusted to be responsible for themselves from the outset. The journey they have made from a babe in arms to a child able to communicate, move with precision and control, stay clean and support their own well being, before they even step through the doors of our school is testament to the phenomenal ability of a child to learn and to orchestrate their own development. In a world where we are bombarded by information we will spend the Early Years equipping children with an ability to concentrate their focus, to select relevant information and most importantly to be able to find the positive aspects of all situations. As children grow in their aptitudes and confidence we will continue to encourage curiosity and the asking of questions.
The combination of freedom and responsibility will mean children’s spiritual and moral development can be nurtured to produce relaxed and confident individuals who are able to respect others and themselves. It is our view that all children have special educational needs unique to them and to their stage of development. We recognise in some cases these needs require additional support to enable the children to move to the next stage of development. Additional support may be to help children reach the expected norms for their age or because they have progressed beyond expected norms. We will follow the Code Of Practice for Special Educational Needs, which recommends gradual changes to the environment and activities for the benefit of the children. The progress of all children will be regularly observed, monitored and recorded in accordance with our policies. Harpenden Free School will deliver a collaborative education that is a living model of its own beliefs and values. It will be a place where development is valued in itself, whatever the skill. In so doing it will make the expansion of self the ultimate goal, for every child, member of staff and for the school itself as a community which embraces and reaches out to others. This will be an active, engaged education that grounds itself in the mundane and awesome realities of life. Childhood will be respected as childhood and the incredible perception of children and their aptitude to learn will be cornerstones to the whole school ethos.
We will follow an experience-based learning approach throughout the school enabling children to contextualise their knowledge from the outset and to identify the next question to ask. This will allow children independence and a sense of ownership in their own learning journey, which will in turn develop their sense of responsibility.
What is the admissions policy? Our admissions process is based on three key principles: • ETHOS: Harpenden Free School has a very distinctive ethos, which is different to other local schools. We want to encourage applications from parents and children who believe in this ethos. Equally, we recognise that it may not be suitable or desirable for others. • DIVERSITY: We want to create a diverse intake, which reflects the overall demographics of the Harpenden area. We are therefore offering an extended catchment area to prevent the ‘doughnut effect’, which sees property prices rising around popular schools, making places unaffordable for many families. To buck this trend, we will allocate a proportion of places to children eligible for free school meals and not base our admissions policy solely on geographical proximity to the school. • COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENT: Harpenden Free School will place a strong emphasis on local community engagement and will also be a green school. We will therefore draw at least half of our pupils from within a reasonable walking or cycling distance from the school. Harpenden Free School invites applications from all parents and carers for their children, regardless of
background, ability or educational needs. If we receive more applications than there are places, we will select our pupils on the basis of the following criteria: • We will first accept applications from looked after children and children with statements of special educational needs who express a preference for Harpenden Free School. • Up to 25 percent of places will be offered to children who are entitled to free school meals and live within the Harpenden town parish boundary. • Half of the remaining places will be allocated to children who live in the Harpenden Town parish and 50 percent will be allocated to children without reference to their home address. If we receive more applications than places from children who meet the above criteria, we will prioritise siblings of children who already have a place. If we still have too many applications, we will ask the county council admissions team to draw lots in a random selection process to ensure a fair, unbiased and transparent allocation of places in the proportions outlined above. For further information on admissions, please see the complete Harpenden Free School Admissions Policy available on our website at
How will the community be involved in the school? A commitment to creating a broad and diverse community that extends well beyond the school gates is a key aspect of the school, and one of the main reasons why we are so passionate about wanting to set up a new school. Changemakers has been instrumental in the development of the extended services and community action agendas at a national level over the past decade or more. We intend to utilise this experience to make the Harpenden Free School a true community hub.
How our school will enrich the local community
Community assembly
unity assembly. As well We will run a weekly comm ff with the opportunity as providing pupils and sta also open this event to review the week. We will ty. up to the local communi from Changemakers A group of representatives sh where such recently visited Banglade commonplace. They are community gatherings try to incorporate this suggested that we should mechanism to promote idea in this country as a community cohesion.
Commu nity
learning A centra l tenet o f th e ‘Everybo school’s dy Learn ethos will s’ and th be pupils an is won’t b d staff. W e lim e it ed to w learning ant the sc resource hool to b for the w e a will provid hole com e opport munity a unities fo and work nd r training shops in , educati the even We will a o n in g s and at lso create weekend opportun the loca s. it ies for m l commu embers nity to co lessons w o f m e here this and take is approp part in riate and feasible. We see th is as a g reat opp intergen ortunity to erationa foster l understa encoura nding an ge pupils d w ill to be the these se teachers ssions. in
How the local community will enrich our school
rriculum g School cu e, ‘community ’ will be a stron
ool d a b ov entire sch As outline rough the th g mmunity o in n c n d focuse theme ru a e b ill w as cross. There ns, as well curriculum o o rn e ft a Friday session on s. pproache a r curricula
uilding as a The school b source community re and local community
s an active ’s Harpenden ha to the Women tre and music ea of th ity m rc a fro , sc sector e is a the case, ther n te of is ke a As . m Institute eet. We will e groups to m e places for thes nd encourag g available a in ld ui at b ff a ol st ho ils and the sc gage with pup en to s re a up sh ro g to these would look particular we the school. In cal schools. cilities with lo our external fa
Taking the schoo l out into the local community
We will take the sc hool out into the local community. For ex ample, by actively engaging in local events such as Harpenden Ca rnival, Harpenden Com mon Discover y Da y, the St Albans Festival and the He rtfordshire. County Show. Pupil-led commun ity projects will als o give the school a strong presence in the local community.
Volunteering will be a stro ng feature o school. Volunt f the eering by pa rents and m of the local c embers ommunity w ill be built into resourcing m our odel and will be an integra of delivering l aspect the curriculum and other fu We believe th nctions. is offers fanta stic opportuni broad and ric ties for a h curriculum with a wide va perspectives. riety of Changemake rs has place 12,000 peop d over le into volunt eering oppo over the past rtunities year and ha s unrivalled e in this area. xpertise Parent and c arer interests and expertise identified at will be pupil admiss io n and they w encouraged ill be to contribute as much as during their c possible hild ’s time at H arpenden Fr School. The ee school will op erate a time system – the banking first in the co untry to do th teachers, pa is. Pupils, rents and m e mbers of the community will be able to earn credits school comp towards etitions, prod uc ts and servic each hour th es for ey give, for e xample the school hall fo hire of the r a child ’s pa rty or produc an allotment e from .
What expertise and experience do the team members bring? Our team brings together a diverse range of individuals with extensive expertise and experience from the education sector and other fields.
Adam Nichols Adam has been Chief Executive of Changemakers for the past seven years, overseeing a five-fold increase in the organisation’s scale and scope and becoming a prominent and widely respected speaker, writer and influencer on education and youth policy. He has helped to shape many of the key educational developments of recent years including the introduction of the citizenship and enterprise curricula in schools and the Government’s new National Citizen Service programme, as well as advising the current and previous Prime Ministers on education and youth policy. In 2009, Adam was appointed by the Schools Minister to the Council of the General Teaching Council for England. His daughter has recently started primary school.
Ruth Martin rgarten, which ns Montessori Kinde isa Art the of r he Philosophy and d Head Teac g gained an MA in Ruth is the owner an vin Ha . 07 20 in n ickly became Harpende she established in to gain QTS and qu on nt we e sh y, rsit rd Unive as a designated Theology from Oxfo hool policy as well sc ole wh of s ct y aspe aching and has responsible for man of experience in te s ar ye 13 s ha th arding. Ru th the Childline teacher for safegu She has worked wi e. as ph y ar im pr group in the includes a year on taught ever y age Psychology, which in ns Ho C BS a age children. ks and holds four primar y school s schools project, Lin ha th Ru t. en m child develop
Jonathan Gibbs After an initial 20-year career in the BBC that covered radio, television postproduction and composing music at the Radiophonic Workshop, Jonathan became Chief Executive of Aquaterra Leisure in 2004. There he worked with local authorities and primary care trusts across England to develop new services and promote healthy lifestyles. In 2010, Jonathan set up Isledon Partnership to extend the company’s range outside the leisure and health sectors to include libraries, theatres, and working with young people.
Loic Menzies
Faculty of rch University hu C ist hr C y ate Senior Canterbur eviously Associ Co, a Tutor at pr M LK as w of or He ct s. emaker . School in Loic is Dire ee of Chang George’s R.C st . St tru a at d es an nc n ie Educatio 2009. Loic Social Sc ar y school in of Histor y and nd ad co se He d ed an lege improv Manager Magdalen Col try ’s fifth most onomics from on, the coun Ec Six nd d Lo he t an “T y es d W ph re th so ho Nor litics, Philo ntly co-aut Po ce in re s ee gr ha de He h First. holds a ing on the aduate of Teac d them”, draw oi gr a av is to d w an ho d Oxfor r Sarason. s… and emic, Seymou of Free School s ad re ac ilu Fa US e of bl ch Predicta seminal resear
An Introduction to Kate Watson - Director of Learning, Harpenden Free School My name is Kate Watson and I am delighted to have been appointed as the first Director of Learning at Harpenden Free School having worked voluntarily with the HFS team since October 2011. When I first read the schools website I was overcome with excitement that I had finally found my ideal school – an inspiring ethos and also the opportunity to help shape something new and innovative. I taught for several years in Lambeth where I initiated and led a variety of community-based learning projects, linking with local museums, sports facilities, environmental groups and the Local Educational Authority. The aim of all these projects was to provide children with meaningful and relevant learning journeys based on their own experiences and interests. I believe in children leading their own, purposeful learning and developing life skills such as independence, boundlessness, and self esteem. The Harpenden Free School vision of a child led, community based learning environment therefore fills me with joy and excitement. I was privileged to be part of the Government’s Fast Track leadership programme for five years, as well as participating in a Leadership Pathways programme, both
of which helped shape my collaborative leadership style and my passion for developing children, adults and myself as reflective and independent learners and my desire to nurture, support and challenge each individual member of the school community. I believe strongly in Harpenden Free School’s vision of sharing best practice within and between schools and the community and look forward to addressing this challenge in setting up our school. I am passionate about the importance of healthy living physical, emotional, spiritual and mental wellbeing - and this is at the core of my teaching, leadership and parenting style. Prior to becoming a teacher, I spent three years training and qualifying as a chartered accountant, a role which offered me significant financial, managerial, and leadership experience. I am married to Phil and have two young children, Lottie and Evie. I moved to Harpenden in August 2011 having previously lived in South London and San Francisco. I love yoga, open water swimming, being outdoors and cake baking. I look forward to working with you all in the coming months and years to create an outstanding, inspiring school for children, staff, parents and the wider community!
How do I get involved? We will be writing and talking to a wide range of local stakeholders to involve them in the consultation process. We have arranged a series of public meetings to take place during the consultation period. These will be held on:
You may wish to go online and complete the questionnaire via our website at Alternatively, you can use the questionnaire that accompanies this document and e-mail or post it to us at: Email:
• Tuesday 3rd July 7-9pm at the Royal British Legion, Leyton Road • Friday 6th July 2-4pm, Park Hall, Leyton Road
The Old Cottage 83 New Mill End East Hyde Beds LU1 3TS
• Friday 13th July 10am-12pm Park Hall, Leyton Road Everyone is invited to attend. You can also give your views on the proposals in writing, or by e-mail. All written views will be independently recorded, but may be edited for inclusion in any final report submitted to the DfE.
Please complete a questionnaire or send comments by 5pm on Monday 23rd July 2012.
Published by: The Harpenden Free School Ltd Company address:
155 Bearton Road Hitchin Hertfordshire SG5 1UA
Company reg. no: