1 minute read
Now that you see the origin of the problems (as per the chart), she then asks the most important questions…
How do you get a horse to connect with you?
How do you relax a horse?
How to you get him confident?
How do you regulate his gait without using your hands and legs?
How do you get a horse soft and supple without making him rubbernecked?
How do you get a horse to be in harmony with you, without micromanaging it?
Nobody seemed to know the answer!
“Yet if you have a horse,” says Linda, “You must know the answers to these questions This is the secret of a happy horse and a happy life together Most programs are very technical in their approach, and many people get stuck because it does not serve their real needs Therefore, no matter how passionate or dedicated they might be they cannot get to a higher level unless they are highly talented Lack
Linda thought long and hard about how she could create a training program beyond anything she had ever seen, experienced, or helped create in the past. Every day for months she poured over the concepts, developed the details, moved things around, and changed the sequence to get better results She tested her new strategies first on herself, on her horses, then with her students and instructors. Every single piece of her new curriculum had to be better, faster, easier, and more empowering, not just a variation of what she’d been doing for the past 30 years The result was a complete blueprint to better horsemanship, training, and riding she called How to Talk Horse