2 minute read


Most people don’t think their fear of horses is justified You look at others around you and say, “They’re not afraid, what’s wrong with me?” And there’s only one thing worse and that’s “shoulding” on yourself: I should be able to do this, or that I should not be afraid Now not only is fear your worst enemy, but you are also! No one can put more pressure on you than you.

I’m going to help you stop that Your instincts are giving you good advice that you are ignoring. You listen to people who give you bad advice, who tell you “Just get on! What’s the matter with you? Everything is fine!” but you don’t listen to yourself and yet your brain knows what’s right


Next time you feel afraid or unsure and someone says “It’s okay, just do it!” think of this it’s not your body that’s getting up there or going to get scared or hurt, it’s mine So thank you for your confidence I’m sure you can do it, but I’m going to listen to my instincts. You might even have to say that out loud. And next time you hear yourself ‘shoulding’ on yourself say, “Shut up, shut up, shut up ” until you actually do! This is an NLP* technique that is very powerful and one of many you can use It simply trains your brain to change negative habits.


Your Brain Is Trained

When your brain senses danger its job is to keep you safe and it does that by giving you a fear sensation In other areas of your life, you would probably heed that fear and not rush headlong into danger. But when you override your fear and do it anyway, or let someone else push you into doing it, your brain will start to make the fear response bigger and bigger and bigger until pretty soon you become incapacitated by it. Then one day just looking at your horse makes your life flash before your eyes, and this is the real tragedy because it makes you give up on your dream.

I’ve even had students ask me to push them through their fear but I refuse to do it anymore I’ve seen what happens and it doesn’t work: Your brain says “danger,” you push through your fear with false bravado, and people are cheering you on You get on or you canter or do whatever it is that scares you. You did it! You lived! Yes! You’re proud and feel like you’ve made a breakthrough but the cold, hard truth is yet to come. The next time, you’re back where you were and the fear hasn’t gone away and sometimes it’s worse

When you learn to listen to yourself, to trust your instincts, and then take the right steps, things will change for the better because you’ll learn how to manage your own fear and overcome it. Staying safe is your responsibility, no one else’s.

Light up the barn with your style and hit the trail with your bold colors with the Happy Horse Happy Life Clothing Collection


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