Teenagers Growth and Body Development zincreward.blogspot.com /p/teenagers-growth-and-body-development.html The following conclusions are shared by the Journal of Nutrition about the role of zinc in growth and cell proliferation. The study is conducted by Ruth S. Macdonald, University of Missouri, Columbia. Before going through the highlights of the study, first lets see the players in the process of growth. Your body grows as a result of body cell division, cell is the structural and the operative unity of the body. Cell splitting, which result in the growth is managed by two major players. 1. Enzymes for growth: enzymes are proteins with body, There are specific enzymes responsible for a specific function within your body. Without enzymes, these processes are very slow or even it may not take place. Likewise, there are enzymes in the process of cell division as well, which is a pre-requisite for the cell to divide with its normal rate. 2. Hormones for Growth: These are the messengers of your body, which carries specific messages to different body parts. Hormones also maintains the different role of the human body, likewise for growth. The primary difference between the enzyme and hormone is that the enzyme is very specific bio-catalyst, help in carrying specific action while hormones are produced in one part of the body and they regulate the process in another part/ organ of the body. The main highlights of the study are as follows, A zinc inadequate diet may inhibit the growth and food intake. Zinc for Healthy Growth of your body: Food intake and growth are coordinated by the zinc through a documented and well coordinated mechanism. As growth is a result of cell division, zinc's role in increasing the number of cells results in the growth of your body. Zinc is an essential bio-catalyst for the enzymes that cause the increase in the number of cells. We can understand the role of zinc in enzyme functions from the fact that in more than 200 enzymes requires zinc to do its due role. Two important hormones, the GH & IGF-1, responses are dependent upon the concentration of zinc within the body. Zinc regulates the synthesis of DNA, the hereditary content within the cell, in the process of cell division are being initiated by the division of the nucleus, DNA is a part of the nucleus. Zinc impacts upon the cell division and hence growth by playing a role in the cell membrane signaling that regulate the process of cell proliferation in response to the IGFSo we can develop ourselves and our children can grow adequately by taking zinc enriched food. NUTRITION FOR TEENAGERS BODY GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT
While talking about the nutritional needs of teenagers, following nutritional component should be as an essential part of the teenager's death. Protein Carbohydrates Dietary fats Vitamins and minerals One point that you should remember is that girls have slightly different nutritional needs than boys. Read more about the nutritional needs difference for girls> CIGRETTE SMOKING CAN CAUSE DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS WITHIN TEENAGERS
Smoking is the main cause of many physical and mental hazardous effects on teenagers' health. According to the World health organization, Smoking, Physical growth and endurance of teenagers The resting heart beat rate of young age smokers is two to three times more than non-smokers. It increases the risks of lung cancers Teenagers smokers suffer from shortness of breath. The smoker teenagers are more prone to emotional and psychological complaints. Smoker teenagers are more likely to use alcohol, marijuana and cocaine. They are more prone to violent behavior and to be involved in unprotected sex. Secondly, They are more prone to depressive disorders> ZINC IS VITAL FOR PHYSICAL AND SEXTUAL MATURITY OF TEENAGERS
Zinc enhances the physical and mental capacity of teenagers, improves their attention and school performance, helps teenagers to be protected from pneumonia and cold and brings about sextual vigor and maturity in teenagers. Read more about the health benefits of Zinc in teenagers> WEIGHT GAIN CHALLENGES AMONG TEENAGERS Weight gain is among the main health concerns of today's teenagers, multiple factors contribute to obesity in teenagers.
TV in teenager's bedrooms can result in obesity> NEED OF SPECIAL ORAL HYGIENE IN TEENAGERS As teenagers are more likely to use braces, may smoke and their wisdom teeth appear at this stage of life, so there is a need of specific oral hygiene factors, to protect them from bad breathing and stained teeth. Detailed story, how teenagers can maintain their oral hygiene> TEENAGERS SHOULD MANAGE THE CONCERNS OF THEIR LIFE, FOR A BETTER PHYDICAL GROWTH AND DEVELOMENT.
The teenager of today has multiple concerns, these include, Eating disorders Obesity Dating violence Internet and phone risks Tattoos and piercing Depression and anxiety and more> Teenagers should have full command, how to handle these concerns and to protect their physical and mental growth. These concerns can affect their body growth and development and can lead to unwanted effects of weight gain, unprotected sextual practices, stress, depression and in severe cases, even to suicide.