Tip for teenagers for a healthioer life Follow these tips for more healthier life.
Tip# 01 There's now a cure for double chin. Khybella is a new medicine recently approved by FDA for the treatment of double chin. Although the medicine is not free available in the market, however their is a big hope by the approval of this medicine, for teenagers who want to treat their double chin.
Tip# 02 Have a healthy start of the day at Morning. Have a kilometer walk at morning per day. It will make you fresh, stress free and it is also a nice habit of healthy people to start their day. have a kilometer walk per day releases the happiness hormones within your body, it reduces the stress, fatigue and makes you alright for the full day. It boots the blood circulation within your body, by this way you feel energized due to the increased oxidation
Tip# 03 Protect yourself from age spots- the easy way. By using sunscreen regularly you will boost the healthy life of your skin. Sunscreen protects your skin from the ultraviolet radiation and protects your skin from wear and tear, agespots, and even helps girls to manage acne. The use of sunscreen is a positive habit, you should opt for the wellness and integity of your skin and beauty.
Tip# 04 Know about the causes of excessive hairs and avoid it. Causes of excessive hairs are multiple, but in summary, we can simply say that it is the result of imbalanced hormones. Every individual teenager girl have a specific balance of male and female hormones within their bodies. The excesses of male hormones within body results in the excessive hairs in some teenagers girls. This symptom of hormonal imbalance of women, can best be treated in a pure natural way by taking spearmint tea, and excessive hairs can be
Tip# 05 Treat the nose blackheads the natural way. Lemon juice have multiple health and beauty benefits, one among them is the treatment of nose blackheads. Take a cotton swab and keep it in lemon juice for some time. When it fully absorbs the lemon juice, keep it on your nose for at least 30 minutes. The strong anti- oxidant action of the lemon juice will provide the nose blackheads a natural treatment will enough anti- inflammatory actions to reduce the swelling and redness with black spots.
Tip# 06 Want to increase your height, follow healthy habits a mentioned. Have a healthy breakfast, do not skip it. It have multiple health benefits. It keeps you away from junk food and so helps in your weight control. It have an indirect impact on height of teenagers health as well, as it keeps you active all the day round. Keep moving have multiple benefits, one among this is the increase in teenagers height as well, as physical activities are closely associated with increase in height.
Tip# 07. have a more whiten smile.
Teeth whitening streps are the most wiedly used method in the globe to make the teeth whiten and remove the stains on teeth. It is being claimed that it can even remove three years back stains on teeth very successfully. Ensure two points, while using teeth whitening streps, one that it is recommneed by the American Dental Association and second is to use it in exactly the same way, as mentioned by its manufacturer. This is the current, number one method to whiten teeth at home.
Tip# 08, Avoid Constipation.
If you are successful in avoiding constipation, you will achieve multiple health and beauty benefits. It will protects you from belly fats, your body will be out of toxins, your teeth will be whiter and you will easily avoid stress. Among the natural home remedies for constipation, water intake is among the easiest and effective one. Drink a glass of water, an additional glass, it will helps you to avoid constipation and will ensure your overall health and wellbeing as well.
Tip# 09 Don't be Stressed, this is the reason of belly fats. Among the top reasons of you are not losing your belly fats, one is stress. So, avoid stress and helps your belly to be toned as desired by you. Stress results in extra caloric intake, called as, stress eating and constipation, both are the major causes of belly fats. By avoiding stress, you can lose your belly fats.
Tip# 10. Keep teeth whiten with braces. Braces are good but not with yellow teeths. Keep your teeth whiten with braces.