Top 10 natural solutions for women health and fitness

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Top 10 Natural tips for more beautiful you.

Tip# 01 The easiest tip to whiten teeth at home. Baking soda is the easiest tips for teeth whitening at home. It's a very common kitchen item very easily available at major parts of the world. Now lets see how you can use it for teeth whitening at home. 1.


Use it like a tooth powder. Take 1/ 2 tablespoon of Baking soda in a clean container. Wit your finger and apply on your teeth gently. This method is particularly beneficial for people seeking for answer of query, How to whiten your teeth with braces. Add 1/ 2 tablespoon in any suitable fruit pulp like strawberry, banana, Mango, orange and apply on you teeth as you brsuh your teeth daily.

Tip# 02 Take Fibers, Avoid obesity. Among the causes of obesity in teenagers, one is unhealthy food habits. Junk food, Soda drinks, improper sleep, stress and lack of dietary fibers. â—?


Eat healthy and avoid obesity, simple solution is to ensure fiber intake. Fibers enrich foods like psyllium husk, apple, mangoes, are the best solution for weight loss and to avoid obesity. Fibers detoxify your body out of toxins, cleanse your colon, helps you to avoid gut bloating and also helps in your oral cleanliness and hygiene.

Tip# 03 Milk and Honey as best solution for Nose black Marks. â—?


Honey and Milk have multiple skin health and beauty benefits. These two natural ingredients naturally clears skin, moisturize the dry skin and keeps the natural tone of skin. Honey and Milk are among the best option to treat Nose blackheads as well. Add one teaspoon of honey and Milk in a clean container and apply it on your nose at bedtime. So, that the nutrients can best be absorbed at night. Do it for one week and see the amazing results.

TIP# 04 take Dietary Zinc and Make your Nervous System Strong. â—?


Take Zinc enrich food and strengthen your Nervous system. Zinc is among the major nutrient of the Nervous System and is present in the hypothalamus and choroid coating of the Retina. Zinc deficiency may affect DNA, RNA and protein function in the process of mind and nervous system development of children.

Tip# 05 Have healthy habits for Morning. ● ● ● ●

Wake up early in morning and do what healthy persons do at early morning. Early morning sunrays helps you to lose weight as well. Take exercise to reduce your stress levels and have an active day all the day. By this, you will be able to be full of energy and motivation for your daily life and will meet the challenges of the day.

Tip# 06 Fight insomnia. ● ●

Insomnia is the sleeping disorder, covering both the amount of time you sleep and the quality of your sleep. Take Calcium and improve your sleep quality. Take Calcium enriched food like Milk ensure a Sound sleep both in amount of time, you sleep and the quality of your sleep. Inadequate sleep s among the major reason of fatigue in women of today.

Tip # 07 The best food to treat Acne from inside. ● ●

Oranges, lemons and Melons are among the best food to treat acne from inside. Vitamin C is the major nutrient within these foods and have strong antioxidant action that quenches the free radicals within body and protects your body from wear and tear including acne. ts a good news that vitamin C n these foods are fortified by Bioflavonoids, in these foods that further boosts the anti- inflammatory action of Vitamin C, to combat acne.

Tip# 08 For weight loss eat Banana. â—?

Eat banana at Morning for weight loss, the Japanese way to lose weight, followed by rice at lunch and have some snacks up to two time daily and avoid dairy products.

Tip# 09 The most enjoyable way to whiten teeth. â—? â—?

Eat strawberries and make your teeth whiten at home. The logic behind the fact is that strawberries contains strong astringent Vitamin C and Malic acid, that removes the teeth stains the natural way.

Tip# 10 The new cure of Double chin. â—? â—?

Khybella is the newest approved medicine approved to treat double chin. Although still not present in the market, however it have a lot of hopes for individuals who want to treat their double chin.

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