4 minute read
Detectives: and also inside Romance stories by HappyLondonPress
Detectives,Thrillers and Mystery story
Insights from facts to fictional story telling...life a good detective
Collecting Evidence
Uncovering secrets
Welcome to our first digital magazine
Explore the insights behind the stories, or discover a difference in romantic novel writing
Hello and welcome. Sometimes it’s easy to forget how much it takes to write a novel or indeed work up a short story - making sure the kernel of the idea is quickly portrayed. So we thought you might enjoy discovering some of the behind the scenes insights and have a taste of what makes a novel or listen to a selection of our short stories - which we think you may find is particularly soothing at bedtime. inside this issue we have a mixture of sound bytes, video, slide shows as well as some great stories, which we feel you will enjoy.
Do keep in touch - we are looking for guest bloggers for the next edition about Travelling around London for our 3D Magazine. SubScribe Here https://www.happylondonpress.com/about
And now for a little taste about London's secret past
Artist photographer Clare Newton explores some of London's hidden treasures
After the Olympics came to London, much of its past was lost...here's some insights and intriguing local stories blended with contemporary photography
Does History have a place in contemporary Art photography?
Artist-photographer clareNewton draws together thecomplex strings of creativity,by combining delicateimages with the delightfullyquirky stories from the cityof London
The City of London has been a major settlement for two millennia. It became the epicentre of trading with the world as long ago as the Roman invasion – being established as an outpost along the River Thames in AD47. Even today, time hasn’t in any way diminished its global influence. Now, artist and photographer, Clare Newton, explores the City’s secretive treasures, but rather than take you on a journey portrayed with traditional photography, she creates the artistry of images through long exposures combined with a technique called ‘shutter-dragging’, accentuating the past where all that’s left is a ghostly residue.
What inspired a new novel about a romantic affair between a young student and his first love...
Writing a trilogy about a young man’s first romance
The novel-trilogy of which into Full Sunlight is the first part was much time in the making. This of course is often the case with a long text, which, by the time its final form materialises, has had many elements added to it, sometimes at large intervals. but living with a fictional project for a prolonged period does mean that you grow clearer about your subject-matter: you increasingly benefit from the power of hindsight and the advantages of greater mental maturity. The trilogy was one of the key endeavours by which, across the years, i sought to gauge my capacity as a writer. repeatedly, i asked myself: can i complete it? And even if i can, will it be of real literary merit, at least in my own eyes? And even if it is, will it impress the general reading public? i applied these questions to my other writing efforts as well: these were mainly in the field of philosophy.
Second novel in the Trilogy
Final book in the trilogy - due out April 2020
Order Now on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Wide-Illumination-university-Students-encounters/dp/1912951339
Illumination Trilogy by Tom Rubens
Happy New Year Folks - all the best ('!')
Get Writing - we’re going to launch a story story competition end of January 2020.
Do keep in touch, we are planning to have short story competition with some great prizes - for 20 talented authors to get published and podcasted. if you are a budding writer with a flare for short story writing, get going ! - because at the end of January, we want to hear from you with a brand new story, which hasn’t been published anywhere else.
Starting now, will mean you have plenty of time to get lots of help with editing and polishing it up to become your finest work so far.
If you would like to take part - let us know and we will send you details. get in touch via twitter or instagram, the links are below
SubScribe Here . https://www.happylondonpress.com/about
We would love to hear from you. Best contact with us by Social media or email - and we will endeavour to get back to you as quickly as we can.
https://twitter.com/HappyLDNpress .
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