3 minute read
by Harbor Day
Cammie Suplizio
As I was driving to the sideline, I had the ball at my feet and was facing a challenging situation with three opposing players. Coco, Willa, and Eva were closing in on me. I did the special move I was working on to get out of trouble. Suddenly, I looked up and saw Vivian driving up the field. I quickly gave her a through ball, but before I passed, I remembered the corner kick flag was the finish line. I shot down the field. A thousand butterflies were forming in my stomach. “Cross!” I yelled in a trembling voice. She smacked a cross to me. I took my time as I set up the ball for my shot. I smacked the ball and thought for sure it would be a save, but… it went right through her legs and into the goal! My teammates quickly surrounded me with cheers and high-fives.
THE BIG FALL London Best Ring!
“Come on Sage, we’re going to be late for morning recess!” I shouted to my best friend to hurry up.
“Okay, okay,” Sage said reluctantly.
The clouds were gray and heavy, the air was cold, and there was still a silvery mist left behind by the morning dew. As we ran out to recess, I noticed a girl who got hurt by running. Was this a sign?
“Sage, I knew we would be late for recess and now we are!” I shouted grumpily.
“What, are you psychic or something?” Sage replied hotly.
We only had three minutes left until recess was over, so we ran and ran and ran, but then something happened. My leg muscles got sore, and my feet felt like Jello. I got so tired. I wanted to break through and make it to the bench, but right before I could, my eyes closed.
I awoke to loud voices that belonged to teachers and dark thoughts were swirling in my head. The hard pavement was cold and uncomfortable. This can’t be good, I thought.

My knee was gushing blood. When I sat up, I saw pure chaos. All these people were staring at me. “Let me guess, another trip to the nurse’s office,” I said.
“Yes, yes it is,” replied Sage.
Once I stood up I felt wobbly, but I still trudged on with Sage to the nurse’s office. “I’m almost there,” I muttered. Right when I stepped through Nurse Perez’s doorway, I was greeted warmly. I smiled. Everything was going to be okay.
My hands gripped the bar tightly, and I heard a clicking sound. I clenched even harder. My heart was beating a million times a minute, and it felt like it was going to burst.
My body started tugging forward as the cart climbed to the peak of the roller coaster. It was like climbing up a mountain. As we reached the top of the peak, I could see all of Disneyland. The people looked like ants. It was time for the big drop.
Then I went as fast as light. I yelled while my hands still clenched the bars. I felt like I was flying. I stuck to the roller coaster seat like a fly. It was loopty-loop time, and it felt like my gut was going to come out of my mouth. I screamed like a gorilla.
Finally, the ride was over. I wanted to kiss the ground. I would never do that again, not even for a thousand dollars!
I Am
Kaley Tiwari
I am a person who loves to act and is always on the move
I wonder how long I will live
I hear my voice twirling in the air
I see the crowd cheering for me as I walk on stage
I want to be a famous actor when I grow up
I am a person who loves to act and is always on the move
I pretend I’m a famous actor performing on stage
I feel my microphone in my trembling hands
I touch a magical microphone to let everyone hear me
I worry about my family
I cry when I think about my grandpa who passed away
I am a person who loves to act and is always on the move
I understand that time will come but the past won’t
I say I will be a famous actor when I grow up
I try my very best in acting class
I hope to be on the big screen in the movies
I am a person who loves to act and is always on the move
Kindness is like air, you need it to live Give it to others, it’s nice Saying hello is even a way Pay for others that can’t, they’ll say yay! If you do these things they’ll pass it on It will go on and on and on Kindness can be contagious, so just try it! Just a bit might change the world!
The Water Ride
Ben McCormick

Excitement flew through my body as we got on the ride. Water was moving rapidly down the slide. We were off!
We were in the air.
My mom got soaked. It was pitch black. Green lights turned on in the dark.
We hit a sharp turn. Then… We flew so high in the air. Boom! Bang!
We hit a pitch black room. We stopped for a millisecond. The tube kept going as fast as Usain Bolt.
The ride was over. I yelled, “That was insane!”