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If the time has come to sell, preparing your property for viewing can make all the difference.
To help you out, here are some expert tips that will help you get started and make sure your house is looking its best for potential buyers on open home day. It is often the little things that can make the biggest impact. For example, first impressions really do count because it is estimated that over 50% of properties are sold even before the prospective buyer steps through the front door!

These tips won’t just make your house more attractive to prospective buyers, they could potentially increase the sale price too.
Have Street Appeal
How do you enhance the street appeal of your home? Mow the lawns, make sure the hedging is neat and plant fresh flowers so that visitors fall in love with your home from the get-go. Talk to your agent about the small things that would make a difference. Quick stain of fences, touch up painting of the front door and letterbox, weed the gardens, remove rubbish and unneeded articles from your property.
Dress To Impress
Dress your house to suit the kind of buyer you think will be most interested in it. Your real estate agent will be able to help you with this. If it's most likely to be a family, add details and homewares throughout the home to portray a family-friendly setting – the impact that a clean and well dressed home can impact positively on your final price.
One of the most important things to do when selling your house is to declutter it. The more personal stuff in your house, the less potential buyers can imagine themselves living there. You may have the greatest space in the world, but clutter and uncleanliness is only going to obscure it and make the rooms look smaller. Buyers will open your cupboards and closets too, so make sure you take time to look at these too.
Clean everything, everywhere! It's common sense to present a clean home when putting it on the market. Don't neglect the little details, such as clearing the ceiling corners of cobwebs and replacing old shampoo bottles or well worn towels. Don't hold back from the small maintenance jobs. Replace blown light bulbs and broken handles. Look to touch up damaged paint work and any old water damage must be repaired.
Give It Some Flair
Your house is almost ready, but what about some stand out design details? Things such as colourful linen on the beds can be a clever way to brighten up a room. It doesn’t need to be extravagant to be beautiful, and the benefit is that you can take the bedding with you when you sell.
Vacant Home
Consider getting your property professionally staged. A home dressed well will sell quicker and achieve a better price.
On open home day, brew a fresh pot of coffee or tea and even freshly baked goods won't go astray. This will make potential buyers feel welcomed and comfortable.