Everything You Need To Know Before Ordering Custom Robes Graduating from an academic institution is a milestone worth celebrating. The accomplishment is marked by many things, one of which is a convocation ceremony where graduates are outfitted in graduation robes. Custom robes for convocation are one of the elements that add prestige and formality to the ceremony, producing the well-known procession of many-colored robes and hoods. Custom robes are not only the best option when it comes to showcasing your academic achievements, but they can also be ordered for legal or judicial professionals, choirs or clergy members.
Choosing The Right Custom Robe Regardless of what type of custom robe you need, bear in mind the following tips to ensure you get the robe that offers the best fit for your needs.
Figuring Out What You Need If you aren’t sure where to start or what exactly you need, please send in a request for information. By learning more about your specific details, like alma mater or highest level of degree earned, we can supply you with information that can help make your selection easier. Our extensive experience creating graduation robes and robes for other purposes means that you don’t have to decipher the options on your own.
Timing For a custom order, we cut and sew the garment according to your style, fabric, colour, monogram and trim choices. As such, it generally takes eight to twelve weeks for a robe to be ready once it has been ordered. It is important to keep this timing in mind so that you can be sure to have your robe in time for your ceremony or event. In order to get the best price and the quickest delivery, it is best to place your order ahead of graduation season (March to May).
Measurements It is strongly recommend that your measurements be taken by a tailor to ensure that the information being used to make your custom made garments is accurate. At Harcourts, we have tailors available to take your measurements at our location Monday through Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm. No appointment is necessary, though it is recommended. If you are not close to our Toronto location, please contact us as we have a network of dealers across Canada that are available to take your measurements. Read more about what measurements are required.
Colours And Fabrics The biggest choice you will have to make is fabric type, since in most cases colours are predetermined. Working with a professional company that is well versed in convocation regalia can provide you with key insights into what might work best and make suggestions to suit your needs. When it comes to adding details, optional piping is an area where you can be a little creative. Piping is coloured cord that is stitched into the garment along the edge of the velvet. The academic code is silent on piping, so you may choose the colour you want
Where To Order Your Custom Convocation Regalia For those looking for a high quality robe that will stand the test of time, call Harcourts at 416.977.4408. Harcourts robes are the highest quality available, made from time tested material and are cut individually and by hand to ensure detail and custom fit. We take great pride in the products we produce and would be happy to work with you to create exactly what you need. Source Link: http://harcourts.com/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-before-ordering-custom-robes/