1 minute read


Welcome back everyone, after a refreshing Easter break, we are ready to hit the ground running. It’s been a challenging few months, filled with negative articles that have been echoing around us like an endless cycle. However, the good news is that market activity seems to be on the rise. Our team has noticed a trend of increased open homes activity, and multiple offers are becoming the norm.

We are excited to welcome Team Xaiver into our fold this month. They are a powerhouse team specializing in Mangere and the surrounding suburbs. Their energy and insights have already made a significant impact on our team. We also welcomed George Cook, a rising star in Mangere, who is already building a name for himself in the industry with his work ethic.


The question on everyone’s mind is whether we have seen peak interest rates. While a small change to the OCR plateauing or decreasing may be the news the market needs, the changes to the CCCFA will enable more buyers to return to the market. This should help get things moving.

This summer has been an unusual one, making winter a welcome sight. Let’s continue to work together to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

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