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LECTURE SERIES EMPHASIZES THE VALUE OF SELF-CARE The presenter in the third lecture series event, Positive Psychologist Elizabeth Elizardi (right) provided an informative session on “Self-Care: How to Live Well” on February 20 to about 70 guests assembling in the Trout Library, roughly half of whom hailed from the wider community. Elizardi offered practical tips for staying psychologically healthy, which included engaging with your strengths to open up a pathway to positive emotions, which will be energizing. Elizardi is the Lower School Director at the Agnes Irwin School.

HARCUM CHANGES PROGRAM NAME TO VETERINARY NURSING As part of the program’s name change, the Veterinary Nursing Program hosted an Information Session in support of the Pennsylvania Veterinary Nursing Initiative on Saturday, November 16. More than 70 professionals attended. Presenters included Ken Yagi, Jaclyn Mason, and Kathy Koar ’99.

NAVTA launched the Veterinary Nurse Initiative in 2017 to unite the veterinary technician profession in educational standards and scope of practice under the title of Registered Veterinary Nurse. Harcum was one of the first colleges and universities to officially change the name of its program to Veterinary Nursing in 2019. SEALANT DAY Dental Hygiene students treated pediatric patients aged 6–12 on February 17, Presidents’ Day, offering oral care instruction and cavity preventing sealants at no cost. This program serves the community while allowing our students to obtain valuable hours working in pediatric dental service.

DENTAL EXPO SOLD OUT The 14th annual Dental Expo on Saturday, March 7 packed in 250 attendees, all of whom work in the dental professions, including Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting. The event is organized by Terri Groody, Director of Professional Studies, and offers valuable continuing education units which help dental professionals retain their certifications.

Online Commencement Recognizes Class of 2020

MORE THAN 400 graduates received associate’s degrees during Harcum College’s first-ever Virtual Commencement, premiering on Friday, May 29, at 11 a.m. The President of the Independence Blue Cross Foundation, Rev. Dr. Lorina Marshall-Blake, who has devoted her life to the health care industry, received an honorary degree—Doctorate in Healthcare Innovation—and provided a moving commencement address.

Eight students shared the College’s top honors. Academic Awards were given to four graduates who earned a perfect 4.0 grade point average: Emma Hopkins graduated in December with a degree in Animal Center Management; Theresa Meis also graduated with a degree in Animal Center Management; Scott Stotland studied Human Services at the Diversified Community Partnership Sites program; and Denise Young, who also studied Human Services from the Deliverance Partnership Sites Program.

STUDENT AWARD winners Ikeshilia Edwards (left) and William Schneider (above). The President’s Award was given to Cecilia Walsh. The Student Leadership Award was presented to Rachael McDaniel (above), President of SGA.

The Harcum Award was given to two students for demonstrating outstanding achievement in academics while in leadership positions: Ikeshilia Edwards, a Criminal Justice major, who maintained a 3.8 GPA, interned with Common Pleas Judge Timika Lane over the summer; and William Schneider, a Dental Hygiene major, who maintained a 3.67 GPA and served as Class President for the Student American Dental Hygienists’ Association at Harcum.

The Student Leadership Award was presented to Rachael McDaniel, President of SGA, who participated in many service projects and campus activities.

The President’s Award was given to Cecelia Walsh, a Radiologic Technology major. She tackled her role as Harcum’s mascot “Hatcher” with cheerful enthusiasm, unbounded energy, and great humor.

The entire Commencement ceremony is available on Harcum’s YouTube channel.

Virtual Commencement

“Never Stop Learning” From President Jon Jay DeTemple’s Address to Graduates

ONE OF THE THINGS I hope you have learned at Harcum is that you can achieve great things. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.

I believe education is a lifelong process. We are constantly learning, transitioning through life, always getting better at dealing with the challenges, and in my heart, I know that we will deal with this challenge. Despite all the disruption caused by the coronavirus, it has not prevented us from recognizing you, graduates, and your achievements today.

Knowledge and the changes that go with it are accelerating every day. Never stop learning and never stop encouraging others to learn.

We need knowledge of ourselves and of each magnificent individual that we come in contact with, different cultures with a multitude of ideas. It’s through this understanding we will find peace. As you venture into the world of work and service, may the God of us all bless and protect you. Let us all salute the graduates of the class of 2020!

Never stop learning and never stop encouraging others to learn.

LEFT TO RIGHT: 2020 Graduates Human Services major Jasmin Gordon, Dental Hygiene major Brielle Renrick, and PTA major Hyneef Banks submitted photos for their individual recognition slides.

May 29, 2020

“Leadership, Community, and Courage” From Rev. Dr. Lorina Marshall-Blake’s Commencement Address, Independence Blue Cross Foundation President

HELLO, GRADUATES of Harcum College! I wish I could hear your voices saying hello to me. I wish I could see your faces. But guess what: I can feel your hearts. I know they’re bursting with pride. I know they’re full of love for the people who helped you get here. I know there’s probably also some sadness and fear in there about the situation we all find ourselves in.

As you graduate from Harcum College, it’s what you do next that will define the meaning of this great accomplishment. The ultimate meaning of this strange, sad time will be defined by what we all do next.

Leadership, Community, and Courage. These are the three values we need today, as we meet this great challenge.

With the education you’ve received, you have the opportunity to lead and the obligation to serve. In order to lead, you must serve. Think like a leader. Think of ways you can serve.

This pandemic is challenging our sense of community. But we have to stay together.

This pandemic is challenging our sense of community. But we have to stay together.

We know that no single person can solve the big problems we face. Who can solve those problems? All of us, together.

My final value is something that we desperately need right now. And we have to practice it every day: Courage. Whether you’re going on to another degree, continuing in your career, or starting a new one, I wish you all the best. I have confidence in you. Please have confidence in yourself. But most of all, stay encouraged!

“Making it Through Together” From Rachael McDaniel’s Commencement Address, Student Government Association President

WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT we would be celebrating our accomplishments this way? No one expected COVID-19 to shift our plans this way. I definitely did not.

It was difficult being separated from friends, faculty, and staff, but like most change, it was unpredictable.We also recognize that this change affected our professors, who had to make adjustments to a new way of teaching. Our “new” normal became online classes, submitting assignments through Canvas, and seeing each other virtually through a screen. But we have risen to the occasion. We embraced this new normal and the challenges that came with it. We now realize that through the strength of this community, together, we can overcome our challenges.

In the face of a global pandemic, we have all shown great focus and determination to complete our degrees. No matter what the world throws at us, we share in this accomplishment. And we will be stronger for having made it through this time—together.

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