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Grants & Scholarships
IBC Foundation Provides Partial Nursing Scholarships
New support from the Independence Blue Cross Foundation Healthcare Scholars Program will provide partial scholarships for Harcum nursing students. This scholarship focuses on funding low income students that identify as minority and are pursuing a nursing degree. According to Rev. Dr. Lorina Marshall-Blake, President of IBC Foundation, “Health equity is the Foundation’s highest priority.”
Pictured: President Jon Jay DeTemple; IBC Foundation delegation: Rev. Dr. Lorina Marshall-Blake, President; Marlene Harmon-Perkins; and JLy Lyons; Dr. Tanya Johnson-Coleman, Nursing Program Director; and Dolores Alabrodzinski, Nursing Faculty.
Dental Students Awarded Delta Scholarships
Delta Dental Community Cares Foundation awarded partial scholarship support to four Harcum dental hygiene students. In February, the Foundation officers met the student recipients: Kelly Greer of Secane, Pennsylvania, who hopes to work in a pediatric dental office; Madisen Kikut of Aston, Pennsylvania, who will graduate Harcum in May 2024; Kayla Morris from Norwood, Pennsylvania, who is a second-year Dental Hygiene student; and Bucks County resident Lauren Strauss, a first-year Dental Hygiene student, who wants to work in a pediatric dental office.
Pictured: President Jon Jay DeTemple, Delta Dental Community Care
Foundation delegation, Jennifer MacGilvary, Tina Greenawalt and Judy Smith; Jean Byrnes-Ziegler, Dental Hygiene Program Director; Samuel Cimino, DDS, Trustee; and scholarship recipients Kelley Greer, Lauren Strauss, Madisen Kikut, and Kayla Morris.

The Kathleen D. McCoy ’44 Fashion Design Textile Fund was endowed with a $50,000 gift from Kip Bowman, daughter, in loving memory of her mother in 2022. McCoy was a lifelong creative force. She opened her own ceramic jewelry business at 16, studied portrait and still life painting under Maurice Molarsky, and enrolled at the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts. Her art took her to interesting people and places, including two Harcum president commissioned portraits and traveling to Europe to paint landscapes.
Bowman recalled, “My mother said, during her early years at Harcum, she sometimes fell short and couldn’t afford all her supplies. Learning that some students struggle as Mother had, I wanted to help while honoring her at the same time.”
About the Fund
The Kathleen D. McCoy ’44 Fashion Design Textile Fund will provide funds to students with financial need to purchase fabric and supplies for their senior show.
CONTACT BROOKE WALKER, Vice President of Institutional Advancement, to create your scholarship impact at 610-526-6005 or bwalker@harcum.edu.

In Their Own Words
EVENS EDME, Rad Tech Class of 2023
Kevin D. Marlo Scholarship Recipient

Education is not only the key to personal success, but it also allows a person to be more useful to a society that has so many demands, but not enough human resources. I admire Harcum’s initiative to support students like me, in Kevin Marlo’s memory, thirsty for academic growth and committed to the community.
Harcum is definitely the “College of Possibilities” because I could have all the motivations in the world, but without the financial support, the possibilities would have been limited. I arrived from my native land, Haiti seven years ago and I used to work three jobs to provide for my family. I decided to go back to school when I got laid off because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Scholarship allowed me to study in peace, without having to stress myself about finding an extra portion of my tuition payment, in the middle of a pandemic.
My Harcum degree is the first step toward my biggest goal, which is to become a radiology director. For that to happen, I will continue to pursue an education in CT and MRI. I would like to obtain an MBA in Health Care Administration so I can continue to serve the society and to keep helping people.
TEAGHAN FREDERICKS, Vet Nursing Class of 2025
Hilary Strauss Scholarship Recipient

Harcum has gone above and beyond my expectations of a college. My first time around in college it felt like I was lost in a sea of students, but here I am seen and heard by everyone. My teachers have been so incredible. They each take an interest in their students and prove through actions, not just words, that they want you to succeed. From job referrals to help with studies, even if it isn’t their own class, to just having an open door for you to come to talk about anything. I
Am Truly In Awe Of
The only major worry I had was how I was going to pay to stay in school. As a dog walker, I wasn’t making enough to get my own student loan and ultimately I had to have a cosigner. Also, since Harcum was in person vs. online classes, I was at a disadvantage for work. It was like a message sent from the heavens that I was truly meant to be here when I received the news that I had won the Hilary Strauss Scholarship. It came at a time I was really in need of help.
It has done more for me than I could ever ask for. I was able to worry less about work and finances and was focus more on my studies. Because of this scholarship, I was able to keep my straight A’s this past first semester and while I was just shy of making President’s list, I was happy and honored to make Dean’s list.