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UNEMPLOYMENT AND POVERTY REMOVAL PROGRAM ● Pre-Employment Training ● Entrepreneurship Development Training ● Freelance And Livelihood Skill Training EHL Kamalapur, Level-2, Suite:06, 64-68, North Kamalapur, Kamalapur Station Road, Motijheel, Dhaka-1000. Telephone: 02-9338443, E-mail: Website:

Others Course of BIPS

Pre-Employment Training 6-Month training program to prepare Fresh Graduate/ Post Graduate or equivalent unemployed People for the entry level jobs in a range of organization, companies (like Banks, Financial Organization, Companies, RMG, Development Organization, Manufacturing Industry, Agricultural Industry etc.) in Bangladesh.

Entrepreneurship Development Training In our Bangladesh the effective participation in Business economic sector is important for the prosperity of national economy growth. But the participation in Business economic sector is inadequate, & the rate of young entrepreneurs and employment is very low compared to male. In fact, there exist many obstacles in women participation in mainstream economy although the degree of integrity, attention, creativity and expertise is very high in our women society. With the situation and feelings Metro Business and BIPS is offering the Women SME entrepreneur development for Partnership Business.

Freelance And Livelihood Skill Training This course is a business driven, applied training program for Entrepreneurship designed to improve both the quality and quantity of the local Business Entrepreneur . The training also connects business with Entrepreneur who become qualified Entrepreneur by completing this training. Training addresses Entrepreneurship skills necessary for a range of SME sector.

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Agro based Micro Industries Management Beauty Parlor Commercial Food Cooking Handicrafts Training Jute Diversified Product Bamboo, Wicker & Natural Fiber Product, Batiks, Tailoring E-commerce Business Management Online Marketing Infrastructure & legal Services Accounting and Finance, Business Planning, Human Resource Marketing & Sales Business Operation Business Technology Exporting in aboard and others Travel Agency and Tourism Operation Supply Chain Management Automobile Management Startup Agriculture studies Airlines and Hole Management Customer Care /Call Centre Management Store Management Medical Promotion SME Business NGO Management Apparel Merchandising

ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT TRAINING This course is a business driven, applied training program for Entrepreneurship designed to improve both the quality and quantity of the local Business Entrepreneur . The training also connects business with Entrepreneur who become qualified Entrepreneur by completing this training. Training addresses Entrepreneurship skills necessary for a range of SME sector.

Basic Course  

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BASIC WORKLPLACE SKILLS: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Arithmetic and Mathematics THINKING SKILLS: Decision Making, Reasoning and Problem Solving, Knowing How to Learn, Interpersonal/Social Skills, PERSONAL QUALITIES DEVELOPMENT: SelfManagement, Work Ethic, Integrity/Honesty, Communications Skills, Teamwork BASIC LIFE SKILLS: Financial Literacy, Responsibility, Self -Management, Safety/Environmental Health/Security, Quality/ Continuous Improvement TECHNOLOGY SKILLS: Use of Technology MANUFACTURING AND PRODUCTIONS JOB SEEKING SKILLS TRAINING TOURS

Pre-Employment Training 6-Month training program to prepare Fresh Graduate/ Post Graduate or equivalent unemployed People for the entry level jobs in a range of organization, companies (like Banks, Financial Organization, Companies, RMG, Development Organization, Manufacturing Industry, Agricultural Industry etc.) in Bangladesh. A strategic partnership between Education, Government, and organization/companies to remove the unemployment and poverty and to improve both the quantity and quality of the employee and to connect organization/companies with qualified job seekers because Good jobs deserve qualified people and qualified people deserve good jobs.

Why the Need for Pre-Employment Training  

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Most of the organizations/ companies surveyed had problem recruiting for specific skills or positions. The Pre-Employment Training helps improve community quality of life, Economic development linked to workforce development; Program connects citizens to family-wage jobs. Organizations/Companies partnerships benefit as Unemployment people are trained in the latest technologies by experts in the field. Excellent model of a cluster initiative is to remove unemployment and poverty in Bangladesh. Intellectual Backup Workforce for a range of organizations/companies/industries.

How do Business Benefit from Partnering the Pre-Employment Training 

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“Try before you buy” Employers have a chance to interact with unemployed people prior to offering employment. The Pre-Employment Training provides a pool of JustIn-Time Qualified workforce The Pre-Employment Training provides a reserved and backup workforce that could reduce the employee unrest. Businesses improve retention rates because employees choose their employer. Careers in a range of Organization/Companies gain visibility through advertisement of the PreEmployment Training program. Organization/Company designs and teaches curriculum required for their entry-level positions. Fundamentals like safety and quality are taught before applicants are even hired.

How Do Unemployed People benefit 

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“Try before you buy” unemployed people get to meet HR professionals, who do the hiring, and see which Jobs and work environment fit them best when they tour the Pre-Employment Training. Unemployed people feel empowered by making an informed decision before applying. Retention improves when people make informed choices. 97% of all Pre-Employment Training unemployed people is hired. Industry-taught courses prepare unemployed people for work in only 6 Month and they get to keep their day job.

MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR THE PARTNERS a company during the training period, they will receive information but will not be officially “hired” until after Graduation. At no point during the training will any program company target specific students for recruitment. No job applications from P.E.T. students will be accepted by any program Partner until the day of Graduation. At Graduation night, each company may solicit applications from graduates. At Graduation, the “hands off” policy is no longer in effect. The list of graduates will be shared with all Partner companies, as will the list of preferred work places. Companies may contact graduates for interviews, but when an applicant has accepted a position, the P.E.T. coordinator will be notified, and will in turn notify the program. It is agreed that all program companies will use the P.E.T. graduates preferentially in the hiring process. However, all companies reserve the right to hire the most qualified applicant for the job, whether found within or without of the P.E.T. pool of candidates.

ENFORCING OUR PRINCIPLES A majority vote by program Partners will be the method utilized for enforcing principles and making sure the previously outlined operating principles are being followed.

By signing this memorandum of agreement you are committing to meet all obligations set forth and become a Partner of the Pre-Employment Training Program of Grant County.

Signed_____________________ Date____________


Vision Statement 

Working in partnership to provide area employers with the Training program of Bangladesh Institute of Professional Studies to develop a quality driven, safety minded, and skilled work force;

Promote career opportunities in a range of organizations/companies through consistent, high quality, employer driven training programs.

Fulfill the needs of quality employers seeking eager applicants to become certified as job-ready in the industrial sector.

Remove the Unemployment and Poverty from the society through cluster initiatives.

How do stakeholders win?

Employers- Attract and retain high quantity/quality workforce

Employees- Receive enhanced opportunities to access living wage occupations

College/Universities - Understand alternate career paths and opportunities

Families- Economic stability

Workforce Partners- Increased connectivity to organizations/companies and achieve goals

PRINCIPLE#3- FINANCIAL COMMITMENT It is expected that Partners will abide by agreed upon financial commitments. Organization/Companies partners may have differing levels of financial commitment. While in-kind contributions are necessary and encouraged, they do not replace the agreed upon financial commitments. Initial Partnership fees Tk.10000 cannot be replaced by in -kind contributions.

PRINCIPLE#4-DECISION MAKING We will always strive for unanimous decision within the program. In the event that the program is not unanimous, decisions will be made in the following way: All partners in the program (voting and nonvoting) will actively participate in the discussion. Only program Partners will have voting rights. Each Partner company will receive 1 vote. In order for a vote to take place, a majority of voting program Partners must be present. A vote will be taken, and a majority vote of at least 60% will decide the issue.

PRINCIPLE #5 – OPEN COMMUNICATION AND SKILLFUL DISCUSSION We expect all communication to be respectful. All Partners will have the opportunity to speak and be heard.

PRINCIPLE #6 — RECRUITMENT FROM PREEMPLOYMENT TRAINEE It has been agreed that recruitment from the preemployment Training graduates shall proceed as follows: There shall be no recruiting efforts made while students are enrolled in the program, it shall be “hands off”. If students ask about working procedure.

Selection criteria for Pre-Employment Training 1. HSC/Graduate/ Post Graduate or equivalent required. 2. Negative drug test 3. Must be eligible for employment 4. Must be able to read, write and speak English. 5. Must meet basic Math skills including problem solving. 6. Must meet basic Reading Comprehension skills. 7. Application with BDT 1100 non-refundable Registration fee must be completed 8. An Interview must be completed- questionnaire and evaluation scale to be used for all applicants. 9. There will be a Training cost for tuition of BDT 10,500, to be paid before the first day of Training.

Grant for Trainee Each training will receive a unique grant or financial benefit provided by the employment partners as per hourly, weekly or monthly which will activate in the Memorandum followed by discussions & PET program.


PRINCIPLE #1-COMMITMENT AND PARTICIPATION All meetings will begin on time. All Partners are equal Partner in the Program. Each partner organization is expected to maintain at least two persons of contact (primary/ secondary). Partners are expected to attend 80% of all meetings in a rolling year. The program recognizes that unavoidable and unforeseen circumstances can and may occur. Special circumstances that prevent 80% attendance at meetings will be heard by the group before Partnership is revoked. Orientation and Graduation will be included on the attendance sheet, with the same 80% attendance required at each of these events. Beginning events will also be included on the attendance sheet but only three businesses will participate at one time, so as long as each company participates on a regular basis, there will be no percentage requirement. Program Partners will also provide interviewers for the preemployment Training application process. If there are twelve events in a year, six interviewers needed per event, then the number of program Partners will be divided by that total number

PRINCIPLE#2-TRUST AND RESPECT It is expected that communication will occur in an open and honest way. Because potentially confidential information may need to be shared within the group, it is expected that nothing shared in the meetings will be shared with anyone else. When a Partner states that information is confidential, it is expected that all Partners will maintain that confidentiality.

JOBS Pre-Employment Training Course Curriculum of Pre-Employment Training This course is a business driven, applied training program for entry level employment designed to improve both the quality and quantity of the local Business workforce. The training also connects business with Jobseekers who become qualified job seeker by completing this training. Training addresses pre employment skills necessary for many organizational positions, including  

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BASIC WORKLPLACE SKILLS: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Arithmetic and Mathematics THINKING SKILLS: Decision Making, Reasoning and Problem Solving, Knowing How to Learn, Interpersonal/Social Skills, PERSONAL QUALITIES DEVELOPMENT: Self-Management, Work Ethic, Integrity/Honesty, Communications Skills, Teamwork BASIC LIFE SKILLS: Financial Literacy, Responsibility, SelfManagement, Safety/Environmental Health/Security, Quality/ Continuous Improvement TECHNOLOGY SKILLS: Use of Technology MANUFACTURING AND PRODUCTIONS JOB SEEKING SKILLS TRAINING TOURS

Empanel Agreement Dear [Name of Empanel] Congratulations on being selected for enrollment into the Pre-Employment Training Program (PET)! This is a privilege, as all of those who apply are not selected. All privileges come with some form of accountability, and the PET Program is no exception. It is important to your successful completion that you are aware that the following conditions must be met. Since honesty is important not only for this training but also the companies involved, it is important there was no falsification of information on the application you completed. Also, a negative result on the substance abuse screening is essential in order for you to remain in the program. Attendance is critical to the ongoing production output and viability of any organization. Considering the fact that you are being prepared for work in the area, you must attend all scheduled classes and be in class on time. Failure to do so will result in your removal from class. Classes are scheduled Monday through Friday from 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. If an emergency arises causing you to be late or absent, you are to contact BIPS Employment Exchange at phone: +88 02 9338443. You are responsible for getting to and from class. There are no excused absences or tardies. If you miss more than one day of class (15 minutes late is considered an absence, not a tardy), or are tardy more than 2 times, you will be removed from the program. The Trainee portion of the costs for this training (BDT 10500) must be paid prior to the first day of class. You will be given assignments that may necessitate you to do work outside of class. You may be tested on the material presented to you, so if you do not understand, ask questions. You must maintain 80% average for 80% of the classes and tests to complete and be certified. Cheating of any type will not be tolerated. It is expected that you behave respectfully and appropriately at all times. If your behavior is not appropriate, you will be removed from the program. The PET Coordinator may schedule personal conferences with any Trainee if he/she deems it necessary for their success in the program. Any Trainee may also request a personal conference as needed. All of the requirements as mentioned above must be adhered to for your successful completion of this training and to receive your certificate. After you have received your certificate, the employers involved with PET will

All fees are NON-REFUNDABLE I have read the above-stated requirements and understand I must comply with them to successfully complete the Pre-Employment Training and receive my certificate. I also understand upon completion, none of the companies involved are obligated to offer me employment, and I am not obligated to ac-

Signature …………………….

Date ……………...

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