Cw brochure final

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w w w . c a p i t a w o r l d . c o m


Founders Mr. Jinand Shah | Mr. Vinod Modha Mr. Aviruk Chakraborty

Vision: To stay as the most valued, respected and ubiquitous digital nancial marketplace.

Mission: To leverage the state of art technology, connect and experience of nancial markets by providing smart, interactive, simple and innovative end to end nancial solutions and provide robust nancial infrastructure thereby leading to increase in nancial inclusiveness and increasing the depth and liquidity of markets.

Our Values:



Customer Centric















Reliable Organized

D Digital


Our Advisory Board Members

Mr. Mandar Mhatre

Ex-Executive Director for J.P. Morgan Chase

Mr. Mohan Tanksale

Ex-Chief Executive of IBA Ex- CMD Central Bank of India

Mr. Ramesh Iyenger

Ex- Finance Controller of large IT Companies

CapitaWorld is smart

intelligent and automated financial platform

CapitaWorld is a unique fund raising platform, which is created as a one stop solution for the nancial requirements of not only Fund Seekers (Individual/Business), but also for Fund Providers (Banks/NBFC’s / High net worth individuals etc) and Service Providers (CA/CFA/CFP/CPA/Investment bankers, other nance professionals etc).

ONE FORM Single Form, Multiple Opportunities


COMPARE MULTIPLE OPTIONS Scan dozens of offers and choose the best

RATING OF PROPOSALS Access to unbiased dynamic ratings

GLOBAL REACH Entities around the world on the same platform

INTERACTIVE INTELLIGENT SYSTEM Video Conference & Chat Facilities

CapitaWorld is a Lending/Fund Raising Pla orm that Ÿ Enables Market Penetra on and Opportunity Crea on Ÿ Enhances lead quality Ÿ Enables Digital transac on from lead to closure Ÿ Ensures and services "genuine" needs at Retail and MSME from a fund-need perspec ve Ÿ Enables Banks, NBFCs and many such organiza ons to do product outreach and customer

acquisi on


Corporate Ministry


E KYC Authen ca on

Biometric Authen ca on

CIBIL Credit Score Score

MCA Data Corporate DataAutoFill Auto Fill

CW SME Scoring

Social Media Profile


22 55 Mul ple Banks & NBFC



Retail Loans

Profanity Check


System integra on between CW & Banks Proposals / Data received by Banks & NBFCs

Filtering of Proposals as per Bank Criteria


77 Video Conference between Bank and Client Disbursement of Funds

10 10


Credit Decision

88 Ease in Primary Acceptance & Rejec on

CapitaWorld is an Organiza on that Ÿ Drives itself on Research and Development Ÿ Has a "Bouquet of offerings" - in development and Ready to offer - NPA Predictor, Agri-Loan

Process Facilitators and many more Ÿ Has stood second at Technology Innova on Awards - IDBRT's, technology arm of RBI Ÿ Is formed by Finance Professionals for the need of Finance and most importantly to Enable


CapitaWorld is Technology that Ÿ Leverages a MicroServices approach Ÿ Uses a proprietary "One Form Engine" to keep the end users away from the hassles of filling

mul ple forms Ÿ Seamless integrates with Banks, NBFCs and other en

es to make the process digital and

"near" - real me Ÿ Seamless integra on with Statutory bodies/en

es for authorized pre-fill of informa on

relevant to the applica on Ÿ Uses proprietary algorithms for doing proac ve matching of en

es on both sides of the

transac on Ÿ Uses proprietary developed scoring models that enables ins tu ons to be unbiased in decision

making Ÿ Enables conferencing between en

es to enables faster decision making by helping them with

secure one on one digital communica on Ÿ Serves both as part of the workflow or an independent pla orm

CapitaWorld is a Digital Solu on that equips Ÿ A Retail/MSME customer with a no hassle simple data entry form irrespec ve of Product Type Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

or Type of Ins tu on - he/she is applying to A Retail/MSME customer to be transparent to the overall Applica on process A Retail/MSME customer to be real me updated A Retail/MSME customer to have mul ple choices based on pure success criteria A Retail/MSME customer for one me registra on and the details post that are auto-updated basis the transac on type Banks, NBFCs and other en es to proac vely posi on their campaigns and aligned products Banks, NBFCc and other en es equip their Fund and Credit Managers with the tools that help take a decision


No Human Bias

Fast, Secure & Affordable

Fast, Competitive & Affordable Funding

No Upfront Charges

Minimum Documentation

Knowledge Center Support

Online Loan Tracking Facilities

Secured Data

After analyzing, both the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the nancial ecosystem, we realized the importance of providing a right proposal to a right person by optimizing usage of our digital platform. We have designed and created the rst end-to-end digitally connected and fully automated system for nancial marketplace. We are here to save time, energy and money of all our stakeholders in this diverse nance industry. Our nancial and business analysts have mapped entire banking and investment processes of various markets and geographies including Indian sub continent, Middle East etc under a single umbrella.



Working Capital Loan


Home Loan


Cash Credit


Personal Loan


Over Draft


Loan Against


Loan Against


Term Loan


Letter of Credit


Bank Guarantee


Bill Discounting


Education Loan


Lease Rental


Auto Loan



Gold Loan


Equipment Finance


Car Loans


Project Finance


Pay day Loans

Property Shares

Select Your Application

How would Banks and NBFCs benefit from CapitaWorld: Ÿ All Authen cated Retail Proposals directly at Desk of the Banker (with EKYC,

Credit Bureau check) Ÿ All Authen cated Corporate (MSME) Proposals directly with the Banker Ÿ Pool of proposals with direct Central Team Access (can be extended to Branch

level integra on as well) Ÿ All Data available upfront Ÿ Data can be provided in necessary forms / formats duly filled up Ÿ Preliminary filtering and assessment / scoring done Ÿ Ar ficial Intelligence driven Recommenda on Engine Ÿ Future Technology Driven systems with Machine Learning Algorithms Ÿ Complete Transparency in the process and direct connect to the customers Ÿ Total ease in Acceptance / Rejec on of proposals

Op on 1: Digital Channel Partner [A] End to End System Integra on Data of loan applicants from CapitaWorld systems can directly ow through an API to systems of the Banks. This can ensure seamless data exchange leading to faster and be er decision making leading to reduc on of costs in the process and beneďŹ ts to the customers as well. This integra on can be done at Retail as well as Corporate Level with all Banks and NBFCs in the digital space. [B] Use CapitaWorld Fund Provider Interface Banks and NBFCs access to all Proposals online by using our Digital Applica on. The user details are vigilantly created by CapitaWorld Team and Bankers directly start using CapitaWorld systems for basic evalua on of the Proposal, checking documents and details as well as accep ng and rejec ng proposals online. This can be implemented for Central Team Access as well as Branch wise/ Geography wise Bankers (users). User friendly interface will be provided to the Bankers where they could view proposals as well as download the proposals in editable formats. Request for Live Demo of our Fund Provider Interface at or

[C] Lead Genera on vis a vis Complete Documenta on Process Rela onship with Banks can be for Lead Providing as well as End to End Documenta on comple on process. Our presence in various ci es help us to complete the documenta on process with the Banks thereby leading to be er services for the Banks/NBFCs as well as the loan seekers.


Op on 2: Licenced Modules Our Next Genera on and state of art Technology for crea ng the Front end interface of users with Bankers can be used as separate module for Banking Community. Our team can license the product to be used by the Banks in their environment to get deals directly i.e., customer can directly get connected with the Bank/NBFC. The modules include: Ÿ Excellent interface for users to provide data digitally to the Bank / NBFC Ÿ Smart and Intelligent interface for Bankers to get / filter / score / accept or reject deals coming

digitally to them Request for Live Demo of our Fund Provider Modules: or

Enhance Credit Decision Making

Op on 3: Enhance Credit Decision Making by use of Next Genera on Machine Learning Algorithms Ÿ Won 2nd prize in Banking Technology Applica ons contest held by IDRBT (Technology arm of

Reserve Bank of India). Ÿ Our Machine Learning algorithms can predict good – bad loans for Credit decision making. Ÿ Based on the data of a prospec ve client, the algorithms will be able to provide with very high

accuracy whether the prospec ve client would default or not in future. (Our inhouse study provides 98% accuracy level of predic ng default or not) Ÿ Get your Future now using the State of Art Algorithms in credit decision making

Digital Touch points are the key

Algorithms are the Future

We Believe Intelligence driven Marke ng is the way

Analy cs is the Life Partner

Physical is the Support

FinTech Evolu on is just Beginning

Regulatory framework is the blueprint | Mumbai


Abu Dhabi


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