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ITERATIONS - best options
We have two resulting options from these iterations that give us similar output metrics.
Steel-framed masonry steel framed in these two options, the metrics are quite similar. the avg udi’s are over 50% and the % overall comfort is also the same. The only input that varies is the construction. I chose the mass construction because the daylight metrics for the office were better than the steel framed. bedroom pmv comfort is retained at 100% office pmv comfort is increased significantly from 48.7% bedroom pmv comfort is increased by 4.56% from 50.23. office pmv comfort is increased by 21.19% significantly from 32.87% daylight autonomy remained in the range of 90-98% throughout the project. so it was not considered too heavily. total energy use intensity: 294.3 kWh/m2 heating eui: 185.17 kWh/m2 cooling eui: 39.24 kWh/m2 lighting eui: 10.05 kWh/m2 elec equip eui: 33.67 kWh/m2 the heating eui is still high. if i could adjust the infiltration rate, it would bring this eui down. mean radiant temp: bedroom: 23.17c office: 21.58c
% of time comfortable: bedroom: 25.46% office: 20.33%
% of time cold: bedroom: 55.31% office: 61.12%
chosen ITERATION - masonry, 20m length, wall r-21
the office loads are minimal compared to the bedroom. the solar gain in the winter is helping negate the need for excessive heating.
total energy use intensity: 294.3 kWh/m2 heating eui: 185.17 kWh/m2 cooling eui: 39.24 kWh/m2 lighting eui: 10.05 kWh/m2 elec equip eui: 33.67 kWh/m2 the solar gain during the summer is counter intuitive, natural ventilation during the summers might rid the need for cooling. in the bedroom especially, the infiltration is high, resulting in higher heating loads. if i could change the infiltration rate, it would be beneficial for the space. the heating eui is still high. if i could adjust the infiltration rate, it would bring this eui down. mean radiant temp: bedroom: 23.17c office: 21.58c
% of time comfortable: bedroom: 25.46% office: 20.33%
% of time cold: bedroom: 55.31% office: 61.12%