Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 with Trim GLASS:SCHEDULING 24" x 24" 1500 610 AND DOORLouvers & WINDOW Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 Window Schedule Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24": 28 Family and Type Height Width Louvers withsliding Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" sliding box: box 1000 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" 1500 610 sliding box: sliding box 1000 x 24" 1500 1000 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 sliding box: sliding box 1000 1500 1000 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 sliding box: sliding box 1000 1500 1000 Louvers withsliding Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 sliding box: box 1000 1500 1000 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 sliding box: sliding box 1000 1500 1000 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 sliding box: sliding box 1000 1500 1000 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 sliding box: sliding box 1000 1500 1000 Louvers withsliding Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 sliding box: box 1000 1500 1000 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 sliding box: sliding box 1000 1500 1000 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 sliding box: sliding box 1000 1500 1000 Louvers withsliding Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 sliding box: box 1000 1500 1000 Louvers withsliding Trim GLASS: 24" 11 x 24" 1500 610 sliding box: box 1000: Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 Grand total: 39 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 Door Schedule Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 Family and Type Height Width Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 Doors_glass_16753: 800 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 Doors_glass_16753: 800 2134 1600 Doors_glass_16753: 800 2134 1600 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 Doors_glass_16753: 800: 2 Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" Louvers with 1500 610 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 Doors_glass_16753: 1000 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 Doors_glass_16753: 1000 2134 2000 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 Doors_glass_16753: 1000 2134 2000 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 Doors_glass_16753: 1000: 2 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 M_Curtain Wall Dbl Glass: Wall Glass Louvers withM_Curtain Trim GLASS: 24"Dbl x 24" 1500 610 M_Curtain Wall Dbl Glass: M_Curtain Wall Dbl Glass 2325 1410 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24" 1500 610 M_Curtain Wall Dbl Glass: Wall Glass 2325 1410 Louvers withM_Curtain Trim GLASS: 24"Dbl x 24" 1500 610 M_Curtain Wall Dbl Glass: M_Curtain Wall Dbl Glass 2325 1410 Louvers with Trim GLASS: 24" x 24": 28 M_Curtain Wall Dbl Glass: M_Curtain Wall Dbl Glass: 3
sliding sliding box 1000 M_Single-Flush: 0813box: x 2134mm sliding sliding box 1000 M_Single-Flush: 0813box: x 2134mm sliding sliding box 1000 M_Single-Flush: 0813box: x 2134mm M_Single-Flush: 0813 x 2134mm sliding box: sliding box 1000 M_Single-Flush: 0813box: x 2134mm sliding sliding box 1000 M_Single-Flush: 0813 x 2134mm: sliding box: sliding 4box 1000
1500 2134 1500 2134 2134 1500 2134 1500 1500
1000 813 1000 813 813 1000 813 1000 1000
THESIS - INDOOR SPORTS BUILDING WALL SCHEDULING AND CLASH DETECTION REPORT Wall Schedule Family and Type Basic Wall: 150 Basic Wall: 150 Basic Wall: 150 Basic Wall: 150 Basic Wall: 150 Basic Wall: 150 Basic Wall: 150 Basic Wall: 150 Basic Wall: 150 Basic Wall: 150 Basic Wall: 150 Basic Wall: 150: 10
3971 3971 5589 5589 4562 9210 3390 3290 5500 3554
150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
17 m² 17 m² 15 m² 15 m² 19 m² 37 m² 15 m² 14 m² 19 m² 13 m² 180 m²
2.52 m³ 2.52 m³ 2.31 m³ 2.31 m³ 2.81 m³ 5.48 m³ 2.18 m³ 2.08 m³ 2.83 m³ 1.95 m³ 26.97 m³