RAFMAF Battle of Britain Commemorative Dinner 2017

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ROYAL AIR FORCE BATTLE of BRITAIN COMMEMORATIVE DINNER Marking the 70th Anniversary of the United States Air Force and the Centenary of the Royal Air Force Wednesday, October 4th, 2017 The Mayflower Hotel, Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D.C.

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TO THE ROYAL AIR FORCE. Lockheed Martin has enjoyed a strategic relationship with the Royal Air Force for more than fift y years. From the C-130s to the F-35s, Lockheed Martin has a key role to play in delivering and maintaining capability for frontline Squadrons. We are proud to support the RAF and to be a part of the UK’s most important defence programmes and we look forward to continuing our close partnership for decades to come. As we mark the 100th anniversary of the RAF, we salute the sacrifices of those who have served, the contributions of those of who serve today and the inspiration both offer for the next 100 years. Learn more at F35.com/uk


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Contents 4

WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Major General Frederick F. Roggero USAF (Ret.), President, RAFMAF








LIEUTENANT ERIC GILL Recalling one young airman’s wartime RAF career, including a spell at the No. 1 British Flying Training School in Texas


ORDRE NATIONAL DE LA LÉGION D’HONNEUR Celebrating recent recipients of France’s highest military and civil order of merit

THE FORMATION OF THE ROYAL AIR FORCE How the world’s first independent air force was established in 1918, amid debate over Britain’s air defenses



A ROYAL MESSAGE OF THANKS King George V’s letter of gratitude to the men and women of the Royal Air Force at the conclusion of the First World War


THE CREATION OF THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE The early history of the USAF, which has delivered aviation with global vigilance, reach and power since its formation in September 1947

LIEUTENANT J.R. PAYDEN The story of a young American who enlisted in the forces as the US entered the First World War and served in Europe at the inception of the Royal Air Force

ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE AND SACRIFICE How the RAF Museum is transforming its London site for the service’s centenary THE START OF A SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP The origins of the USAF/RAF Military Personnel Exchange Program THE ROYAL AIR FORCE MUSEUM AMERICAN FOUNDATION SWORDS OF HONOR Recognizing the most outstanding RAF and USAF officers on exchange this year


SWORDS OF HONOR 2017 CITATIONS Sqn Ldr Wesley Pead BEng (Hons) RAF and Major James Rodgers USAF


THE RAFMAF TRIO Profiles of tonight’s jazz musicians

Cover images: P51 Mustang: Andrew Harker / Alamy; F35: Lockheed Martin; Sopwith Camel: David Wall / Alamy Produced by Harfield Media Edited by Barry Davies Designed by J-P Stanway RAF MUSEUM AMERICAN FOUNDATION


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Welcome and introduction Major General (Ret.) Frederick F. Roggero, USAF, President, RAFMAF


centenary. The metamorphosis of the USAF commenced in 1907 through the army, with the formation of the Aeronautical Division, Signal Corps, which became, in 1914, the Aviation Section. You can read about this in Joseph Payden’s biography (see page 14) and learn how he came to fly with the Royal Flying Corps during the First World War in 1917, creating a direct bridge between the RFC and the US Aviation Services. It is interesting to read how the American pilots adopted many of the traditions of their RFC/RAF counterparts, which were eventually incorporated into the USAF traditions. It is also an honor for the Foundation to be able to recognize the continued close association

he Royal Air Force Museum American Foundation (RAFMAF) is honored and proud to host the Battle of Britain Commemorative Dinner and would like to thank the Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Hillier KCB CBE DFC ADC MA, for his, and the Royal Air Force’s, continued support. We are also delighted to welcome General Stephen W. ‘Seve’ Wilson, Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force (USAF), to help us honor the outstanding service of the top Royal Air Force (RAF) and USAF Exchange Officers of 2017. This year, it is a great privilege to honor the 70th anniversary of the United States Air Force, along with the commencement of the RAF’s

Last year’s guest veteran, the late ‘Captain’ Jack Bradshaw, learned of his Legion d’Honneur award shortly before he passed away RAF MUSEUM AMERICAN FOUNDATION


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The Foundation supported the USAF’s loan of a retired MQ-1 Predator Remote Piloted Aircraft to the RAF Museum in London

British Flying Training School in Terrell, Texas, to preserve that history and to ensure that it was shared with the RAF Museum in the UK. In concert with that effort, the Foundation also funded a technical apprenticeship program in the UK to provide the necessary work on the digital and audio development of this media. This makes the unique story of UK-US aircrew training come alive for visitors to the RAF Museum, which you can read about later in this book (see page 23). Furthermore, during 2017 the Foundation has strongly supported the USAF’s loan of a retired MQ-1 Predator Remote Piloted Aircraft (RPA), made by General Atomics, to the RAF Museum in London as a way to tell this timely and important shared story of air power between our two nations. The loan of this aircraft is particularly important this year, since 2017 marks 10 years of combined British and American MQ-1 and MQ-9 operations. And, by the time of tonight’s dinner, the RAF will have celebrated reaching more than 100,000 MQ flying hours alongside their USAF RPA teammates. With the help of our sponsors, the Foundation will continue to keep our combined and shared histories of air power alive. Thank you for attending tonight, and for your continued support of the Royal Air Force Museum American Foundation and the Royal Air Force Museum.

between our servicemen by presenting two ceremonial Swords of Honor to the RAF and USAF Exchange Officers whose contributions have most reflected the values that our veterans and the Foundation share: service, excellence, integrity and courage. It is these values that we honor in our young men and women of today, and encourage in the young people of tomorrow. As we look back on what has happened within the Foundation over the past year, I must report the sad news that our guest veteran at last year’s dinner, Captain Jack Bradshaw, an American who flew both in the RAF and the Army Air Corps during the Second World War, passed away earlier this year. But, before he passed, a team composed of members from the Foundation, the British and French embassies, along with a determined group of Americans from Texas all came together to make sure that Jack was awarded the Legion d’Honneur, the highest French Military Award, for his combat operations in his Spitfire over the beaches of Normandy in June 1944. Fortunately, Jack received the news and the recognition before it was too late. In pursuing its mission, the Royal Air Force Museum American Foundation has also been focused on education by supporting a number of key exhibits within the RAF Museum. Specifically, the Foundation funded the digitizing of documents and photographs from the First



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Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Hillier KCB CBE DFC ADC MA RAF, Chief of the Air Staff


closely together, in training and on operations worldwide. And as we enjoy the comfort and splendid hospitality of our dinner this evening in Washington, D.C., we reflect on the extraordinary courage, commitment and professionalism of our airmen and airwomen, serving their countries, frequently putting themselves in harm’s way, and consistently delivering decisive air-power effect. The Royal Air Force Museum American Foundation continues to provide outstanding support to those who have served, and are still serving, in both the USAF and the RAF. The Foundation further reinforces the closeness of our relationship and our shared heritage. I am extremely grateful for that support to our Air Forces, and it is a pleasure to join you this evening.

am delighted once again to be able to attend the annual dinner of the Royal Air Force Museum American Foundation in this, the 70th year of the United States Air Force. I am delighted that the RAF has been able to play its part in helping celebrate such an important anniversary for the USAF, and I look forward in turn to our closest ally helping the RAF celebrate its centenary in 2018. Indeed, the partnership between the pilots of the UK and the US extends back to before the history of either Air Force – you will read later in this book about Joseph Payden, who left the US to fly with the Royal Flying Corps during the First World War, and also about Eric Gill, who flew with the RAF in the latter years of the Second World War. As in our history, so it is today, with our two Air Forces constantly working exceptionally



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The formation of the Royal Air Force As the First World War approached a fourth year, a government investigation into the state of Great Britain’s air defenses led to the establishment of a single air force in 1918


under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, David Lloyd George. In practice, however, it was a South African Army officer, LieutenantGeneral Jan Christiaan Smuts, who undertook the work. The first thing he recommended was a reorganization of the air defense of London. In August 1917, Smuts presented a second report to the War Cabinet, which was accepted

erman airship and aeroplane raids on Great Britain during the First World War caused public outrage and anger among politicians. By 1917, the disagreement on home defense between the War Office and Admiralty led the Cabinet to establish a committee to assess the country’s air defenses. The committee was formed in July, nominally

The new Royal Air Force inherited many obsolete aircraft, such as this Sopwith Triplane, now preserved at the RAF Museum RAF MUSEUM AMERICAN FOUNDATION


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Lt-Gen Jan Smuts recommended the creation of a single British air force

Two airmen aboard a Bristol Fighter of the W/T Establishment at Biggin Hill in 1918

Non-Commissioned Officers in Royal Flying Corps uniform relax outside their hut in 1918

in principle, including the recommendation of the creation of an Air Ministry and a single air force. Hugh Trenchard was to become the first Chief of the Air Staff of the newly created Royal Air Force (RAF) in January 1918. Formerly an officer in the Royal Scots Fusiliers, he transferred to the Royal Flying Corps in 1913, becoming second in command at the Central Flying School. When war broke out, Trenchard commanded 1 Wing in

France, before becoming Officer Commanding RFC in the Field in 1915. Two years later, he returned to the UK and reorganized training, before his appointment to the RAF. Trenchard’s primary objective as Chief of the Air Staff was to ensure the smooth transition from Royal Flying Corps and Royal Naval Air Service to the RAF. Operational ability was more important than ceremony, and it was here



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A Sopwith Camel takes off from HMS Pegasus. RAF aircraft operated from a variety of Royal Navy ships Major General Sir Hugh Trenchard, the first Chief of the Air Staff

Officers of RAF Cattewater on April 1st, 1918. Most are pictured still wearing Royal Naval Air Service dress, but two are already in RAF uniform

that most effort was concentrated. Although a new badge and uniform were designed, wartime production limits meant there would not be enough to equip everyone in the new service. There were no parades or ceremonies on April 1st, 1918 to mark the formation of the RAF; allied forces in France were trying to stop the major German Michael Offensive. Only a minority of the men that transferred to the RAF were

wearing the new uniform from day one, with most continuing to wear their old Army or Royal Navy uniforms; it was more important to continue air operations against German forces on land, in the air and in the sea. As a consequence, this lack of ceremony, continuity of operations and uniform often makes it difficult to identify photographs that were taken in April 1918 – it is easier to identify those that were not.



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A royal message of thanks At the conclusion of the First World War, His Majesty King George V sent congratulations to the men and women of the recently formed Royal Air Force and expressed his gratitude for their sacrifice



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The creation of the United States Air Force Formed in 1947, the USAF has its origins some four decades earlier, and in the years since its inception has delivered aviation with global vigilance, reach and power

“It is my earnest hope that throughout the years our countries will not lose that spirit of kinship, with its mutual trust and close cooperation which was further developed and cemented during World War II.”


Establishment, led by a Secretary of Defense, with three departments: for the US Navy, the US Army and, most importantly, a new department for an independent US Air Force (USAF). The US National Security Act of July 26th, 1947 was signed by President Harry Truman on board a Douglas VC-54C called  Sacred Cow – the first Air Force One. It took effect on September 18th, 1947, thus creating the USAF. Spaatz became the first Commanding General of the USAF.

he words above were written by General Carl Spaatz, Commanding General of the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF), to Marshal of the Royal Air Force (RAF) Lord Trenchard on July 29th, 1947 in response to Trenchard’s congratulations after hearing about the passage of the ‘Unification Bill’. The bill to which Trenchard referred was passed by the Senate and US House of Congress in July 1947 and called for the creation of a National Military

George W Beatty taught at the US Army Aviation School, College Park, before opening his own school at Hendon in 1914 RAF MUSEUM AMERICAN FOUNDATION


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Strapping an American pilot of 121 (Eagle) Squadron into his Spitfire, 1941

General Carl Spaatz became the first Commanding General of the USAF on September 18th, 1947

An exchange visit of RAF Lancaster crew with B-17 crew of the 751st Bombardment Squadron, Glatton, England in 1944 USAAF personnel are gathered around the tail of Avro Lancaster I R5868 of 467 Squadron in 1945. This aircraft is now part of the RAF Museum collection

A Tornado GR.1 of 14 Squadron is pictured on the ground at Nellis Air Force Base in southern Nevada, as it is readied for a Red Flag aerial combat training exercise



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A Royal Air Force Sentry AEW.1 receives fuel from a USAF KC-135 Stratotanker during operations over Syria and Iraq

operations from Europe to the Pacific and formed part of a joint effort with the US Army and Navy. The USAAF also worked in close partnership with allied air forces – in particular, the RAF. This relationship is best represented by the close working partnership developed between the two air forces in the conduct of the Combined Bomber Offensive against Germany. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, had experience of both the need for control of the air over the battlespace and the impact that the global reach of air power had on the outcome of the Second World War. As such, he recognized the need for a unified command structure for US armed forces – a view echoed by President Harry S. Truman, which resulted in the 1947 National Security Act. Since gaining independence, and by exploiting the key characteristics of air power, speed, reach and height, the USAF has continued to deliver air power by providing global vigilance, global reach and global power. The USAF has seen action in all the main US conflicts, from the Berlin Airlift of 1948 through to operations today in places including Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, often in conjunction with principal partners such as the RAF.

The USAF can trace its early origins back to 1907, when the US Army created an Aeronautical Division as part of its Signal Corps. The Aeronautical Division, created less than four years after the first heavier-than-air flight conducted by the Wright brothers, handled all matters about flight and eventually evolved into the US Army Air Service in 1918. After US entry into the First World War in 1917, US Army aviation played a major role in victory and proved its worth as an arm of service. The strategic potential of air power was not lost on its advocates, and throughout the interwar years various officers, such as Henry ‘Hap’ Arnold, pushed for greater autonomy for the US Army Air Corps, which the Air Service had become in 1926. That greater autonomy was eventually recognized in 1942 when General Arnold, Commanding General of the USAAF became a member of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff alongside the Chief of Staff of the US Army and the Chief of Naval Operations. This marked an important point in the march to independence for the USAF. During the Second World War, the USAAF became the largest air force in the world and played a significant role in the defeat of the Axis powers. Aircraft of the USAAF served on



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Lieutenant J.R. Payden After pursuing a career in engineering, Joseph Raymond Payden enlisted in the forces as the United States entered the First World War, and was serving in Europe at the inception of the Royal Air Force


he spelling of the family name ‘Paden’ can be traced back to the early 19th century in Ireland, from where J.R. Payden’s family originated. The name was changed to ‘Payden’ at the beginning of the 20th century. Joseph Raymond (J.R.) was born on March 20th, 1896, to Thomas Paden and his wife, Jennie. Through his school years, J.R. had a variety of jobs, one of which dissuaded him from medicine and another of which persuaded him into engineering. In June 1917, as the United States entered the First World War, J.R. enlisted in the US Army Signal Corps Aviation Division, which was attached to the Royal Flying Corps, having completed two years at Yale as a mechanical engineering student. After three months at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the three fl ight training schools, J.R. was

among 10 cadets to graduate with honors, having studied the mechanics of the machine gun, map reading, aircraft rigging, engines, meteorology, astronomy and fl ight instrumentation, along with military drill and physical fitness programs. J.R. crossed the Atlantic in September 1917 to begin final training at Oxford University with the ‘American Aviation Detachment’, which consisted of men from all over the US whose main purpose was to join a flying force.

J.R. and his fellow students were schooled in aviation at MIT

In 1917, J.R. crossed the Atlantic to the UK on SS Carmania

RECEIVING HIS WINGS In the summer of 1918, J.R. received his wings and was posted to Courbon, France. His role here involved testing aircraft and assembling planes for bombing, along with ferrying planes to frontline squadrons. From there, he was assigned to join the 99th Squadron, which had been formed in England in August 1917 and deployed to France



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J.R. Payden received his wings in the summer of 1918 and was posted to France RAF MUSEUM AMERICAN FOUNDATION


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such rituals in their own squadrons. Some even copied toasts ‘to the King’ at the evening meals because ‘raising one’s glass to the president’ did not seem ‘nearly so grand’.

as part of the Independent Air Force. Initial experience of pilots with combat aircraft brought home to the Americans what the veterans from advanced training had tried to tell them; it took courage just to fly the machines, let alone fight in them. Structural failures were common. At times, American squadrons would be invited to dine at British airfields. These were enjoyable affairs because the allies not only had the best planes, but also the best food and best pianos. From these meetings came the traditions the American pilots borrowed for their own. They noted that their allied counterparts had a certain style and chivalry – they saw the fl ag-raising and lowering ceremonies as a show of pride, and they instituted strict observance of

COURAGE TO FLY The Royal Air Force (RAF) was formed on April 1st, 1918 out of the Royal Naval Air Services and the Royal Flying Corps. It flew mainly Sopwith Camels, and many of J.R.’s fl ights were aboard the Sopwith Camel, as well as the De Havilland 6. The Sopwith Camel was one of the best known British fighters during the First World War and shot down 1,294 enemy aircraft during the confl ict. It was, however, particularly infamous for its extremely vicious spinning

Many of J.R.’s flights were aboard the Sopwith Camel

The Camel was infamous for its tendency to spin viciously

J.R. enjoyed time in Monte Carlo with his fellow airmen



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During his time working for Union Carbide, the Hotel des Indes, in what is now Java, served as a base and office for J.R.

the Far East to promote business, and in 1923 he sailed from San Francisco to Japan. During the 1920s and 1930s he continued to travel the Far East, until this was brought to an end with the outbreak of the Second World War. J.R. returned to New York, where he remained until his retirement in the 1960s. J.R. died in September 1976 at the age of 79, having traveled the Far East for Union Carbide and observed it as the region’s countries emerged from their colonial pasts, and before the turmoil of the Second World War.

characteristics, which resulted in 3,285 pilots dying from non-combat incidents. The pilots jokingly said they would receive a ‘wooden cross, Red Cross or a Victoria Cross’. After the Armistice of 1918, J.R. had the opportunity to visit Paris, the Cote D’Azur, Monte Carlo and North Africa before his return to the US and, ultimately, to Yale, from where he graduated in 1920. In the fall of that year, J.R. joined Union Carbide Corporation, a multinational American company that was international in scope. Two years later, he was selected to go to



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Lieutenant Eric Gill Having spent his teenage years watching German bombers heading for London during the Second World War, Eric Gill enlisted to help with the war effort – marking the start of an illustrious career in the Royal Air Force


It was 1943 when Eric was accepted into the RAF and boarded a ship bound for New York. He became seasick, homesick and nervous – every time he looked out to sea he thought he saw a submarine periscope. When Eric finally reached New York, he took a train to the No. 1 British Flying Training School in Terrell, Texas, where he proved himself an exceptional pilot and became a qualified instructor. On his return to England, Eric served in the Hawker Hurricane and then the Typhoon, but was quickly moved to the Wellington bomber, then the Lancaster bomber. His service concluded flying the Lincoln bomber. Eric flew for 57 Squadron and carried out air rescue missions over the North Sea.

ric Gill was 15 years old and living near Maidstone, Kent, when the war started in September 1939. He remembers seeing hundreds of German bombers flying over his house on a regular basis because it was on their fl ight path to London. From this vantage point, he witnessed plane crashes, bombings and destruction – yet, after all this, he was ready to join the Royal Air Force (RAF). Eric enlisted when he turned 18, but he had to wait 10 months to start the induction process. At that time, the RAF had nowhere to place new recruits; ships carrying troops were being sunk and frequent bombings meant significant delays in equipment delivery.



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fly in down-wind, as he knew the plane could spin into nearby buildings. Eric successfully brought it in – the landing gear collapsed and the plane fell to its belly, dragging to a stop. Eric jokes that he has “the dubious distinction of being the first pilot to crash-land a crippled Lincoln bomber”. After the war, Eric moved back to Dallas, Texas – where he still lives today – and married his wife, Jo, with whom he had two sons. Eric is the first president of the No. 1 BFTS North American Association, and he is also the first president of the No. 1 BFTS Museum in Terrell, which he was instrumental in developing.

He was also part of the Tiger Force – the 30 bomber squadrons that were to be based in Russia and used for attacking Japan when the atomic bomb was dropped and the war ended. Eric flew many meteorological missions from England to north of Norway – he would take off, go out to sea, fly at 200 feet off the deck to the top of Norway, then climb in a box pattern to 20,000 feet, circle back down to 200 feet and fly all the way back. During one particularly cold winter, the pilot of a plane in which Eric was sitting hit a snow bank during take-off. Eric took control – he needed to land with one landing gear down and

Cadets from the RAF and US Air Forces are remembered in a mural at the No. 1 BFTS Museum in Terrell, Texas

NO. 1 BRITISH FLYING TRAINING SCHOOL In 1939, the British Government recognized that, in the event of war with Germany, training facilities would need to be established overseas in Commonwealth countries or in the US at civilian schools similar to those already utilized by the (then) US Army Corps. In August 1941, prior to the US entry into the Second World War, the No. 1 British Flying Training School (BFTS) of the Royal Air Force was established with strong support from the citizenry of Terrell in Texas. Civilian instructors provided the cadets with 20 weeks of preparation that included meteorology, airmanship, navigation and “link” trainers for instrument flying. During the war, the school trained approximately 2,200 cadets from the RAF and 138 US Air Forces cadets. The motto of the No. 1 BFTS was “The seas divide, but the skies unite”. The people of Terrell welcomed cadets into their community, and the cadets contributed their talents to the cultural life of the town. On September 19th, 1945, with the war over and their mission complete, the final cadets left Terrell’s railroad station with a contingent of local citizens waving them off. In 2002, the No. 1 BFTS Museum opened in Terrell to commemorate not only the wartime school, but the continuing cooperation between the British Commonwealth and the US in war and in peace.



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Ordre national de la Légion d’Honneur The RAF Museum American Foundation has been instrumental in securing the award of Legion d’Honneur medals for three of their past guests of honor, for service in support of the liberation of France


There is no precise American equivalent of the award, which is the highest French decoration. It does, however, share characteristics with the Medal of Honor and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which are, respectively, the highest US military and civilian decorations.

he National Order of the Legion of Honor (Ordre national de la Légion d’Honneur) was established by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802 to recognize eminent merits in the service of France. It may be awarded to French citizens and foreign nationals, military or civilian.

FLIGHT SERGEANT JOHN TYRON ‘JACK’ BRADSHAW RAF John Tyron ‘Jack’ Bradshaw was enlisted into the RAF as an aircraftsman on November 23rd, 1942. On July 23rd, 1944, he joined No. 26 Squadron, flying Supermarine Spitfires in a photographic reconnaissance role and completing sorties and patrols, including photography of a target on the Eastern Beachhead in Normandy. In August of that year, he was posted to No. 41 Squadron, where he was employed in the destruction of Germany’s newest weapon, the V-1 flying bomb. Jack also completed armed reconnaissance in support of the Liberation of Europe. Between July 30th and August 31st, 1944, Flight Sergeant Bradshaw flew a total of nine armed reconnaissance sorties supporting the Allied forces’ push into Belgium, participating in operations against V2 launch sites in Operation Market Garden at Arnhem and in the Allied Oil Campaign over Germany.

Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Hillier with Jack Bradshaw

Jack was discharged from the RAF on October 31st, 1944, and joined the United States Army Air Corps. For service with the RAF he was awarded the 1939-45 Star, the France and Germany Star and Defence and War Medals. Although Jack died in 2016, before he received his medal, he was aware that he had been awarded the Legion d’Honneur.



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Rose Davies is congratulated by Air Chief Marshal Sir Andrew Pulford after being awarded the Legion d’Honneur in July 2016

LACW ROSE DAVIES WAAF in their heads, and so it was decided that they should not be relieved until things stabilized. As a result, Rose watched D-Day movements on her screen for many hours. She was not aware of the reason for all the returns on her screen and it was not until the end of her shift that Rose and her colleagues were advised of the great events that had taken place. A month later, as the war moved on, Rose was posted to RAF Beachy Head, where she was responsible for viewing a different section of the English Channel. In November 1945, Rose was demobbed from the RAF and she returned to her home and long-time fiancé in Shrewsbury. Rose Davies received her Legion d’Honneur award in July 2016 at the RAF Club in London.

In July 1943, Rose Davies (née Colley) arrived at RAF Ventnor on the Isle of Wight as a qualified radar operator. Rose and her colleagues worked eight-hour shift patterns to ensure 24-hour coverage of the English Channel south of the Isle of Wight. There was no way of knowing what each period on watch, gazing at a tiny screen, would bring. Returns were recorded on paper, which were then taken to those who knew whether what had been seen was friend or foe. On June 6th, 1944, LACW Rose Colley was on watch when D-Day shipping movements reached their peak. The HPT screen lit up with returns, all of which required recording. The pressure was intense and the concentration levels enormous. Those on shift were the ones with the “picture”



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Tom Neil, pictured with RAF Museum Director General Maggie Appleton, received his Legion d’Honneur in London last year

WG CDR TOM ‘GINGER’ NEIL, DFC & BAR, AFFC AE Bar to his DFC on November 26th, 1940. On May 10th, 1941, Tom sailed for Gibraltar and then on to Malta, where he took part in the Battle of Malta. On leaving Malta in December, he returned to the UK and became officer commanding No. 41 Squadron. He was then appointed liaison officer to the US 9th Air Force’s 100th Fighter Wing, and this posting led to the award of the Bronze Star Medal. Tom was also awarded the Air Force Cross in the 1950s. He retired from the RAF in 1964 at the rank of wing commander. Tom Neil received his Legion d’Honneur in July 2016 at the RAF Club in London.

Tom Neil joined the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve on October 17th, 1938 at the age of 18, and was called up to full-time service at the outbreak of war. Following his commission as a pilot officer he was posted to an operational fighter squadron in May 1940. The squadron’s 12 Hurricanes were permanently ready to scramble and the pilots were simply instructed to shoot down as many enemy aircraft as possible and avoid getting shot themselves. Tom is credited with destroying 12 enemy aircraft during his 141 combat missions in the Battle of Britain. Tom was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross on October 8th, 1940 and was awarded a



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One hundred years of service and sacrifice As the Royal Air Force approaches its centenary, the RAF Museum is transforming its London site to celebrate the people who have contributed to 100 years of history


sharing the stories of its men and women, to tell the story of the RAF as an essential part of a global community. In founding the RAF, the British Government created an environment in which the need for air power was given equal prominence with the needs of other services. It allowed for innovative thinking about the use of aircraft as a means of military power, and this innovative thinking

orged in the crucible of the First World War, the Royal Air Force (RAF) will mark its centenary on April 1st, 2018. By inspiring technological development, pioneering cultural change and pushing the boundaries of human achievement, the RAF has touched the lives of millions around the globe. The centenary provides the RAF Museum with the opportunity to reflect on these 100 years of history and, by



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Ahead of the RAF’s historic anniversary in 2018, the RAF Museum is raising $34.3 million (£26 million) to fund the transformation of our London site, creating a program of new exhibitions that explore the story of the RAF across its first 100 years and inviting visitors to imagine its future. The RAF Museum’s RAF Centenary Programme will commemorate 100 years of service and sacrifice, courage and honor, while celebrating the spirit and values of the people who have contributed to the RAF story.

continues to this day – a quality also upheld by the RAF’s principal allies, including the United States. In the early 20th century, the RAF Museum’s London site, once known as the London (and later, Hendon) Aerodrome, was the pioneering home of aviation. The site marked many firsts for the UK: the first airmail, first parachute jump from an airplane, first night flights and the first aerial defence of a city. Millions of people flocked here to enjoy the aerial displays and exploits of the pilots. Requisitioned during the First World War, the London Aerodrome played a key role in aircraft

“I urge you all to support this exciting program, which will provide an enduring legacy as we look to the future” Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Hillier KCB CBE DFC MA RAF, Chief of the Air Staff

This will include the many nations that have either supported or been supported by the RAF since its formation. Engineers, pilots, ground crew, explorers, entrepreneurs, medical staff and many others have each played their role in building this most respected service. The RAF Centenary Programme will celebrate their achievements and inspire a new generation of pioneers, inventors and leaders. These are stories of men and women whose spirit and values have upheld the RAF motto: Per Ardua

production and the subsequent development of North London. Later, as RAF Hendon, it was the setting for the Hendon Air Pageants of the 1920s and 30s, the forerunners of the great air shows of today, which mobilized public support behind the fledgling RAF. During the Second World War, RAF Hendon was an operational fighter station. The station played a role in the Battle of Britain, before becoming a transport base with the construction of hard runways.



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Ad Astra (Through Adversity to the Stars), both through the theater of war and in establishing and maintaining peace. We will tell the special shared RAF and United States Air Force story through our new digital project, RAF Stories, an online platform that will enable anyone to share their own personal accounts, pictures, audio and video clips of their connection to the RAF and its partners. We encourage you all to participate in this project when it launches next year. If you would like to support the Museum’s RAF Centenary Programme, you can find out how to donate by visiting www.rafmuseum.org To stay informed about the progress of our Centenary Programme and the developments at the RAF Museum, please visit our website and sign up to our newsletter at www.rafmuseum.org.uk/ centenary-programme.aspx

THE RAF MUSEUM’S RAF CENTENARY PROGRAMME WILL DELIVER: –– A new, welcoming Visitor Centre –– Three major new innovative exhibitions –– A new restaurant in a historic RAF building –– STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Design, and Mathematics) and heritage learning programs –– Volunteering and training opportunities –– A new landscaped site reflecting its aviation heritage for everyone to enjoy



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The start of a special relationship The USAF/RAF Military Personnel Exchange Program


Participation in the Program is on a selective basis. To be considered, an individual must be well versed in the current practices, technical training and doctrine of their organization, and be particularly qualified through experience for the exchange position to be occupied. Moreover, the individual must have demonstrated capabilities for future positions of greater responsibility and must possess the grade, skill, training and academic qualifications required. One of the early exchange officers at the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs (April 1960June 1962) was Squadron Leader J A G Slessor, son of Sir John. In his end-of-tour report, he concluded: “I can only add that I hope that the frequent interchange of personnel between our two countries will be the means of our maintaining the friendship of so many officers, their families and civilians whom we have come to know so well. I share the conviction shared by my predecessor that the Exchange Scheme is an invaluable program and it is clearly vital that the presence of exchange officers should be continued.” Seventy years on from Churchill’s speech, his vision of “intimate relations between our military advisers, leading to common study of potential dangers, the similarity of weapons and manuals of instructions, and to the interchange of officers and cadets” remains valid and will do so for many years into the future.

ow, while still pursuing the method of realizing our over-all strategic concept, I come to the crux of what I have traveled here to say. Neither the sure prevention of war, nor the continuous rise of world organization will be gained without what I have called the fraternal association of the English-speaking peoples. This means a special relationship between the British Commonwealth and Empire and the United States of America. Ladies and gentlemen, this is no time for generality, and I will venture to the precise. Fraternal association requires not only the growing friendship and mutual understanding between our two vast but kindred systems of society, but the continuance of the intimate relations between our military advisers, leading to common study of potential dangers, the similarity of weapons and manuals of instructions, and to the interchange of officers and cadets.” The above words are taken from Winston Churchill’s ‘Iron Curtain’ speech, delivered in Fulton, Missouri, on March 5th, 1946, in which he clearly articulated the need for an exchange of personnel in order to glean mutual understanding. Five years later, under the watchful eyes of General Hoyt Vandenberg and Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir John Slessor, the USAF/ RAF Military Personnel Exchange Program was created. Initially, the program permitted 50 exchange posts in each Air Force. These are regularly reviewed and, in recent years, that figure has reduced to 36 posts in each force.

Air Marshal Sir John Slessor and General Hoyt Vandenberg were the first guardians of the Military Personnel Exchange Program RAF MUSEUM AMERICAN FOUNDATION


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(l to r) Gen David L. Goldfein; 2016 Sword winners Wg Cdr Andrew Massie and Lt Col Jason Bartels; and ACM Sir Stephen Hillier

The Royal Air Force Museum American Foundation

Swords of Honor


inscription: “Oh, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand”, a line from Francis Scott Key’s 1814 poem, The Star-Spangled Banner. It was flown from England to Everett, Washington, by RAFMAF Board member John Sessions in his Consolidated B-25 Mitchell Grumpy. Th is sword now hangs in the British Embassy in Washington, D.C. The second Sword, displayed in the Pentagon, is an exact duplicate, apart from the inscription from Winston Churchill regarding the RAF pilots who came from many nations, including the United States, to fly in the Battle of Britain. It reads, “Never in the field of human confl ict was so much owed by so many to so few.” Each winner of the Sword receives a miniature replica. Last year’s RAF Sword recipient was Wing Commander Andrew Massie of No 39 Squadron, an RAF Reaper/MQ-9 squadron based at Creech AFB in Nevada. The USAF Sword was awarded to Lieutenant Colonel Jason R. Bartels, a Tornado GR4 pilot and the Chief of Exercise Plans in 31 Squadron at RAF Marham.

n 2009, the Foundation instituted the Sword of Honor, to be presented annually to the RAF Officer on exchange with the United States Air Forces (USAF) who has contributed most in the previous year to relations between our two great nations and their air forces. In 2012, another Sword was added to recognize the most outstanding USAF officer on exchange with the RAF. The Swords, donated by RAFMAF Board member Tim Manna, are an embodiment of the Foundation’s mission to strengthen and educate present and future generations about the importance of the special UK/US relationship within the field of aviation. They symbolize the excellent work of Exchange Officers on both sides of the Atlantic. The original Sword is the same as that of a Royal Air Force Officer, made by British specialist Pooley’s Swords. It has a single-edged straight blade with a gold-plated brass hilt, white fish-skin grip, and a brass pommel in the form of an eagle. A stamped, gold-plated brass cartouche bears the bird emblem of the RAF. The Sword also bears the



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SWORDS OF HONOR 2017 Sqn Ldr Wesley Pead BEng (Hons) RAF Major James Rodgers USAF

Sponsored by



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Sqn Ldr Wesley Pead BEng (Hons) RAF 2017 Royal Air Force Museum American Foundation RAF Sword of Honor Recipient


quadron Leader (Sqn Ldr) Pead arrived at Whiteman Air Force Base, MO, in 2014. Following Initial Qualification Training on the T-38 he began training on the B-2A Spirit. During his time on the 394th Combat Training Squadron he achieved an impressive test score of 98.54%, easily beating the historical average of 91%. On his Initial Qualification Training checkride he received a Q1 rating, and for his superior performance throughout the course he earned the Flying Training Excellence Award for Class 15B. Assigned to the 13th Bomb Squadron, Sqn Ldr Pead gained a multitude of qualifications ahead of his peers, notably upgrading to B-2 Instructor Pilot in less than one year after completing his Mission Qualification and eight months faster than average. During his final year on exchange, Sqn Ldr Pead upgraded to Evaluator Pilot and was selected as the 509th Bomb Wing B-2 Instructor Pilot of the Quarter. He also became the Assistant Director of Operations and redeveloped the Squadron’s plans, ensuring a 95% mission success rate during 1,000 mishap-free flying hours. Additionally, he was responsible for updating and rewriting the B-2A Combat Mission Ready Training Syllabus and for arranging Squadron participation in multiple fourth- and fifthgeneration low observable integration exercises, including Red Flag and the USAF Weapons Course. The impact of Sqn Ldr Pead’s leadership was most apparent during Operation Odyssey Lightning, where the B-2A struck ISIS terrorist camps in Libya during its first combat operation in six years. Pead was awarded the USAF Achievement Medal for his role as mission lead, where he oversaw planners, target and intelligence personnel to ensure the mission success of a 33.1-hour, five air-to-air refuelling bracket, 6,500 nautical-mile sortie. Pead finished as number one of four ADOs and number one of 13 Instructor Pilots on the 13th Bomb Squadron. He was also awarded the USAF Meritorious Service Medal – the first foreign exchange officer at Whiteman Air Force Base to receive the honor. In June 2017, Sqn Ldr Pead returned to the UK, where he is currently a staff officer at the Air Warfare Centre with responsibility for the F-35B. Sqn Ldr Pead has been a mainstay of both the 13th Bomb Squadron and 509th Operations Group, delivering outstanding results across the board. He remains a superb Ambassador for both the Royal Air Force and wider United Kingdom defense. In recognition of his efforts, Sqn Ldr Pead is selected as the 2017 winner of the Royal Air Force Museum American Foundation RAF Sword of Honor. Sponsored by



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Major James Rodgers USAF 2017 Royal Air Force Museum American Foundation USAF Sword of Honor Recipient


ajor James P. Rodgers, a Hawk Mark T1 pilot, was initially posted to RAF Valley and subsequently assigned to 100 Squadron, RAF Leeming. He flew over 500 sorties and 650 hours across 10 countries in various roles, including close air support and opposition forces. He seamlessly integrated RAF and USAF training and planned and led aircraft display events at RAF Benson, Estonia and Gibraltar. His contributions to the RAF are unmatched by any other USAF exchange officer in 2017. During his tour with the RAF, Major Rodgers was integral to the joint readiness of the Ministry of Defence, especially the Typhoon Force and the British Army’s complement of Joint Terminal Attack Controllers. He flew in support of Exercise Joint Warrior, Europe’s largest joint and multinational military exercise, and was the adversary mission commander for the first Exercise Rising Panther. His background as an F-15E instructor pilot was vital in developing realistic integrated adversary tactics. Major Rodgers led 55 UK forces as the UK Detachment Commander for NATO Exercise Siil at Ämari Air Base, Estonia, in support of the first-ever mobilization exercise of 13,000 Estonian reservists. In 2016, he was the UK Detachment Commander in charge of 24 personnel for NATO TLP Flying Course 2016-3, where he led efforts to update the adversary profiles into current tactics and, thus, improve the quality of training for crews of the 10 participating nations. As the Squadron’s Chief of Current Plans, he delivered 8,000 Hawk flying hours and diligently reformed processes to increase the amount of sorties by over 20%, while increasing the training sorties available to 100 Squadron by a massive 151%. From the start, Major Rodgers built bridges between the RAF and the USAF. He arranged air combat training missions with former colleagues at RAF Lakenheath and was instrumental in coordinating support for combined RAF and USAF exercises. He was also heavily involved in public engagement. In total, he delivered 227 fly-past, air experience and engagement sorties over the course of 2016 across the UK and Europe. Major Rodgers is an outstanding officer and personifies the spirit and purpose of the exchange program. His seamless integration into the RAF has strengthened the ties between our two nations. In recognition of his efforts, Major Rodgers is selected as the 2017 winner of the RAF Museum American Foundation USAF Sword of Honor. Sponsored by



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The RAFMAF Trio Sara Jones, winner of the Billie Holiday Vocal Competition, is a jazz vocalist who has toured nearly all 50 states and performed in numerous concert halls across the United States. Jones has performed as a soloist with the National Symphony Orchestra and, among others, on the Esplanade with Keith Lockhart and the Boston Pops Orchestra. She was a featured vocalist with the Jazz Ambassadors and performed at the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall, the Hippodrome Theater, Strathmore Mansion and the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Following her graduation, Jones was a vocalist with the Soldiers’ Chorus of the US Army Field Band. Now a civilian, Jones has recently released her debut album, Daydream a Little, a compilation of jazz standards and bossa novas with the Brazilian jazz group, Trio da Paz. www.sarajonesmusic.com Amanda Halstead is an active soloist, chamber musician and orchestral pianist in the Washington, D.C. area. She performs with the Kennedy Center Opera Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra, Maryland Symphony Orchestra and the Virginia Symphony Orchestra. She has performed for, among others, the Mariinsky Ballet and the Hamburg Ballet and, upon invitation, with dancers from the Suzanne Farrell ballet company. Halstead has appeared in concert series such as the Church of the Epiphany, along with performing for touring Broadway and musical theatre shows. An advocate of contemporary works, Halstead actively backs performances of new music, supporting the Virginia Arts Festival, which provides important collaborations between composers of new operatic works, performers and theater producers. Halstead is a dedicated teacher in the studio and the classroom. She lives in Springfield, Virginia, with her husband, Matthew, and their two young children, Jasper and Natalie. Bill Dunn, a native of Canton, followed in the footsteps of his father and brother, who were both talented trumpet players. Dunn has performed at amusement parks, music festivals, on cruise ships and has toured as a soloist internationally. In 1996, Bill left Italy to pursue a music career in New York City. He has performed in numerous touring Broadway shows, on radio jingles, with regional orchestras and appeared with, among many others, Bobby Sanabria, Dave Brubeck, Red Rodney, Candido, Wynton Marsalis, The Lew Anderson Big Band, The New York Latin Jazz Orchestra, The Gramercy Brass Orchestra of New York and the O’Jays. Dunn can be heard on Delos and Koch record labels and enjoys an active clinician/soloist career. He served in the US Army and is currently a member of the US Navy Band in Washington, D.C. RAF MUSEUM AMERICAN FOUNDATION


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Board of directors CHAIRMAN Hon John C. Michaelson Managing Partner, Michaelson Capital PRESIDENT Major General (Ret.) Frederick F. Roggero USAF President and CEO, Resilient Solutions Ltd VICE-PRESIDENT Stuart K. Archer Executive Officer, Army Headquarters Service, Department of the Army

Kevin Billings President and CEO, Legation Strategies Gary Halbert Partner, Holland & Knight LLP Matt Keegan Senior Vice President, The Beacon Consulting Group

DIRECTORS Tim Manna Craig McVay Vice President, Defense Relations Rolls-Royce North America, Inc Sir Stuart Matthews Fellow, Royal Aeronautical Society Charles S. Scaperotto Director, Boeing

John Sessions Chairman, Historic Flight Foundation Alan Spence Chief Executive, Integrative Media LLP Scott Thompson Partner, Assurance Leader, PricewaterhouseCoopers

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Angela M Coleman MRAeS DIRECTOR EMERITUS Robert Tullius EX-OFFICIO DIRECTOR Air Commodore James E. Linter OBE RAF Air Attaché, British Embassy

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The Royal Air Force Museum American Foundation One Metro Center, 700 12th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005 Tel: +1 (202) 558 5121 Email: usfoundation@rafmuseum.org Web: www.rafmaf.com

Our supporters

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