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Clubhouse project details
The plan is inspired from the organic shape of a treehouse from the roots. The center zone of the clubhouse is the first space the guest are welcomed into, it functions as a nature intertwined relaxing area with landscapes circling the stair seating. The concept of the clubhouse enables people to have a good time in the vast space, not feeling restricted by age, as it helps to bring back nostalgic memories.
Ground Floor Plan
The layout consist of spaces that involves therapy such as art ,music and steam therapy. It also includes game room and library with a special theater.
Color Palette
Mezzanine Floor Plan
Swing Seating
To add on to the fun and youthful elements of the clubhouse, swing seats are provided at hallways.

Wooden Texture

Most of the furniture and flooring in the clubhouse is made of wood to translate the idea of treehouse ambience even more .

Entrance Design