Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium 2017

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The Ministry of Education and Research is responsible for the planning of education, research, youth and language related national policies and, in connection to that, for managing the fields of pre-primary, basic, general upper secondary, vocational secondary, higher, hobby and adult education, organising research and development activities, youth work and special youth

The main tasks of the Ministry of Education and Research are: compiling national development plans; creating a system of legal acts;

work, and compiling drafts of corresponding legal acts

developing national curricula and other standards;

in these areas.

developing the state supervision and quality assurance system;

The Ministry of Education and Research manages

planning and organising financing and use of state assets;

several state agencies, foundations and institutions

planning state commissioned education;

through defining their goals and analysing their results

developing teachers’ and youth workers’ training system;

as well as through determining their budget, exercising

informing the public about progress in education,

supervision and so on.

research, youth and language policies; cooperating internationally.

Major educational goals for 2020 Estonia has set five major educational goals for 2020 which the government approved in 2014 within the Estonian lifelong learning strategy. All of the activities are guided by priorities and are taken into consideration when planning both the state budget and European funding. Changed approach to studies. An approach to studies which supports the individual and social development of every pupil, develops learning capabilities, creativity and initiative and is applied to all levels and types of education. Competent and motivated school teachers and

Conformity of lifelong learning options to the needs of the labour market. High-quality, flexible and diverse learning opportunities and career services, which take the development needs of the job market into consideration, have increased the number of people with professional qualifications in various age groups and different regions in Estonia. Digital revolution in lifelong learning. Modern digital technology is used more expediently and proficiently in learning and teaching, the digital skills of the population as a whole have improved and access to next generation digital infrastructure is ensured. Equal opportunities for lifelong learning and

directors. Assessment of and payment for the work of

increased participation in studies. Everyone

teachers’, lecturers’ and directors’ work matches the

enjoys equal opportunities in lifelong

requirements of their positions and their productivity.


Pre-school education A pre-school childcare institution gives pre-school education to children aged 0–7. The main objective of pre-school education is to support the family by promoting the child’s growth and development and considering their individuality. In the 2016/17 academic year, there are 67 575 children in 635 pre-schools or ca 95% of children from the age of 4 to school age. The proportion of pre-school education expenses

General education Estonia has a comprehensive educational system that covers pre-school, basic and general secondary education. Students study according to comprehensive curricula at these educational levels, irrespective of the language of instruction. The length of a single study year is at least 175 teaching days (35 weeks) with school breaks.

among general government expenses (as a % of GDP) is ca 1%. 93% of the cost of a pre-school place is financed by the local government, 1% comes from the state budget and 6% is covered by the fees paid by parents. The fee parents pay for one child may not exceed 20% of the minimum wage established by the Estonian Government.

General education schools In the 2016/17 academic year, there are 168 upper secondary schools, 291 basic schools, 60 primary schools, 16 secondary schools for adults and 149 161 students altogether learning in general education institutions, out of whom 143 713 are full-time students.

There are 7927 nursery school teachers in Estonia. 68% of them have higher education. Pre-schools in Estonia work on the basis of a national curriculum, which provides guidelines for supporting children’s development.

Present objectives: to enable 95% of children aged 4 to 6 to acquire pre-school education and to provide day care for all children aged 1.5 to 3 whose parents request it.

In order to graduate from basic school, students must complete the National Curriculum for Basic Schools and pass three standardised examinations – Estonian language or Estonian as a second language, mathematics and an exam on a subject of the student’s choice. They must also complete a creative work. Basic schools have three stages of study:

Basic education The task of a basic school is to create an ageappropriate, safe, positive and developing learning environment that fosters students’ interest in learning and enhances their learning skills, self-reflection and critical thinking, their knowledge and qualities related

to their will, their creative self-expression and their social and cultural identity. Children must attend school if they will have turned 7 by October 1 of the year in question.


grades 1–3


grades 4–6


grades 7–9

Present objectives: to create a complete learning environment that supports diverse development and ensures quality education in all schools; to train teachers and support specialists who have the competence to implement new national curricula; and to create in-service training opportunities for working teachers.

Studies are organised according to the national curriculum, on the basis of which each school creates

The primary target group of international general

According to the Basic Schools and Upper

its own curriculum. The study programme in upper

education includes foreign diplomats, researchers,

Secondary Schools Act, teaching in Estonia may

secondary school is divided into mandatory and

academic staff and other specialists. The aim is to

be carried out pursuant to the curriculum of the

optional courses. Studies last for 3 years.

allow their children, who temporarily reside in Estonia,

International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) or a

to continue their education on the basis of curricula

curriculum developed on the basis of the Convention

that are comparable on the global or European level.

defining the Statute of the European Schools.

In order to graduate from upper secondary school, students must complete a curriculum consisting of at least 96 individual courses passed at a satisfactory level as a minimum, passing the state exams on the

General secondary education

Estonian language or Estonian as a second language, mathematics and a foreign language, completing a student research paper or practical project during the three-year study period.

The task of an upper secondary school is to create conditions in which students can acquire the knowledge, skills and values that allow them to continue their education without obstacles in institutions of higher education or acquire vocational education on the basis of upper secondary education.

International curricula

Present objectives: to ensure that students in all regions receive equally high quality education and have equal opportunities in making their future choices, and to organise the national school network efficiently.

At present, IB programmes have English as their language of instruction. European Baccalaureate (EB): the EB curriculum is implemented by the Tallinn European School. In the Tallinn European School, subjects are taught in English according to the curriculum of the European Baccalaureate. Children aged 4 to 18 are admitted to nursery, primary and secondary school. The main goal of European Schools is to provide uniform education to the children of the public servants of the European Communities

International Baccalaureate (IB): the IB curricula are

which means that all European Schools apply a

provided at the International School of Estonia, Tallinn

uniform curriculum to allow trouble-free movement

English College, Tartu Miina Härma Gymnasium and

of students between schools.

Audentes Private School. IBO offers international curricula for three different stages of education:

International treaties: based on international treaties, the Tallinn German Secondary School

PISA Estonia has taken part in PISA (the Programme for International Student Assessment) four times (2006, 2009, 2012, and 2015). The PISA 2015 survey reveals that Estonian 15-year-old basic school pupils are among the best in the world and at the absolute top in Europe. In science, Estonia ranks 1st in Europe and 3rd in the world after Singapore and Japan.

Primary Years Programme (PYP);

and the Kadrioru German Secondary School offer

Middle Years Programme (MYP);

advanced studies in German, and the Tallinn

In mathematics, Estonia shares the 1st and 2nd place in

Diploma Programme (DP).

Finnish School applies the Finnish curriculum.

Europe with Switzerland and is ranked 9th in the world.

Vocational education Vocational education serves the purpose of fostering knowledge, skills and attitudes, occupational know-how and the social readiness required for working, participating in social life and engaging in the lifelong learning process.

Vocational education can be obtained: after basic school as secondary vocational education (length of studies 3–4 years); as vocational skills only without general education improved by 19 points. The number of top performers has increased by 5% compared to 2009 and the

(length of studies varies from 3 months to 2.5 years). At least one vocational education institution operates

percentage of low-performing students has decreased.

in every Estonian county. In the 2016/17 academic year,

Not many countries have a similar trend to show.

there are 33 vocational training institutions in Estonia.

In terms of the performance of students with low In reading, Estonia ranks 3rd in Europe after Finland

socio-economic background, Estonia is among the top

and Ireland, and 6th in the world. The results of

ten countries in the world. Students’ socio-economic

the Estonian students in reading have improved

background accounts for only 8% of the variation in

significantly since 2006: the average score has

science performance.

Based on the ownership status, vocational education institutions are divided into state (26), municipal (3) and private (4) institutions. 5 institutions of professional higher education also provide vocational training.

The number of students in vocational education institutions is around 25 000 every academic

During their studies, each student receives a real workplace experience. Work practice and practical

year, 45% of them acquire secondary vocational

work performed in the study environment constitute


at least half of the volume of a curriculum and are

Students by area in 2016/17 (percentages):


engineering, manufacturing and construction


7% 38%

10% 13% 22%

services business, administration and law information and communication technologies agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary arts and humanities health and welfare natural sciences, mathematics and statistics >1%

generally divided equally. Vocational education and training (within formal education) is mostly financed from the state budget on the basis of state commissioned education. Funding is based on the cost of a student place and the coefficients of curriculum groups. The state supports those who acquire vocational education with education allowances to motivate them to acquire their chosen profession during the standard period prescribed in the curriculum, and to study successfully and full-time. In addition to education allowances, it is also possible to receive compensation for transport expenses and educational institutions can pay allowances to students experiencing economic difficulties. A school lunch allowance applies to students studying on the basis of basic schools.

Present objectives: the main objective is to develop the vocational education system by making vocational training even more practical and effective and bringing it closer to the requirements of employers. Our main challenges are mostly related to improving the quality of apprenticeships in companies and reducing the drop-out rate. The number of apprentices has doubled within the last year: from 678 in 2015/16 to 1381 in 2016/17.

Higher education Since 2013/14 academic year, higher education is free of charge in Estonia for those studying full-time and in Estonian. Levels of higher education: Professional higher education (3–4 years) Bachelor study (mostly 3 years)

Both give access to master’s program

Master’s study (1–2 years) Integrated Bachelor’s and Master’s study (5–6 years) Doctoral study (3–4 years)

In 2016/2017, higher education can be obtained in 21 institutions: 6 public universities, 1 private university, 8 state professional higher education institutions, 6 private professional higher education institutions. In 2016/17, a total of 47 794 students studied in higher education study programmes, which is 6.5% less than the previous academic year.

New needs-based student support system is in

Higher education is primarily financed from

place since 2013/14: students can apply for a study

the state budget through allocating operational

allowance (75–220 euros per month) if they are

funding and targeted funding for higher

studying full-time and their family’s financial situation

education institutions. Operational funding

is poor. Students studying full time in priority areas

consists of baseline funding (at least 80% of the

for Estonia (STEM, etc) or in the framework of

funds) and performance funding. Performance

measures which support doctoral studies can apply

indicators, such as the share of students enrolled

for a specialisation grant. Students engaged in

in the responsibility areas of the institutions, the

teacher training can apply for a special grant of

share of enrolled foreign students, the share of

1600 euros per year.

students participating in short time international

Doctoral students who meet the requirements of obtaining the doctoral allowance have the right to receive 422 euros per month. There are more than 150 study programmes with English as the language of instruction and the number is growing. In 2016/17, there are nearly 4000 foreign students studying in Estonia from more than 120 different countries. 89% of international students say Estonia is a good country in which to study (International Student Barometer 2014). Additional information: www.studyinestonia.ee.

mobility, the share of students graduating within the nominal time, the share of private funding from study activities compared to the public funding, and the share of graduates in employment or in further studies are taken into account in determining performance funding. Operational funding is based on the average operational support to the institution over the last three years. Three-year performance agreements are negotiated with all the institutions receiving operational funding.

Adult education The objective of adult education is to provide all adults

Formal education acquired within the adult education

with study opportunities that are of a good quality,

system allows adults to acquire basic and general

flexible and diverse, and that also take the needs of

secondary education at adult upper secondary schools

the labour market into account. By doing this, a target

through distance learning, evening courses or external

is set to increase the participation in lifelong learning.

study. Adult upper secondary schools are flexible in

In 2015, 12.4% of people aged of 25–64 participated

preparing individual curricula and adapt the study

in lifelong learning during the 4 weeks preceding the

process to the needs of the students, allowing them to

Estonian Labour Force Survey that is used for calculating

study single subjects, for example.

the indicator. The same indicator in EU was 10.7%.

In addition to formal education, institutions of vocational education and higher education are increasingly providing

Participation in lifelong learning 12.4%



continuing education courses and retraining courses. EU

Adult education is divided into formal education, informal work-related training and retraining and popular adult education. Flexible study opportunities have been created for adult learners: distance learning and evening courses, external study and part-time study, as well as participation in various courses.

These courses allow adults to acquire and improve their professional, occupational and speciality knowledge, skills and experience as well as to retrain themselves. Training courses allow students to develop their creativity, talents and social skills. Such training is usually linked to people’s interests and hobbies. Although this training is mainly provided by informal education centres, it is also available at many other training institutions.

Research The total number of researchers, full-time

working at the forefront of their respective fields,

equivalent (FTE) in 2015 was 4188 and Estonia

the programme of the Centres of Excellence in

had 6.53 researchers per thousand total

Research was launched in 2001. Such centres

employment in 2015.

are consortia of several internationally recognised

There are 20 research and development (R&D) institutions in Estonia that have passed research evaluation – six of them are public universities.

research groups. There are 9 Centres of Excellence in Estonia. Estonia is participating in the EU Framework

The largest public research university is the

Programmes (FP) with above-average success

The OECD’s Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) has

people, mothers of small kids, and the older generation.

University of Tartu, followed by Tallinn University

rates and ranking high among EU13 Member States.

contributed to the field of adult education by pointing

Since the publishing of PIAAC results, more attention

of Technology, Tallinn University and the Estonian

Estonia had a high retour in FP7, almost 150%

out necessary skills and socio-demographic groups

has been paid to ICT training for older adults. By the

University of Life Sciences. More than 75% of R&D

from input, and similar tendencies can be seen

that have obstacles in taking part in training. PIAAC

end of 2017, the online PIAAC-related test on Education

is performed at these universities.

in Horizon2020.

showed that Estonian adults are above OECD average

and Skills will be available in Estonian.

in literacy and numeracy but have unexpectedly low skills in problem solving in a technology-rich environment. The groups that need more training are adults with basic education only, blue-collar workers, people working for small companies, unemployed

Present objectives: Estonia has set itself a very ambitious goal – to have 20% of adults taking part in lifelong learning by 2020. It is also important to reduce the number of people without any vocational or professional education.

Nearly all basic research is conducted in the public sector; the private sector focuses mainly on product development and innovation. To promote the productivity and international competitiveness of the best research groups

Present objectives: to reform the R&D funding system, implement modified funding instruments and the Research, Development and Innovation Strategy for 2014–2020.

The strategy establishes four main objectives for


knowledge-intensive. Research, development

Research in Estonia is of a high level and diverse.

and innovation (RDI) investments selected and

It is internationally competitive and visible, and

managed by the smart specialisation method

covers the main fields of higher education and

encourage the development of growth areas

culture. The network of research institutions

at a heightened pace. The share of knowledge-

operates efficiently. The infrastructure is modern.

intensive entrepreneurship in the economy and

A new generation of researchers and innovators is

the added value of exports will increase

ensured. Estonia is an attractive place for research

significantly. The selected growth areas are:

and development, and a career as a researcher is

a. Information and communication technology


R&D makes the structure of the economy more

(ICT), horizontally through other sectors1

R&D functions in the interests of the Estonian

b. Health technologies and services2

society and economy. Research institutions are

c. More effective use of resources3

motivated to undertake applied research and to

develop productive cooperation with enterprises and government authorities. The state is smart in commissioning applied research and development.

Estonia is active and visible in international RDI

the Baltic and Nordic region, and international

cooperation. Estonia participates as a partner

research infrastructures. Enterprises have access

in the initiatives of the European Research Area,

to the world’s newest RDI results, and cooperation

European innovation partnerships, initiatives in

opportunities and infrastructures are open to them.


use of ICT in industry (incl. automatisation and robotics), cybersecurity, software development


biotechnology, e-health (use of IT for the development of medical services and products)


materials science and industry, innovative construction, i.e. “smart house�, health promoting food, chemical industry (more effective use of oil shale)

Language According to Statistics Estonia, about 70% of the population in Estonia were Estonians, 25% were Russians and 5% were other nationalities in 2014.

In addition to academic studies, Estonian language and culture are also taught in foreign Children with non-Estonian as home language participating in the language immersion programme (percentage)

The knowledge of Estonian among non-Estonians has


improved constantly4 but there are still more than 30%


of non-Estonians who claim not to speak Estonian.


Estonian is rich in vowels, with a vowel/consonant


ratio of 45:55. Its 26 phonemes include 9 vowels:


a, e, i, o, u, õ, ä, ö and ü. Estonian has 14 productive


cases, no grammatical gender (of either nouns or personal pronouns) and no articles.

or Finnish or through the language immersion programme. The participation in immersion programmes has doubled both in early childhood and basic education during the last ten years. 4

Estonian Labor Force Survey – Statistics Estonia

associations, nursery schools, toddler groups and language courses. Ca 1000 foreign students

24 20 13




study Estonian in foreign countries, and ca 3500 children study the language in Estonian schools, nursery schools, toddler groups and associations abroad.




2015/2016 Basic school

More than 90% pupils in lower secondary education study at least two foreign languages and students in upper secondary schools also learn a third or fourth foreign language.

Children whose mother tongue is not Estonian can obtain basic education in Russian, Estonian, English

general education schools, European Schools, supplementary schools, Sunday schools,

In all upper secondary schools, at least 60% of studies are conducted in Estonian. Estonian language and culture are taught in various institutions of higher education in Europe, America and Asia – more than 30 universities in total.

As of 2014, Estonian school-leavers can take internationally recognised language proficiency exams in Russian, German and French as a substitute for the Year 12 foreign language state examination.

Strategic planning for the development of the


Speakers of Estonian

Estonian language covers four areas:

Estonian as the native language;

Estonian as the second language;

Estonian abroad;

multilingualism, including foreign languages.

The current Estonian language development plan is used as a basis for the sustainable development of the Estonian language during 2011–2017.

Estonian law defines a young person

The total number of people who speak Estonian is ca 1.3 million

as aged between 7 and 26 years.

Approximately 1 070 000 people speak Estonian as their native language with ca 940 000 of them living in Estonia

The strategy is used as a blueprint for planning and

As of 1 January 2016: Estonia has

which is

283 350


young people at the age of 7–26

of the Estonian population

financing all four areas, but it has a special focus on Estonian as the native language. A new development plan for 2018–2027 is being drawn up. Estonian foreign language strategy aims at:

stimulating interest among Estonians to study

expanding the range of options of studying foreign

foreign languages; languages through learning techniques, venues and choice of languages taught;

improving the quality of language studies in formal

Youth work in Estonia is organised by youth centres

and informal education;

(263), hobby-schools (597), youth councils (75)

ensuring the quality of foreign language teachers

and various youth associations, youth camps,


work camps, youth programmes and projects, and

improving the reputation of foreign language

extracurricular activities in schools. Altogether, there

teachers in society;

are more than 5000 specialists working in the field of

diversifying opportunities for the assessment of

youth work. In 2016, 50% of the youth in Estonia were

language skills.

reached by youth work activities.

The Ministry of Education and Research is responsible for youth affairs, planning youth policy

Involving youth is a means to ensure good quality and impact of the planned measures;

and youth work. The Estonian Youth Work Centre

Achieving a common impact or pursuing a greater

is a state agency which implements the Estonian

common impact through the use of different fields

youth field development plan. Local authorities

and knowledge.

are closest to the young people and, as such, are in charge of planning the objectives, activities and funds required on the local level. In 1999, the Youth Work Act was approved as a

According to the more concrete Youth Field Development Plan for 2014–2020, the strategic goal in the youth field is as follows: every young person has ample opportunities for self-development and

basis for contemporary youth work and youth

self-realisation, which supports the formation of

policy. Youth policy forms a part of the broader area

a cohesive and creative society. The measures and

of youth affairs, the activity areas of which include

activities aim to:

youth work, education, social, employment, health, cultural, and family policies on the basis of the following principles: Addressing the youth as a whole. In order to implement truly efficient activities to achieve any objective or solve any problem concerning young people, it is necessary to observe their lives as wholes;

increase opportunities for young people to develop their creativity, show initiative and act together; increase the inclusion of young people and improve their employability; support the active participation of young people in community life and decision-making; ensure the development of high-quality youth policy and youth work.

Estonia in brief State register of occupational qualifications www.kutsekoda.ee This register contains information on sector skills councils, competence-based occupational

Registries and databases

qualification standards, occupational qualifications and their levels, occupational qualification certificates, the procedures for awarding occupational qualifications and the awarding bodies.

Estonian Educational Information System – EHIS www.ehis.ee

Estonian Research Portal – ETIS www.etis.ee

National register of data concerning the education

ETIS collects information on Estonian R&D and

system. The data of educational institutions, students,

provides an environment for operative information

teachers/lecturers, graduation documents and

exchange. The portal presents an overview of the

curricula is entered in the register. EHIS also has

aspects of Estonian R&D. It is also a channel for the

a public view in which everyone can search

latest research news in which upcoming events are

for information: www.haridussilm.ee.



Population: 1.3 million


National language: Estonian Estonian belongs to the Finno-Ugric language family along with Finnish and Hungarian.




Main ethnic groups: Estonian 69%, Russian 26% Area: 45 227 km2 Estonia has ca 1500 islands and 3794 km of coastline.


Capital: Tallinn


Larger cities: Tallinn, Tartu, Narva, Kohtla-Järve, Pärnu Administrative divisions: 15 counties System of government: Parliamentary democracy Estonia is a member of the UN and OSCE (1991), the EU and NATO (2004), the Schengen zone (2007), the OECD (2010) and the eurozone (2011).






Ministry of Education and Research Munga 18, 50088 Tartu Tallinn Office: Tõnismägi 11, 15192 Tallinn Tel +372 735 0222 hm@hm.ee www.hm.ee

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