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President’s Note
President’s Message
Shirley Tay
President, 2020-2022 Malaysia Retail Chain Association
Dear members,
It is with pleasure that I welcome you to a fresh start, and to our latest issue of Malaysia Retailer Vol 8 No. 4. 2020 has been a historic litmus test for all our members, the Association, and the global economic and financial system. The ongoing pandemic has completely upended the business community, separated hardworking people from their jobs, and pushed the boundaries of our survival instincts. With the months-long struggle to stay afloat came also motivation for retailers and entrepreneurs to embrace new ways of doing business in a dynamic, digital future, and during these uncertain times, MRCA appreciates the opportunities to speak on behalf of not just the retailers, franchisors, and brands, but the SME community in Malaysia – the true engines of the economy.
I salute my fellow Council members as well as all committee members of the various portfolios that we had set up, for they, while physically distanced, were exceptionally forthcoming with their contributions. Powered by You, the Association managed to complete many charitable campaigns and assistance initiatives such as the ‘Love Touches Lives’ charity project, where we raised RM100,000 to help 165 single mothers affected by the pandemic.
MRCA organised its first CEO Get-together hosted by Fusionex where its Founder and Group CEO Dato’ Seri Ivan Teh, shared his thoughts on how businesses can cope and survive with the rapidly expanding digital economic frontier.
We had many online talks, meetings and conferences via Google and Zoom, on forward-looking topics such as the inaugural CEO sharing session on Remaining Resilient during a Pandemic, organised by the MRCA Women Division; Budget 2021 Dialogue; COVID-19 Act: Sword or Shield for Retailers; and Striking a Balance in the midst of COVID-19 where five MRCA’s Past Presidents shared their views on the threats and opportunities brought on by the pandemic; and Looking Ahead: Digitalize to Thrive in Retail; among others. Even our November members’ meeting was held via Zoom for the first time.
Furthermore, we also had several meetings with the Economic Planning Unit, a division under the Economic Action Council, to give our input regarding our retail members’ concerns. We also participated in a discussion between Bank Negara Malaysia and Associations; had a meeting with KPDNHEP officials regarding music rights; took part in Sin Chew Biz Excellence Award 2020 Judging Ceremony; attended Aladdin Group media launch and held a MoU signing ceremony with Busan Economic Planning Agency, among others.
MRCA, together with SME Association of Malaysia, Bumiputra Retailers Organization and Malaysia Shopping Malls Association, also jointly submitted a memorandum to the Government to see more aid in Budget 2021 for its members. We have also recently formed a strategic partnership with Vettons to provide an opportunity for our members to promote their businesses on Vettons’s online shopping platform.
Finally, while our New Year celebrations might not have topped the previous one in fireworks and flair, Malaysians responded with philanthropy and a return to supporting local. Buoyed by a positive rebound in festive consumer activity, vaccine rollouts, and a favourable forecast by the World Bank, the reopening of the Malaysian economy is finally upon us, and I congratulate everyone in MRCA for having crossed the peaks in the last 12 months!
We look forward to a more prosperous 2021 and I wish everyone a Happy New Year! Stay Safe!
18 Monthly Meeting
Dato’ Julie CC Lim Sole Director Jubilant Prestige Sdn Bhd Country Sole Distributor Maison Berger Paris
A Passion for Home Fragrance
A connoisseur of style and finesse, Dato’ CC Julie Lim, owner of Jubilant Prestige Sdn Bhd, the sole distributor of Maison Berger Paris in Malaysia, has an exceptional story of sweet scents.