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Sunway Malls Commits To A #Safer community together with Reinforced Safety Measures And Initiatives
Sunway Malls Commits to A #Safercommunitytogether with Reinforced Safety Measures and Initiatives
Shoppers who have been vaccinated will be able to enjoy various rewards and deals through Sunway Malls’ #CucukDeals incentives
n line with the nation’s
Igoals to achieve herd immunity and reinvigorate the economy, Sunway Malls has launched the #SaferCommunityTogether campaign across its malls to present a safer and more secure environment for their shoppers. Beginning 15th September, the malls in Klang Valley will be part of the campaign that will encompass all who enter the malls, including shoppers and retailers alike.
With more economic sectors receiving the green light from the government to operate in Phase 2 of the National Recovery Plan (NRP) for Klang Valley, presently Sunway Malls in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor is seeing 95% shops opening, up from the 85% previously during Phase 1. Mall traffic is also on the rise recording 50-60% range normality compared to 35% normality previously in its early September figures. The mall group operator hopes for a return to a cumulating 80% range normality in Q4 2021.
Sunway Malls acknowledges the importance of keeping the malls safe and is making this a priority for everyone. The remaining malls in Penang and Johor will commence this campaign at a later date in line with the progression of herd immunity in the states.
Sunway Malls & Theme Parks CEO, HC Chan shares, “As more businesses re-open for the community, it is important that heightened safety continues to be a key agenda in driving assurance and confidence. The #SaferCommunityTogether initiative aims to collectively raise the safety bar higher. This includes introducing fully vaccinated entry only in Klang Valley’s Sunway Malls alongside other safety protocols working together for a safer place. For categories not qualified for vaccination, exceptions will be allowed.”
Upon entry, shoppers will have to undergo the necessary MySejahtera and temperature checks to confirm that they have received both doses of the vaccine and are considered low-risk. Those exempted from the vaccination requirement are children between the age of 12-17, or those with medical conditions that do not allow them to receive the regulated vaccines.
In terms of the working population, all of Sunway Malls’ employees and retail staff targets 100% herd immunity and are ready to serve the shoppers as more sectors begin to reopen and more retailers can now operate.
Each Sunway Mall employee and retail staff is checked on their vaccination status and will be sporting a personalised “I’m Vaccinated” badge with their own names and serial numbers to provide greater assurance to the shoppers when they are in the malls. The employees also undergo stringent daily checks to ensure that they do not pose a risk to the shoppers and one another.
As keeping each other safe is a combined effort, reminders are placed in the malls to help shoppers do their part. Social distancing officers and visual reminders are positioned around the malls to remind shoppers to do their part. Although only fully vaccinated shoppers will be allowed entry, everyone still has to carry out the responsibility to stay safe by adhering to good hygiene practices such as handwashing, mask wearing and sanitising to create safer spaces together.
For more information on Sunway Malls’ #SaferCommunityTogether campaign or to redeem the ongoing #Cucukdeals, please visit each mall’s respective social media platforms.