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Pikom Chairman Message


Picking up the baton as Malaysia transitions into normalcy, new PIKOM Chairman Dr Sean Seah is brimming with plans for the association. But, before that, he says PIKOM must take stock of the new dynamics the digital industry nds itself in, and then seek to make itself relevant to all its members.

The pandemic has changed many things. PIKOM Chairman Dr Sean Seah admits that what worked two years ago may not work today and, while PIKOM has been the voice of the Malaysian tech industry for 35 years, he is also brave enough to admit that the very phrase ‘the Malaysian tech Industry’ has to be relooked.

“At this point in history, the industry is no longer ONE industry it is an enabler to a whole host of industries. We have startups, the gig economy, eGovernment, eHealth, eSports, and so on. Everyone in these sectors uses digital technology, and so we have to learn how PIKOM, as an umbrella body, can e ectively represent every one of them,” says Dr Seah.

“At the end of the day, these businesses, even the one-manshow gig worker must be able to say that they were well represented by PIKOM. Only then can we justify our slogan. Only then can PIKOM remain relevant in these times.”


In light of this, he says PIKOM needs to come up with strategies to reinvent itself. While the pandemic has curtailed industry growth by some years, it has also seen the development of a number of outstanding tech innovations.

The tech industry must build on these innovations especially in the areas of arti cial intelligence, robotics and space technology. This can create consumer con dence and help the country revive, he says.

Another issue of the industry is the widening of the digital skills gap. In the last two years, PIKOM has collaborated with the Human Resources Development Fund (now HRDCorp) on the National Economic Recovery Plan, better known as PENJANA, to bridge this gap.

“We have conducted online training for more than 500 unemployed graduates, youths from the B40 group, SME owners and retrenched workers. We hope to train another 500 Malaysians in the coming months. We are looking at practical and hybrid trainings as well.”






Dr Seah also wants to continue SPACE INDUSTRY.” of low-earth orbit satellites. This collaborating with MDEC in is an all-encompassing digital developing the local talent pool. The transformation strategy, and I am association also remains committed con dent we can do this,” he says. to working with MQA to drive and “Right now, for the rural poor, develop quali ed school leavers staying connected means keeping in through the STEM programme. touch with relatives but we can do more. Think digital technology for MAKING THAT LEAP farming, shery and agribusiness. While overall digital adoption has After this we must look at developing grown during the pandemic, Malaysia an ecosystem for the application of still lags behind international peers these technologies. in terms of digital adoption by “Building a space technology businesses. What would it take for ecosystem will create jobs and bring Malaysia to make that leap? in foreign investors, helping us grow

Dr Seah says connectivity is key. and strengthen the space industry.” The pandemic has revealed this and, early this year, the government has ON THE WORLD MAP responded with plans to spend RM15 In September next year, the billion on 5G technology, but Dr Seah association looks forward to hosting wants to make sure that no group is the World Congress on Information left behind. Technology (WCIT 2022) in Penang.

“Connectivity is important but Some 4000 delegates including PIKOM has to do a balancing act captains of the industry is expected by giving honest feedback to the to attend this hybrid event. government,” he says citing the “WCIT 2022 together with the 1 plight of Malaysians in rural and 0-day TechFest Penang, which remote areas such as those living will see a total of 45,000 people in mountainous regions and far o converging on the island, bene ting islands who will likely not bene t the nation by putting Malaysian from the national 5G e orts. technology, innovation and

“It is important that when we talk hospitality on the world map.” about the digital divide, we must Dr Seah adds that PIKOM has a look at connectivity for everyone. good standing in the international Malaysia can take the lead in the arena. He is the Deputy Chairman of region by providing equal distribution the World Innovation, Technology of internet and connectivity for and Services Alliance (WITSA) and everyone using a constellation was re-elected as Chairman of the WITSA Finance Committee for the 2020-2022 term.

PIKOM Councillor Stan Singh, meanwhile, is the Chairman of the Asia Paci c ICT Alliance (APICTA).

“For the longest time PIKOM has not been able to separate itself from the PC Fair branding despite abandoning the event eight years ago. Ask anyone what PIKOM is and they will say PC Fair. Needless to say, it was a great event and it’s time to make PIKOM glorious again with these world-class and regional events.”


An industrious entrepreneur – he is the founder and the CEO of Angkasa-X, the founder and Executive Chairman of AsiaFIN Holdings Corp and the Chief Investment O cer of SEATech Ventures Corp – Dr Seah promises to be a hands-on Chairman for PIKOM. He says he will reserve Tuesdays and Thursdays on his calendar for the association.

“It has been our tradition to involve the Immediate Past Chairman in our work. I will also involve my Deputy Chairman more – he will not just be a backup – I will involve him in all activities that I am involved in.”

“The team will also have three Honorary Chairmen. All this will make PIKOM stronger and louder. This is my strategy. No one owns PIKOM. The more people want to contribute to the association the better. I welcome the participation of anyone who has ideas and who wants to contribute. These are people who want to serve and we must encourage them.”

The association currently has 1000 corporate and individual members. Dr Seah aims to double this gure in his two-year term in o ce.

“2022-2024 will be all about connectivity, ecommerce and spacetech.”

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