Portfolio 2016-Harkunwar Singh Kanwal

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B.Arch, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi (Currently in 4th year)


Delhi Public School, RK Puram ,New Delhi(11th-12th Grade)

98 -2011

Springfields Public School,Yamuna Nagar


CEO of an upcoming startup-TERRArch


Patent for an Interactive Facade


Dissertation on Humanizing Outer Space:Architecture,Habitability and Behavioural Health


Intern at Design Innovation Centre,Delhi


Stage Design and construction-Utopia SPA,Delhi


Interactive Installation Art -SPA,Delhi


Auroville Earth Insititute Workshop on CSEB,volunteer


Organised Model Making Workshop at SPA,Delhi


Designed Modular Kinetic Ceiling


State Level Cricket- Under 14 State Cricket Team


State level ALOHA Mental Maths Competition

COMPETITIONS 120 Hours 120 hours ARCHASM

‘Experimental Preservation’ ‘House without Function’ ‘Fanbox,Rio Olympics’

CO-CURRICULAR Physical Model Making Hands on Work Movie Making Composing Rap songs Cricket, Basketball, Chess Installation Design Standup Comedy Jugaad (Troubleshooting)


Hand drafting, Autocad

3D Modeling

Physical Model Making, Sketchup, Rhino


Hand Rendering, Photoshop, Illustrator


In-design, Microsoft Office




English,Hindi,German CURRICULUM VITAE


Contents 1. Academic

2. Research


Architectural Design



Jaipur International Airport,Jaipur,India

Humanizing Outer Space

Stage Design

Design Innovation Centre

Design Projects

Modular Facade Design

Model for Thesis Projects Urban Design Projects

Akshaya Urja Bhawan at Lodhi Road,Delhi Sustainable Livelihood Institute in Auroville,Tamil Nadu Snake Farm (Rural Intervention Design) in Santiniketan,West Bengal

Academic Kinetic Skins Settlement Study Vernacular Construction

Dharamshala for LaxmiNarayan Temple in New Delhi


Farmhouse in Nangal,Punjab

120 hours -2015 Rio Fanbox Design by Archasm

Graphic Design Ho-Ho Bus Stop Intervention Sound Installation


Academic Work 1.1 Architectural Design 1.2 Graphic Design




Integrated Terminal Design Jaipur

To design an integrated (international + domestic) terminal building for the city of Jaipur CONCEPT- Form of the building inspired from stepwells, historic architecture and local heritage Primary functions resolution was based on segregation ogf arival and depatture

Functions 1. Curb 2. Concourse 3.Arrival 4. Departure 5.Offices 6.Check-in 7.Security Check 8.Waiting Lounges 9.Bus Lounge

Site Plan

3-D view


The New Image of Jaipur City Projecting the Future of Jaipur in the shadows of its past The Airport is considered to be the gateway to the city. Hence, it should give a glimpse in its architecture of the past,present and future of a city. My design aims to mould the historic architecture context of Jaipur towards a futuristic design. The main vehicular circulation passes through the centre of the airport. The design is symmetrical about this primary access. The secondary access is the one which connects all the vertical circulation inside the airport and to the aero-bridges. Axes


Conceptual Render

Zoning Rather than a typical vertical segregation seen in most airports I have created a horizontal segregation of arrival and departure.

Design Development The hexagonal geometry is inspired from the Jaali patterns seen in the architecture of Jaipur. A small element is thereby translated into a module for the airport. Hexagonal concept

Elevation in Model

Initial concept Sketch


Semi-covered Entry


Akshaya Urja Bhawan Lodhi Road,New Delhi

To create a net zero (energy) office for the Ministry of Non renewable Resources of India CONCEPT- Incoporation of courtyards in an office design To create compact volumes that reduce heat gain Quadruple height public plaza for the grandeur of the space experienced Masssing reduces the south west heat gain

North Elevation

Functions 1. Admin. Office 2. Reception 3.Gallery/Museum 4. Restaurant 5.Daily need shop 6.CR Section 7.Classrooms 8.Auditorium

Final block Model

Secondary Block Model

Site Plan

The design aims to create a link between the traditional passive design strategies and the current technologies of energy generation. Courtyards are a design element used to regulate air distribution within buildings in tropical regions,however it is not seen in office typology wherein office buildings are mostly imagined as a single massing of large

Initial Block Model

ambiguous spaces. My design aims to do the following1. Ensure a linear distribution of functions 2. Narrow floor plates for increased lighting 3. Courtyards to maintain air circulation 4. Increased area of terraces for solar panels.


1. Vertical Circulation (Core) 2. Photovoltaic Panels 3.Office Spaces 4. Auditorium 5.Central Court 6.Basement(s)

Longitudinal Section

Treatment of the East and West Elevations I have tried to reduce solar radiation and heat intake on the East and West side by firstly providing cores and thereby shear walls and creating punctures in the building.

Through this the heat radiation in these areas reduces naturally. Punctures in the form also provide for ventilation. The Frit glass in Facade also reduces heat gain and gives a playful look.

East Side-Ecotect Analysis

West Side-Ecotect Analysis


Rural Intervention Santiniketan,West Bengal

To propose a rural intervention strategy for a village in West Bengal in order to facilitate more occupations/livelihoods for the residents CONCEPT- 1. I proposed a Snake Farm for the village in order to provide a alternative occupation to locals 2. The spaces were largely derived from the function of a Snake farm. 3. The form overall aimed to provide a marine quality of form using the local construction technologies.


Functions 1. Admin. Office 2. Caretaker 3.Gallery/Museum 4. Snake Tanks 5.Breeding Lab 6.Snake Cages 7.Restaurants

Site Plan

Module for Design according to snake movement

Setting a 1:3 ratio for all forms

Concept Sketch showing use of module

Site Section 1

Site Section 2

My design goal of the project was to introduce an architectural intervention which can not only become part of a community but eventually give back to them. In West Bengal there is high risk of snake bites specially in rural areas. I saw this an opportunity to create a livelihood for the rural people. The Facility created was such that it not only treated those who got bitten by snakes but also a facility for research on snakes and snake antidotes. Hence a facility

which could not only provide treatment and sensitize the locals but also provide research and development activities was chosen. The key features of my design as a social intervention are • Use of Vernacular Architecture to create a sense of Identity • Involving the Community • Creating a New Livelihood • Giving Back to the Community



Imaginary Site To create a space without any function but for people to experience a specific emotion CONCEPT-

To create a space responding to all sensory perceptions of a person i.e smell,Sight, taste, touch and hearing. To develop a form protruding out of the ground and simulating a space Inspired from nature.


Construction Details

Serenity The emotion I chose to depict was Serenity. This calls for a space that allows one to meditate and feel at ease in. I have tried to create a space which is firstly low and sunk in the ground with water flowing below the floor. I have used the calming element of water architecturally. The space is not artificially lit. The punctures throughout the facade and roof allow for light to penetrate in the form of rays creating a mystic effect. Play of light has been tried to create a calming effect. These Punctures also act as spaces for people to sit and think. The materials used is earth .

Plan at +1200


Farmhouse Nangal,Punjab

1. To imagine a client requirement for the farmhouse 2. To design a Farmhouse/vacation getaway house facing the Nangal Lake. CONCEPT-1. The design was inspired from the hilly contours of the Shivalik Hills. 2. The spaces were imagined such that they would encourage solitary thinking and peace

Site Section 1

Site Section 2

My concept was inspired from the Shivalik hills , the mountain range due to which Nangal gets its unique topography. The form of house was to mimic the peaks and valleys of the mountains. Also the bedrooms were projected and created in a way so as to give a feeling of isolation. My aim was to recreate the feeling of living in the mountains where the person is surrounded by nature. Site plan



Lakshmi Narayan Temple,New Delhi To create a place to stay and meditate for devotees visiting the Lakshmi Narayan Temple CONCEPT- To create 2 definite types of space 1. Public - The front of the complex adds a puncture to the otherwise very linear edge of the Temple Road hence, inviting the public to the spaces for congregation. 2. Inclusive - This space caters to the need of the devotees to meditate and find inner peace. Gardens and terraces and an inward looking space are suggestive of the inner mind.

Site Plan


Second Floor

My concept was to create very definite public and private spaces. I opened up the space near the road in order to create increased space for people who come to the temple. A large courtyard was created with clear views of the temple. The second part of my design was to create a living space for people away from the main road and multitude of devotees. The living spaces were inclusive and opened up into a private courtyard in order to provide a quite space for the people to meditate.

Block Model


Sustainable Livelihood Institute

Auroville,Tamil Nadu 1. To imagine a suitable livelihood choice for the institute 2. To design a Institute wherein training and working could take place simultaneously.

fsd CONCEPT- 1. Livelihood Selected- Leather Crafting 2. Use of modular sections, panels and frames. 3. Form regulates air circulation by creating low and high pressure regions

Functions 1. Admin. Office 2. Reception 3.Gallery/Museum 4. Offices 5.Multipurpose hall 6.Classrooms 7.Living Quarters 8.Market

Site Plan

Construction and Materials1.Recycled Aluminium Framing Members 2.Modular precasted aerated concrete roofing panels 3.Modular window and frames Planning Approach The Institute was planned such that the existing trees on site are not removed. Secondly the planning for governed by the existing contours. Hydroponic farming beds planned near the lake for easy

availability of water. Livelihood- The institute shall be sustainable not only in its construction and architectural representation but also in the way of life it proposes, Sustainability should be a way of life. Students shall train to produce food through hydroponics, which shall be then sold and consumed by the Institute itself.


Graphic Design 1.2 Photograph of the Installation (1:1)

‘The Mechanics of Sound’

Installation-Mechanics of Sound

This is an interactive sound installation. The canvas represents sound waves and the gears a mechanical interpretation of sound. The gears are made from recycled cycle wheels and the teeth from waste plastic bottles Broken Glass etc was filled in the bottles in order to create rain tubes(create the sound of rain). The gears are free to rotate and people can move these to create different frequencies of sound.

Group- Vipanchi Handa, Harkunwar Singh

‘HO-HO Bus Stop Design’

Digital Render of the Bus stop

Our aim for this project was to redesign the HOHO Bus stop to make it more interactive and informative. The design proposed is inspired from pixellation. Each stop contains panels that can be moved about one axis by the people, each contain separate information important to Delhi tourism. However from a distance(on Bus) the larger picture of Delhi with its rich culture and heritage shows itself to the onlooker.



BiMetal Facade Conceptual + Working

To innovate an interactive facade(for curtain glazing+ fixed windows) for a commercial/ institutional building CONCEPT- 1. An interactive movable facade that responds to sun movement of the sun without any use of electrical energy 2.The Facade creates patterns that are aesthetically pleasing.

Group- Shabeeb Bilgrami, Harkunwar Singh Conceptual- Idea 1 - Retractable

Conceptual- Idea 1 - Retractable- Inside View

The basic idea was to create an Interactive facade that obstructs direct sun into the building throughout the day. The moving and the working of the facade is designed such that it doesn’t use any electricity or mechanical energy.

Hence, a substitute of linear actuators that works on the same principle was finally implemented. The technical and construction drawings of the project cant be shared because of the legalities and ongoing work.

Bimetals have a property to bend when exposed to temperature variation. For the climatic zone of Delhi a bi-metal sheet of Aluminum and copper was used as it bends the most for this temperature variation during the summers. Considering the economics of the scale of the facade, aluminum was a little costly choice. Conceptual- Idea 2 v


Kinetic Ceiling Conceptual + Working

1. To imagine a suitable livelihood choice for the institute 2. To design a Institute wherein training and working could take place simultaneously. CONCEPT- 1. Livelihood Selected-Hydroponics 2. Use of local Materials and construction 3. Walkways - circulation and hydroponic beds

Group- Vipanchi Handa, Harkunwar Singh Conceptual- Idea 1- Ceiling inspired from sine wave

Section through final Kinetic Mechanical Ceiling

Inspiration from Installations


Spatial Analysis- Hand Drafted

Settlement Plan- Hand drafted and rendered 1:200

Settlement and Vernacular Study Balipara Village,Santiniketan,West Bengal

To study the growth and vernacular construction of a tribal village The following parameters were considered and studied1.Growth and expansion of an organic settlement 2.Finding geometry and patterns at a micro and macro scale 3.Studying Public and Private spaces within settlement 4.Understanding the vernacular construction

Photographs of Balipara Settlement




Humanizing Outer Space: Architecture, Habitability and Behavioural Health This dissertation aims to detail out all major psychological and physical factors for humans that would enable or hamper comfortable space travel and future extra-terrestrial colonization and aims to list out the available design solutions for the same. ‘Space, the final frontier’- Star Trek(1966) Mankind has held a steadfast gaze towards the stars since the days of Galileo and eventually they finally managed to venture into outer space. Several moon landings and satellite launches later we now stand on the precipice of greater discoveries. However, in a few million years of existence, mankind now faces an acute dearth of resources to survive on as well as a diminishing amount of land to occupy. As a result space exploration programs, hailed as the next step for mankind, have been initiated. These programs search for the viability of extraterrestrial existence and analyze the possibility of habitation and potential colonization. These locations host some extremely adverse conditions for humans. Therefore to survive, human beings need to adapt and acclimate to the environment. This becomes highly difficult without providing for an architecture that can endure the hazardous conditions. The important factors that play a substantial role to equip human beings for survival in such conditions are the Physiology, Psychology and Physicality of the human being. According to several interviews and studies conducted which asked people for their preferences on sleeping and working spaces, it was seen that the ‘three P’s’ were highly essential to understanding and formulating several activities that could be conduct-

ed in the spaces. The study of responses and existing research proved that there can be an organic utilization of an area with a very hostile environment and this led to the conclusion that such spaces could theoretically be habitable. Once the habitability was accounted for in a harsh environment, it became evident that certain architectural themes could be applied to the space. These themes centered around the Livability, Usability and Flexibility of the space. Using these design parameters, various geometric shapes could be generated and applied to the corresponding space and activities. However for the geometric shapes to be viable construction modules, they were put through an ‘Evaluation algorithm’ which provides design directions for outer space and extreme conditions. Shapes that cleared the assessment have the potential to be used in the construction of future colonies in outer space as well as in harsh environments on earth. Colonization in space is a predicable future for mankind considering the present situation on earth. For an industry predicated on smart spatial assessments and designs, it is important for architects to understand the pulse of the near future and dedicate expertise into the further habitation.




120 Hours -2015 Conceptual

To create a space/house with NO function.

CONCEPT- ‘A Dancer in Space’ Architecture as Pure: B oundless: Formless

3.1 Competitions

Group- Harkunwar Singh, Pranay Dilawari, Vipanchi Handa

Conceptual Render


Our Interpretation and Project Explanation The boundless nature of thoughts and emotions which is primal in its essence become limited when made tangible. It is open to interpretation by anyone apart from the creator of the idea. Pure architecture is a form of true expression,a thought an idea as fleeting as an emotion. It Occupies the fourth dimension of time as well. The moment a barrier in the form of a context comes in it becomes limited. Lets consider a ‘Dancer’ in space without any

constraints of movement. The emotions expressed through dance will encapsulate the unconstrained pure thoughts and emotions. The space thus created by the movements houses the dancer. Being intangible for that time it exists in its origin and thought. It is thereby possible to imagine architecture without site and pro gramme as it springs from emotion and is not simply answer to problems and opportunities. The site will hence react to the space and add to the layers of this pure spatial


Archasm-Fanbox Copacabana Beach,Rio

To design a pavilion with interactive functions for the Rio Olympics There are 3 components to the design of the pavilion 1. Olympic celebration and symbolism 2. Innovation and technology 3. To celebrate humanity and the power of people

Passive Design


Roof- Structure

Concept of Design The design is based on creating a inward looking space which becomes a focal point for people during the day as well as night. The pavilion has a contextual link with Olympics rather than the host city such that it has a more universal appeal. Sustainability is achieved through passive and active strategies to achieve a net zero design.


1. PASSIVE STRATEGIES- include the use of modular building techniques thereby reducing fabrication energy and passive cooling through form. 2. ACTIVE STRATEGIES- use of peizo electric technology for flooring - the vibrations,impacts and footfall can be transformed into clean energy to power the pavilion. The people will be able to thus create energy and experience the power of the people!


3.3 Miscellaneous Urban Design Model 1:500

Thesis Model 1:250

Hands- on Work 3.2 Stage Design for College Fest (2015)

Hands on Workshop- CSEB

Sketching in Ink



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