Harlem Academy 2016 Annual Report

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Head of School Vinny Dotoli and trustees with the Class of 2016 at their graduation in June. 2


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From the Head of School Fourteen years ago, a group gathered to try a crazy idea. We were from different walks of life – educators, business people, philanthropists, parents, and community leaders. But we all understood the same problem, and we all imagined we just might be able to solve it. Bright students from low-income communities were slipping through the cracks of an education system focused on the extreme ends of the achievement spectrum. In New York City we have programs for students already testing in the 99th percentile, or students who are failing. So what happens to promising low-income kids without the resources to reach their potential? By the time college rolls around, only 14% of the students at the top 160 colleges come from the bottom half of the income distribution. This is where Harlem Academy has stepped in. We are raising the ceiling for promising, low-income children. We give them the preparation they need to compete at the best schools in the nation. Now they are conquering college, too. Our entire first graduating class finished high school in four years, and 92% are already enrolled in four-year colleges. They, and all of the alumni coming up behind them are the proof – the dream wasn’t so crazy. I am proud to share this annual report with you, including information about who we serve and the impact that we have on our students. As always, I welcome your questions and comments. Please feel free to email me at vdotoli@harlemacademy.org.


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Who We Serve Harlem Academy draws most of its students from low-income communities where children are 30 times less likely to get into citywide gifted programs than their high-income peers. Median household income $8K


Only 0.2%

acc e ss to cit y wi d e g i f te d p r o g r a m s fo r s t u d e nt s f r o m th e s e n e i g h b o r h o o ds

Sources: US Census, Median household income, 2011-2015 NYC Department of Education, 2016-17

At Harlem Academy, no qualified applicants are turned away due to inability to pay tuition. Th e m e d i a n h o u s e h o l d i n co m e fo r i n co m i n g H a r l e m Ac a d e m y fa m i l i e s was





of students need financial a i d fo r m o s t o f their tuition .

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Realizing Potential We started the school year with 50% of students scoring in the top two deciles and ended with 72% of students in the top two deciles.


Percentile Points


Gain by incoming students on standardized tests in their first year

Additional gain for returning students in each subsequent year

Percentile Points

Overall growth for the graduating class during their full tenure at Harlem Academy was 24 percentile points. Class of 2016 Standardized Test Growth

+24 points



Entry Percentile

8th Grade Percentile 5

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Where Are Alumni Now? Secondary School Placements Include: Independent Day

Independent Boarding

Brooklyn Friends



Church Farm (2)

Friends Seminary


Grace Church (2)




Professional Children’s

Northfield Mt. Hermon

Riverdale Country (4)

Peddie (5)



Trevor Day


United Nations Int’l (2)

Rabun Gap

York Preparatory

Stony Brook (3)



All Hallows (2)

American Studies at Lehman


Arts & Craftsmanship

Bishop Loughlin Cardinal Hayes (2) Cristo Rey

Central Islip Humanities Prep Lower Manhattan Arts (2)

Dominican Iona Prep St. Jean Baptiste (4) St. Vincent

Manhattan Ctr. for Sci. & Math (2) Manhattan Village Software Engineering Special Music School


( ) Indicates total students enrolled if more than one.



$42,713 Av e r ag e a n n ua l s c h o l a r sh i p e a r n e d by H a r l e m Ac a d e m y g r a d uat e s at i n d e p e n d e n t s c h o o l s





Selective Catholic & Public


Independent Day & Boarding

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100% of students in our first graduating class (2012) achieved ontime graduation from high school vs. 56% of their peers in Harlem, the Bronx, and Washington Heights.

92% 92% of students in this first graduating class are already enrolled in fouryear colleges.

Eighth grader Malik Figaro ’16 was recognized with honorable mention in the DuPont Challenge Science Essay Competition for his research paper on GMOs, placing him in the top 1% of the pool of 9,000 competitors. 7

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Partnering With Families

E ve ry fam i ly

contributes something to attend. Tuition is set on a sliding scale so no qualified child is turned away.


Making the choice for my daughter to attend HA has been the most rewarding change in our life. We will forever be grateful for the wonderful experiences that she would have never experienced in public school. Thank you, thank you, thank you!� Eighth-Grade Parent




Attendance Rate which is 60% fewer absences than in local schools.

of families attend parent/teacher conferences twice a year.


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Parents organize, cook, and serve a Thanksgiving feast every year for the entire school community. Parent volunteers managed 5 major school events, participated in admissions sessions for new families, and contributed in numerous ways to the life of the school. 9

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2015-16 Financial Performance Board Chair Introduction I am very pleased with Harlem Academy's financial results and stewardship of donors gifts. Once again we exceeded our projections and also raised over $1 million in net proceeds from our Spring Benefit. In addition, we received the highest possible ranking as a “Platinum Charity” from Guidestar. Thank you for your support and confidence in what we do.

David B. Peterson Chairman, Board of Trustees


2015-16 TOTAL

2014-15 TOTAL











2015-16 TOTAL

2014-15 TOTAL










Temporarily Restricted







Cash and Cash Equivalents Receivables and Long-Term Pledges Other Assets Property and Equipment TOTAL ASSETS

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Deferred Tuition Loan Payable NET ASSETS




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Statement of Activities $447,159

E X PEN S E S $298,926

Program Services









Annual Fund Support*

Program Revenue

Public Funding *Includes unrestricted new gifts and this year's portion of previously committed multi-year gifts. $3,155,624

$85,700 $389,088

TOTA L NE W INCOME $858,697 $2,292,557 $3,976,817

Annual Fund Support

Commitments Toward Permanent Campus

Program Revenue

Public Funding



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Thank You Ca p i ta l Ca m pa i g n

A n n ua l F u n d G i f t s

Harlem Academy extends tremendous gratitude toward the donors listed here for making possible the first steps toward a permanent home and the establishment of an endowment. The commitment and leadership they have shown help ensure the future of Harlem Academy and strengthen our ability to make a difference in the lives of our students and community.

$ 1 0 0 k+

The Allen Family Foundation Anonymous (2) Tony and Regan Asnes Ms. Pam Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook Mr. Robert Deutsch Friends of Bray Family Academy Mary Ganzenmuller and the AK Starr Charitable Trust Ms. Valarie Hing and Mr. Ari Raisa Mr. Perry Jacobson Mark and Sarah Johnston Mr. Jeffrey Kilimnick

Anonymous Credit Suisse Americas Foundation Dale and Elizabeth Hemmerdinger Mr. David B. Peterson The New York Community Trust-The Joan Ganz Cooney and Holly Peterson Fund Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schaps Robert and Laura Sillerman $50,000 -$99,999 Altman Foundation Arcadia Charitable Trust Fairfield County’s Community Foundation–Donor Advised Fund Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Giscombe Ann and Cameron MacRae Cat MacRae Fund Tsunami Foundation–Anson and Debra Beard, Jr. and Family

Mr. Jeremy Raccio and Ms. Sadia Halim Tom and Sera Reycraft Richard Salomon Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Schaps Zach and Lori Schreiber Eric and Erica Schwartz Serenbetz Family Foundation Inc. Edith Glick Shoolman Children's Foundation Hillary and Brett Thomas $10,000 -$19,999 Mr. Jay D. Bargmann and Ms. Cindy Potash BDO USA, LLP Mr. Jesse Itzler and Ms. Sara Blakely Mrs. Marie Bosarge Con Edison Deutsche Bank Trust Company NY Falconhead Foundation J. Christopher Flowers Hyde and Watson Foundation

$20,000 -$49,999

Jockey Hollow Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Abelson

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marrus

Achelis and Bodman Foundations

Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP


Mr. Matthew Lipman and Ms. Adriana Brunetto-Lipman

The Catherine and Joseph Aresty Foundation

The Cat MacRae Fund

Mutual of America

Tony and Regan Asnes

The Garrett And Mary Moran Family Foundation Ms. Lucia N. Musso Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nadosy Catherine and John Nathan Mr. Rohan Oza

Ms. Durga Mallampalli

Mr. Matthew A. Baxter

Mr. Bardia Mesbah

Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook

Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidlin

John P. and Constance A. Curran Charitable Foundation

Mr. Ryan Seacrest Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Selman

Dana Foundation

Paul Simon

Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Randall Smith

The Andrew K. Dwyer Foundation

Turner Construction Company

Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Moran Catherine and John Nathan Mr. David B. Peterson Rafael Viñoly Architects PC The Reeves Foundation Tom and Sera Reycraft Richard Salomon Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schaps Robert and Laura Sillerman Mr. Timothy Speiss Hillary and Brett Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Toporek Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wolfe

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Evans Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP Greenberg Traurig


Andree Wildenstein & Roger Dormeuil Foundation Mr. David Windreich and Ms. Christine Hikawa

Harry Winston Hope Foundation Dr. Shirley A. Jackson and Dr. Morris Washington Mark and Sarah Johnston Mr. and Mrs. David Lasry Legere Family Foundation Mike and Aly Levine Lincoln Fund


T-Mobile USA Foundation

$5,000 -$9,999 The Actuarial Foundation Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Aresty BJ's Charitable Gift Fund The Brick Presbyterian Church

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Mr. David Klafter and Ms. Nancy Kestenbaum

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eberhart

Pam and Jim Nadler Ms. Susana Namnum

Columbia University Community Service

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Larson

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Edwards EisnerAmper

Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson

Cushman and Wakefield

Mr. Peter Martin

Mrs. John W. Espy

Mr. and Mrs. William Norberg

Ms. Robin Donath and Mr. Patrick McNeive

Lizzie McCowen

Mr. Peter Fallon

Anne and Jacques Nordeman

Mr. Chip Farrar

Stanton Orser and Therese Joseph

Vinny and Traci Dotoli

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Newberg

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ferrer

Mr. Brian Owen

Ms. Mikelle Fisher

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Palmer

Michael and Elena Patterson

Ms. Wendy Flanagan and Mr. Christopher O'Malley

Mr. Scott Payseur

Mr. and Mrs. William Plotch

Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Fox

Mr. Rodney Pope and Mrs. Robin D. Stone

Mr. Thomas Fusco

Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Perez

Mr. and Mrs. Asad Rahman

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Geist

Mr. Elliott Rebhun

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gemus

Mr. Steven S. Pretsfelder and Mrs. Barbara Gochberg

Ms. Ruth Rhei-Rencricca

Pippa and Robert Gerard

Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Renfrew

Mr. Larry Ritzhaupt and Ms. Leigh Bonney

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gillespie

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rooney

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rosenbaum

Mr. Michael Glennon & Ms. Lucy Reed

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rothfeld

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Scanfeld

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Golden

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russo

Mr. and Mrs. Vance Schipani

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goodkin

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ryan

Select Equity Group Foundation

Alyssa and Cliff Greenberg

Ms. Karen Snow

Ms. Clare B. Hawthorne

Theodore D. Sands & Caroline C. Herrick

Ms. Terri Sohrab and Mr. Fariborz Damanpour

Mr. and Mrs. John Hays

Mark Tashjian and Erin Kaufman

Mr. Hermann Hesse

Mr. John Brus The Carmel Hill Fund

Vincent J. and Louisa S. Dotoli Ms. Brenda Earl Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ganzenmuller Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Haim Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison Mr. Chris Hart-Zafra Ms. Jill Hemphill Ms. Marlene Hess and Mr. Jim Zirin Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hyman Mr. Reaz Islam Mr. Daniel Kabat and Ms. Catherine O'Dwyer Klein Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. Peter Klosowicz Mr. John Massoni III Brian and Monica McGrath Mebane Charitable Foundation, Inc. Momtazee Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Newman H. Stanton Orser and Janet Frankel Orser Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson Linda and Michael Purvis Mr. and Mrs. John Pyne Mr. and Mrs. James Ross Janice and Chris Williams $2,500 -$4,999 Anonymous Mrs. Norma K. Asnes Mr. and Mrs. David Bell Mrs. Jane Bierwirth Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Blackford Ms. Deborah Brennan John R. and Dorothy D. Caples Fund Mr. Christopher R. Clarke and Ms. Gabrielle Pretto Peter M. Collery and Alison Adams Mr. and Mrs. Ron Delsener DPC Data Inc. Mr. Dean W. Ervin Mr. and Mrs. Shelly Finkel Mr. Stephen Gray Lucia and David Greenhouse Ms. Valarie A. Hing and Mr. Ari Raisa John Jendras and Judith Paice Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Jones Ms. Bucky Keady

Dr. Joyce H. Lowinson

Mr. Frank McGee Mr. and Mrs. David Offensend

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tytel $1,000 -$2 ,499

Mr. Eric Heller The Rev. C. Hugh Hildesley Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Hobbs Natasha and Ori Hofmekler

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Peek Ms. Margot Pitts

Mr. and Mrs. David Schwartz Ms. Lesley Sigall Mr. Michael T. Sillerman Mr. Max Sortino and Mrs. Essie Weingarten Spark Investment Management LLC The Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Alexander, Jr.

Alexandra and Philip Howard

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Allen

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jennison

Mr. Nihat Altintas

Mr. Steve Johnson

Anonymous (4)

Mr. Wylie Johnston

Mr. John S. Squires and Mrs. Katharine S. Squires

Mr. Ernest Au

Mr. and Mrs. David Juracich

Mr. William Strack

Mr. Yogesh Bahl

Mr. Adam Keil

Mrs. Jerome Tarnoff

Ms. Melissa Bank and Mr. Todd Dimston

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kirsten

Amy K. Taylor & Nelson Rockefeller, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Barefield

Charles and Jane Klein

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barry

Mr. Thomas E. Klein

Mr. Conrado Tenaglia and Ms. Juana I. Libedinsky

Mr. John Belizaire and Ms. Nilda Taveras

Mr. Michael Kooper

Mr. Wayne Benjamin

Sally and Wynn Kramarsky

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bicks

The Kurr Foundation

Ms. Sofia Blanchard

Dr. William Lee and Dr. Hwa-in Lee

Mr. and Mrs. George Bunn

Mr. and Mrs. Richard LeFrak

Mr. Christopher Burton

Ken and Lois Lippmann

Mr. Chris Bush

Mr. Kenneth Lohsen

Faith Childs and Harris Schrank

Mr. and Mrs. Dan London

Ms. Pam Clarke

Ms. Maureen Longeway

Mrs. Dupre C. Cochran

Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Magyar

Ms. Patricia Cook

Ms. Kari McCabe & Mr. Nate McBride

Michael Maybaum, Executive Vice President, Cosentini Associates

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. McCooey Jr.

Mr. Kwaw De Graft Johnson Barry and Barbara Dean Mr. Chris DeAngelis Ms. Susan DeVore Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dichter Mr. Jonathan Sobel & Mrs. Marcia Dunn

Metzger-Price Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Marc Miller Mr. Craig Mineard Hector H. Mislavsky & Judy Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Morrow A.J. and Roswitha Mueller

Mr. and Mrs. Andy Spreitzer

Mr. Christopher Todd Mr. and Mrs. John Usdan Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Warner Jr. Mr. Alan Washington Mr. and Mrs. Ryan H. Whelpley Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wildenstein Mr. Steven Winnert Ms. Catherine Woodard Mr. and Mrs. Ward Woods Wren Foundation, Inc. Dr. Patricia Yarberry-Allen Mr. Frank Zitz Mr. Jeffrey Zudeck & Mrs. Chari Tager $500 -$999 Anonymous (3) Mr. Brian Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Barkhorn


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Ms. Sarah Bond

Mrs. Tami Schneider

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Huban

Mr. Brian Avery

Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bryan

Mary E. Schwinn

Ms. Karen Huebner

Ms. Katherine Aviles

Mr. Dale Burch

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Segal

Mr. Ben Ijalana

Ms. Irine Avlakhashvili

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Carroll

Mr. Hunter Serenbetz

Mr. Matt Jackson

Mr. Faisal Awwal

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Cook

Stefanie and David Shaw

Mr. J. Edward Jaeckle III

Mr. Alvin Azurin

Mr. John Corrigan

Mr. Daryl Shore

Tara and Christian Johnson

Ms. Elizabeth Bachman

Ms. Anne d'Avenas & Mr. Jerry Brody

Mr. Max Sinsheimer

Mr. M. Haynes Johnston

Mr. Jake Baer

Dr. and Mrs. Jay Damask

Mr. Ralph Sinsheimer & Ms. Amy Peck

Mrs. John R. Johnston

Ms. Upasna Bahl

Ms. Kristen Fisher

Mr. Andrew Slater

Ms. Susan Johnston

Mr. Santhosh Bandreddi

Mr. Michael Friedson

Ms. Sherri Stephenson

Mr. Samuel J. Kass

Mr. Brian Banschick

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Thornton

Ms. Beatrice Kernan

Mr. Robert Barysh

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gillin

Ms. Edith Van Slyck and Mr. James Hammond

Mr. and Mrs. David Kleinhandler

Ms. Donna F. Bazley

Mr. and Mrs. Justin Waterman

Mr. David Kravitz

Ms. Aida Beauchamp

Ms. Sarah Labowsky

Ms. Mildred Bee

Mr. Jeremy Levine

Mr. Carmelo Bellia

Liz Neumark

Mr. Juan Belliard

Ms. Betsy Olsen

Ms. Lindsay Bellicchi

The Peddie School

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Benedict

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Pennoyer

Mr. Maurice Bennett

Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Golann Mr. and Mrs. James Grant Dr. Alan R. Gwertzman and Ms. Valerie J. Artzt

Mr. Carlos Whitaker

Hampton Foundation

Ms. Lisa Woodward

Ms. Linden Wise

Mr. David Hermer Ms. Namphuong Hoang

$250 -$499

Mr. Timothy Horan

Mr. Lakshya Aeri

Mr. Robert Howard & Mrs. Robyn Stern

Ms. Karen Regan

Ms. Christina Bennison


Mr. and Mrs. Joy Hurd

Mr. and Mrs. Josh Rosen

Mr. Blake Berman

Mr. Alexandre Barcinski

Mr. Nathaniel C. Hutner

Ms. Holly Sawyer

Mr. Marc Bernstein

Ms. Margaret Bearn

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Imhoff

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Scarola

Mr. Robert Bernstone

Mr. and Mrs. Allan M. Benton

Mr. Ross Jacobs

Ms. Laura K. Schembri

Mr. Michael Bienkowski

Henry and Margy Blackford

Mr. Benjamin Jendras

Ms. Kate Schmidlin

Mr. Nicholas Bird

Ms. Kim Blanchard

Mr. Douglas Karrel

Mr. Clay Serenbetz

Ms. Debra Bissoon

Mr. Kofi Boakye

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Katzenstein

Mrs. Kevin Shanley

Will Bladt and Kate Collins

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brenizer

Melissa and Andrew Komaroff

Shapiro Pertnoy Companies

Ms. Eloide Blanc

Mr. and Mrs. Doug Broadwater

Ms. Kathryn Lu

Mr. Andrew Short

Mr. Anthony Blasi

Ms. Karen Brody

Madden & Warwick

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sinsheimer

Mr. Oscar Bleetstein

Mr. Harold I. Bryant

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malone

Mr. Mat Schneider & Ms. Karen Skolnik

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Boahene

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burrows

Mrs. Kathy Mayer

Ms. Melissa Skolnik

Mr. Justin Bojarski

Ms. Daphne Car

Nora and Marc Mazur

Ms. Kate Smith

Mr. Anthony Bonadio

Mr. Darley Charles

Mr. Andrew Merinoff

Ms. Jaime Sneider

Ms. Holly Bounds

Mr. Livy Coe

Mr. Peter de F. Millard

Mr. Genen Soo-Hoo

Mr. Charles Boyd

Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham Cole

Mr. John Miller

Mr. Craig Stine

Ms. Kelly Breen

Mr. Darien Davis

Joan Millspaugh

Teachers College, Columbia University

Mr. Dean Brier

Mr. and Mrs. David Diefenbach

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murstein

Mr. Gordon Toggweiler

Dr. Octavia Brown

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Drake

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nasser

Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Victor

Mr. Robert Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eil

Ms. Eliza Nordeman

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. West

Polly Bruckmann

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flint

Ms. Anne B. O'Malley

Ms. Kate R. Whitney

Ms. Mary Katherine Bryan

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flynn

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Pasqual

Ms. Nancy Folger & Mr. Sidney Werkman

Ms. Mary Perry

Up to $250

Ms. Lakisha Burke

Ms. Ingrid Gardner

Mr. and Mrs. Nick Petito

Mr. Jose Caiado

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Goldberger

Ms. Liza Abrams

Mr. Matthew Pearson & Ms. Molly Poag

Mr. Chris Calhoun

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Grafstein

Mr. Erman Agirnasli

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reid

Ms. Sandra Campbell

Ms. Jillian Griffiths

Mr. Mark Altherr

Ms. Meta Reycraft

Mr. Andrew Canovali

Mr. Dan Hanegby

Mr. Nitesh Ambastha

Mr. and Mrs. Jon Roberts

Mr. Bennett Capers & Mr. Seth Forman

Mr. Mark Hannon

Mr. Greogry Ammermann

Mr. Kristofer A. Rodgers

Ms. Maria Carrera

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison

Anne and Stephen Andrade

Ms. Linda Rothschild

Mr. Bruce W. Carroll & Ms. Merri L. Shaw

Ms. Grace Harvey

Ms. Jennifer Andrews

Rubin-Henry Family Foundation

Ms. Chelsie Caruso

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Hauser

Anonymous (15)

Ms. Bonnie Sacerdote

Mr. Chris Cataldo

Mr. Kurt Hines

Mr. Matthew Ansel

Mr. Andrew Salzberg

Mr. Joseph Cattano

Ms. Stephanie Hoogenbergen

Mr. Artis Arnold III Ms. Blythe Austin

Ms. Carolina Centeno



Mr. Grant Burgess

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60 minutes of free play is built into Harlem Academy’s daily schedule. 15

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Ms. Kellye Chambers

Mr. Etim Edim

Mr. Matt Gregory

Mr. Mohamed Kaba

Mr. Charles Chantepie

Kathleen and James Egan

Mr. and Mrs. George Hackl

Mr. David Kagno

Mr. Sid Chary

Ms. Lynne Eisenberg

Mr. Thomas Haley

Mr. Guy Kamguia

Mr. Alan Chen

Mr. Gary Eng

Hand Family

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Kane

Mr. Robert Chen

Mr. and Mrs. Ben English

Mr. Sajidie Hannah

Adi Kaner

Mr. Anthony Chin

Larry and Laurie Enos

Ms. Carolyn Harbaugh

Mr. Shyam Kapadia

Ms. May Chin

Mr. Jack Ervasti

Mr. and Mrs. Luc Hardy

Mr. and Mrs. Dean M. Karrel

Ms. Christine Chung

Gary and Mercedes Eustache

Ms. Deirdre Harrington

Ms. Meg Kehan

Ms. Dana Cistelecan

Ilya Fayer

Mr. Jay Harris and Ms. Marcia Cohen

Mr. Ross Kelley

Ms. Amanda Citron

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fazio

Ms. Carrie Hart

Ms. Catherine Kells

Ms. Virginia A. Cizek

Ms. Nicole Federico

Ms. Judith Harvin

Mr. Adrian Kemp

Mr. and Mrs. David C. Clark

Mr. Anthony Feenick

Michael and Barabara Hauser

Mr. John Kennedy

Mr. Dan Clay

Mr. Chris Fera

Ms. Marie Hawkins

Mr. and Mrs. William Kerr

Mr. Chip Clingham

Mr. Richard Fernandez

Mr. Robert Healey

Kerrest Family

Mr. Jonathan Cohn

The Rev. John Finley & Mr. Stan McGee

Mr. Sean Healy

Mr. Sumit Khatod

Ms. Aurélie Cole

Graham and Kay Finney

Mrs. Marcia Hedborn

Ms. Mareill Kiernan

James Cole

Ms. Sharon Finston

Mr. Brian Hegarty

Mr. David King

Ms. Claire Collery

Mr. Jonathan Fischer

Ms. Alexandra Henderson

Mr. Arch W. Horst & Ms. Kate P. Kirby

Mr. Garry Collins

Mark and Bernice Fischman

Mr. Harold Henderson

Ms. Nicole Kirby

Ms. Sienna Combs

Ms. Mary Beth Fiske

Ms. Sarah Herr

Mr. Thomas Klaber

Mr. Aaron Cook

Ms. Amy Flyntz

Mr. Howard Hertz

Ms. Dana Klein

Ms. Lindsey Cooper

Mr. Dennis Forsman

Mr. Charles and Dr. Elizabeth Hibbett

Mr. Kevin Koenig

Ms. Jennifer Cordero

Ms. Claire Forte

Mr. Matthew Higbee

Mr. Thomas J. Koffer

Ms. Emily Corzel

Mr. Tyrone Fowler

Ms. Kimberly P. Hill

Mr. John Kolz

Mr. Peter Costantino, M.D.

Ms. Asia Fraser

Mr. Haresh Hingorani

Mr. Mark Koontz

Mr. Justin Costello

Mr. Briggs Fraser

Ms. Christin Hinkle

Mr. Oleg Koriachkin

Mr. Ernest R. Cotter

Mr. Timothy Frazier

Ms. Nkenge Ho-Shing

Mr. Peter Korzun

Mr. Michael Criscito

Mr. Jon Freda

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman

Ms. Rebecca Kotkin

Ms. Laura Cruz

Ms. Camille Frederic

Ms. Molly Hogan

Alan and Marilyn Kravitz

Ms. Natasha Dadlani

Ms. Amy Friedman

Ms. Lisa Holmes

Ms. Laura Krcmaric

Polly and Robert Daly

Ms. Lauren Gallagher

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Hoopes Jr.

Ms. Maryanne Krizek

Mr. Aunrie Dash

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ganson

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Howard

Mr. Marcelo Krizman

Mr. and Mrs. William Daughtrey

Mr. Andrew Garcia

Mr. William Hughes

Mr. Nicholas D. La Rocca

Mr. Zachary Davis

Ms. Melissa Garcia

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunt

Mr. Mark J. Lalloo & Mrs. Mary Lalloo

Mr. Brandon Daye

Mr. Carlos Garza

Ms. Liz Huttner

Mr. Eric Lane

Mr. Gilbert De David

Mr. Mark Gaston

Ms. Christine Hwang

Ms. Sophia Lardiere

Mr. Ronald De Gier

Ms. Desiree N. Gayle

Ms. Alexandra Idol

Albert and Margaret Lardizabal

Ms. Julia Dean

Mr. John Geddes

Ms. Christina Idol

Mr. Jonathan Lash

Mr. Kenneth Deasy

Ms. Lisa Gerovich

Mr. Yevgeniy Iofin

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lauria

Mr. and Mrs. Laurent Delly

Ms. Jessica Giacobbe

Mr. Thomas Irwin

Ms. Katharine Lavino

Mr. Jaideep Desai

Mr. Russell Gilardi

Ms. Meha Jain

Ms. Gracie Lawson-Borders

Ms. Sonia Devarie

Ms. Michelle Gilliam

Mr. Ashok Jayappa

Mr. Jeffrey Lebovitz

Mr. Sheel Dhande

Mrs. Bruce Gimbel

Mr. Karan Jhaveri

Ms. Amy Lee

Mr. David DiNanno

Mr. Joseph Girimonti

Mr. Neir Jhawar

Mr. David Lee

Mr. Vamil Divan

Mr. Nathan Godwin

Ms. Andrea Jimenez

Ms. Michelle H. Lee

Mr. Owen Downes

Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Goh

Mr. Ryan Johnson

Ms. Jennifer Lehrer

Mr. Matthias Doyle

Ms. Lesette Gonzalez

Mr. William Johnson

Ms. Christina Leonetti

Mr. Terry Dugan

Emily and Jeff Goodwin

Mr. Philippe Joly

Mr. Roland Lesterlin

Ms. Jocelyn Dujua

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gordon

Mr. Chris Joneleit

Herbert Levy

Mr. and Mrs. John Dullaghan

Mr. Joshua Goren

Mr. David Jones

Min Li

Ms. Casey Dunn

Mr. Akhilesh Goswami

Hettie Jones

Mr. Scott Y. Liang

Mr. and Mrs. Morton Dunn

Mr. Barton Green

Mr. Wesner Joseph

Mr. Sergio Liberman

Mr. Oakley Duryea

Ms. Hazel Green

Ms. Cheng Ju

Ming Lin

Mr. John Dwyer

Mr. Benjamin Greer

Ms. Jessica Juliano

Mr. Jason Lindgren



2 0 1 5 - 1 6 A N N UA L R E P O R T

Mr. Jack Logan

Mr. Arthur L. Neal

Mr. Joseph Reda

Ralph and Anne Smith

John and Kathy Longeway

Mr. Joseph Negri

Ms. Julia Reid

Ms. Joanne Smithwrick

Ms. Jaime Lorenzo

Mr. Jason Nelson

Ms. Shanice Reid

William and Linda Snedeker

Ms. Shifee Losacco

Dinny and Ned Nemacheck

Mr. Charles Reilly

Ms. Michèle Solá

Ms. Lauren MacIntosh

Mr. David Neugebauer

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reiser

Mr. Paul Somma

Deborah and Patrick Madden

Ms. Mimi H. Ng

Mr. Brandon Resnick

Ms. Serena Sondhi

Mr. Jason Mahabirsingh

Yufanny Ngui

Mr. Thaddeus G. Reycraft

Tanzie Spann and Dajona Bratton

Ms. Jessica Mandel

Carlas Nicholas

Mr. Will Reycraft

Mr. Justin Sperling

Ms. Susan Maples

Ms. Linda Noel

Mr. William Reynal

Mr. Paul Spina

Mr. Todd Marciani

Mr. Alan Norman

Ms. Sabrina Ricci

Ms. Ruby Sprott

Mr. Michael Marino

Mr. Neil Novello

Mr. Ben Riedel

Mr. Mark Squicciarino

Mr. Stephen Marks

Ms. Hilary Novik

Mr. Chris Rochester

Ms. Janice Stanton

Nancy and Les Marshak

Ms. Kristin O'Brien

Mr. Timothy Roepke

Mr. Joseph Stehr

Dr. and Mrs. John Marshall

Mr. Walter R. O'Connell

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Ross

Mr. William Marshall

Ms. Christy O'Conner

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rothstein

Mr. Arthur J. Stock and Mrs. Barbara F. Stock

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Marston

Mr. Timothy O'Hara

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rovegno

Mr. Juan Zamora & Ms. Yocasta Martinez

Mr. John O'Kane

Mr. Benjamin Rozyn

Ms. Anne Martyr

Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Oat

Mr. Andrew Rubel

Claire and Cornelius Marx

Mr. Reginald Occident

Ms. Della Sabessar

Mr. Matthew Masso

Ms. Geraldine Ohara

Mr. Daniel Sacks

Mr. Brian Matarazzo

John and Patricia Olive

Miyo Saiki

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Matthews

Mr. Jonathan Ong

Ms. Constance Sailer

Mr. Mark Matulonis

Mr. Moshe Orenbuch

Mr. Justin Samra

Mr. John M. Mbiti

Mr. Joseph Orloff

Mr. William Saunders

Ms. Karen McBurney

Leland Orser and Jeanne Tripplehorn

Mrs. Harriet H. Savage

Ms. Elizabeth McCarthy

Mr. Nicholas Orser

Ms. Arielle Savino

Mr. Daniel McCoy

Ms. Renee Orser

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Scanlon

Ms. Erin McCutcheon

Ms. Linda Ortiz

Donna and Gary Schechter

Ms. Maura McFadden

Sudhakar Paramanandhem

Mr. Eric Schimmel

Mr. James McHale

Ms. Nora Parry

Mr. and Mrs. Reeve Schley

Ms. Elise McKenna

Mr. Emanuele Pascale

Mr. Joseph Schlusselberg

Ms. Barbara McKinnon

Ms. Anita Patel

Mr. Daniel Schuster

Ms. Erica McManaman

Kushal Patel

Ms. Andrina Schwartz

Mr. Greg McPherson

Mr. Shreyas Patil

Mr. Steven Schwartz

Mr. Thomas Meacher

Ms. Tiffany Patterson

Mr. John Scott-Martin

Mr. Ronald Meise

Ms. Aurelia G. Perkins

Mr. Robert Serenbetz

Mr. Adam Menkes

Mr. Victor Perkins

Mr. James Sexton

Mr. Andreas Metaxas

Ms. Clare M. Peters

Mr. Lawrence Sexton

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mezey

Ms. Melissa Peters

Parshu Shah

Lois and Herman Michael

Mr. Gokul Poduval

Mr. Matthew Shakespeare

Mr. Timothy Michel

Ms. Judith Polson

Mr. Mark Sharland

Mr. Cory Kushion and Mrs. Julie Mikla Kushion

Ms. Bonnie Pope

Mr. Gaurav Sharma

Mr. Fabien Modoux

Mr. Clayton Pope

Mr. Seth Shenkman

Ms. Jessica Porter

Mr. Arbin Sherchan

Ms. Jill Povol

Ms. Sara Shuler

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Powell

Ms. Ann Silva

Mr. Vladimir Poznyakov

Ms. Marsha E. Simms

Ms. Nicolette Puckett

Ms. Alice Simonds

Mr. Brendan Quinn

Ms. Molly Sinsheimer

Mr. David Rabuano

Mr. Rodney Sipes

Mr. Hari Raghavan

Mr. Dwight Skerritt

Mr. Evan Raine

Mr. Michael R. Slater

Mr. Adam Raleigh

Mr. Baldwin Smith

Mr. Tyler Raso

Ms. Cheryl Smith

Faith and Dick Morningstar Mr. David Morris Ms. Linda Morris Ms. Elvira Morton Ms. Judith L. Moxley Ms. Mandy Moxley Mr. Thomas Mullooly Ms. Barbara Mulvee Mr. Mehmet H. Munzur Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Murray

Manoj Sudhakaran Ms. Nora Suemeghy Dave and Linda Suitor Ms. Meryl Sullivan Mr. Sean Sullivan Ms. Diana Svoboda John Glick and Susie Symons Ms. Shimbi Takemori Mr. Samuel C. Tattersall Ms. Carolyn Taylor Ms. Cali Tendle Ms. Shirley Thomas Mr. Ander Thompson Mr. Kenneth Thompson Mr. Mark Thompson Mr. Herbert Thornhill Jr. Eren Tiryakioglu Mr. George Tisdale Tom and Deanne Urmy Serif Ustun Alan Van Order Bill and Lill Van Order Ms. Laura Vargas Ms. Stefania Verona Mr. and Mrs. Dan Viele Viet62 Mr. Krishna Viswanatha Mr. Stefan Voigt Ms. Claire Voisin Mr. Odis Von-Blasingame Ms. Alexandra Voskoboynikov Mr. Terrence Walcott Lana and Justin Walder Ms. Mary Kit Wallace Mr. Agu Walls Mr. Justin Waluch Mr. Clemens Wan Ms. Lily Warnke Mr. Demetrise Washington


2 0 1 5 - 1 6 A N N UA L R E P O R T

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Washkowitz

In memory of Frances Todd

Mr. and Mrs. Richard LeFrak

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Ms. S.I. Weathers

Mr. and Mrs. George Hackl

Ms. Eliza Nordeman

Sagence Consulting

Anne and Jacques Nordeman

Sotheby’s N. & S. America

Ms. Emily Weber Mr. Matthew Weinman Ms. Leah Weintraub Mr. Kirk Welcome Mr. Peter Were Mr. and Mrs. Todd K. West Ms. Megan Whitehill Mrs. John Whitman Mr. Craig Wiele Mr. T.J. Wilkinson Ms. Danielle Williams Mr. Ralph E. Williams Ms. Patricia Willis Ms. Sara E. Wilson Mr. Phillip Winslow Mr. Christopher Wood Ms. Sandra Woodard Mr. Mandy Xu Ms. Alethia Young Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zadek Mr. Ross Zeifman Ms. Olivia Q. Zhong Ms. Luz Zorrilla

I n M e m o ry In memory of John Hedborn Mrs. Marcia Hedborn Dinny and Ned Nemacheck In memory of Daniel and Dorothy Karrel

In honor and memory of Eugene Giscombe Mr. Robert Howard & Mrs. Robyn Stern

In honor of Alexander Munk

Mr. Marvin R. Shulsky

Spark Investment Management LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Steele F. Stewart Jr. Zlokower Company

In honor

Mr. John Corrigan

Mr. Carmelo Bellia

In honor of Regan and Tony Asnes Mr. David Klafter and Ms. Nancy Kestenbaum In honor of Jay D. Bargmann & Cindy Potash J. Christopher Flowers In honor of Nancy Blackford Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brenizer Mrs. Dupre C. Cochran

In honor of Sydney Farrar Wren Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Oat Ms. Mary Perry Mr. Elliott Rebhun Mr. and Mrs. Jon Roberts

Ms. Virginia A. Cizek

In honor of Helen Johnston Ms. Elizabeth Bachman Ms. Clare M. Peters

In honor of Evelyn and David Lasry Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jennison

Mr. and Mrs. James Ross Ms. Linda Rothschild The Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. John Usdan Ms. Patricia Willis Dr. Patricia Yarberry-Allen In honor of Max Sinsheimer Mr. Ralph Sinsheimer & Ms. Amy Peck In honor of Alice Quinn Mr. Nathaniel C. Hutner

Gifts in kind Benchmark Education Columbia University Community Service

In honor of the Longeway Family

Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP

Ms. Maureen Longeway

Ms. Juliana Gatt-Eichwald

Ms. Sara E. Wilson


Mr. Evan Raine

In honor of Ann MacRae

Mr. and Mrs. Jon Roberts

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brenizer Charles and Jane Klein


Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Morrow

Melissa and Andrew Komaroff

In memory of Mackinley Sillerman

1 8

Mr. Robert Chen

In honor of Valarie Hing

Mr. Steven S. Pretsfelder and Mrs. Barbara Gochberg

Mr. and Mrs. Nick Petito

In honor of Laura and Bob Sillerman

Mr. Adam Keil

Ms. Susan Johnston

Momtazee Family Fund

Shapiro Pertnoy Companies

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Imhoff

In honor of Mark Johnston

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Imhoff

In honor of Linda and Richard Schaps

Ms. Michèle Solá

Mr. Gary Schechter

Ms. Karen Huebner

Ms. S.I. Weathers

Mark and Bernice Fischman

In memory of Donna Schecter

Mark and Bernice Fischman

Mr. William Saunders

Ms. Lynne Eisenberg

Mr. Arthur J. Stock & Mrs. Barbara F. Stock

Ms. Melissa Bank & Mr. Todd Dimston

Ms. Gracie Lawson-Borders

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dichter

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Washkowitz

Ms. Irine Avlakhashvili

Mr. John Geddes

Will Bladt and Kate Collins

Ms. Judith Harvin

Ms. Namphuong Hoang

Ms. Sandra Campbell

In honor of Vincent A. Dotoli

In memory of Warren Kimber

Ms. Christina Bennison

Mr. Jonathan Sobel & Mrs. Marcia Dunn In honor of Robin Stone and Rodney Pope

In honor of Benjamin Jendras

In memory of Cat MacRae

Mr. and Mrs. Morton Dunn

In honor of Clifford Alexander

Mr. Douglas Karrel

Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidlin

In honor of Paul Sobel

The Rev. C. Hugh Hildesley Mr. Thomas Piscina Rafael Viñoly Architects P.C.

Turner Construction Company

Mat c h i n g G i f t s Bank of America Charitable Foundation Con Edison Credit Suisse Americas Foundation Deutsche Bank U.S. Matching Gifts Program The Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation GE Foundation Goldman, Sachs and Company Google Matching Gifts Program Mutual of America Och-Ziff Capital Management Group Pfizer Foundation UBS Matching Gift Program Walt Disney Company

2 0 1 5 - 1 6 A N N UA L R E P O R T

School Creed I am bold and creative. I take opportunities to lead. I seek help when I need it. I am honest and reflective. I choose to do what is right Even when it is hard or no one is watching. I listen carefully. I speak kindly. I care for my community. I make the most of each day. I learn from my mistakes. I don’t give up.


H A RLEM AC A DEMY B oa r d o f T r u s t e e s

David B. Peterson, Chair Tony Asnes Jay D. Bargmann John Belizaire Bruno Bich W. Graham Cole, Jr. Will Cook Vincent Dotoli, Ex-Officio Mary Ganzenmuller Doug Griebel H. Dale Hemmerdinger Valarie Hing Mark H. Johnston Ann MacRae Rodney Pope Tom Reycraft David R. Salomon Laura B. Sillerman Hillary Thomas Michael Toporek Alan Washington A dv i s o r y C o u n c i l

Shirley Ann Jackson, PhD Robert Kissane Michael Levine Alice Quinn Richard Schaps Jill Toporek

1330 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10026 harlemacademy.org 212.348.2600

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