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2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1 A N N U A L RE P OR T



The Board Chairman

This report was designed for our supporters as a window into the school’s progress, financial integrity, and commitment to high-potential students in Harlem. Our goal from the beginning has been to build an elite institution in the community with the worst performing schools. Education at its best can be transformational, and Harlem Academy aims to be the most transformational school in New York City. We are now eight years into this effort, and we continue

This is not just growth for its own sake. Rather this is clear

to strengthen our ability to build core academic skills, to

progress toward a carefully constructed strategic plan.

connect students to a culture of learning and exploration,

Inside this report you will see highlights of our efforts

and to prepare them to succeed at top secondary schools

from last year toward this plan. What remains as we look

and beyond.

to the future is finding a permanent home that will anchor

• We have grown from 12 first-graders to 112 students

the school in this community for generations to come.

in grades one through eight.

Thank you for your support of Harlem Academy.

• The faculty started with two teachers. It has grown

We look forward to celebrating future milestones with

to 17, including graduates of Harvard, Princeton, and

you. Together we are creating a future of possibility for

Columbia and six teachers with master’s degrees.

bright, motivated children of Harlem.

• The original “facilities” included one classroom and an administrative office. We now have 8,700 square


feet, including four classrooms with SmartBoards and computers for all of our seventh and eighth graders. Harlem Academy was started with one donation. This year, we had 819 donors giving a total of more than $2,000,000. Fundraising has increased by an average


of 26% each year, while administrative costs have been

Board Chairman

kept to a minimum without compromising the quality of the education.




The Head of School

I recently led a tour of Harlem Academy for some of our supporters. When we stopped by the second grade classroom, we were greeted by AJ, who is seven years old. AJ shook every visitor’s hand, looked each one in the eye, and introduced himself. He then described what was going on in the classroom that morning, engaging in back and forth with the visitors about what most interested him about it. I asked him what his favorite subject was (I already knew

In this report we highlight ways Harlem Academy has

the answer), and he grinned as he replied, “Math!” I began

pushed itself as an organization in the past year. We contin-

quizzing him, peppering him with addition and subtraction

ue to strive to find the best ways to challenge our students,

problems. As we went along, the numbers got bigger and

to refine our programs to meet their needs, to manage our

the problems more complicated, all of which he had to do

growth as an organization, and to sustain this opportunity

in his head. On the last one (128 minus 110) he hesitated

for bright, motivated children. We were able to do this, in

as he thought it through. We could even see him stop

large part, because of the generosity of the many individu-

and start over at one point. But then his face lit up, and

als, foundations, and corporations listed here.

he blurted out the answer, “18!” As we thanked him and

I want to thank our supporters again for all that you have

walked away, I looked back and told him, “Next time, AJ …

done for the school. I invite each of you, those who have

next time I am going to stump you.” He was beaming as he

been with us from the beginning and those who are just

walked back into the classroom.

getting to know us, to join me in our efforts to move

For me, this interaction captured a core value of Harlem

Harlem Academy forward.

Academy: pushing yourself past what you know you are capable of, into uncertainty, and onto success. We teach


rigorous academics and focus on specific skills that the students will need for secondary school. But what they gain is more than just the sum of these parts. The sense of accomplishment, the ability to push themselves, and


the self-confidence they develop will serve them well

Head of School

throughout their lives.


C h ris C u nnin g h a m Mi ddl e Sc ho ol D i re ctor

Character development is at the core of our advisory program, where middle school students discuss conflict resolution, adolescent issues, and leadership. It is fantastic to see students focus on their own choices and then put these tools into practice as role models for younger students in their weekly service projects.



At the foundation of Harlem Academy’s model is a dedication to rigorous academics, character development, and family partnership. Our goal is to go beyond simply overcoming the disparities facing low-income children; we seek to launch students’ academic careers by unleashing their creativity, providing opportunities for personal growth, and challenging students at every turn.


38% 33% 28% 21%

95th Percentile

90th Percentile English

75th Percentile Math


Harlem Academy students out-perform the national average on annual standardized testing in English and math.

2 01 0 -2 01 1 H I G H LI G H T S Princeton Blairstown Center Trip Middle school students spent three days and two nights tackling individual and team challenges in the school’s first annual trip to Princeton Blairstown Center’s outdoor education facility.

NYSAIS Accreditation Harlem Academy was granted full accreditation one year early by the New York State Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS) based on the strength of the school’s program. School Creed A school creed was developed to give the Harlem Academy community common language around shared values, strengthening the character development component of the program. The creed starts with I am bold and creative and ends with I never give up.

Saturday Club A group of young professionals helped to launch Saturday Club, a program for students focusing on social and character development. Activities— including crafts, games, and athletics—and mentoring from successful young adults stimulate and challenge the students, complementing the rigorous weekday academics.

Middle School Expanded The school continued its expansion by adding another grade, developing further curriculum for math, science, English, reason and rhetoric, history, advisory, athletics, service, and clubs.


L a S h onda D avis Lower Sc hool Read i n g D i re ctor A nd F i r st Gra d e Te ach e r

As the school year progresses it is exciting to see students’ eagerness to learn new things. They ask more questions and seek out answers. They experiment with different genres to express themselves and have a never-ending list of science hypotheses to explore. As a teacher, I have the privilege of seeing this amazing growth as the students develop.


At Harlem Academy we are working with students and their families to overturn the status quo for highpotential children from low-income communities like the Harlem area. Together, we are offering a first-class education, challenging our students to aim high, work hard, earn their path, and reach their full potential.





12 Students




Harlem Academy’s student body and teaching staff have grown dramatically since the school’s inception in 2004.

2 01 0 -2 01 1 H I G H LI G H T S 357 Volunteers From tutoring students to organizing the library, from chaperoning school trips to serving on event committees, from leading Saturday Club to introducing new donors to the school – 357 volunteers generously donated more than 8,000 hours of time to Harlem Academy this past year.

23% More Students Served Harlem Academy added a grade and welcomed 27 new students and their families to the school, including a full complement for the class of 2018. Returning Staff While the school was only seven years old, the staff included 10 members with five or more years of service. Several staff took on new leadership roles, including lower school reading director, lower school writing director, and dean of students, helping to strengthen the academic curriculum and character development aspects of the school’s program.

819 Donors During the 2010-11 year, 819 individual donors, foundations, and corporations made gifts to Harlem Academy totaling more than $2 million.

New Teachers Hired Four strong educators joined the Harlem Academy faculty, all of whom either have a master’s degree or are in the process of obtaining one.


ANN MACRAE Tr uste e

Every time I teach in a classroom at Harlem Academy, I am amazed by the students’ enthusiasm for new ideas and by how they remember every single detail of what I have taught them for years to come. These children are eager to learn, they find tremendous satisfaction in meeting new challenges, and they are proud of their accomplishments.

O R G A n I Z AT I O N

The goal of Harlem Academy is to become the most transformational school in New York City. At its best education opens the door to opportunities, serving as a steppingstone for our most disadvantaged populations and helping to transform lives. This past year saw significant growth and progress toward this goal; we look forward to continuing to improve in the coming year.

9% 12% 79%

Program Management Fundraising


Harlem Academy prioritizes the efficient use of contributions to best deliver its mission, with 79% of spending going directly to the program. The school meets all 20 of the charity accountability standards put forward by the Better Business Bureau.

2 01 0 -2 01 1 H I G H LI G H T S Classroom Space Expansion To accommodate our growing middle school, new space was acquired, and 1,900 square feet were renovated to house grades seven and eight for the 2011-12 school year.

New York Times Nonprofit Excellence Award The New York Times named Harlem Academy the top winner at their 2011 Nonprofit Excellence Awards, which recognize achievement in nonprofit management. Harlem Academy is the first school ever to receive this prestigious honor, which required an intensive assessment and included two rounds of written applications, a threehour interview and site visit, and a workshop presentation for other nonprofit leaders.

Technology By utilizing SmartBoards in all middle school classrooms and by making laptops available to all middle school students, Harlem Academy both leverages the power of technological tools to increase the impact of our teachers and ensures that students develop proficiency with technology as a core skill.

Efficiency In spite of its rapid growth, Harlem Academy continues to offer a school day that is 36% longer than average public and charter schools at less than 60% of the cost of the average New York City independent school.



Harlem Academy has demonstrated financial sustainability and efficiency as the organization has grown over the course of the last eight years. The school deeply appreciates the strong support of our donors, who provide 85% of source funding. With more than three-quarters of the funding going directly to the program, Harlem Academy continues to be an excellent investment for our donors and partners.



Cash and Cash Equivalents

$ 931,632

Receivables and Long-Term Pledges

$ 1,039,046

Other Assets

$ 159,187

Property and Equipment

$ 109,540


$ 2,239,405



Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses

$ 79,957

Deferred Tuition

$ 18,728



$ 1,081,482

Temporarily Restricted

$ 1,059,238


$ 2,239,405



2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1 S TAT E M E N T O F A C T I V I T E S

$199, 375 $306,116


$1,711, 202




Contributed Support Program Revenue

Program Services Management Fundraising


at Harlem Academy $2 , 500,000

$2 ,000,000

Events $1, 500,000

Organizations Individuals Tuition & Fees Expenses



$0 2005











Mr. and Mrs. Michael Purvis


Mr. and Mrs. Will Harte

Robeco Sage Investment

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schaps

Mr. Peter Hochschild

The Tomorrow Foundation

Bob and Anna Irvine

Mr. Jeremy Raccio and Ms. Sadia Halim

$50,000 - $9 9,9 9 9

Dr. Shirley A. Jackson and Dr. Morris Washington

Rafael Vinoly Architects PC Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Schaps

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Levine

Mr. John Spencer Squires

Dr. and Mrs. William F. Mayer

Mr. and Mrs. Joel Stolz

Credit Suisse Foundation

The Peter Jay Sharp Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Toporek

Mark and Sarah Johnston

RBS Securities Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. John Nathan

REI Charitable Trust

Walmart Foundation

Rhodebeck Charitable Trust

Altman Foundation The Bedminster Fund

Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidlin

$2 0,000 - $49,9 9 9

Mr. Timothy Speiss

The Andrew K. Dwyer Foundation

State Street Foundation

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Tony Asnes Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Bich Mrs. Marie Bosarge Cat MacRae Fund The Concordia Foundation Dana Foundation Harry Winston Hope Foundation Mr. Stephen Hilton Ann and Cameron MacRae May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust Midler Family Foundation The New York Times Company Mr. Jerome H. Powell and Ms. Elissa A. Leonard Ronald McDonald House Charities Serenbetz Family Foundation Inc. Turner Construction Company Tom and Sera Reycraft

$10,000 - $19,9 9 9

$ 2 , 50 0 - $ 4 , 9 99 Mr. & Mrs. Adam and Melissa Abelson Mr. Jeffrey Bornheimer and Mr. W. Franc Perry Mr. and Mrs. John R. Caples

$ 5,0 0 0 - $ 9, 9 9 9 Anonymous (5) Mr. John Belizaire and Ms. Nilda Taveras

Ms. Judy Carmel The Carmel Hill Fund Cook Family Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. David Dorfman

Mr. Jay D. Bargmann and Ms. Cindy Potash

Edith Glick Shoolman Children’s Foundation

Columbia University Community Service

Mr. and Mrs. Barry Fingerhut Ms. Jill Hemphill

I am bold and creative. I take opportunities to lead. I seek help when I need it. Con Edison

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Iles

Louisa S. and Vincent J. Dotoli

Mr. Richard Marshall

E-J Electrical Installation

Ms. Lisa O’Connor

Falconhead Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pantowich

Gilder Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Patterson

Mr. Peter Arnold and Mrs. Colleen Arnold

Glickenhaus Foundation

Barnard School Foundation

The John Buck Company Foundation

Benchmark Education

Mr. Jon Venetos

Ms. Amy Robinette Theodore D. Sands & Caroline C. Herrick

BIC Corporation

Mr. Daniel Kabat and Mrs. Catherine O’Dwyer

BJ’s Charitable Gift Fund

Mr. Kevin Kavanagh

Mr. Adam Schmidlin

Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ketchum

Mr. Ben Scott

David L. Klein Jr. Foundation

Lola M. Easter Charitable Trust

Select Equity Group Foundation


Mrs. Sheilah Schipani


Mr. Bill Stout

Mr. and Mrs. Mac Dunwoody

Taconic Investment Partners

Ms. Brenda Earl

Vincent Mulford Foundation

Mr. Christ Economos Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elden

$1,000 - $2 ,499

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Fauser

Ms. Alison Aldrich

Fino Family Foundation

Ms. Liz Bainbridge

Ms. Wendy Flanagan and Mr. Christopher O’Malley

Baking for Good Mr. and Mrs. Thurstan Bannister

J. Christopher Flowers

The Walter C. Klein Foundation, Inc. Ms. Janet Langford Kelly Tess and Josh Lewis Ms. Carolyn Wright and Mr. Edward Lewis Long Island Coverage Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Magyar Mr. Luke Malpass

I know the difference between right and wrong. I choose to do what is right, Even when it is hard or no one is watching. Mr. Matthew A. Baxter

Mrs. Mary Todd Ganzenmuller

Mr. and Mrs. John Massoni III

Mr. and Mrs. George H. Beane

Mrs. Bruce Gimbel

Lizzie McCowen

Mr. Matthew Beasley and Mr. Jordan Clauson

Mr. Michael Glennon and Ms. Lucy Reed

Ms. Anne McNulty

Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Bezos

Goldman, Sachs and Company

Mrs. Jane Bierwirth

Mr. Gerald Greenwald

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bogdan

Mr. Arjun Gupta

Brick Church

Ms. Sarah P. Hambrecht

Bross Family Foundation

Mr. Ira Harris

The William Brown Foundation, Inc.

Ms. Jennifer Hedborn and Mr. Michael Biltz

Mr. William Budinger

Mr. Charles and Dr. Elizabeth Hibbett

Ms. Diana Byrne Mr. Michael Capasso John R. and Dorothy D. Caples Fund

Ms. Valerie Monroe Amy and Patrick Mooney Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Norling Mr. Dan O’Connell

Mr. and Mrs. Josh Hogue Mr. Mark Hoplamazian Mr. and Mrs. Philip Howard

Ms. Elizabeth Carr

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Howlett

Mr. Gary L. Carter

Dr. Janet E. Jackson

Pam Clarke

John Jendras and Judith Paice

Mr. Michael Cole

Ms. Susan Johnston

Mr. Lester Crown

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jones

Ms. Susan DeVore

Ms. Mary Junck

Mr. Scott Dinhofer

Mrs. Dorothy V. Karrel

Harry and Misook Doolittle Foundation

Katzman Ernst Family Foundation

Traci and Vinny and Dotoli

Mr. Jack Kaufmann and Dr. Elizabeth Phillips

Mr. Anthony V. Dub

Miss Julie Mikla

Ms. Bucky Keady


Mr. and Mrs. David Offensend Mr. Patrick Pagni Mr. Matthew Pearson and Dr. Molly Poag Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pelosi Mr. Russ Peppet Mr. and Mrs. Joe Perella Mr. Thomas Petrie Mr. David Portny Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Poser Ms. Jodi Press Mr. Steven S. Pretsfelder and Ms. Barbara Gochberg Pricewaterhouse Coopers Mr. John F. Pritchard Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Resnick Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ritzhaupt Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rowland


Mr. Michael Scanlon

Mr. Richard P. Butler

Mr. Michael Huyghue

Mr. Jarret Schecter

Dr. Margarita Calderon

Petal and John Hwang

Odile de Schietere Longchampt

Mr. Ed Cangialosi and Ms. Ellen Wasserman

Mr. Walter Isaacson

Liz and Ed Schlotzhauer

Ms. Siobhan Carty

Miss Kate Schmidlin

Mr. and Mrs. David Childs

Mr. Carl Segal

Mr. Peter M. Collery

Warren and Thelma Serenbetz

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Connaughton

Mr. Clay Serenbetz Mrs. Jean Shafiroff Mr. Richard Silverton Societe General Mr. and Mrs. Andy Spreitzer Mr. Robert K. Steel Ms. Elizabeth Stribling Mr. Michael Sztejnberg Tahl Propp Equities Mr. Mark Tashjian and Ms. Erin Kaufman Ms. Amy K. Taylor Mr. Thomas C. Theobald Ms. Christine J. Toretti Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Treuille Mr. Benoit Charles Eric Verbrugghe Mr. and Ms. Bruno Walmsley Mr. Colin F. Walmsley Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wetenhall Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yelsey Ms. Aimee Yoon Ziff Brothers Investments, LLC

Mr. Michael D. Connelly Mr. Henry Cooperman Mr. Clay Corbus Mr. Michael Correra Mr. Peter Cundill Mr. and Mrs. David Dangremond Mr. Stuart Davidson Mr. Francois De Visscher Ms. Helen Demetrios and Mr. Michael Stadther Mr. William Donaldson Mr. Nicholas Donatiello Mr. and Mrs. Roger Einiger Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ferrer Mr. and Mrs. Al Fershing Mr. Thomas Flannery Mr. Brian Flynn Mr. Peter Foley Mr. Stephen Friedman Mr. Ronald Galowich Mr. and Mrs. Bill Geist Ms. Patricia Gerard

$500 - $99 9 Alpert Family Foundation Apple Bank Mrs. Norma K. Asnes Ms. Anastasia Barzee and Mr. Andrew Asnes

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Glionna Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Golden Google Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Greenfield Mr. Patrick Gross Ms. Helene D. Grossman

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Banks

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Guttman

Mr. Sami M. Basuhail

Mr. and Mrs. James Hale

Michelle Bediones

Ms. Grace Harvey

Ms. Kim Blanchard

Mr. David Heike

Mr. C. Hunter Boll

Ms. Anita Henry

Mr. and Mrs. Thelma & Deane Bornheimer

Mr. Sebastian Herrera

Mr. Kenneth Brody

Ms. Valarie Hing and Mr. Ari T. Raissa

Mr. and Mrs. George Bunn

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hochman

Ms. Rebecca Burgess

Mrs. and Mr. Susan Huck

Mr. Benjamin Jendras Janice and Clifford Kaplan Mr. Peter Kellner Susan Kendall Mr. and Mrs. John Kiernan Mr. Steve Kleiman Mr. Melvyn Klein Mrs. Margaret Lardizabal and Mr. Albert Lardizabal Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lauder Mr. Gerard E. Lees Ms. Fangxia Lin Madden & Warwick Mr. and Mrs. Gary Matthews Mr. William Mayer Ms. Jennifer McCrea Sherman and Christopher Meloni Ms. Victoria Meyer Morningside Dental Care Mr. Joel H. Moser Ms. Clare Munana Ms. Theresa N. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Art Nagle Susana Namnum Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ornish Mr. and Mrs. John Pantowich Mr. Marco Pasanella and Ms. Rebecca Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Pascucci Patricof Family Foundation Fund Mr. Andrew M. Paul Robert Pennoyer Mr. and Mrs. John Pile-Spellman Ms. Kelli Price Jennifer Prince Mr. Thomas J. Pritzker Ms. Jessica Reisman Mr. Frank Richardson Ms. Nina Rodale Houghton Mr. Kristofer A. Rodgers The Rev’d. Margaret Rose Mr. and Mrs. Joe Samberg



Mr. Harvey Sanders

Dr. and Mrs. Jay Damask

U p to $ 2 50

Mr. Jay Sandrich

Linda and Richard Davis

Anonymous (3)

Mary Toci Schwinn

Ms. Marcy Dawson

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Agnew

Stefanie and David Shaw

Ms. Kristen Fisher

Ali Aksu

Ms. Marie M. Steckle

Mr. Peter Foley

Mr. James Stone

GE Foundation

June Albert and Celeste Pagano

Mr. and Mrs. Mayo Stuntz

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Goldfinger

Mr. Zachary H. Taylor Mrs. Lara Thomas Mr. Victor Tutino Mr. Stephen Van Besien Miss Edith Van Slyck Villanova University Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vittert Mr. Jeffrey Walker Mr. Alan Washington Ms. Sandra Weiksner and Family Mr. Edward Wendell Marion & Hap Whelpley Ms. Rosa Wilson Ms. Christina Wtulich

Ms. Kathryn Alisbah Mr. Richard Allan

Ms. Dolores Gorgone

Ms. Peggy Allicock

Mr. and Mrs. Adlai Hardin

Mr. Peter Amato

Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Holladay

Ms. Janet Amoh & Mr. Robert Adjei

Mr. Ken Hubbard

Ms. Karmon Amsler

Mr. John Kiernan

Ms. Linnae Anderson

Mr. George H. Kleinberger

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Artis

KS Properties, LLC

Mr. John Baker

The Migdol Family Foundation

Mr. Salomon Banker and Ms. Jo Anne Sirey

Mr. John Neuhauser

Mr. and Mrs. James Banks

Mrs. Liz Neumark

Mr. Adam Barber

Pfizer Foundation

Mr. and Ms. Scott D. Bartlett

Ms. Yvette Ramos and Mr. Scottie Garvin

Mr. Eric Bauman

Ms. Selina Rivera

Mr. and Mrs. John Bausman Mr. Jameson Baxter

$2 50 - $499

Gayle F. Robinson


Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schlotzhauer

Mr. Christopher Beam

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stoll

Ms. Kirsten O. Lundberg and Mr. Jacob A. Beam

Ms. Michaela Alexander-Daniel Ms. Mary Jane Bauer William Beattie

Ms. Deborah I. Thornhill

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baylis

Ms. Margaret Bearn

I treat others the way I wish to be treated. I help without expecting anything in return. I care for my school, family, and community. and Evonette Aponte-Beattie

Ms. Anne-Lee Verville

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bedingfield

Ms. Melissa Brenner

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wentworth

Mr. Arthur Bellis

Ms. Susan Gay Burton

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen West

Mr. Calvin Benjamin

Mr. Stuart Cable

Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Whitman

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Carlson

Mr. and Mrs. Chet Whye

Ms. Christina Bennison and Mr. Billy Bryan

Mr. and Mrs. Mats Carlston

Mr. and Mrs. Barry Zeller

Mr. Thomas R. Cox


Mr. and Mrs. Berl Bernhard Ms. Alyson Bernstein



Mr. Zachary Bernstein

Mr. and Mrs. William Daughtrey

Mr. Marc Garbar

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Berwick

Ms. Linara Davidson

Ms. Jean Gardner

Ms. Peggy Birch

Mr. Donald W. Davidson

Mr. and Mrs. William Geist

Dr. Cynthia Boakye

Ms. Courtney Davidson

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gildenhorn

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Boyce

Mr. Berkley Davis

Ms. Ina C. Gillis

Mr. Charles Boyd

Mr. Kevin Davis

Ms. Sheila Gladney

Dr. Octavia Brown

Mr. Rupert Day

Ms. Elizabeth Glenney

Mr. Christopher Brown

Ms. Julie dePontbriand

Brown Paper Tickets, LLC

Ms. Hayley Derris

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gluckman

Ms. Martha Bruce

Mr. and Mrs. Randye Derris

Mr. Harold Bryant

Mr. Carl Di Paolo

Mr. Zach Buchwald

Ms. Ruth Diamond

Ms. Melva Bucksbaum and Mr. Ray Learsy

Mr. Carl DiPaolo and Ms. Christina Juhasz

Ms. Cynthia Buniski

Ms. Julie B. Doherty

Mr. Nicholas Gray

Christopher Beam

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Domizio

Ms. Rachel Greene

Mr. Robert Z. Cable

Mr. Ed Donnelly

Mr. Douglas Hacker

Mr. Bennett Capers and Mr. Seth Forman

Ms. Nancy Donovan

Mr. and Mrs. George Hackl

Mr. Robert Donovan

Ms. Debbie Hager

Mr. Stephen Carre

Ms. Jennifer Goldfinger Mr. Neal Goldman Emily and Jeff Goodwin Mr. Joshua Gould Ms. Amy M. Grabino

Ms. Sharyn Doyle

Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hammer

Mr. Bruce W. Carroll and Ms. Merri L. Shaw

Mr. and Mrs. Rodman Drake

Mr. Michael Hammes

Caspi Development Company

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Ducommun

Handelsman Family Foundation

Mr. Bryant Dun

Mark and Amanda Harmeling

Ms. Yvonne Durant

Ms. Michele Hatchette

Ms. Andrea Ecker

Mr. and Mrs. Galen Haws

Mr. Otto Eisele

Mrs. Marcia Hedborn

Ms. Lynne Eisenberg

Ms. Kerry Henderson

Mr. Tankut Eker

Ms. Michelle Heying

Mr. Tony Eillis and Family

The Rev. C. Hugh Hildesley

Mr. James L. Elrod Jr.

Ms. Cheryl Hill

Ms. Shannon Escalante

Ms. Sara Hinkle

The Fahrer Family

Hayne Hipp

Ms. Laurie Fan

Francis Hoffman

Ms. Christy Ferer

Ms. Kristine Hong

Mr. Joey C. Fernandez

Mr. Benjamin Hopkins

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ferrer

Ms. Donna Horney

Ms. Marisa Fershing

Ms. Barbara Howard

Mr. Richard Finkelstein

Stu Howlett

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Finn

Ms. Amy Hunter

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Finney

Hurst Family Foundation

Graham and Kay Finney

Ms. Alexandra Idol

The Fitter Family


Mr. Scott Fivel

Ms. Demetria Irwin

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flint

Mrs. Barbara Israel

Mrs. Nancy Folger and Mr.Sidney Werkman

Mr. Chris Jacangelo

Mr. Henry E. Catto Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Centeno Ms. Patricia Chang Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Chapin Ms. Carolyn Chappelle The Rev. Peter G. Cheney and Ms. Kirsten Fenik Ms. Lisa Clark Ms. Florence Clarke Mr. Christopher R. Clarke Ms. Lisa Clinton Mr. Oswald B. Cocking Mr. Livy Coe Ms. Elana Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cohen Ms. Gwen Cohen Brown Ms. Shelley Cole Dr. Richard Cole Mr. John D. Collins Ms. Tashiana Colston Mr. Allen Compagno Ms. Allison Corado Mr. Daniel Cuddy Ms. Michelle Daley Miss Shadi Damanpour

Ms. Henrietta Fore


Mr. Al Jackson


Ms. Amy Janis

Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Langer

Ms. Dorothy Marinno

Ms. Ava Jenkins

Dilini Lankachandra

Ms. Patricia Marino

Mrs. Peder C. Johnson

Ms. Elaine Larson

Mr. Stephen Marks

Mr. Chris Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Holtzer

Ms. Kahdeidra M. Martin

Ms. Quanda Jones

Mr. Charles Laurence

Nora and Marc Mazur

Ms. Melanie Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lauria

Ms. Caren Josephs

Mr. Anthony Lavely

Bruce D. and Judith L. McCumber

Mr. Dirk Junge

Ms. Jeannette LeBoyer

Mr. Martin Kaiser

Mr. Marcus Lee

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Kane

Mr. Harrison T. LeFrak

Mr. Michael Kane

Ms. Carol Leming

Ms. Brenda Karickhoff

Mr. Charles Lenth

Mr. Charles McLean and Ms. Amy Margerum Waters, McPherson, McNeill Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mezey Mr. John Mikla Ms. Susann Miles

I make decisions that support my future. I learn from my mistakes. I don’t give up.* Lori Katz

Ms. Julia Levy

Matthew Miller

Mr. Michael A. Keel

Herbert and Barbara Levy

Bob and Carol Keller

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Lewis

Mr. Ken Miller and Ms. Eliz Sweezy Ttees

Mr. Harvey Kelly

Ms. Becky Lillie

Dr. William J. Kieffer

Chris Lin

Ms. Barbara Kingsborough

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Loden

Ms. Dawn Kinley

Ms. Cristal Logan

Ms. Kate P. Kirby and Mr. Arch W. Horst

Drs. John and Kathleen Longeway

Ms. Maggie Klarberg

Mr. Mike Loretta

Poppy and George Motley

Mr. Michael Klein

Karen & William Lowe

Ms. Debra Moulton

Mr. Thomas E. Klein

Mr. and Mrs. M. Anthony Lowe

Ms. Judith L. Moxley

Mr. David Kleinhandler

Mr. Benjamin Luedeke

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mueller

Mr. Art Klink

Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Randolph Lyon

Ms. Danielle Mulack

Cary A. Koplin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Korologos Mrs. Shira N. Kozloff Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Kremers Ms. Isabelle Krusen Mr. Mark J. Lalloo and Mrs. Mary Lalloo Mr. Rudolph Lamone Dr. and Mrs. Michael Langan

Mr. Herb Moloney Ms. Wendy L. Montgomery

Mr. Robert Mack Mrs. Patty Mack Ms. Annie C. MacRae and Mr. Win J. Ruml Mr. and Ms. Patrick Madden Mr. Lloyd Makeba Mr. Frederick V. Malek Ms. Marguerite Mangin Ms. Seleene Manimala

* Harlem Academy School Creed


Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moran Ms. Adrienne Morgan Ms. Elvira Morton Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Moss

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Muller Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munch Mr. Alexander Munk Mr. Steve Murphy Mr. David S. Myers Ranji Nagaswami Mr. Brett Nardini NELCO Mr. Charles Nelson


Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Newman

Mr. William Remington

Ms. Penelope Sourbis

Ms. Christina Nielsen

Obioma Richardson

Mr. John Sparling

Mr. Augie Nieto

Ms. Elise Richmond

Ms. Nancy Spears

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norbury, Fans of MILKSHAKE and Mimi

Ms. Dora Robinson

Ms. Shawna Starks and Mr. Charles Boykin

Ms. Eliza Nordeman Armene Norian Ms. Dana Norris Ms. Jacqueline Novogratz Mr. Carlos L. Nunez Ms. Nkiruka Nwasokwa Mr. Connor O’Brien

Ms. Nadia Rodakowski Ms. Faye Rosen-Bzailian Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosenberg Mr. Henry A. Rosenberg Ms. Sandra Rosenman Mr. James B. Rottman Mr. David Rubenstein

L. Reed O’Brien Jr.

Ms. Tara M. Ruotolo and Mr. Chris Johnson

Ms. Victoria O’Kane

Ms. Alison Rypkema

Mr. and Mrs. Scott I. Oakford

Mr. Robert Samuels

Ms. Sandra Okita

Ms. Judith Samuelson

Mr. Derek Oland

Ms. Kristen Satterwhite

Ms. Judy Olian and Mr. Pete Liberti

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Savage

Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Otridge Ms. Diane Pagan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Palmer Dr. and Ms. Robert Palmer Daniel Park Mr. Frank Parker III Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Parker Ms. Hannah Parker Mr. Samuel Peabody Mr. Fernando Pena Michel Perez Ms. Lisa Perfetti Ms. Maisha Perkins Mr. and Mrs. William K. Perrin Ms. Celia Peters Mr. and Mrs. Bill Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Pickett Mr. and Mrs. George Plunkett Ms. Aliann Pompey Prasad Consulting & Research LLC Ms. Margot Pritzker Mr. Joe Profeta Ms. Dorothy Pyles Ms. Barbara Quinn Mr. Ronald Racicot Ms. Catherine Rath Ms. Helena Reid

Dan and Vanessa Scanfeld Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Scarola Mr. Toni Schau

Mr. Jeffrey Stevenson Ms. Cathryn Compton and Mr. Charles Strozier Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Strozier Mr. Steve Stunda Dave and Linda Suitor Mr. Thomas N. Synan Mr. John Tampellini Ms. Charlene Tate Mr. Samuel C. Tattersall Mr. and Mrs. David H. Taylor Jr. Lady Barbara Thomas Judge Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Ulaba-Samura Shalon Thomas Mr. Edward Thompson Ms. Laurie Tisch

Donna and Gary Schechter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schellaci Mr. and Mrs. Ron Schiff Mr. and Mrs. Reeve Schley Mr. James Schmidlin Ms. Meaghan Schmidt Ms. Ellie Schoenbaum and Mr. Gerald Segal Mr. Eric Schrier Ms. Lauren Schulman Ms. Susan Schwab Mr. Antony Scoles Ms. Dana L. Segal

Mr. and Mrs. H. James Toffey Carter and Todd Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Jason Treleaven Mr. and Mrs. Kent Troup Mr. Adam Tuckman Ms. Jeanne B. Turner Ms. Georgette Turner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Urmy Mr. and Mrs. Doug Usifer Ms. Kristen Van Breen Mr. and Mrs. Alan Van Order The Van Orders Ms. Regina Vasquez

Audie Serrano Jane and Terry Shea Ms. Elizabeth M. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Martin M. Sherwin Anil Shrivastava Ms. Marian Shuttlesworth Ms. Marsha E. Simms Renée and Eglon Simons Mr. Patrick J. Simpson Ms. Karen Skolnik

Mr. Daniel Vega Ms. Loretta Verma Ms. Toni G. Vertandig Mr. Roland Villacorta Ms. Jerusha Vogel Mr. Odis VonBlasingame Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Vonderfecht Mr. and Mrs. Justin Walder

Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Slater

Mr. Walker and Mrs. DennisWalker

Mr. Paul Smiley

Ms. Erika Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith

Ms. Rosemary Walmsley



Mr. and Mrs. Evan G. Wasserman

I n honor of C larence B . J ones

Harlem Academy Board of Trustees

Ms. Cecilia Waterman-Santiago

Carol Sands and Leif Langensand

The Harry Winston Foundation

Bob and Anna Irvine

Mr. and Mrs. Robie White

I n honor of the marriage of P olly K lyce and R obert P ennoyer

Mr. and Mrs. John Whitman

Baking for Good

Ms. Kate R. Whitney

Ms. Ellen Klyce

Ms. Tara Weisenfeld Ms. Judith Weissman Wellspring Advisors, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Todd K. West

Mr. Keane Wills Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wiltshire

I n honor of T ed Sands Carol Sands and Leif Langensand

Ms. Margaret Winters and Mr. John Distelhorst Ms. Catherine Wood

I n honor of R ichard and L inda S chaps Mrs. Linda Landis and Mr. Alan Landis

Ms. Mei Ling Yee Mr. Richter Yeske Ms. Blanche Zelmanovich Mr. Hao Zhang Ms. Jimena Zuniga

I n memory of Edward W. D orcheus

Ms. Lynne Eisenberg

Ms. Gretchen Jaeckle Mr. J. Edward Jaeckle III

I n memory of J ohn Hedborn Anita Donath Traci and Vinny Dotoli Mrs. Marcia Hedborn Dinny and Ned Nemacheck

Tahl Propp

2 01 1 S pring B enefit Auction Donations The American Folk Art Museum Anonymous Mrs. Regan Asnes Antonucci Cafe

I n memory of R uben Wallace S r .

Ms. Mary Jane Bauer

Aaronson, Rappaport, Feinstein & Deutsch, LLP

Birdie and Grace

I n honor of W hitney Wood Ms. Catherine Wood

The Bediones-Tortusa Family

Brio Flatiron Brooks Brothers Buck House Susan Gay Burton Lauren and Louie Cangiano

I n honor of Horizon M edia’ s clients, partners , and employees Mr. William Koenigsberg

Dr. and Mrs. John Marshall

I n honor of M ary Ganzenmuller on her birthday

David Sokolsky Photography

Mr. Jay Bargmann

Ms. Debra Moulton

I n honor of V inny Dotoli

Mr. George Sape

Ms. Michaela Alexander-Daniel

Mr. Art Winston Ms. Megan Winter

Rafael Viñoly Architects PC

Van Wagner Communications, LLC

Mr. Robert Whittenberger Mr. and Mrs. Steven Wickes

Hugh Hildesley, Sotheby’s N. & S. America

Canyon Ranch, Mr. Gary Matthews Carmine’s Restaurant CBS News CBS News, The Early Show China Grill Corporate

G ifts in K ind The Bargmann Family Benchmark Education Company, LLC Mrs. Norma Asnes Curtis, Mallett-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP

Ms. Kate Collins and Mr. Will Bladt Nina Diefenbach, Metropolitan Museum of Art Dinosaur BBQ Robin Paris, Dop Dop Salon Ed’s Chowder House

Ed Cangialosi, Reparto Corse

Emmis Communications

EisnerAmper LLP

Estiatorio Milos

Floralia Décor

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ganzenmuller

Geoff Fudge Peter Ganzenmuller, AF Scott Greenwich Country Day School

Mary Toci Schwinn

Giorgio’s of Gramercy Good Morning America Green Brown Orange



2 011 Spring Benefit Auction D onations Continued

Mr. Marco Pasanella, Pasanella and Son Vintners

Helen Demetrios Stadther and Michael Stadther

Pelham Cycle Center

Ms. Diana Svoboda

Ms. Helene Grossman

Pierre Michel Salon

Tanya Corrin Asnes

Jane and Al Fershing

Cindy Potash, Rafael Vinoly Architects

Taste of Texas, Nina Hendee

Fly Wheel Ms. Jill Hemphill

Proforma DRSolutions

Mr. Paul G. Huck

Ms. Lisa Raphael

Jay Peak Resort

Ralph Lauren

Edith and David Jeffer

Rayburn Music

Judith Ripka, Helping Hand Foundation

Robin Rotenier

Jumeirah Essex House

Mrs. Georgia Sauer

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Levine

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schlotzhauer

Madame Alexander Doll Club

Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidlin

Manhattan Theatre Company

Mr. Matthew J. Schmidlin

Meryanne Loum-Martin, Jnane Hotel and Villas

The Smith

Moulay Yacoubi New York City Ballet Mr. Greg Nougues

H A R L E M AC A D E M Y B OA R D O F T R U S T E E S David B. Peterson, Chairman Tony Asnes Jay D. Bargmann Pam Clarke Will Cook Vincent Dotoli, Ex-Officio Mary Ganzenmuller Valarie A. Hing Mark H. Johnston Ann MacRae Tom Reycraft John Schmidlin Laura B. Sillerman Timothy Speiss Alan Washington

Team Type 1, Phil Southerland Telepan Todd English Food Hall UPRR, Robert Irvine Alan J. Washington Verve Boutique

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reycraft

George Wein and The Newport Festivals Foundation White Sands Ocean Front Resort and Spa WOR107 Zanzibar Creations

Marilyn Snyder Mr. David Sokolsky SoulCycle

“The peak of my day is picking up my daughters and hearing them share what they have learned in school. They are never ready to go home at the end of the day. Harlem Academy creates and nurtures the minds of our future. I also love the relationships between the home, students, and teachers. Harlem Academy is developing children’s academic and social well-being.” H A R L E M AC A D E M Y PA R E N T


w w w. ha r l e m ac a d e m y.o r g

Harlem Academy 1330 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10026

P 212.348.2600 F 212.348.3500 info@harlemacademy.org

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