Harlem Academy 2017-18 Annual Report

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Every year, as we say goodbye to our graduating eighth-graders and welcome a new class of first-graders, I am struck by the common thread that binds them: opportunity. I feel so proud when I think of a student like Tara Eagan from our first graduating class. I think of the way she grew as a scholar, contributed to our school community, and graduated prepared to succeed at a top secondary school and beyond. She went on to thrive at Grace Church and is now showing thoughtful leadership as a junior at the University of Rochester, serving as president of one of the college’s advisory boards, volunteering in the community, and even coming back as a regular volunteer here at Harlem Academy. (Read Tara’s full story on page 6.)

Harlem Academy drives equity of opportunity, guiding promising students to thrive at the highest academic levels and one day make a mark on the world. Tara’s journey illustrates the power of our transformational mission. It goes beyond a single graduate: 88% of her fellow alumni from our first three classes are now making a difference at colleges and universities around the country. Every member of the most recent graduating class matriculated to a competitive, college-prep secondary school. Our current eighth-graders are models for their peers in the way they approach learning and live our school creed. And when I see the joyful enthusiasm of our newest first-graders, I have no doubt that they, too, will shape their own incredible journeys. None of this would be possible without the generous support of our donors and the dedication of everyone in the Harlem Academy family. Thank you for ensuring that Harlem Academy students have the opportunity they need today to become the leaders we all need for tomorrow. Sincerely,

Vincent A. Dotoli




Harlem Academy fills a critical gap in the education landscape for promising, low-income children. Public and charter schools focus on raising low performers to proficiency, while selective programs are inaccessible to children from underserved communities who lack the resources to compete for admission. Harlem Academy serves promising students whose potential might otherwise have gone unrealized. We set tuition on a sliding scale, and no qualified family is turned away for an inability to pay.








Tara Eagan, a junior at University of Rochester, is president of the Minority Student Advisory Board.


Tara Eagan ’12 found her voice at Harlem Academy and she’s using it to

Student Union’s freshman representative. The next year, she became

make a positive difference at her new home, the University of Rochester.

its president. Now, as a junior, she’s president of the Minority Student Advisory Board, a teaching assistant for one of her classes, and a

Tara came to Harlem Academy with great potential but little

volunteer in the community.

experience grappling with advanced academics. It didn’t take her long to catch on, and by eighth grade she was earning standardized test

“As a freshman, I knew that I wanted to be involved on campus, so I

scores at the 92nd percentile.

hit the ground running,” says Tara. “I have great mentors here – both professors and students – who have guided me.”

However, Tara acquired more than a transformational education during her time with us; she also gained the confidence to be a leader.

She’s doing the same in return, using her many leadership roles as

“There was a lot of room to have a voice at Harlem Academy, and

a means to advocate for and mentor other students. “Being a part of

you need that to be an effective leader,” she says. “If I ever had a

these groups gives me a direct line to school administration, and I

concern, I could talk about it with anyone there and I would be heard.

don’t take that lightly,” says Tara. “Serving as a voice for other students

Harlem Academy taught me that if I speak up, people will take

is an important responsibility.”

what I have to say seriously.” So is helping students benefit from the same opportunities she Tara continued to hone her confidence at Grace Church School,

had. Tara’s volunteerism takes her to local Rochester high schools

but it wasn’t always a smooth road. “When I first went to Grace

where she tutors, mentors, and educates students about her

Church I was a little insecure because I didn’t have as much money as

university’s scholarships.

the other students,” she admits. “I wondered if I belonged there.” “A lot of kids from low-income backgrounds don’t know what’s Tara struggled for several months and then realized she needed help.

available to them,” says Tara, who is considering a career as a college

With support from her advisor, her family, and Harlem Academy, Tara

advisor. “I wouldn’t have known either if not for Harlem Academy.

overcame her insecurities and ultimately thrived at Grace Church.

They opened me up to the world of independent schools and scholarships – a world my parents and I knew nothing about. Harlem

By the time she entered the University of Rochester, she was ready

Academy planted the seed for everything I could do, and I want to be

to make her mark. Her first year on campus, she served as the Black

that person for other kids like me.”




We are reversing the downward trajectory that often defines the opportunities available to low-income children. Students enter Harlem Academy with median scores in the 74th percentile and earn 16 points of growth by the time they reach eighth grade. Nationally, a promising, low-income student starting first grade at the 72nd percentile (a similar profile to our students) will lose 13 points by eighth grade, dropping to the 59th percentile.






Grade 8

Analysis by Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. National Center for Educational Statistics, Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, (ECLS-K).




Trustee Ann MacRae accompanied by Jahi-Aamir Gaulman ’14 and Alexandria Brown ’14


Within minutes of visiting Harlem Academy and meeting Head of

compared to typical math programs. Harlem Academy was the first

School Vinny Dotoli ten years ago, Ann and Cameron MacRae knew

school in Manhattan to adopt this program and showed double-digit

something special was happening here – and they wanted to be a part

growth in students’ quantitative reasoning scores in a single year. “It is

of it. “We decided to support the school after that first visit,” says

thrilling for our family to see how effective the Singapore method is in

Mrs. MacRae, who joined our board of trustees in 2011. “Vinny is a

teaching students math,” says Mrs. MacRae, who is also proud to serve

visionary and Harlem Academy’s mission is unlike any other in the

on the board of a school that embraces students’ personal growth as

city. The school is transforming the lives of students at the highest

much as their scholastic achievement.

level of excellence.” “Not only is the academic program at Harlem Academy at the highest Longtime believers in the importance of education, the MacRaes

level, but there is also a tremendously strong emphasis on character

committed to supporting elementary schools in underserved

development,” she says. “The four pillars of the school creed –

communities as a way to honor their daughter Catherine, who they lost

initiative, integrity, compassion, and determination – are at the core of

in the World Trade Center attacks. They founded the Cat MacRae

the students’ experience.”

Fund in 2001. Our students know firsthand how much Mrs. MacRae embodies the “Education was always a top priority for Cat, and we wanted to focus

pillars herself. For the past 10 years, she has led lower school trips to

on education in a way that would have the most impact on low-income

the Metropolitan Museum, where she was a docent for 18 years. “Not

areas of New York City,” says Mr. MacRae.

only do I get to share my love of the Met’s collection with the students, I also develop a connection with the children,” she says. “Over the

“By far our greatest philanthropic efforts – both in terms of giving and

years, I have watched them grow from little first-graders in awe of the

overall commitment – are directed toward Harlem Academy,” he adds.

cavernous museum to confident and proud eighth-graders, ready to take

“The school’s goal is to provide the same level of excellent education

on the world. The experience has been deeply rewarding for me.”

for underserved children as is available at the best private schools in the city. And it is succeeding amazingly.”

As they think about the future and our students’ place in it, the MacRaes are excited by what’s to come. “Our hope is that they

The MacRaes are especially gratified to see the measurable academic

continue to work hard and excel in a challenging world, incorporating

impact of their generosity. Thanks to their support, Harlem Academy

the four pillars into their everyday lives, and developing their potential

began using the Singapore Math program in 2008, a rigorous and

to its very fullest,” says Mrs. MacRae.

challenging curriculum that teaches fewer topics in greater depth 11













Brooklyn Friends Browning Chapin Columbia Grammar & Prep Friends Seminary Grace Church (3) Horace Mann Marymount Nightingale Professional Children’s Riverdale (5) Spence (3) Trevor Trinity UNIS (2) York Prep (2)

Andover Avon Old Farms Bard (2) Burr and Burton Cardigan Mountain Church Farm (2) Holderness Hotchkiss Kent Lawrenceville Marvelwood Miss Porter’s (2) Northfield Mt. Hermon Peddie (7) Purnell (3) Putney Rabun Gap Stony Brook (3) Westover

American Studies at Lehman Beacon Humanities Prep Manhattan Science & Math (3) Manhattan Village Repertory Theatre Arts Special Music School

All Hallows (2) Aquinas Bishop Loughlin (2) Cardinal Hayes (2) Cristo Rey (2) Dominican Iona Prep La Salle Saint Jean Baptiste (6) St. Vincent (2)

OTHER PUBLIC Central Islip Lower Manhattan Arts (2) Software Engineering (2) Stephen T. Mather




Harlem Academy has closed the college-access gap between our students and high-achieving, wealthier students, with 88% of our graduates entering four-year colleges.

COLLEGE ENROLLMENT Brooklyn Brown Buffalo State Catholic CUNY Baruch Hobart Howard Juniata Lehigh Manhattanville Mercy New York University Northeastern Rensselaer (RPI)


Rochester Rutgers Salve Regina (2) St. John’s St. Joseph’s SUNY Albany SUNY Canton (2) SUNY Maritime SUNY Oswego SUNY Plattsburgh SUNY Purchase Union Wilkes




32% NATIONAL AVERAGE LOWER-INCOME Analysis by Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. National Center for Educational Statistics, Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS: 2002).




I am pleased to share Harlem Academy’s 2018 Annual Report. Charitable donations provide over 85% of our annual operating budget, ensuring admission for all qualified students regardless of financial background. Thank you for supporting our mission and the transformational opportunity Harlem Academy provides. David B. Peterson Chairman, Board of Trustees


2017-18 TOTAL

2016-17 TOTAL











2017-18 TOTAL

2016-17 TOTAL










Temporarily Restricted







Cash and Cash Equivalents Receivables and Long-Term Pledges Other Assets Property and Equipment TOTAL ASSETS

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Deferred Tuition Loan Payable NET ASSETS






Program Services

Management $2,947,365


$98,346 $425,515



Annual Fund Support*

Program Revenue

Public Funding



*Includes unrestricted new gifts and this year’s portion of previously committed multi-year gifts.


TOTA L N E W I N CO M E $4,480,914


Annual Fund Support

Commitments Toward Permanent Campus

Program Revenue

Public Funding



Thank You C A P I TA L C A M PA I G N A N D E N D OW M E N T

Harlem Academy is grateful to the following donors for helping to ensure our continued steps toward a permanent home and the establishment of an endowment. The commitment and leadership they have shown create a lasting path to success for future generations of promising children. Allen Family Foundation

Mr. Jeffrey Kilimnick

Anonymous (3)

Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP

The Catherine and Joseph Aresty Foundation

Mike and Aly Levine


Mr. Jeremy Raccio and Ms. Sadia Halim


David and Kim Salomon

Anonymous The New York Community Trust - The Joan Ganz Cooney and Holly Peterson Fund Credit Suisse Americas Foundation Dale and Elizabeth Hemmerdinger Mr. David B. Peterson Tom and Sera Reycraft Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schaps Robert and Laura Sillerman

Richard Salomon Family Foundation Joe and Sandy Samberg Sheilah and Vance Schipani Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Selman Serenbetz Family Foundation Inc. TopSpin Charity TSSP $10,000 -$19,999

Hillary and Brett Thomas

The Allen Family Foundation

$50,000 -$99,000

Mr. Matthew A. Baxter

Tony and Regan Asnes

Mr. Matthew Lipman and Ms. Adriana Brunetto-Lipman

Jane and Jack Bierwirth

The Cat MacRae Fund


Will Bladt and Kate Collins

Ms. Durga Mallampalli

Vincent J. and Louisa S. Dotoli

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Boahene

Lizzie McCowen

Dyson Foundation

Mr. Christ Economos

Mr. Jeffrey Bornheimer and Mr. W. Franc Perry

Mr. Bardia Mesbah

Fairfield County’s Community Foundation - Donor Advised Fund

EnTrust Permal

Ann and Cameron MacRae

Grace J. Fippinger Foundation

The Cat MacRae Fund

Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP

Stavros Niarchos Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gerardi

Edith Glick Shoolman Children’s Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison

Tsunami Foundation - Anson and Debra Beard, Jr. and Family

Jill Hemphill

Turner Construction Company

Mr. and Mrs. David Israel

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown Ms. Anndolyn Christie Ms. Pam Clarke Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham Cole Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook John P. and Constance A. Curran Charitable Foundation Mr. Robert Deutsch Ms. Brenda Earl Friends of Bray Family Academy Mr. Geoff Fudge Mary Ganzenmuller and the A.K. Starr Charitable Trust

Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Moran Catherine and John Nathan Mr. David B. Peterson Rafael Viñoly Architects PC Mr. Elliott Rebhun The Reeves Foundation

Altman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook

$20,000 -$49,000

Tom and Sera Reycraft


Richard Salomon Family Foundation

Tony and Regan Asnes

The Catherine and Joseph Aresty Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schaps

Mr. Jay D. Bargmann and Ms. Cindy Potash

Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidlin

Dana Foundation

Robert and Laura Sillerman Mr. Timothy Speiss State Street Foundation

Mr. John Belizaire and Ms. Nilda Taveras Andrew K. Dwyer Foundation Falconhead Foundation Mr. Bart Gullong Harry Winston Hope Foundation Hyde and Watson Foundation

Dale and Elizabeth Hemmerdinger

Hillary and Brett Thomas

Ms. Valarie A. Hing and Mr. Ari Raisa

Thornton Tomasetti

John and Petal Hwang

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Toporek

Mr. Perry Jacobson

Peter Westbrook Foundation, Inc.

Mike and Aly Levine

Mark and Sarah Johnston

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wolfe

Dr. Joyce H. Lowinson

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Kane

Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Hymowitz Jockey Hollow Foundation Kettering Family Philanthropies Mr. George S. Loening Michael and Lauren Marrus Catherine and John Nathan

Mr. William J. Barbera BTIG, LLC Con Edison Creative Artists Agency - CAASports

Marlene Hess Mark and Sarah Johnston Ms. Bucky Keady Legere Family Foundation Lincoln Fund Mr. Matthew Lipman and Ms. Adriana Brunetto-Lipman Mr. John Massoni III Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Moran Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nadosy Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Newman Nicholas B. Ottaway Foundation Outfront Media James S. Peterson Foundation Rael Automatic Sprinkler Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Schaps The A.K. Starr Charitable Trust Sunriver Management, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wells Andree Wildenstein & Roger Dormeuil Foundation The John and Leatrice Wolf Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh

DONORS $5,000 -$9,999

$2,500 -$4,999

Mr. Mauricio Alvarez

Anonymous (2)

Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Barkhorn

Mr. Ernest Au

Mr. Paul R. Barkus

Jane and Jack Bierwirth

Mr. John Brus

Vinny and Traci Dotoli

Carmel Hill Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eberhart

Mrs. Dupre C. Cochran

The Lori and Mark Fife Foundation

Columbia Community Service

Mr. W.M. Frankenberger III and Mr. David Y. Oh

Frederic R. Coudert Foundation Mrs. Constance Curran Deutsche Bank Trust Company NY Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ganzenmuller Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gillin Ms. Valarie A. Hing and Mr. Ari Raisa Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hyman Idol Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ijalana Isambard Kingdom Brunel Society of North America Mr. Perry Jacobson Mr. Daniel Kabat and Ms. Catherine O’Dwyer Klein Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. Peter Klosowicz and Ms. Kerri S. Scharlin Mr. and Mrs. Craig Larson Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Magyar Mr. William Mayer Brian and Monica McGrath Mebane Charitable Foundation, Inc. Ms. Betsy S. Michel Ms. Lucia N. Musso Anne and Jacques Nordeman Mr. Brian A. O’Callaghan Mr. Rodney Pope and Mrs. Robin D. Stone Linda and Michael Purvis Kristofer Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rothfeld Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidlin Mr. Ryan Seacrest Jill and Sandy Sirulnick Randall and Barbara Smith Gary and Sharie Stern Mark Tashjian and Erin Kaufman Louis Wang Mr. David Windreich and Ms. Christine Hikawa Patricia Yarberry-Allen, MD

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gemus Mrs. Shirley Giscombe Kate and Mark Hannon Dr. Shirley A. Jackson and Dr. Morris Washington Joan Karn and Benjamin Mintz Charles and Jane Klein Mr. Herbert F. Kozlov Lizzie McCowen Mr. Tom McLoughlin Mr. Bardia Mesbah Janet and David Offensend Mr. Cary Paik Dr. and Mrs. Robert Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Piscina Mr. and Mrs. William Plotch Mr. Elliott Rebhun Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rosenbaum Valerie Rowe Dan and Vanessa Scanfeld Keats Sexton Mr. Edward Simon Mr. John S. Squires and Mrs. Katharine S. Squires Ms. Pamela Sweeney and Mr. Peter Levenson Juana and Conrado Tenaglia Mr. Richard Waldhorn and Ms. Jamie S. Gorelick Lis Waterman

Melissa Bank and Todd Dimston

Mr. and Mrs. James Grant

Margie Becker-Lewin and John Lewin

Lucia and David Greenhouse

Mr. and Mrs. Rodman W. Benedict

Doug, Sandra, and Jackson Griebel

Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Blackford

Mr. Chris Hart-Zafra

Gail Bolte and Bob Carter

Mr. and Mrs. Rob Harteveldt

Ms. Janet Boris

Ms. Clare B. Hawthorne and Mr. Roland Lesterlin

Mr. Andrew Brownstein Mr. David Burns Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burrows Michael A. Capasso Ms. Chelsie Caruso Mr. Alexander Casdin Mr. and Mrs. Sean Cawley Faith Childs and Harris Schrank Cohen & Gresser LLP Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham Cole Stephen A. and Cynnie Cook Anne Cook Conze Cowles Charitable Trust Susan P. Crary Ms. Anne d’Avenas and Mr. Jerry Brody Ms. Debi Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Chris DeAngelis Mr. and Mrs. Ron Delsener Marie G. Dennett Foundation, Inc. Mr. Michael DePaola Ms. Susan DeVore Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dichter Ms. Robin Donath and Mr. Patrick McNeive Mr. Robert R. Dyson Ms. Brenda Earl Mr. and Mrs. Philip Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ferrer Ms. Anna Fisch Ms. Amy Flyntz and Mr. Hermann Hesse

Janice and Chris Williams

Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Fox

$1,000 -$2 ,499

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Frischer

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Abend Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Agarwal Ms. Kristin Allen Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Allen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Allen Anonymous (2) Mrs. Norma K. Asnes Mr. Chris Ballard

Mr. and Mrs. George Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Gennaro J. Fulvio Jack Geary Jody and Bill Geist Mr. Evan Geller Ms. Joan Golan Arthur and Elisabeth Golden Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goodkin Mr. and Mrs. John Goodrich Mr. Josh Goverman

Mr. Charles and Dr. Elizabeth Hibbett Paul and Josefin Hilal The Rev. C. Hugh Hildesley Ms. Elizabeth Hines Sharon and Larry Hite Ms. Caroline Holl Mr. and Mrs. Ross Holtzer Aaron and Katherine Hood Ms. Charlotte Howard and Mr. Daniel Osnoss Mr. Spencer Ingle Mr. and Ms. Peter Izzo John Jendras and Judith Paice Mr. Wylie Johnston Jack Kaufmann Mr. Kevin Kavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. John Kiernan Ms. Nadine Kim and Mr. Mikael Grubb Mr. Michael King Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kirsten Mr. David Klafter and Ms. Nancy Kestenbaum Ms. Masha Kossivi Ms. Jessica Krant Ms. Sarah Labowsky Mr. Brian Lapin Mr. and Mrs. Andy Latack Ms. Karen Lau Mr. and Mrs. David Levine Ken and Lois Lippmann Dr. Richard D. Lisman Mr. Nicholas Logothetis and Mrs. Monica Gray Logothetis Mr. and Mrs. Dan London Jill Mahoney and Alex Bargmann Mr. Keenan McBride Ms. Kari McCabe and Mr. Nate McBride Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. McCooey Jr. Metzger-Price Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Marc Miller Hector H. Mislavsky and Judy Martinez Mr. Earl Murrell and Mrs. Rosetta Reid-Murrell 19

Thank You Mutual of America Ms. Eliza Nordeman Michael and Elena Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Peek Dr. Sally Peterson and Mr. Michael Carlisle Mr. Tom Phillips and Ms. Ellen Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phyfe Pittman Family Foundation Ms. Linda Powers Mr. Tanner Powers Jessica Prager Mr. Steven S. Pretsfelder and Mrs. Barbara Gochberg Mr. and Mrs. John Puchalla Ms. Julia Reidhead Mr. Thaddeus G. Reycraft Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Rhone Mr. Larry Ritzhaupt and Ms. Leigh Bonney Ms. Katharine Rodgers Ronald McDonald House Charities Dr. Hugh Roome Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rooney Mr. and Mrs. James Ross Ms. Linda Rothschild Jaime Roy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russo Mr. Robert Ryan Theodore D. Sands and Caroline C. Herrick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Savitt Liz and Ed Schlotzhauer Melanie and David Schwartz Hunter and Marina Serenbetz Mr. Michael T. Sillerman Mr. Howard Silverstein Paul Simon Olly and Elizabeth Singer Ms. Karen Snow Ms. Terri Sohrab and Mr. Fariborz Damanpour Mrs. Richard Sterne Mr. Christopher Todd Robert and Andrea Tucker Ms. Anita G. Waters Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Watson Ronald G. Weiner Marion and Hap Whelpley Mr. Dennis G. Whipp Mr. and Mrs. Ward Woods Mr. Dave Yacullo Mr. and Mrs. Demetri Yatrakis

$500 -$999 Mr. Peter Amato Anonymous Mr. Yogesh Bahl Carliss Baldwin and Randolph Hawthorne Jim Basker Mr. Gilbert Belizaire Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bicks Ms. Kim Blanchard Ms. Sofia Blanchard Ms. Sarah Bond Mr. Ethan Brodie Mr. and Mrs. George Bunn Ms. Michele Caruso Jay Damask Mr. and Mrs. Guy de Chazal Ms. Roxanne Donovan Tim and Holly Feltham Ms. Stephanie Ferdman Ms. Lola Finkelstein Mr. Ron Fisher Ms. Wendy Flanagan and Mr. Christopher O’Malley Ms. Mindy Gabler Robert Gerard Mr. Michael Glennon and Ms. Lucy Reed Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Goldberger Ms. Jenifer Gornstein Dr. and Mrs. J. Warren Harthorne Mr. and Mrs. John Harthorne Charles Hazard Mr. and Mrs. Julio Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Charles Higgins Ms. Namphuong Hoang Alexandra and Philip Howard Ms. Charlotte Howard Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Howard Ms. Jane Iwanowski Ms. Alison Johnston C. Michael Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karn Mr. Douglas Karrel Kerrest Family Thomas Klein Sally and Wynn Kramarsky Langensand Family Mr. Ben Lavely Ms. Olivia Loo Mr. Richard Lovett

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lynford

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eil

Ms. Christine Mahoney

Mr. Chip Farrar

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malone

Ms. Robin Fennell

Ms. Kathy Mayer

Graham and Kay Finney

Ms. Risa Meyer

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flint

Mr. Brian Modesitt

Ms. Nancy Folger and Mr. Sidney Werkman

Devorah Nazarian

Mr. Michael Goodwin

Mr. and Mrs. Scott I. Oakford

Ms. Penny Gordon

Ms. Katharine O’Callaghan and Mr. Bruno Walmsley

Mrs. Melissa Urfirer Gottesman

Elizabeth and George Oestreich

Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Holden

Dipul Patel Mary Perry Mr. and Mrs. Denny Price Ms. Elizabeth Schlotzhauer Putnam and Mr. Buck Putnam Ms. Bonnie Sacerdote Mr. Daniel Sacks Mary E. Schwinn Aline and Tom Shapiro Tom Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sullivan Ms. Michi I. Tashjian Mr. Adam Tuckman David and Marie Valentine Ms. Edith Van Slyck and Mr. James Hammond Ms. Kathleen Ventrella Mr. and Mrs. Dan Viele Mr. Alan Washington Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. West Mr. Weston Wilkinson Mr. Anthony Williams Ms. Lisa Wolman $250 -$499 Anonymous Mr. Darren Bartlette Ms. Margaret Bearn Orla Beggs Mr. and Mrs. Allan M. Benton Will Bladt and Kate Collins Mr. Doug Brody Mr. Harold I. Bryant Ms. Naeemah Clark Ms. Pam Clarke Mr. Aaron Cook Mr. Walter L. Deane

Mr. and Mrs. Carney Hawks Aaron Holiday Mr. Arch W. Horst and Ms. Kate P. Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Huban Mr. and Mrs. Joy Hurd Carolyn and Scott Imhoff Ms. Jane Isay Mr. Robert E. Johnson and Ms. Astaire Selassie Tara and Christian Johnson Ms. Susan Johnston Mr. David Kravitz Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lynford Ms. Annie C. MacRae and Mr. Win J. Ruml Robert Maldonado and David Aboyoun Mr. Tom Mandel Nancy and Les Marshak Nora and Marc Mazur Mr. and Mrs. Tyrell Monroe Faith and Dick Morningstar Mr. Lloyd Piggott and Mrs. Lisa Fields-Piggott Mr. Dan Posener Ann Pyne Gayle F. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Al Roker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Samuels Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Scarola Mr. Paul Serenbetz Mrs. Kevin Shanley Shapiro Pertnoy Companies Mr. Daryl Shore David Siegel and Karen Brody Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Toporek Ms. Elizabeth Warner Mr. Andrew Wilshinsky Linden Havemeyer Wise Ms. Catherine Woodard Zachary Wright Mr. Will Ziesing

DONORS UP TO $250 Ms. Victoria Addo AmazonSmile Foundation Mr. Nicholas Anderson Anne and Stephen Andrade Anonymous (11) Ms. Irine Avlakhashvili Leyonna M. Barba Ms. Mildred Bee Mr. and Mrs. Neil Benedict Mr. Warren Benjamin Katrina A. Bercaw Mr. Charles Boyd Dr. Ellen Brooks and Mr. Marshall Cohen Dr. Octavia Brown Mr. and Ms. Camara Bruton Mrs. Martha Burke-Hennessy Mr. Bennett Capers and Mr. Seth Forman Mr. Bruce W. Carroll and Ms. Merri L. Shaw Ms. April Champion Mr. and Mrs. Weigong Chao Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Chapin Ms. Sherry Chen Ms. Pauline Chu Mr. David Clark Ms. Kam Clark Mr. Livy Coe James Cole Mr. Laurence Cranch Polly and Robert Daly The D’Elia Family Mr. and Mrs. Breck Denny Mike Deshields II Ms. Patricia Doherty Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Drake Mr. and Mrs. Morton Dunn Ms. Angela D. Ebron Kathleen and Henrik Edin Sally and Duncan Edwards Kathleen and James Egan Lynne Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Ben English Larry and Laurie Enos Ms. Ashley Feagan Jane and Vic Finalborgo Mark and Bernice Fischman Ms. Clementine Fletcher Mr. Patrick Forquer

Ms. Mary Alice Frankenberger

Dr. and Mrs. John Marshall

Lars Fylke

Ms. Nancy Martinek

Mr. Mark Gaston

Claire and Cornelius Marx

John Geddes and Jyll Holzman

Mr. James McHale

Kara and Simon Gerson

Sean Merriweather

Mr. Chris Glover

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mezey

Ratan Gondalia

Morgan Stanley

Mr. and Ms. Carlos Gonzalez

Ms. Judith L. Moxley

Emily and Jeff Goodwin

JP and Alyson Muldoon

Mr. and Mrs. David Grijns

Mr. Alexander Munk

Ms. Helene D. Grossman

Ms. Susana Namnum

Mr. and Mrs. George Hackl

Network for Good

Mr. and Mrs. Marcus E. Hampton, Sr.

Mr. Stewart Oldfield

Mr. Jay Harris and Ms. Marcia Cohen

John and Patricia Olive

Michael and Barbara Hauser

Ms. Piper Olsen

Mr. and Mrs. John Hays

Jane Oshinsky

Mrs. Marcia Hedborn

Mr. Robert M. Pennoyer

Ms. Deborah Heineman

Ms. Rachel Perry

Mr. Howard Hertz

Ms. Sara Pervil

Ms. Karen Huebner

Jerrilyn and Nick Petito

Ms. Elyse Hughes

Ms. Beth Pettit

Beth Jackson-Jordan and David Jordan

Mr. and Mrs. Sean Plambeck

Mr. J. Edward Jaeckle III

Jen and Chris Plourde

Andrew and Eileen Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pommells

Hettie Jones

Ms. Jessica Porter

Diane Jordan

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Powell

Ms. Christina Juhasz and Mr. Carl DiPaolo

Ms. Ooma Ramsook

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Kane

Ms. Selina Rivera

Mary Karr

Mr. Kevin Rodgers

Dean Karrel

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rovegno

Betsy Keady and Mark Smith

Andrew, Mackenzie, and Ethan Ryan

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Klein

Mr. Emmanuele Salvati

Mr. Gino Knodel

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Salzberg

Marilyn Kravitz

Ms. Tarsha Sanders

Mr. Cory Kushion and Mrs. Julie Mikla Kushion

Mrs. Harriet H. Savage

Mr. Mark J. Lalloo

Mr. and Mrs. Reeve Schley

Dr. and Mrs. Mark W. Lauria

Stefanie and David Shaw

Ms. Eunice Lee

Jane and Terry Shea

Ms. Helene Lesterlin

Mr. Andrew Short

Herbert Levy

Ms. Marsha E. Simms

Mr. Brett Lieberman

Mr. Michael R. Slater

Ms. Kirsten O. Lundberg and Mr. Alex Beam

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Smith

Mr. Richard A. Luppy and Ms. Katharine M. Kasper

Linda Snedeker

Mr. Ben Machtiger

Ms. Ruby Sprott

Alasdair Macphail Deborah and Patrick Madden Ms. Samantha Maida

Michèle Solá Mr. Arthur J. Stock and Mrs. Barbara F. Stock Dave and Linda Suitor

Mrs. Shanise Thomas and Mr. Santigie Ulaba-Samura Drs. Susan Tross and Steven Schutzer David and Nora Tulchin United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley Alan Van Order Bill and Lill Van Order Viet62 Mr. Brad Voigt Ms. Leah Weintraub Matthew Weintraub and Janet Grossman Mr. Jack Weiselberg Mr. Joel Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Todd K. West Christine Whitman Mrs. John Whitman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Whitmore Ms. Patricia Willis Louise and Cliff Wilson Ms. Andrea Woodner Mr. and Mrs. Larry Young YourCause, LLC Trustee for Pfizer Annual Giving Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Zadek Mr. Juan Zamora and Ms. Yocasta Martinez ZogSports IN M E MORY In memory of Richard Dobbins Ms. Kam Clark Ms. Naeemah Clark In memory of Miriam Dubin Ms. Joan Golan In memory of John Hedborn Mrs. Marcia Hedborn In memory of Shirley Johnston Ms. Alison Johnston In memory of Dorothy Karrel Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Holden In memory of Cat MacRae Mr. W.M. Frankenberger III and Mr. David Y. Oh Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Golden Ms. Namphuong Hoang Mr. and Mrs. Cameron MacRae Dr. and Mrs. Robert Palmer

Ms. Leith Talamo 21

Thank You In memory of Mackinley Sillerman Anonymous Ms. Irine Avlakhashvili Mrs. Melissa Bank and Mr. Todd Dimston Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dichter Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fischman Mr. Bart Gullong Ms. Karen Huebner Nancy and Les Marshak Mr. and Mrs. Nick Petito Mr. and Mrs. Larry Young IN HONOR In honor of Wayne Adler and William Meyer Ms. Bucky Keady In honor of Regan and Tony Asnes Paul and Josefin Hilal Mr. David Klafter and Ms. Nancy Kestenbaum In honor of John Belizaire Charles Hazard Mr. Andrew Wilshinsky In honor of Alexandra and Will Cart Kara and Simon Gerson In honor of Vincent Dotoli Sally and Duncan Edwards Lynne Eisenberg Michèle Solá In honor of Clare Hawthorne Ms. April Champion In honor of Dale Hemmerdinger Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe In honor of Catherine Jackson-Jordan Beth Jackson-Jordan and David Jordan Diane Jordan In honor of Mark H. Johnston Ms. Susan Johnston In honor of Aly and Mike Levine The D’Elia Family Aline and Tom Shapiro Robert and Andrea Tucker In honor of Michael Levine and Richard Schaps Mr. and Mrs. David Levine In honor of Ann and Cameron MacRae Anonymous Ms. Sarah Bond Mr. Walter L. Deane

DONORS In honor of Gustavo Martinez Margie Becker-Lewin and John Lewin In honor of Jeffrey and Mara Newman Orla Beggs Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karn Mr. Dennis G. Whipp In honor of John Pantowich Jewish Communal Fund In honor of Kris Rodgers Anonymous In honor of David Salomon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Savitt In honor of Linda and Richard Schaps Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fisher Mr. Steven S. Pretsfelder and Mrs. Barbara Gochberg Ms. Pamela Sweeney and Mr. Peter Levenson In honor of Lilah Schwartz Melanie and David Schwartz In honor of Laura and Bob Sillerman Anonymous (3) Ms. Roxanne Donovan Lucia and David Greenhouse Carolyn and Scott Imhoff Mr. Herbert F. Kozlov Mary Perry Elliot Rebhun and Brad Voigt Mr. Eliot Spitzer Ms. Patricia Willis Ms. Catherine Woodard Patricia Yarberry-Allen, MD In honor of Jack Sine Betsy Keady and Mark Smith In honor of Katie Steinbach Ms. Nancy Martinek In honor of Beth and Scott Stephenson Anonymous In honor of Laura Tulchin David and Nora Tulchin In honor of Liz Warner Mrs. Melissa Urfirer Gottesman In honor of Wes Wilkinson Aaron and Katherine Hood

GIFTS IN KIND Mr. Derrick Adams Anonymous (2) ArborBridge ASPIRE at One World Observatory Atlantic Theater Company Avalon Transportation, Inc. Bar SixtyFive at Rainbow Room Mr. John Belizaire and Ms. Nilda Taveras Benchmark Education Brooklyn Brewery The Chicago Limited Partnership Chihuly Studio Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP Deutsche Bank Wealth Management Doughnut Plant Mr. Richie Ebers FLEX Studios Tracy Geltman Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce Doug Griebel for Rosa Mexicano Mr. Stephen Hannock Ms. Clare B. Hawthorne and Mr. Roland Lesterlin Dale and Elizabeth Hemmerdinger The Rev. C. Hugh Hildesley Ms. Alexandra Idol iHeart Media Mr. and Mrs. David Israel J.A.J. NYC Mr. David Jeffer Ms. Jessica Juliano Ms. Bucky Keady Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP Laudi Vidni Mr. Steven Levenson Aly and Mike Levine Lexington Gardens Little Pie Company Livestyle Inc. Lotte New York Palace Hotel Ann and Cameron MacRae Ms. Jessica McCourt Ms. Daniella Monestimes New York Football Giants The New York Yankees Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Newman

Mr. and Mrs. Landon Nordeman Mr. David Y. Oh Eric Ottaway Robin Ottaway P.J. Clarke’s Lincoln Center Pahlmeyer Winery Mr. Jeremy Raccio and Ms. Sadia Halim Rafael Viñoly Architects PC Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Tom and Sera Reycraft Ms. Daryl Roth Rouge Makeup Salon Sandals Resorts Robert and Laura Sillerman Slate NY Ms. Terri Sohrab and Mr. Fariborz Damanpour Sotheby’s N. & S. America SoulCycle Tilton Gallery, NY Ms. Kristen Tirney Joseph Tsai Turner Construction Company Waitress LLC M AT C H I N G G I F T S Bank of America Charitable Foundation BIC Corporation Colgate-Palmolive Company CTC Matching Gift Program GE Foundation Google Matching Gifts Program IBM International Foundation Intel KKR & Co. Inc. Moody’s Foundation News Corp Giving Pfizer Foundation Time Warner Corporate TPG Global, LLC UBS Matching Gift Program

SCHOOL CREED I am bold and creative. I take opportunities to lead. I seek help when I need it. I am honest and reflective. I choose to do what is right Even when it is hard or no one is watching. I listen carefully. I speak kindly. I care for my community. I make the most of each day. I learn from my mistakes. I don’t give up.


1330 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10026 harlemacademy.org 212.348.2600 Board of Trustees

Advisory Council

David B. Peterson, Chair

Shirley Ann Jackson, Ph.D.

Tony Asnes

Robert Kissane

Jay D. Bargmann

Michael Levine

John Belizaire, Secretary

Alice Quinn

Bruno Bich

David R. Salomon

W. Graham Cole

Jill Toporek

Will Cook, Treasurer Vincent Dotoli, Ex-Officio

Trustee Emeritus

Mary Ganzenmuller

Mark H. Johnston

Doug Griebel H. Dale Hemmerdinger Valarie A. Hing Ann MacRae Betsy S. Michel Rodney Pope Tom Reycraft Richard Schaps Laura B. Sillerman Hillary Thomas Michael Toporek Alan Washington

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