Harley-Davidson 2013 Brochure

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The Motor Company’s 110-year story has always been driven by people more than machines. Back in 1903, when four young guys had the revolutionary idea to build a motorised bicycle from the ground up, it was their spirit of adventure and discovery that wrote the first chapter. Since then, every twist in the tale has been written by a new generation of riders. From the hill climbers and racers of the early years to the returning heroes of the ‘40s. From the black leather rebels of the ‘50s to the young guy about to swing a leg over his first Sportster® today. Every generation brings a fresh perspective. Every individual adds their unique voice. It’s a million stories. It’s one story. And everyone tells it their own way. Be part of the 110th Anniversary celebrations. Visit www.h-d.com.au for details.


STORY. FIND YOUR OWN RIDE, WRITE YOUR OWN n… ls on… rs roollls riddeers and itts ri mpaanny an Moottoor CCoomp the M tivvee of th ti ar naarrraative year 0-ye TThhe 11110ew new rd to ne waard rw ng foorrwa king ooki wayyss loo wa on. AAlllwa on. or innssppiirraattiion okiinng bbaacckk for look mees lo tim meeti SSoom . s. s e i ie r o or t s stor st n e t te t i it r wr w e eb -b o to t tt e ye y d n an a r es enttuure esshh addvven s, frreesh rrooaadds, th wiith w hnoollooggy with ge teecchn edge g-ed ttiinngccuutt bleennd cutt flaatt ouutt to bl fl d e k ke r wayyss woor flat ’ve aallwa We’v We d e s se s a as p r rp u su s n un u n a ng yoouu to brriing les to le rcyyccles torc mooto m our moto ul of ou tic ssooul enti then th authen the au th covveer pplleennttyy of t. So yyoouu’’llll diissco ent. eren eren ffffer 013 iiss no ddiiiff ncee,, andd 201 ienc ienc ng exxppeerrie ding rriidi paggeess.. se pa es e h th t n r u ur t u o ou y s a as y r ry or o t s st n o so s d id i v av a D -D y ey e l r rl a H Harl the Ha ts to th twissts new tw ne

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visi vi sit www.h ww..hh-dd.com ww .ccoom m.a .au

There’s a good reason people feel the way they do about Harley-Davidson® tourers. It’s something to do with the fact that we each get an undetermined time to explore this incredible theme park of a planet. And there are two ways to respond to that knowledge. You can rush around trying to do as much as you can, as fast as you can. (And that’s fine for some.) Or you can make damn sure that, whatever you do while you’re here, you do it right. Because this is a once-in-a-lifetime ride, and those kind of rides are for savouring. Drinking in every detail. Experiencing every mile. It’s the difference between grabbing a sandwich and appreciating a gourmet meal. The difference between doing it the quick way and doing it the right way.

34°52’441”N 114°8’30”W

A famous philosopher once said: “Life without pain has no meaning”. The Arizona Proving Ground was created to give every Harley-Davidson® motorcycle’s life meaning. Two hours from Vegas and a million miles from the comfort zone, it’s a high-security, 24-hour, tortuous testing ground designed to take a motorcycle to its limits and beyond to attain the high standards of performance, durability and reliability our riders take for granted. We say it’s a necessary evil for the best ride possible. To the motorcycles, it’s hell on earth.




There’s no rest for a Harley-Davidson® motorcycle here. Bikes are run 24 hours a day, seven days a week in our emissions and power testing labs – advanced simulators that mimic the clutch, acceleration and movements of real riders. They are put through as many miles as possible, often up to 70,000, in the shortest time possible. Never stopping to refuel thanks to our sophisticated and, some would say, rather sadistic built-in refuelling systems.

The 2013 Street Glide® is the latest motorcycle to have survived the Arizona Proving Ground. When it rolled through the high-security gates, the testing team knew the new suspension shocks would deliver a more comfortable ride, increased manoeuvrability and the adjustable suspension would give great adaptability. But before they were happy to hand it over to our riders, they needed to ensure it didn’t just meet, but beat the standards needed for a lifetime of ownership.

VEHICLE DURABILITY Smooth roads. Rough roads. Wind. Rain. Dust. Heat. In the name of durability, bikes are subject to tens of thousands of miles of punishment all year round in all conditions. From searing temperatures of over 45°C where the tarmac tops 65°C, to the cold chill of winter desert nights. Desert dust, wind and humidity assault all machinery out here. Day after day, motorcycles are punished and toughened to handle predictably on windy roads covered with potholes, mud, gravel and ice. Every type of road condition you can imagine, and some that you daren’t.

VEHICLE MEASUREMENT No motorcycle gets off that easily. Every prototype must now be fitted with sensitive data equipment so that no detail goes unnoticed. The Street Glide® was no exception. Its suspension was fitted with sensors and worked over the Arizona Proving Ground’s gruelling courses to measure the stresses, movement and distribution. The punishment couldn’t have been worse, but now, the suspension couldn’t be better.

Overseas models shown.


Their aim wasn’t to break the Street Glide®, it was to put their expertise into its development so it delivers the best ride possible. They clocked up thousands of miles on the Street Glide in the most extreme riding conditions and demands that can be found on planet Earth. Continuous high-speed cruising and fast cornering required for eating up the miles in the Snowy Mountains. Precise handling and manoeuvrability needed for tackling the winding Glass House Mountains. Low-speed stability and balance required for downtown Auckland. After the Arizona Proving Ground, the world’s roads will be a walk in the park for the 2013 Street Glide.

Touring credentials and comfort; custom style and handling. Expertly hidden technology; proudly flaunted retro looks. Travelling in style in the country; grabbing attention in the city. Don’t ever let them tell you that you can’t have it all. Don’t ever settle for less than you deserve.

Left to right: Heritage Softail® Classic, Switchback and Street Glide®

Overseas models shown.


Don’t let the classic Grand Tourer profile fool you. This is more new cool than old-school. Check out that 18" front wheel, the hard panniers and slammed suspension. You’re looking at an uncompromisingly progressive custom bike with our latest 1690cc engine, ABS and security package as standard. The batwing fairing with its low, smoked fly shield houses a top-end Harman/ Kardon® audio system that lets you choose your own soundtrack as easily as you choose your own road. New for 2013: we’ve upgraded the shocks, making the ride more comfortable still and the cornering even more dynamic.


The full fenders, Hydra Glide-inspired chrome nacelle, whitewall tyres and chromelaced wheels make this a stunning exercise in ‘40s cool. But this is no museum piece for putting on a pedestal and admiring. This is a true twenty-first century motorcycle built to be loaded up and ridden, mile after carefree mile. That hardtail-looking suspension that leaves the lines looking so clean? It hides our innovative Softail® suspension, built for touring in comfort. Those leather-studded saddlebags that look so retro? They’re made for packing your road trip essentials, too. And it’s all wrapped around our latest Twin Cam 1690cc V-Twin engine, ready to add the signature Harley-Davidson soundtrack to every journey.


For 110 years, riding a Harley-Davidson® has been about being whoever you want to be, without compromise. Case in point: the Dyna® Switchback. With its classic windshield and solid saddlebags locked in place, it’s a classic tourer, ready to follow whatever road you choose. But remove them, and half a minute later you’re looking at classic custom Dyna with nimble handling, tailored suspension and street lines that will turn heads anywhere. And whether you’re touring or cruising, that 1690cc V-Twin engine makes sure there’s nothing holding you back. You want a road-ready tourer? You want a custom streetbike? Now you only need one machine.

Overseas models shown.

Visit www.h-d.com.au

110TH ANNIVERSARY LIMITED EDITIONS: Ride your own piece of The Legend.

Left to right: Super Glide速 Custom, Fat Boy速 Lo, Road King速, Heritage Softail速 Classic and 1200 Custom in Anniversary editions

Overseas models shown.

TThhhis iss is yyoouurr chhaanncccee to to rid ide a maacchhin m ine that thaatt real th eeaalllly m meeean aanns soom meetthhin hin ingg.. Stri SSt triiccttly tllyy lim imit iteedd eddiittiioonn 110th 10th 10 th Annniivveersar An rsaarry m rs moode delss thhaat do do mor ore tthhhan aann prroouudddly llyy ceelleebbrraattee ouurr pas ast: t: the hey pprrou ouddlly re reepr pres pr esseent eennt our oouur pres preessen pr seennt ddaayy.. From Fr om a nim mbl bllee Sp Spoorrrts ttssste ter® te r® to a ffuulllly equuiippppeedd Grraand eq equi nd Toouureerr,, the herree’s ’s onnee foorr evveerry kkiinndd of ri ride der.r. der. EEaacchh has as a sppeeci cial al, uunniqquueeely ly numbe ly uum mbbeeere rreed badgge to ba to prove rroovvee its ts innddiv iviidduuaalility littyy – andd yyoouurrrs. ss.. AAlll ffeeatur atur at ure ex excl excl cluussivve pa clus pain ain int sscchheeme mes aannd ffiini nish ish sheess to cceele lebbrraatte oouur ffiirrsst 11110 yeeaarrrss inn trruulyy pre year rem miiium um sty um tyle. le. le Theesse aarre ffiive Th ve rare are bbeeas ar asts ts tha hat eem mbbooody dy the dy he pinna innacl in nacclle of na of Haarrle leyy-Davviids Da ids dsson oonn achhie ievveem meenntt, aannd tthhe eesssse sseenncce ooff our ur sppiirriit. itt.. AAnnd tthhey ey arree you ours rs to ow ownn,, to ride rriide dee,, ttoo ttrrea rea easu sure re. IIff yoouu’’rre fa fasstt eno noug noug ughh..

Find your local authorised dealer at www.h-d.com.au

If you’ve never ridden a Harley-Davidson motorcycle before and you are looking to bust your world wide open, this event is for you! Motorcycle Boot Camp is basic training for anyone ready to ride. We know there are a tonnes of questions about how to get started, so we’ll take you from headlights to exhaust pipes to get you up to speed on everything Harley-Davidson! Bring your buddies along to this free event and learn about customisation, performance options, technical tips and much, much more! Enlist now! Visit www.h-d.com.au to find a Boot Camp event near you!

Reeaddy to pull over at th R t he fi f rsst si s gnn of a ggooodd time. And ju An j st as read addy to h it it t he h sttrreeet aannd mo m vee on. n Beca Be e ause Dark Cus ustom™ m™ ™ is aalll ab abouut loookk in i g good a ndd bei eiingg ligght on yoour u r feeett.. Agg ile. A e Responsiv ive. iv e A nd if we windd up juusstt r idd inng? An g N thh ing wrong wiithh t hhaatt.. No SSoounnds like a pret e ty t y goood niigghht.

Street Bob®

Overseas models shown.

Visit www.h-d.com.au for more information.

Dark just got darker… We figured our blacked-out, pared-down Dyna® could handle looking even more minimal. So for 2013 we blacked out the forks, the triple clamps and the engine. Then we decided it could use a little more retro styling. So we added unique fin highlighting on the engine to dial up that chopped-back but premium-looking bobber style. Add that to the mini-ape hangers, solo seat, chopped rear fender and no-nonsense blacked-out rims and you’re riding in the slipstream of the original post-war chopper builders. Guys who had seen everything and knew what really mattered. And what didn’t.

Overseas models shown.

If you like your heavyweights big, bold and dripping with attitude, you’re going to love this street fighter’s style.

If less reflection reflects you best, this lean and lively all-rounder is a perfect introduction to Street Custom.

Stand in front and go eyeball to eyeball.

The chopped fenders: black. The front forks with old-school gaiters: black. The engine and rocker covers: black powder-coated. The oil tank cover, belt guard and drag bars: all black. The cast aluminium wheels: guess what?

First things you’ll notice are the wide stance, those muscled-up forks, that 130mm-thick Michelin® Scorcher™ tyre wrapping the 16-inch front wheel. And its twin lamps, never breaking eye contact… But does its performance live up to the build-up? With its newly upgraded Twin Cam 1690cc engine, ‘Tommy Gun’ 2-1-2 exhaust and that menacing Harley-Davidson® rumble, there’s no doubt: it’s no contest.

Go to www.h-d.com.au

So don’t waste time looking for your reflection in it. As if you would… But grab those low-rise drag bars and fire up the 883cc V-Twin engine and you’ll know in a second that there’s one thing about this blacked-out, stripped-down Sportster® that really does shine: its performance.

Overseas models shown.

Left to right: Seventy-Two™ and Wide Glide®

Overseas models shown.

WORDS CAN’T ALWAYS DO JUSTICE TO THESE FEELINGS. The sense of freedom that comes from pointing your fists and feet at the horizon and letting the open road pull you ever onward. The thrill of hearing that unmistakable V-Twin rumble proudly announcing your arrival. The knowledge that anyone who catches sight of your confident riding stance will instantly understand your defiant attitude… These are the bikes that say everything without you needing to say a word. But that’s not to say you won’t wind up deep in discussion with like-minded souls from time to time.

WIDE GLIDE® Inspired by the classic ‘60s chopper look, the Wide Glide® makes an unforgettable first impression on two fronts. First: those long, wide, raked-out front forks and solid triple clamps. With all that steel up front they’ll see you coming for miles. Second: that hand-finished fuel tank with paint up to twice as thick as the competition. Go for the ultimate ‘70s look with the optional ‘flame’ finish and you’ll get envious stares everywhere you ride. The blacked-out sissy bar, engine casing, bike frame and wheel rims add to the retro style. While the new 1690cc engine, ‘Tommy Gun’ 2-1-2 exhaust and adjustable suspension ensure that the heart-stopping performance and modern levels of comfort are unmistakably of 2013.

SEVENTY-TWO™ You want authentic ‘70s chopper design? A 21st Century take on the classic easy rider look? Supercool custom styling straight out of the box and ready for the road? You’ve found it. The peanut tank, a chopped rear fender, laced wheels with whitewalls, mini-ape hangers and forward controls for that ‘fists and feet in the breeze’ stance. To complete the high-end custom look, the Seventy-Two™ is available with Hard Candy Custom™ paint.

Wide Glide®


Overseas models shown.

Overseas models shown.

The fine art of Hard Candy Custom™ They say the devil is in the detail. We’ve spent two years researching, refining and perfecting a high-end custom-look paint job, usually reserved for one-off bikes at custom shows. And now it’s readily available on the 2013 Sportster® Seventy-Two™, Sportster® Forty-Eight®, Dyna® Street Bob® and Softail® Deluxe. But one thing we’ve learned along the way is, for all the fine tuning and automating of the process, you still need the touch and skill of a human craftsman to get it right every time. From out of the dark comes a million shining stars. Every Hard Candy Custom™ paint job begins with a base coat as black as night. This is the foundation on which our unique paint, materials and processes combine to create that iconic 70’s red, green or golden sparkle. The ability to produce this high-quality effect on such a large scale was no easy feat. During the process, we use unique geometrically shaped, dyed flakes. These flakes are now highly fragile so we need to set them in a layer of tough, glossy resin and sand it perfectly smooth – without sanding so close as to damage the

flakes and ruin the effect. It takes a highly skilled craftsman to get this right. But we can repeat this process between six and eight times on every single part before finishing with one final clear, deep gloss. Many after-market custom spray paint shops attempt similar effects. Some even come close. But only with Hard Candy Custom has the combination of process and technique been mastered on such a large scale, whilst hitting rigorous original equipment quality standards. So only with Harley-Davidson can you affordably spec your bike with such a predictably striking finish.

Hard Candy Custom paint available on the following motorcycles. For full colour details visit www.harley-davidson.com.au



Street Bob®

Softail® Deluxe Overseas models shown.

Rewind to the 1940s, when the custom bike movement was born. Returning WWII soldiers with liberated attitudes, hard-earned mechanical skills and a newly acquired love of riding got hold of surplus Harleys® and stripped them back to the essentials: losing the front fenders, ‘bobbing’ the rear ones, blacking out the painted parts. The result was a classic minimalist look that still stirs the soul. And the Softail® Slim™ is true to that proud heritage, from its ‘Hollywood’ bars and broad-shouldered tank to its half-moon footboards and low-slung solo seat. The gloss black ‘Cat’s Eye’ console with its 1939-style speedometer complete the retro look. And we’ve made sure that its vintage looks have not been compromised one bit by the modern developments – like our latest 1690cc engine, bespoke ABS and security package – that make it such a fulfilling ride.

Overseas models shown.

In every field of human endeavour, there are the timeless classics. The category-defining icons to which true fans always return – and which every new generation discovers again. These are ours. Think of them as The Beatles, The Stones, the AC/DC and the Led Zeppelin of the Harley-DavidsonŽ range. They are our custom masterpieces. Our spirit. Our soul. Occasionally remixed. Never surpassed. And always, always respected. Welcome to the Harley-Davidson Hall of Fame. www.h-d.com.au

Overseas models shown.

The first Harley-Davidson® Sportster® appeared way back in ’57. Now meet the foremost. Sure, the peanut tank (born in 1948) has been seen on generations of Sportster motorcycles. The short chassis that delivers nimble, agile handling runs in the family too. But there’s something more to this beast: an unruly attitude, embodied by those dropped under-bar mirrors, forward controls, ‘shorty’ pipes and that fat front wheel. It’s an attitude that is amply backed up by our 1200cc Evolution™ engine.

Overseas models shown.

For full specifications please visit www.h-d.com.au

A global superstar since it first appeared in 1990 with its iconic Star of the USA tank logo and its bullet-hole wheels. But the roots of this original ‘fat custom’ classic go even deeper; back to the old-school hardtail choppers of the ‘60s and ‘70s. Like them, this heavyweight boasts a powerful presence with attitude to spare. The fat front fork and big chrome headlamp make sure the world knows you’re coming. And once you’ve arrived, the Fat Boy® never lets their attention waver. The wide tyres, the wheel-to-wheel chrome, and the tank with its signature badge and leather strap make sure of that. And with our latest 1690cc engine powering your ride, neatly hidden rear suspension to make it smooth and the reassurance of ABS and security package as standard, there’s no shortage of ability to go with the attitude.

If any motorcycle anywhere in the world has been customised more often than the Fat Boy®, we’d like to see it. In the meantime, here’s our twist. We’ve taken it to the dark side with a blackedout look, head to toe: blacked-out mirrors and lamp; black denim finish on the frame, swing arm, front shocks, derby cover, horn cover, coil cover, oil tank and air cleaner cover. Black, ‘bullet-hole’ cast aluminium wheels. And what chrome detailing remains we’ve knocked back to a satin finish.

Overseas models shown.

Back in 1971, when Willie G. Davidson first had the idea of combining the engine power of a ‘Big Twin’ with the agile chassis of a Sportster®, a new breed of custom motorcycle was born. Super Glide® Custom is the timeless masterpiece of that breed. It’s a lean, low custom Dyna® that’s all about effortless cruising, from its long forks and pull-back bars to its two-up seat and big, dragster-look rear tyre. And there’s no understatement about it – this beauty is chromed-out from wheel to wheel. From the rocker covers, tank-mounted gauges and battery cover to the wheel rims and laced spokes. The polished medallion atop the mighty Fat Bob® tank completes the authentic one-of-a-kind custom look.

Attention-grabbing nostalgic looks wrapped around a ride that is undeniably of today make this the ultimate Harley-Davidson® boulevard cruiser. The clean hardtail lines, stretched old-school fenders and wide whitewalls come direct from classic pre-war Harleys. Those deep chrome triple headlamps ensure you’ll get all the attention you can handle wherever you go. The chrome luggage rack on the pillion gives you the option to load up and go as far as you like. And thanks to the smartly hidden Softail® suspension, you’ll go every mile in comfort.

Overseas models shown.

Bottom line: we took a classic Sportster® and supersized it. We gave it a muscular triple-clamped front end, a fat front tyre, wide steel-laced wheels and a broad custom tank feeding a willing 1200cc Evolution™ engine. The result? A responsive, agile street machine with a heavyweight attitude and presence. And new for 2013, we’ve added two limited edition factory custom variants: XL1200CA with custom graphics, black 5-spoke machined wheels, drag-style bars, two-up seat and black denim engine; and XL1200CB with black denim custom paint, black-laced wheels, mini-ape bars and forward controls.

Left to right: 1200 Custom, XL1200CA, XL1200CB Overseas models shown.

Find out more at www.h-d.com.au

Welcome to the pinnacle of Harley-Davidson® craft, where our CVO™ specialists scale new heights of factory custom art. These limited edition collectible classics are highly prized by connoisseurs the world over. So be warned: a masterpiece like the brand new Breakout™ won’t be available for too long. For 2013 we’ve endowed all four CVO models with our latest, most powerful engine: the 1802cc Screamin’ Eagle® Twin Cam. And we’ve added a layer of refined smoothness with 6-Speed Cruise Drive™ transmission. And to accompany the soul-stirring V-Twin rumble, crystal clear Harman/Kardon® audio – excluding Breakout™.

You’ve never seen a Softail® like the brand new Breakout™ before. Our latest CVO™ creation is a true one-off. A long, low stunner with slammed styling and an aggressive profile. Everywhere you look it serves up a visual feast. Choose from three authentic custompolished metal paint options, including one Hard Candy Custom™ colour – Gold Dust and Liquid Sun with Pagan Gold Graphics – that generate more shine than any model we’ve ever made. The chrome horseshoe oil tank and chromed-out turbine wheels bring yet more to the visual banquet. The smooth leather two-piece seat features hornback gator inserts. Every inch is classic, no-holds-barred custom styling straight out of the crate.

Overseas model shown.

This long, low and blacked-out head-turner is characterised by that unique fixed shark-nose fairing. As well as setting the tone for the whole machine, it smooths your ride, shields you from the elements and hides integrated storage for items you need to keep close at hand. Those ultra-sleek looks are maintained by the hidden antenna, Edge paint scheme, wind-splitter smoked windscreen and the artfully colour-matched components. It’s an opportunity that won’t be around for long.

Overseas model shown.

We thought it was high time this legendary Harley-Davidson® classic got the CVO™ treatment. Our craftsmen have amplified its nostalgic ‘60s looks with exclusive paintwork and extra chrome. Without compromising its timeless style, they have added a detachable, wind tunneltested windshield and large, injection-moulded saddlebags to make it a fully equipped, long-distance tourer – with the looks and handling of a Road King®. And to make the trip even more exceptional: a premium sound system with 200 watt amp, adjustable rear suspension, luxury two-up seating and cruise control.

Built to cover long, luxurious miles and attract long, envious stares, this is the ultimate expression of the definitive Grand Touring machine. It’s the 8th time we’ve given this glorious ‘full-bagger’ the CVO™ treatment; we just can’t seem to resist it. And Harley devotees can’t seem to resist the combination of power, performance and premium customisation either. You get lavish, deep-finish CVO paintwork. You get chrome from wheel to exhaust and everywhere in between. You get intercom, GPS and adjustable seats. You get to enjoy the high-performance BOOM!™ audio system. All of which means you get attention everywhere you go.

For full specifications please visit www.h-d.com.au

Overseas models shown.

For the lucky ones, it’s not a daily commute, it’s a daily adrenaline rush. NIGHT ROD® SPECIAL This is where aesthetics and adrenaline come together. Just as passers-by are admiring the uncompromising looks – blacked-out engine, wheels, forks, triple clamps and swing arm – the liquid-cooled 1250cc Revolution® engine kicks out 122bhp and you’re gone. Loving the brute force, feeling the pull of all that torque, enjoying the smooth response of the slipper clutch and appreciating the precise control of the high-performance Brembo® brakes. This is about taking iconic design and sophisticated technology and wrapping them up in darkly seductive aggression. And who could get tired of that anytime soon? Overseas model shown.

A fresh chance every morning to start the day right. To open up the throttle and feel the pull in the sockets of your shoulders. To go your own way, every day. V-ROD MUSCLE® The clue’s in the name. It’s about sheer presence and brute power. About, in a word: Muscle. From its mighty air scoops and mufflers to its ultra-fat 240mm rear tyre, the styling is slick yet unashamedly imposing. And those looks are matched by a thrillingly muscular performance. The Revolution® engine is tuned to deliver 121 brake horsepower, and provide 115Nm of torque at 6500rpm. But its delivery is not as raw as you might expect. Thanks to its slipper clutch, hidden ABS and Brembo® brakes, the V-Rod Muscle® wraps all that power and traction up in a smooth, controlled and refined ride. However hard you push it. Overseas models shown.

Go to www.h-d.com.au

You know all those reasons why you’ve never become a HarleyÂŽ rider? All those obstacles and excuses? It’s amazing how often they turn out to be illusions. Because you won’t ďŹ nd your ďŹ rst HarleyÂŽ hard to handle. Or the payments. And there is a HarleyÂŽ that’s just right for you. Whatever your build. Wherever you want to ride. Your HarleyÂŽ dream is within your reach. Today can be the day you make it real. Your path to a Harley-DavidsonÂŽ looking a little smoother? Let us clear one last obstacle. Our range of motorcycles includes models that are more affordable than many people realise. The Harley-DavidsonÂŽ Finance range of ďŹ nance options is wide enough and exible enough to match pretty much any budget. And when we tailor one to suit yours, you might be surprised how little it takes to get you riding. Find out more online at www.harley-davidson.com.au, or call in for a chat at your local dealer. *1 Harley-Davidson Finance is a program administered by Capital Finance Australia Limited (ABN 23 069 663 136) Australian Credit Licence 393031. Finance is provided by Capital Finance Australia Limited to approved customers only. Fees and Charges are payable. Harley-Davidson Finance is not available in New Zealand.

From the machined factory-forged steel to that unmistakeable v-twin rumble, a Harley-DavidsonÂŽ motorcycle creates an experience no other bike could ever deliver. Harley-Davidson Insurance Services provides personalised cover for you and your Harley-DavidsonÂŽ motorcycle – no matter how you like to ride or how often you get out there. Harley-Davidson Insurance Services offers a range of insurance products to suit every rider’s needs such as HARLEY | MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE™, HARLEY | TYRE AND RIM™ and HARLEY | LOAN PROTECTION™. For more information or to get things rolling, speak to your authorised Harley-DavidsonÂŽ dealer, or visit www.harley-davidson.com.au *2 In Australia Harley-Davidson Insurance Services is a program administered and underwritten by Swann Insurance (Aust) Pty Ltd ABN 80 000 886 680 AFS Licence No. 238 292 (Swann). HARLEY | MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE™, HARLEY | TYRE AND RIM™ and HARLEY | LOAN PROTECTION™ are products administered and underwritten by Swann. Please consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement available from Swann on 1300 729 089, before making a decision about this product. *2 In New Zealand # ! ! # " ! " ! # $ ! " # $ Policies issued under the trademark HARLEY | MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE™ and Harley-Davidson Insurance Services programme are issued administered and underwritten by IAG New Zealand Limited. Š H-D 2012. Harley, Harley-Davidson and the Bar & Shield logo are among the trademarks of H-D Michigan, LLC.

® T iss agi Th g lee, we welll-b l-bbal alan a ce an cedd 8883cc VV-Tw TTw win i Spoorttster stter e ® is a perfe er fe er f ct int n rroodduucttio i n to Har arle leeyy-Da Daavi v ddsson on®. ® IIts It ts solo sooloo sea eat is at a co eat comf mfforta m or ttaabblly or ly loow 69 6 5m 5mm, m mak m, a in ingg itt eassy to t get on. n Wiitth a loow ce cennt ntree of gravvit gr ity, y, it feel e s lilgh g t ooff f th t e st s an and. d. And n its widde sstteeeri r ng andd ref e ined inneedd dri rive ve rattioo mak ve ake it i eas asyy to man anoe o uv oe uv e, ev uvre e en at lo l w sppee eed. d.

™ We’v We ’vee aallrreeaaddy in ’v intr trod tr o uc od uced ed you to thhe Irronn 883 83™ ass par artt of thee strrip ippe ppeedd baack c andd blaacckkedd-oouutt Darkk Cussto Da Dark tom™ m™™ ran m ange ge.. If you ge ou’r’r’ree lo l okkiinnngg foor an an acc cces essi es siiblle, e eassyy too-h -han andl an dem dl mootoorrccyyccllee that haat keeeepps thhe cchhro rome me – and thee cos osts tss – to a m miini nimu mum, mu m thi m, hiss is it. t

Ann apppro r acha haabl ble, e funn andd affffor e, o da d bl b e fi f rrssstt Ha Harl rlley ey®.®.®

A Harley-DavidsonŽ motorcycle is more than just metal. It is an extension of your personality. A canvas you paint. A page only you can write. H-D1™ is a custom program that unites your vision with our products, our people and their expertise to help you turn your dream ride into fulfilling reality.


It’s not a one-size-fits-all world. ® are quite the same, Just as no two Harley-Davidson motorcycles and riding style. no two riders share exactly the same size, shape that no Harley rider ever That’s why we created Fit Shop* to make sure a four-stage process sacrifices comfort and rideability for style. It’s vital adjustments to your where we work with you to make minute but swapping components, and g switchin ics, ride: fine-tuning the ergonom good as it looks. balancing the settings until the bike feels as

HANDLEBARS The position of your handlebars impacts directly on your posture, affecting the comfort of your hands, wrists, arms, shoulders, neck and lower back. So saying it’s worth getting right is an understatement. Choose the bars you like and we’ll customise their position with riser kits to make sure you enjoy real easy riding.

SEAT It’s not just about sitting comfortably. It’s about the making sure your hands and feet connect with or controls easily. So whether you’ll be riding solo two-up, we’ll make sure you find a seat that suits.

SUSPENSION Whatever your build and riding style, if your al needs, suspension is tailored exactly to your individu H-D1™ you’ll maximise your miles in the saddle. Our to you with consultants and technicians will work iveness. perfect the balance of ride quality and respons

*Fit Shop not available in all dealerships.

FOOT CONTROLS of your bike; they They’re not just an important part of the look discomfort or extra can be the difference between long hours of they’ll help keep miles of enjoyable riding. Correctly adjusted, stress-free. your ankles, knees, hips and back relaxed and



8,000 ways to create your unique Harley ® . Why se s ttl t e forr off-th he-s e- he ellf wh whe en n yo y

o go, t t n a w u o y r e v re e h W way. we can show you the ond… eco OK, wait a sec i lesss nd limit ch ices and ss cho d ess o endl k of talk his tal Alll th n spin. one’s head sp any ke a ake m ma d l ou cou ties ilitie ili possib t. Your H-D rry, we’ve thought of tha n’t worry don Butt do ht , ask the righ talk to g itin wa and ady e dealerr is re ur n to you e liste tly, rtan o p imp st d, mo and ns an ons stio questi ne to d g, new ther you’re new to riidin rs.. Wheth ers answe w king for a new oki rider loo c ced ien p per x ex e a an or Harley l tle or as lit ch mu as you e giv ’ll adventure, they ertss, pert a ey exp T y’re not just Harl d.. The eed o nee help as you re u s not no ’re you if e s. So e ert pe ple exp e peo they’re arrt here. sta tart, st ere to sta where

u can a have e tai taillore o d? ? Wiith th over 8,000 0 wa ays you c ca a n add d t to o or r bike, a lt e ou e er yo ur au ou ur a thoris r ed d Parts rtss & Acc ce essori ories ca yyou cre cata at logue letts eate you ea urr ow wn lim miited t -ed e itio iti on n-of ofon dr am dre ne e, cu am ride. Fro custom m om the smalle l st detai tail a ls like ik g iim mpres grrips essions lik ps, to p to firstt ke wi wind nd ndsh shiiel eld d s s, paint int jobs and whee there’s no no lim eels ls, imit it to the he ways ys yo you can make su bike sp rre e your pe ea ak ks with ks h your u voice.



1927 A leather jacket makes its first appearance in the clothing line-up. A sign of things to come.

We’re celebrating a century of Genuine Harley-Davidson® Apparel. It’s a rich heritage which all began back in 1912 when our racing jersey was first seen, proudly carrying the Harley-Davidson name big and bold. 100 years down the road, it’s grown to become the acknowledged market leader in premium riding gear. An authentic American brand that keeps riders the world over safe, comfortable and looking great – both on and off the bike.

1912 The woollen race jerseys that appear in the June 1912 issue of ‘The Harley-Davidson Dealer’ prove so popular that three times the original shipments are needed.

1938 1914 A catalogue entitled ‘Useful Accessories for Harley-Davidson Motorcycles’ is introduced. It includes cardigans, jerseys, leggings and gloves.

Harley-Davidson develops the famous biker jacket for the New York Police Department. It remains an iconic and enduring symbol of popular culture ever since.

1998 1960s


The range continues to expand, bringing in functional all-weather clothing and a broader range of jackets and styles.

In the year that more than three million items are sold, Harley-Davidson receives the Council of Fashion Designers Award.

The FXRG® range, designed to protect riders in virtually any weather conditions, is launched. The midweight jacket goes on to become our best-selling jacket ever.

2013 Today’s range not only includes tough riding gear that keeps you safe on the bike, but also apparel that keep you looking good off it: the Black Label collection of modern and slim-fitting streetwear; Pink Label gear with the feminine touch; sportswear, accessories, collectibles and more.

1958 The first hard-shell helmets appear in the Harley-Davidson clothing line, showing that it’s not only about style – it’s about rider safety, too.

1989 The Harley-Davidson MotorClothes® brand is created, adding casual sportswear and small leather goods to answer growing demand.

1954 A legend is born as the Cycle Champ and Cycle Queen black leather jackets make their debut.

1972 Harley-Davidson introduces winter wear suits, hats and boots as a result of experience gained in snowmobile production.

See it all at www.harley-davidson-motorclothes.com.au or browse a wide selection at your local Harley-Davidson® dealer.




There’s lightweight body armour at the elbows and shoulders, and a body armour pocket at the back to give you comprehensive but unobtrusive protection.

Like the rest of the FXRG® collection, this jacket is uncompromisingly engineered for the road, reflecting what Harley-Davidson has learned over 110 years’ riding – and 100 years’ building the toughest riding gear around. Midweight cowhide leather combines with a removable, lightweight and breathable PrimaLoft® warmth liner and wind and waterproof Cocona® technology to keep you cool when it’s warm and warm when it’s cool. This jacket doesn’t just look good, it’s built to last – with a limited lifetime warranty to prove it.

REFLECTIVE PIPING AND GRAPHICS 3M™ Scotchlite™ Reflective Material piping and taping add to your safety.

INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR POCKET SYSTEM The smart, innovative pocket system is all about convenience and exceptional storage. Two waterproof interior pockets for your mobile and eyewear, complete with a built-in lens wipe. Two large, extensive exterior pockets to keep all your essentials conveniently located and at easy reach.

REMOVABLE KIDNEY BELT Gives your torso and lower back maximum stability, maximising your comfortable riding time.

WEATHERPROOF ZIPPERS Two-way front waterproof YKK® Finguard® zippers and pulls with inner storm flap to perform even in the most extreme riding conditions.

WATERPROOF ZIPPERED VENTS Two front vertical vents, two shoulder vents and two back vertical exit vents keep you cool, dry and comfortable in versatile fashion.


Canberra with the boys!


First road trip with Carol.

The H.O.G®


Rally 2010

Sydney to Brisbane in a day with nothing but my phone and credit card in my pocket.

Riding across New Zealand in great company and in comfort.

ABC’s of Touring The Big Banana


Keeping cool riding through the Arizona desert

See our wide range of high-quality products for yourself at your local Harley-Davidson® dealer, or visit www.harley-davidson-motorclothes.com.au

I got a thousand stories to tell. And the best part is I’m still producing new material

30 years. 1 passion. …and a million ways to express it. We kick started the Harley Owners Group back in 1983 as a way to unite riders from every corner around the globe with one thing in common: a passion for riding a machine with the famous Harley-Davidson badge. Since then, there have been more than a million members – from some who were riding free before most of us were born, to the more recent converts. Whoever they are, wherever they are from, they are welcome. It doesn’t matter what, why or how they ride – whether they ride alone, travel with a small crew, or enjoy riding with 300 mates. Most Harley-Davidson dealerships have their own HOG Chapter that organises local rides, charity events and overnight trips. It’s a great source of friendly advice and a chance to share experiences with riders who share your passion and know how to have a good time. Every new Harley-Davidson motorcycle comes with a complimentary 1 year membership to the Harley Owners Group. Come ride with us. Find out more at www.h-d.com.au HOG Aus – 1800 464 258 HOG NZ – 0800 464 258 HOG International - +61 2 9004 0218 Fax: + 61 2 9005 0355 Email: hogau@harley-davidson.com Website: https://members.hog.com



TELL YOU WHAT TO DO Discover the freedom of riding your own Harley® motorcycle at an event that’s just for women. We’ll talk about how to get started and show you how to design, fit, and personalise a bike as unique as you. You’ll leave ready to take the next step. Check out the event calendar at h-d.com.au or email weride.au@harley-davidson.com to join the mailing list.


If you think you have to know everything there is to know about our bikes before you can walk into one of our dealerships, you’re right. But only if you work here. Everyone else is welcome to just roll up, hang out, look at anything you like and ask anything you please. It’s our job to help you. And we love doing it, because we’re Harley enthusiasts ourselves: happy to talk riding with anyone, anytime. And even happier to ride with you, whether we’re helping you get to know a new bike or joining you on one of the H.O.G.® ride-outs we organise as the hub of your local riding community. So next time you’re passing, drop in and book a test ride, try on some riding gear, ask about our financial services… anything to give us a chance to do the job we love.

To find your local dealer visit www.h-d.com.au



Born Bo ornn in 19 1957 1957 57, wi 57, with with th roots ooottss in th t e raace cetrac trac tr a k bu b t ra r is iseedd on thhe sttre r ett, th the Sp Spor por orts tsteer®® mot ts tste otorcy orcy or cycclles are cycl re our ur ligght htest, est,t, mos es ostt aaggille fa fami milyy. Wiitth tthhei eirr si siggnnatur attur ure ‘e‘eyyeebr brow ow’’ he head adla lampp cov over er, ‘ppea er eanu nut’ ut’t tannk annd sl s eeekk,, eas asy-y ridi ririding diing ng chas hass ha ssiss, th t ey ey sha hare r an unnmi missttakab akaabbl ak bllee pro rofifiile le tha le hat se s ts ts the hem aappar hem art frfrom oom m the h res est of of the he H rlr eyy-D Ha -Dav avviddso avid son® ran anggee. An A d wh whet ethe ethe et herr tthhe he rruubb bbeerr-m moouunted ntted ed V-TTwi w n EEvvoolllut uuttio ion™™ engginne is is the 883 83ccc or 112200 00ccc var ariety ieety ty,, yyoou’u ree in fo forr ann aggiile le,e, re resspponnsi sive ive ve riidde. de.e.

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WHEEL WH HEEL EE EL L S 4/ T Y YRE RE ES Fron r tt:: ....... ....... ..... ..... 18" 18" 18 8 Blac Blaa k, Bl k SSplit plit plit i 5-SSpoke ppoo wi wi h Ma wit Macch chin chi h edd Rim m .. .... .... .. ........... .......... ...... .. ........ Mich Mic eli e n® Sccorc elin orch rchher™ er™ “11F 11FF ” 120/70 120/70 0//70 70 ZRZ 188 ZR R : ........ Rea Rear ...... . 117" 177 Bla BBlac lac a kk,, SSplit ac p 55-S pli plit 5--Sppoke pook wit itth M Machin hined hin ined ed Rim m . ...... .... ...... .. .... ........ ....... ... ...... .... .. ... ... M Mich c elin elii ® SSc Scorch corch c er™ er “11” “11 1 11” 150 11 1550 50/60 /66 ZZR-1 ZRR-1 R-17 COL COLO OLO O OUR U OPTI PTIO PT TIONS5 T Vivv d BBlack VVivi ack; ack; ckk Big Bigg Blu Bluue Pe Blue Pearl; arrl;; TwoTTwo wo Tone woTone Can annddy OOrang range / BBeer rang ee Bot Boot o tle; tlee tle Two TTwowoo To w Tone onee Bir B cchh White Bi hit i e / Miidni ite dnigght dni ghhht Pear Pea Pea earl

Allll Sp A Al po orr ster ort ste te er m mode ode ode odels dels ls c com om me with me t a Se Sec ec curi urriity uri ur tyy Sy Sys ystem tem m as as s sttand ndard nd d.

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WHEEL WH EEL E S 4/ T YRE YR S Fro Fron rron ont: on n tt:: ... ....... .... .... .... .......... .. ........ .... .... . ..... ... .... . .... ... ... .... ........ .... ......... ........... .......... .... . ...16 ..16" 166 " Blac Bll kk, L ace Black Bla ace ac aced ccedd Ste t eel te el,l .......... ............. .......... ......... .... .... .. ....... ... ...... ........ .... . .... .. M Mich ichhelin eli ® Sc eli S c orch orrcher™ eer™ r™ “31” “331 130 133 /9 /90B 9 16 16 Reear Rea RRear e : ........... .. .... ........ ........ ........ ... . ............... ... .... .... ........ ........ . .... . ..... . .... ... ........ ... .... ... .16" 1 66" BBlac acck, k Laced L aced aced Ste ac Steel, t el, el el .. ..... .................... .... .......... ......... ................ ......... .... Mich icchhelin lin in ® SScc orcher™ orchher er™ r™ “31” “331” 150 1 50 /80B /80B16 B 1166 COLO LOU L UR R OPT P T NS5 Vivi PTIO Vi d BBlack; Viv ack ck Big Bii Blu lue Pe lue P arl; a ; EEmb ar mbbeerr Red ed Sunglo; Sung Sun nngglo; o; HHar o; ard CCandy nddyy Colo oolo looma maa Gold m Gold oll Flak FFlaake ae

XLL 12 20 00V 0 Seevven enty nty ty-T ty-T Tw woo™ DIMEN NSION IONS Leng eng ngth thh ( mm) mm m ) ......... .. .... ....... . .... ... ... ......... .......... ............. ...... ..... ....... ..... ....... .... ................. .... .. .... ........ ........ ......... ......... .. .2275 .... 227 2 275 S Hei Se Seat Heeight g ((mm) gh ght (mm (m m 1........ ............ . ... .... .. .......... .... ........................ ...... ......... ...... .......... .. .... . ........... ........ ............. . .710 77110 RRake ake ke at stee st rin r hea ri ring heaad (° (°)/Tr )/Tr )/T Trail ai (mm) ail ai (mm mm m ............. ....... .. ........... ........... 30.1 300.1/134 /134 1 4 F CCapp ac Fue Fuel aci aacit c y (l( itr cit itre tre ss))... ttr ....... . .... .... ........ ...... .................... ........ ... .... . ............ ..... .... .. .... .................... ....... ..... ......... ... .... ......... . 7.9 79 Dry W Dry Weig eigghhtt ( kkg) kgg ) ....... .......... .... . ..... ....... ... ................ ........ ......... .... .. .... ... . ............. ................ ... . .... .... .... ........ ..... ......... ... .. . 247 2244 POW OWER OWER WE TR TRA TRAI RA IN RAI N Engine Engi nnee 2 .... ......... .. ......... ............ ..... ........... ...... . ......... ........ ... .... ......... . .......... .....Air... Air co Ai Aircoo ccool ooo ed, ed Evol vo utio vol tti nn™™ DDisp isp s lace lac ac ement ace eennntt ((cu cuu.cm) .cm cm m ............. .................................. .......... . .... ... ...... ............. ................... .... ......... ......... ........1202 1202 12 120 2 02 Bore ore ree x S troke tro trok roke (m (mm) m)) .... ..... m ........... ........ .... .... .... ....................... ........... ........... .. ..... ... .... .... ........ ........ .... 88.9 8888 9 x 996.8 66.88 Engine Engi ngine Torqu Torqu orq rque 3 ....... .. .................. ...... ...... .... ....... ..................98 .98 98 Nm/72 m /72 .33 fftt lbs m/72.3 lbs @ 3350 3500 5500 0 rpm m

WHEEL WH EELS EE S 4/ T YR YRE RE R ES S F ro t: Fron t ... ........ .................................. ... ........ .... ............ .... .... ......... .. ..... .... ........ .. 21" 211" Chro Chr hrome S tte hrome teel eel e LLac Laa ed, edd, d ....... .... .............. ............. with wit i t h naarrow arrow r roo whi whitewa t ewaall, tew tewa lll Dun Dunnlop® Dunl op®® D40 op® D402 400 F M MHH990-2 0- 1 Rea Rear eea : ... .. ..... .......... ... ......... .... . .......... ........... .......... ................. ......... .......... . 116" ... 6" 6 Chro Chhr h mee SSteel t eel teel eell La Lacc ed ed, d d, .................. ....... .. ... ... with witt h nar naar row ow ww whit h ewal e waa l, DDunlo unloopp®® D 44011 150/ unlo 0 / 880B1 0/ B 6 CO OUR COLO CO R OPTIO PTI NS5 Big Big Blue lue uee Pea e rl; r Chr Chro hro rome me Yello me elllloo w P l;; Black Pe Pear ack Den De im; m Hard H d Can Candy d Big Bigg RRed eed F lake ake; ak ake k ; Ha HHard rd rd Can Cand a y Coloma Co C lom loma oma m Gol Go d Flake; F ake; Fl a e HHar arr d Caandy nd Luck ndy uuckk y GGr eeen enn Flake F ake Fla Flak

F r full Fo fulll spe fu peci peci cififica ficaati tions onns orr to fifindd you our looca c l auutthhor hor orisseedd dea oris e leer,r, vis i it www.harley-davidson.com.au

XXL12 LL1 L12 1122 00CA 000C 0CA C

XLL12 XL12 XL1 L 1200CB 1 2 00CB 00C 0C 0CB

NNeew ffoor MYY133 – Tw woo 1200 2000 CCuusttom om Lim mited itteedd. XL 120 XL 200C 00C 0C Spo port rtst rt steer er® r® 12 1200 20 00 0 Cus usto usto tom DIMEN ENSIION IO O ONS ON NS Length Leng g th t h ( mm mm) m m) m)... ) ..... ........ .......... ........ .... ... ... .... .... .... ......... ... ......... ....... ......... .......... . ......... .... ......... ........ ........... .. .... .... .... . .... ... .......... .... ........ .......... ..... .. . 2215 ... 221 21 21 215 Seea Seat e aat Hei H ight ght h t (mm (mm) mm) m 1........... . . .... ... .... ... . ...... ........ ... ................... ......... .... ........ .... ....... ..... ........ .... ........ .. .... .. ..... .......... ......... ... ..... . .............. .....710 71 71 Rake Rak Rake kke att ste stee teeering innngg hea ing h ad ((° )/Tr )/TT ail ai (mm) (m (mm m ... ...... ........ . . .... .... ..... ................ .. ....... 30/105 .... 30/1 0/1 0055 F uel Fuel ueel Cap Caa ac ac y ((litr aci acit itre it ttre re s))........... ........ .............. ..... .... ........ .......... ..... .... ... ..... ........ .. ........ ... .............. ........ . ...... .. ... ... ........... .........177 DDry ryy We W ght Weig ghtt (kg) ( kg) kgg) ... ... ..... ....... ......... .... ............ .... .. .... .... ..... . .... ...... .... ......... ...... . .... ... ........ .... .. .... ... ...... ........ ....... .... . .... .... .. .... .... ....... ...... ...............2251 5 POWER OW WER R TRA TRAI TRAIN RA N EEngi nngi giine ne 2 .............. ......... ... ........ .... ....... ........ ........ ... ......... ...... ........... ............... ... ............. .......... ... AirA r cool Air o eed, d Evol EEvo vo v ution™ utt n™ utio n™ Diis DDisp Dis ispllace lac ace c ment men (cu ( .cm) (c .cm ccm m ) ... ......... .... ........ ................ ........... .... ....... ..... ........ .... ........ ........ ........ .......... .... ......... ..... .... .... .......... ..........120 ...... 12 02 1202 Bore oree x S ttrok rok o e (m ( m m)) ......... .......... ........... ....... .... ... ........ .... .. .... ... .... . .... ......... . . ........ .. .... .... ... ........ ...... 88.9 88. 88.99 x 966.88 E ng nnee Torqu Engi En r qque 3............. rqu ........ ............. ......... ....... .... 98 Nm m/7 2 .33 f t lb m/72 lb s @ 3200 200 rrpm pm m

WH W HEEL EELS 4/ T YRE EE YRES S F oon t: Fr Fron t : .............. .. .... ... .......... ....... ..... ......... . ...... ....... ........... ... ....... ........ ......... ... ......... ......... ......... ...... ............ ......... 16 ... 116" 6" 6 SStee Stte l LLaaced Ste c d ced, ...... .... ....... .. ........ .... ... .... . ........ .......... .... ........ .. .... ... .......... ..... M Miic eelin Mich ellin ® SScc oorch rch rc cher™ e ™ “31” 31”” 130/90B 1300 /90B / B 1166 R eea Rear Rea ear: ... ........ .... ........... ............. ......... ................ .... .. .... ... ... ..... .... .. .... .............. .... .. .... . ................. ... .......... ........... 16 ........ 1 6" 16" 6 Stee S te teel Laacced, d . ..... .... ........ .. .... . ........ .... .. ................ ........ ......... .... Mich ich chelin e ® SSc orch rch cher™ heer™ err™ “3 “31” 3311 1500 /80B 880BB16 B 1166 C CO COLO UR R OP PTIO ONS5 Vivi ON Viv i id Black; Black; k BBig k; igg BBlu luue Pee arl; arl rll Embe Emb mbber RRed Su S nglo nglo;; Tw Two-To w oo-To -Tone C andy and Ora O ange Or gee / Beer B err Be B ttt le; Bott le TwoTwo-Tone TTone n Ann A nniver An versary er sar sary ar y Vi ar V iin Vin intage t age Broonz tage nze / Anni nii ver vvers e ar ary Vint ary n t age ge Bla BBlac la k lac

Allll Sp Al por ort ort r ste te er mode mo ode de dels sc com om me w with ith th h a Se Sec ecuri uriity ur tyy Sys Systtem Sy m as s st stand nd dard ard d.

FFoor ffu fullllll spe peci cifificati cifi ci caati tion ion ons orr to fiind nd you ouurr llo loca oca cal au auth thor hor oriissedd dea ealle ler, er, viisiitt www.harley-davidson.com.au



I tr In t od oduucced ced in 19 1 91 91,, thhes ese tw twin in-s n-sshhoocckkedd bob obbe beerss are re thhee rawwes est,t, most ost st os striripp pped pp ed dow own wn of of allll our u Biigg Twwiins ns. IInnspir ns. sppiirred by thhe ccuuust stoom st m garrag ages ges es of th the ‘7‘70s 70s 0s, tthheyy’vve pr p ov o iidded thhee iddeeal a can anva vas foor uunnto told cus u to t mi m sers sers se rs eve ver ssiincce. e. Neww for 201 013, 3 wee’’vee giviven venn mos ostt of of thee fam milily th the be b nneefi effiit of of ouurr latteesst 16 1690 690 90cc cc V-Tw VTwin winn powwer e trrai ain to ain to go wi with thh the he 6-SSpe peed peed e Cruis ruisse Dr ru D ivve™ traannsssmi m ssio mi ssio ss i n th they eeyy alll sha harree. Any Any tr An trip ip you ou can plan, laan, n, any ny cus ustoom loook o youu can a drreeam am of:: a Dyn yna®® is For or fuulll speeci c fifica caatition onns or to fiind you our lo loccaal au auth thor th o issed e dea e le l r,r visit isitit www. is ww ww w..haarley rlrley ey-d -dav daavviddso s n..eu e yyoour ur perrfe feect cctt par artn tner er.r. Fo er

FXDB FX FXDB B Sttrreet eeet Bob® Bob Bo b®® DIMEN NSION I S LLengg th ((mm) mm) m ) ...................... .......... . .. ...... ......... .... .... ...... .... ........ ........... ........ ... ....... .... ......... ........ .......... ....... .......... .......... ........ .... ................ ...... ........ .... ....... ........ ..... 2355 ... 3 5555 35 Seat a Hei He ght g (mm) mm) m 1........... m) .... .... ....... ............. .... ........ ... ........ ........ .... .. ........... .... ........ ........... .. .... ... ........... .......... ............. .... . ........... .... ............ .... ......... .......... ....... ... ... .. 68 ...680 6 0 680 Rake ake at a stee t e rin ring inn head heaad (° ( )/Tr /TTrail aaill (mm) mm)) .... ............. ..... ...... ......... .. .... ... ..... ......................29/1 ........ ... 29/ 9/119 19 19 FFuel el Cap Caap a acit acity cit y (l(litre itres) itre s ....... .... s) .... ...... ....... .......... ........ ..... .... ......... ........ ... ......... .......... .......... ........ .... ....... ............. ....... ........... ...... ......... ........ .... . . 17.8 177. 8 Dry We Dry Weig e ht ((kg) kg) g ) ... ....... .... .. .... ......... ... .... .... .......... ... ........ ........ .. .... ....... .......... ......... ........ .... ..... ... ... .... . ..... ........ ............... . . ........... ... . .... ....... ........ ...... .... ......... ..... 2290 .... 9900 PO OWER W TRAI RAIN AIIN Engi g nee 2 ... ....... .... ........ ............... .... ............ .... .......... ... .... .... ........ ........ .... ... ... ..... .... .......... ......... . ....Air.Airr cool o ed, edd, Twin Twin inn Cam Ca 96B 96B™™ 96 Diss lace DDisp lacement men (cu ment cuu.cm) . )........ .cm ........... ... .... .. .......... .... ........ ........ .... ...... ... .... . .... ....... ............ ........ ......... ... ....... ........... .................... .... ....... . .... .... . ..1584 5 84 B oore x S troke Bore Bo Bor trok o e (m ok mm m)) ........ ........ ....... .... ........ ......... .... .............................. ....... .......... ........ .... ................. ............ .... . 95.3 955 x 1 11.1 11 1 11 Engiinne Torqu Torqu o e 3...... ........ ............. .... .. .... ......... .. ..... . .... ........ ...... . ..125 2 Nm/ Nm Nm/9 m///9 2.22 ft f t lbss @ 325 3 0 rpm 32 r m rp

W HE WH EEL ELS 4/ T YRE EL RE R ES Fron FFro rron oonntt : ............ .... .................... ........ ....... .............. ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ . ......... ....... 19 19" 9 " Bl BBlac llac laackk,, L aced aace ccedd St Steel SSte t el el .... ............. ... .... ..... .... ...... ......... ........ ........ ............... ............ Mich cheeli chelin elin lil ® Scorch S orcher™ Sc orch rchher™ rr™ “31” “3 100 “31 1 000 /90B-19 /90B 90B -19 -1199 Rear ea : ......... .......... ..................................... ... .............. .. .... .. ........ ....... . ... .... .......... ....... 17 17" 7 Blac 7" Black, ack,, L aced ace ced St SSte tteel e ........... .... .......... ........................... ......... ...... ...... ........ ......... ..... Mich Mic ich chelin chelin elii ® Sc S or orchher™ r™ “31” “31 “3 3 160 160/70B / 70B /70B 70 -17 1177 C L OU CO COL COLO UR R OPTIO TIO T IONS5 Vivi Vivid BBlaack; Viv cck; Big Big Blu Bluue PPearl; arlrl; BBlac Black lacck De D nim; nim Two nim Tw -T -Ton T ne ne BBig BBllue ue PPearl earl ea ear aarlr / Vivid vid id Bla Black; ck; H CCan Hard Candy Ca dyy Bigg Red Redd FFllake lakee

Allll Dyna All Dyna Dy na mod od del els l co ome e wit w h ABS BS and an Se Secu cur urity u ty S ty Syyste st m as s st stan tandar ta tan ard. d Sel d. Select Se ect e ct mo models del d e els come ome me wiitth h a 103 3c cu cu. u.in iin. n. En Engin giin ine. ne e..

FFXDF FX XDF DF Fat at Bob ob® D I ME EN NS NSIIO ION O S Leng engg th t h (mm) ( mm) mm .......... mm ................ ... .... .. .... ..... ... ........ ........ ......... ......... ...... .... . ........ .... .. ............. . ......... ......... ....... . ........... ... ........ .... .. ........ ... 2330 233 33300 See Hei Seat Height ht (mm) ( mm) 1........... ..... .. .... ....... . .... ............ ...... ..... .. .... .......... .... ......... ........ .......... .... .... ......... ...................... .... ......................... ......... ...... .. 690 6 900 Rake a at ake a stee steering t rin ring i hea hee d (° (°)/Tr ))/Tr T aailil (mm) Tr (m ........ ...... .......... ............. ... .... .. .......... ........... .... .. . 29/1 299 /1 2255 Fue Cap Fuel C ap acit Capacit Ca ccitt y ((liitre tree s))............. ....... .......... ........ ............................... . ...... ......................... ............ ... ...... ... ....... ...... ... ........... .......... .... ............ 18.99 D y Weig Dr Dry Weight Wei htt ((kg) kg ... kg kg) ....... ........ .. ......... .... .... ........ ... ............ .... ........ ........................ ............. . ......... ... ........ ........... . .............. .... . ........ ........... 305 3 PO OWE OWER OW W TRA TRAI RA RAI A N Engi ngi giine ne 2 ............ ................ .......... . .... ........ .... ................... .. .... ... . ... ... .... ....... . ........ ....... AirA ir- ccool ooled oolled, e TTw win w in Cam in C am m 103 10 ™ Disp isplace lace aace ccement men (cu (cu.cm) cu.cm) cm cm) m ) ........... .......................... .......... ....... .......... ........... ....... .... .... ............ ......... ....... . .... ..... .......... ..... ........ ...... .. ... .... 169 1690 66990 Bore ore x Strok or S tro trok okke (m ( m m)) .... ..... ......... .......... .... .......... ............. ....... ....................... ........ .......... ....... . ........................ . .... 98.4 988 4 x 1111.1 11 11 11. 11.1 Ennngi EEngi giine Torqu Torqu orr quue 3 ...... ........... ............................. ......... ........ .......... ............. 131 1 1 NNm/9 Nm/ m// 6.6 6 6 fftt lbss @ 35 3350 5 00 rrpm 50

FFX XDW DWG Wi Wide de Gli liide dee®® de D I ME EN NS N SIO ION ON O NS Len LLeng eenggth g tthh ((mm) mm) m .... .... m) .... .... .... .................. ........ ........... ....... ............ .. ..... . ..... ........ .... ... ............. . .... ........ ....... ... .......... ......... 2445 ...... 244 44 S eat Seat Se ea t Hei H gght He htt (mm) (m mm) m m 1....... ...... .... . .......... ........ .... ... .... . .... .......... ............ ......... ........... .. .... .. ................ ........680 680 80 Rake akee at a stee steering t ring tee riing rin ingg hea headd ((° )/ )/Tr Trrail a (mm) ail (m mm m m ) .... ........ .......... ....... 34 34/1 44/11 322 Fuel FFue uel uee Cap C ap aac Ca acit aci citty t y (l( itre ttre r e s) s ....... .... ......... .... ... . .... .... .......... .......... ....... .......... ... ................ .. ... ... ........ . ........ .... ... .... . .... . .17.8 17.8 78 Dry Dry r Weig Wee ghhtt ( kg) Wei kgg ) ........... ......... ...................... ............. ............... ... .................. .................... .. .... ........ ............. ...... .... 295 2 95 29 9 POWER OWER W WER TR TRAI TRA T R IN Eng Engi ngi ng gine ne 2 ........... ................. ....... ... .... ...... .... ... ........ ....... .. .. AAirAiir- cool co led, coo ed TTwin Tw win w i CCam am m 103™ 100033 ™ 103 Dis Disp isp is sspla lace aace ccement mennt (cu (ccu.cm) .cm ccm m ) ....... ... . ...... ......... ........... ....... ....... .... ........ . ........... ............... .... ...... ..........16 1690 69900 6690 Booore Bore re x SStrok tr okke (m trok ( mm m)) ... ....... ........ ... .. ..... .... ... ............ ... ...... ........ ..... ...... ........ . ... ...... ....... ......... . .... .... ... 98.4 988 4 x 1111.1 11. 11.1 111 1 .11 Engi En nginee Toorqu ng orq rqu qquue 3....... ......... ............ ........ 131 1 31 13 3 1 NNm/9 m// 96.6 m/9 m 6 .66 fft lbs b s @ 350 3 5 00 rppm

WHEEL WH EE EEL E S 4/ T YRE YRE YR RES F ron t: Fron Front: t .............. ...... ... .... ...... ... .. .... .... . ... ............ ....... ................ .. ...... .... ......... ........ 21" 211 Bl Blac llac a k, ac k , L aced cedd Ste Steel e el .... ......... ........ ........ . ........ . .... ........ ..... .. ...... ....... .. ... Mich .... Miich chheelin inn ® Sc orch o er™ orc r ™ “31 “ 31 “31” 31” 80 880// 90-2 0 21 R ear Rear ar: ... . ................. ........................ ........ ......... .... ........ . ........... .......... ... ... ....17" 17" 17 7 Blac B ck, k , L ace k, aced ced edd Ste Stteeel e ........... .......... ......... . ............. .......... .... ..............Mich .. Mich Mi helin elin in®® Sc Scorch c oorch orcher eer™ r “31” “ 31” “31 3 18 180 800 /60 / 60B /6 /60B 0 17 17 COLO OLOUR OL UR OPTIO TIIIONS5 V d Bl Vi Viv Vivi B ack; Blac aack ck; k Two k; Two-Ton -Ton -To Tonne Vi To V vid BBlac Bllac ackk w wiith thh Flame lames; lames; s; Twoo Tone TwoTw T nnee Big B g Blu Bi B ue PPear Bl aarlr wi with with th Flaame mes; m mes es TwoTwo Twowoo Ton w Tone Tone ne EEm Emb mbber er Red Redd Sungl unngl ung g ow wiithh Flame with laam lam a s; s; Tw TTwowoo Tone w onee Mid M dnigh night nig i ht PPeaarlrl w with ith t Fla Flames Fl Flames es

Allll Dyyna A Al na models mod o els ells s co com me e wi witth ABS AB BS S and an n S Se ecu ecur cu iity cur itty ty S Syys ste tem as sttan an ndar da ard. a d. Se Sel S ele ectt mo m d del els come com ome o me ew wiith th a 1103 03 0 3c cu cu. u in. u. n.. En n Engin gin g gi in ne. e

WHEEL WH EEL EE LS 4/ T YRE YRES YR F tt:: ......... Fron ........ ... ........ ..... ......... .......... .......... ...... . .... .......16" 16" 6 M 6" Mach ac ined ined, Al A uumin umi minium min ium um m Slot Slot lo t ted teeedd Dis Dis c Disc ...... ......... ........ ... . ..... .. .......... ... ........ ......... .. ..... ....... ..... ...... .... .... ....... ............ ........ ......... .......... .... .... .... .... ..... ..... ........... ...... Dunl unnlop® p®® D4 D427 4227 F 13 427 130/90 0/90 9 B16 B11 6 R ea Rea Rear ear a : ... ar: ....... ........ ... .... ....... ... ........ ........ ........ .... .... ..... ........ .... 16" 1666"" Mach chined ine ined ned ne e , AAlumin um nium uum Slo Slot otted ot ted Disc scc ........ ... .... . ......... ... .... .. .... .. .... ........ ........ .... ... .... ... ........ .............. .. ..... ......... ............ ... .... ........ ............... Dunl unl n op op® p ® D42R D442 R 180 D42 1 880 //70B 18 00BB 16 16 COLO LO OUR R OPTIO TIONS5 T VVivi Viv iv d Black; ac Can annddy Orang ang ngge ; Mid Midn M iidnight gght Pe PPea e rl; r Blac rl acck DDeenim im

FXDC FX XDC DC Super uperr Gli up lidee® Cu Cust C ust stom stom om DIMEN ENSIO IONS ION Length Le Len Leng thh ((mm) mm))... mm) ....... ........ ........ .......... ... ................. .... ........ ... ...................... ..... ....... ....... ....... ........ ... .... .... .... .... .. ........ .......... 23 22345 3344 Sea Seat Se ea t Hei eeat H gght He ghht h (mm) (mm mm)) 1..... mm ....... ...... ......... .... ....... ........ ........ ........... .... .... ... .... .. ... ............. ............ ......... ........ .... .................... ...........710 71110 7710 RRake Rak a at steering stee teering ngg hea heeeaad ((° )/Tr //TT ailil (m /Tr (mm) (mm mm mm) m m ) ............... ..........29/1 2 9/ 29 29/ 29/1 9 //119 199 Fuel Fu Fue uel Cap ap acit acity t y ((litre trr e ss))......... tres) .............. .... .......... ............ .............. . ....... .......... ................ .... ... ............ ......... ..... .......... ......... ...18.9 18.9 18 8 .99 Dry ryy Weig Wei eigghhtt (kg) ( kg kg)) ... ....... .... .... ...... ........ ........... ... .... ........ ........... ................. ....... ........ .......... ... .... .......... .... ...... .. 295 2 995 29 PO OWER WER ER R TR TRAI TRAIN RA N RAI Ennngg ne Engi Eng ne 2 ............ .. ... ........... .... ....... ......... .............. .... ... ........ .... . ...AAiri cool ircoo o ed, ed, d TTw Twin Twi winn Cam w C am m 96 96B 66B ™ Diisplace Disp laaceement lace menn (cu.cm) (cuu.cm) ccm ) ........... cm) .. ..... ... .... ........ ....... ......... .... ....... .... ........ .......... .... .......... ........ .... . ..... ... .. 1584 ... 1 5584 8 B oree x S trok Bore t ro rok ooke (m ( mm m)) ........... ........ ...... .. .... ... ..... .... ........ ... ....... ......... ..... ........... .......... ...... .. ......... 995 95.3 5 3 x 1 11.1 1 Eng En EEngi n nee Torqu q e 3.... qu ........ ........ .... 124 .... 244 Nm N 1.55 ft lbs Nm/9 lbss @ 325 2 0 rp r pm

WH HEEL ELS EL LS 4/ T YRE YR RES RE Frooon tt:: .......... FFron ............ ........ .... ....... . .... 119 19" 9 " Chro Chroome Chr me A lumi lum um m nu num um Prof P rof Pro o ile le La Lace aaced ........ .... ....... ... .... .... ........ ...... .. .... ..... ... Mich ichelin linn ® Sc Scorch S c orc orch orch ccher™ r™™ “3 ““31” 3311” 100 1000 /90B /90 90B -19 90 199 RRear Rea ear: ......... ea .. .... .... ... ................. . .17" 17 Chro hro roomee A lumi rome umi miinu num um m Pro Prof rofile of ile i e Lace ace c d .... ......... .. .... .... ........ ................. ........ ...... .. . M Miic Mich ichelin ich el n ® Scorch Sc S or orch cher™ ch e “3 er “31” 3 160 60/70B //70B 0B -17 17 17 C L UR COL COLO UR OPTIO ON S 5 Vivi VViv ivid Bllack; ack; Big ack igg Blue B ue Pearl; Bl Blu P arl; Pe arlrll;; Chr Chhrome m Ye me Yell Yell elloow ow Pearl ea ; ea TTwoTwo wo woo TTone Tonn Emb To Emb m err Redd Sungl u g o / Merl ung un Mer Me e ott Sunglo; ungllo; Two-T woo one woo A vers Anni Ann An veer aryy Vint ver Vint inntaage agg Br Bro BBron rronzee / Anniver Anniver An Ann ivver ive ve sary ve s VVin Vii tag tage age Bla Bllack ck

FLD FFL LD S Swit Sw wiittcch h hba b cck back ba k DIMEN ENS E NSION ION IONS IO O S Leng eng een n tthh ( mm mm ... mm) ........ ......... .... ........ ......... . .... ........ ................ .... ........... ....... ........ .... ........ .......... .......... ........... ......... ........ ..... ......... ..... . 2360 2 Seeat SSeat e a He HHei ei e ght ght (mm (m (mm) mm) mm m)) 1... m ........... ........ ...... ................ .... ....... ..... .... ........ ............... .... ............. ........ .... ... ............. ......... ......... ....... .... ........ ... 695 95 Rak at Rake Rak a t steering s te ring ste stee ing hea head ead (° ( ° )/Tr / ailiil ((mm) /Tr m ) ..... mm) ............ .... ..... ........ 29.99 //148 1148 Fuu Cap Fue Fuel C aapp acit accityy (litre (litre itt es) s).............. s) .... ......... ........ ......... .......... ........ .......... ..... ........ ................ ........ ....... .... .............. ... ..... 117.8 177.88 DDrry Wei Dry Weig e ht h t ((kg) kg) g ) ......... g) .... .... .... .... ....... .... .. .... ....... .... .. ....... ....... .......... ............... .......... ....... ......... ........ .. ..... .. .... ...... .. . 3320 200 POW OWE TRAI OWER OWERTRAI TRAIN TRA N Engi Eng ng nnee 2 ........... .. .......... ............ ......... .... ... ..... ....... ............. ......... . .Air.... A irr coo cooled, cool led, e Twin w Cam 103 100 ™ Dis Disp i lace lac ace ac c ment men ennntt (cu ccuu.cm .cm) .c cm) ............ ... ............... ........ ........ . .... ... ... .... ... ... .... ....... ......... ....... .........1690 69 Bore ore ree x Strok S trok t rokke (m mm m)) ... ......... ........... ... .... ..... .... ............. .... ............. ........ .. .... .......... .......... ......... 98.4 98 4 x 1111.1 11.11 3 Enngi Eng Engi g nee Torqu rqq e ..... rqu .... . ....... ........ ......... ..... ..126 ...... ... 12 1 2 Nm/9 126 Nm /9 3 fft lbs lb @ 3 500 rpm pm

WHEE WHEEL WH EEL EEL ELS 4/ T YRE YR YRES RE ES F on t: Fron t : ........... ............ .......... ........ ............ .... ... .........18" ... 188 Blac 18" B k, Bl k , 5 -Spo -Spoke kke C ast a Alum as u in iniu nnium ...... ... .. ... ........ .... ..... ........ .... . .............. ........ .... .... .......... ....... ................ .... ...... .... ......... ........ . .Dunl Dunl Du un op® p D402 p® 4022 F 13 1 0/70 /70 7 0B18 188 R a : ........ Rear .. ... ............. ....... .......... .... .. ...... .. ....... 17" 17 Blac l ckk, 5 -Spo Sp kkee CCast ast Alum uminiu iniu niuum ........ ............ ...... ......................... ....... ... ... .... ... .... ....... ......... ............... .... . .... . .......Dunl Dunl Dunlop® nlop® D401 0 160 60/70B 0 /70BB 17 COLO OLO O OUR R OPTIO ON S 5 Vivi VViv vid Blac aack; ack ck; Big Bi Bluue Pe P arl arl; EEmb arl; Em mbeer RRed edd Sungl Sun ungl nglo

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Ridder ers rs al a wa ways ys lovvedd thee unclu ncclutt lutter lu tterred tt ed lines inness of our oouur ‘hhardt ardt ar dtaaiilss’.’. Tro r ub ublee was a ; th thosse cclleeaan, n cla lass lass ssicicc looks oookkss cam me att a pririce icee… no no reeaar ssuussppensi ension en sion. on. on Henc He enc nce th the ni nickna ckknaame m . Bu But ut in i 198 984, 4, we hhiit oonn an el eleg leggan ant nt so s luutition o – hiddde den su susp spensi ennsi sion onn – and nd thhee Soffta t ili ® mo m ttoorc orc rcyc ycle cle les hhaaadd ar arririve veed. ved. d. Eaacch one on ne iss an au auth then entititic cu en custtom om homag om mage age to ag t a coooooll hheeririta taggee loo ta ook,k, com omppllet e e wi with th horrseesh s oee oill tan a k,, looww seeaattss and nd prreem miium um gra raph phiccs.s. Anndd its phic t’t’s aalll wr w aapppe ppeed ar a ou o ndd tec echhnnol nol o ooggy th that a deellivivers eerrs a trruully smoo sm mooth oootthh rid ide. de.e. Neww foorr 201 013, 3, our ur Twi winn CCaam 1669900cc n0cc eng nginne and ngin annd 66 SSppeeed Crui Crui Cr uisee Dririve ve™ tran tr raannsm smis issssiionn accrros osss th t e wh whol ole ffaami ol m lyly – exc xcludi luudi dingg Blaacckkliline innee®.®.

FFX XST ST Sooffta fttaail il® l® St Stan aan nda dard rd D I ME EN NSION ON O NS Length Leng nngg th t h ( mm) m)) ... ........ .... ......... ... ...... ............... ..... . .... .. .... ........ .... ........ ............ . .... ......... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ...... ....... .... .......... .... .... .. ...........2410 241 4100 S ea Seat eat a t He Hei eight e ght ghh t (mm) (mm m 1... ......... ........... ....... ................. ...... .... .... . .................. ....... .... ........ ... .... .... ........ ..... ... .... ....... . ...... ................ 7022 Rak Rake ake at a t stee t e ring in hea headd ((° )/ ))/Tr )/T /Tr Tr ail a l (mm) (mm mm) .... ....... .... ... .... ........... ......... .... .... .... .. ...32/1 ...32/1 332/ 2 147 47 Fuel Capacit Cap a acit c y (liitre tree s)...... ..... ......... .... ............ ................ ........... ........... ..... ........ ............... .... ....... .................. ................... ..... 18.9 89 Dryy Weig Dry We ght We htt ( kg)) ... ....... .......... ...... .... .... .. ......... ... ........ ... ..... ... .... ......... ........ ............ ........ .... ... .. ... ......... .... ............ ....... ...... .. ..... .... ........ ..... ....3033

WHEEL WH E S 4/ T YRE YR S F ront: Fron n t: t:........... ............ ...... .......... ............... .... ........ .................. .... . ....... .............. ................. ........ ......... ........ .............21" 2 1"" Stee 21 21" tee te e l Laaced acced eedd .... ........ .. ............. ......... . ..... ... ................. . ... ......... ....... ... ......... .... . ............ . ...... ........ ...... ..... Dunl Dun Du unlop® opp M MH90 990 -21 211 54H 5 44H Rear Rea e a : .......... .... ... .... ... ........... ........ ....... ................. ........... .. .... ....... ........ ........ ......... .... 17”M Mirro rro roor Po Polish lished llish ed Chro hrooom me me .... ....... ....... ... ......... .. ..... .......... ........... ........... .... ..... . ..... . ..... .... . ........... ...Bull Bullet Bull ulllet Hole Hole Di DDisc isc CCas as as t Al A lumin umin mii ium m um m ........... .... .......... ......... .. ..... ... ... .............. ..... ..... ..... ......... .... .......... .... ............ .... .......... ...... .. ..... Dunl D op® Du Dun p®® D407 D44 07 200 200 /55 /55RR 17

POWER ER TRAI RA N Engine Eng Engi nee 2 ... ....... ........... ..... ........ ...... ............. .. .... . .... ....... ........ ........ .. ..... .... .... .... AirA r- cool Air o ed, d,, Tw Twin inn Cam C aam 103B™ 103 0 B™ Disp isp splac lace la lace c ment ment n (cu c .cm) ccm m ) ... ............. ................ ... ......... ........ ... ....... ...... ........ ....... .... .. ................ .. ... .... ........ ........... ...... . . 1690 66900 B ore Bore re x S tro trok r ookke (m mm) m ) ....... .... ... ............. . . ......... .. .... ... ......... .... .... ......... .. ..... ................. ......... .... .... . .98.4 9 x 1 11.1 98.4 Enggine Engi nnee Torqu r e 3................ rqu .... ......... ... ...... ..... ....... ...... 132 ... 322 Nm/9 Nm/9 m 77.44 ft lbs b s @ 300 30000 000 rp rpm m

COLOUR COLO U OPTIO P TIO ION NS 5 Viv Vivi Vi i d BBlaack; acck Bri Brillia Br llliaantt Silve llia lve v er Pe ve P e arl; a Emb arl ar Em m er RRed eed S un-g u lo lo

FFLLST LST STC H Heeri rita ita tage g Soffta t il tail il® Clas Clas Cl assi sic si ic DIMEN ENSION ON O NS L eng Leng Le eenngth n th ( mm) mm m)... .... ................. ....... .... .. .... ............... . .... ... ..... .... .. .... ............... ...... ..... ....... ..................... .......... ... ..... 2405 4405 0 Seat Se eat eea a Hei Heei eiggh ght hht (m (mm) mm 1... ....... ..... .... . ........... ........ ................. . ............ ... ....... ......... ....... ... . ............. .. ......... ........ .......690 ... 6990 Rake Rak Ra akk at a t st stee t eeering riingg hhea eead ((°° ))/T )/Tr TTrr ail (mm (m (mm) mm m m .... .......... ........ ......... .............. ......... .... 31/1 3 1/1 31/ 1 477 Fue Fuel ue CCa ue Cap a acit aci t y ((llitre ac itre itres) t ree s)).............. .... .... . ...... .... .......... ....... ......... ............ ........ ..... ............ .... . ..... ... ...... .. .........18.9 . 18.9 188 .99 DDry ryy Wei Weig eeightt ( kg kgg)) ......... kg) .. ..... .. .... ... ......... ........... ........ ......... .... ... .. .................. ........ .... .............. ........... ....... ............ ........ ... ....... .... .......... ... ......... 326 3 26 26 POWER WER TR TRA TRAI T R IN N EEngi Eng ngiine ng ne 2 ........ .... .. ......... ....... ...... ... .... ......... ............. ........ .... ....... ..... ...... Air AAirrr- ccoo coolled, d, Twin Twin Cam am 103 10 3BB™™ Disp sppla lace ace c ement mentt (cu me (c .c .cm) .cm c ........ ..... ........... ... .......... ....... ........ ....... ... .... ........ ......... .. ........ ...... ....... .. .. 1690 169 690 9 B ore x S troke Bore Bor trok ro e (m ( mm) m)) ........ .. .... .... ..... ......................... ............ ....... .... ........ .... .... .... ........ ...... .... 998.4 98 .44 x 1 11.1 11 1 11. E ngine Torqu Engi Eng o que 3.... ................... .........130 1 30 130 30 Nm NNm/9 m /99 5.9 5 9 ftt lbs b @ 300 000 rp 00 000 r m

FFLLST FLST STFB S TFB B Fatt Booyy® Lo Lo D I ME EN NSION ION O S Leng eengg thh (mm) ( mm) mm m ... ........ .. .... .... ...... ........ . ... ... ......... .. .... ...... ......... ............ ........... ..... ......... ........ ...... .... ......... .... .. ....... ..... ....... .. .... ........ ........ ........ 2385 233 8 5 S eat Seat aat Hei Hei eigght gh t (mm) (mm (m mm)) 1... mm ... ..... ........ ........... ... ..... ....... .. ...... ......... ...... .... ... .... ......... ... ........ . ............ ........ .......... ........ .... .... .... ........ .... . ........ 6670 700 Rake akee att st s tee stee eeering riing ngg hea hea he e ad ((°° )/Tr )/T /T ail aill (m ( mm (mm (mm) mm) mm) m .................. ..... ....... .... . .... . ... 31 31.6 11.66 /147 1477 Fuel Fue u l CCap ue uel app ac acit i y ((litre it itres) r s) re s)... ... .......................... ... ....... ......... .... ................ .......... .... ............... ......... ......... .............. .... ........18 . 18.9 88.99 Drry Weig Dry Wei W We eeig ight h (kg) ( kg) kggg)) ... ....... .... ............... .......... ...... ........ .. .... ......... ............ ........... ........ . ................ ........ ...... ......... ... ........ ............ ............ ..... . 313 1133 POWER OW OW WER R TRAI TRA T AIIN A Engine Engi ngi gine ne 2 ... ........ ...... ... ......... .............. ..... ........ ....... ....... .............. .... ... ... .... ..... ...... AAirir-cool i cool coooled, eeddd, Twin ed, Tw Tw win inn Cam m 103B™ 1 03 103 10 0 B™™ Disp isp s lace sp ac ement ac ace men me enntt (c ent ((cu c uu.cm) cu .cm) cm cm) m ) ........... ....... ................ .......... ........... . ........ .... .. .......... .......... ....... .... .... .... .... ....... .. .... 1690 1699 BBore ore r e x SStrok troke trok okke (mm) (m mm m)) .......... ........ .. .... ... ..... .... ......... ..... ... .. ...... ............. ........ ......... .... ... 98.4 99888.44 x 1 11.1 1111 1 Enngi Engi Eng ngginee TTorqu orq orqu rqu rq que 3.... ............ ............ ...... ......... .... ...132 1 Nm/9 13 132 Nm/9 Nm/ m /9 7.4 7.44 ftt llbs bss @ 325 3225 2 0 rpm rpm

WHEEL WH EEL E EE EL L S 4/ T Y LS YR YRE RE R ES FFron ro ronn tt:: ................ ................. 17" 17 Bla Blac a k, k Bulle u le t Hoole le Disc is c Cast Cas ast st Aluumini min uum m ..... ..................... ..... .... ..... ................ ........ ........ ........ ........ ......... ........ .... ........ .....Dunl Dunlo lop® opp® D40 op D 408 D408 0 8F 14 14 0/75 /7775 R17 177 Re a : ......... RRear .... .. ........ ..... .. ...... 17 117" 77" Blac llac la aacck, k Bulle Bulle ullee t Ho Hole le Disc le s Cast C ast Alu Cas A lu lum min mini inn um um ........ .... ............. ..... .. ..... ......... .... ... .......... .... ............ ........ .... ... . . ....... ............. .......... .... .. .........Du Dun Dunl u op op® p ® DD4 D407 40 200 4407 00 /55R 00 555R 5R17 R 1177 COLOUR C CO COLO OL UR OLO UR OPTIO P TIO PTI T ON S 5 VViv Vivi ivi v id Bl B aack ack; ck ; Can anndyy Orang Orrang ang ngee;; Black lac ack De ack Den Den e iim; enim; m; m; Twooo-Tone TTwoTon onne Ann Anniver i vverr saryy Vin VViinn tage t age ge Bro Bronze nze nnz zee / Anni Ann nnn vers v ers ersary r ar ary rryy Vint n age nt ag BBlac ag laack

Allll So A Al ofta f ta ft t ili mo mod mod odels els el ls s come co om me e wit with a 10 103 c cu. u.. in u in. n. E n. En ng gine, gin e ABS AB an and Se ec ecu curit cu r y Pack ac ckage ag g a ge as ss stta and ndard nd a d. ard.

WH HEEL EL LS 4/ T YRE YRE ES F on t: Fron t : ....... ...... .......... . .... .... .. .... ... ........ 16" 6 Chro Chro Chr room mee Tubel belless sss Alum llum um miiniu ium La Laced L ced c ed .... .. ..... ....... . ....... ............... ........... ............... ........ .... .. .......... ... .... ....... ............Dunl Dunlop® Dun Dunl op® p®® D402 D40002 F MTT 90B1 0B1 B166 B1 R e ar: .......... Rear ..................... ........ .... .. ... .... .. 16" 1 Chro 16 Chr m mee Tubel ubbeless ess ss Alum Alu iniu niuum La L ced e ............... .... .................... .............. ......... ............. ...... ........ .. ........ .... ...... .... .. .... .. ...... ... ..... ..... Dunl .... unlop® opp®® D401 op® D 401 1150 500 /80B /80 /80B16 8000B 166 CO C COLO O OUR UR R OPTIO T ON S 5 Viv Vivi i d Bl iv B aack; cck;; Bi Big ig Blu l e Pe P e arl arl; Whi arl; W tee HHot Wh ot P earl arl;l; Tw Tw o-To o-T -T nee C and Cand ndd y Or ndy O ange ann e / Beer B eeerr Bott Bott t le; Bo le; Tw le TTwowo Tone n M Mid idnigh nightt Pearl nig P arl Pe arll / Bril r llian liant lia ian t Si S lve l ver Pea lver P earl; Pearl; r l TwoTw Tone Ton on Ann An iverr sary sa Vin V i tag tage ta ag Bronnze Br n ze / Ann A nnniver verr sar sary r Vin V ta tage aage Bla Bllackk

FLS FLST FL ST TF FFaat B Booy® y® DIMENS EN E NSIO IO ION ON NS Leng thh ( mm) Leng mm m ......... m) .... .... ........ .... ....... ............. .... ........ ........ . .... .... ....... ................ . .... ... .... . .............. .... .. ................. ..... 2396 239 3396 Seat e t Hei Hei eigh gh t (mm ght (mm) mm) mm m 1... ....... ................. .. .... ... .... ... ..... .. ....... .......... ........... .... . .... ..... ................ ....... .... ........ . ....... .. ...690 6990 Rake Rake kee at a t stee ste t ering te i hea ing e ad (° )/Tr ) //Tr aai ailil (mm) (mm). mm)... .......... ........... ... ....... .... .. ... .... .......... .. .... 31/1 31 /147 14477 F uel Fue Fuel ue Cap C ap Ca a acit apacit acc y ((llit aaci itre tree s) s ... ....... ...................... ..... ........ . ...... ....... ... ............. . ..... .... .......... . ... . .... ........ ....... ......... ......... ........... 18.9 188 9 Dry Dr r y Weig Weeig i ht h t ( kg) kkgg ... ....... ......... .... .... ........... ........ .... ........ .......... ....... ........... ..... .... .... . ...... ......... ............. ........ .... ....... . .... ............. . .313 ...313 1 13 POWE OWER WE W ER ER TRAI TRA AIN A Eng Engi Engine ng nnee 2 ... ....... .................................. ... ........ ........ ........ ............. AirAirr coo c ed cool ed, dd, Twin Twi win Cam w Caam 103 0 3B™ 3B™ B Disp Di isppla isp lac lace aacement ac meent en (cu ( .cm) c ........ cm) cm ........ ........ .. ...... .... .. .... ............. .......... . ........ . ......... .... ... .... ...... 11690 166900 BBore Bor ore ree x SStrok trok rokke (m mm) mm) m ) ....... ......... ... .... .... ............ ... .... ......... ................ .... . ..... ....... ................ 98 98.44 x 1111.1 111 1 11.1 Eng EEngi En n inee Tor orqu orq que 3.... ........ ........... . . ....... ...132 . 1132 322 Nm/9 m// 7.4 m/9 7.44 ft lbs lbs b @ 325 3 0 rpm 32

W HE WH WHEEL EE EEL EL S 4 / T Y EL YRE YR RES R Fron Fro onttt:: ......... .... . .... ........ .... . .... ............. .... .. ........ .......... . ..... .. .... 17" 7 Mirr 7" Mirror orr P ooli olis lisshed he Chro he hhrr ome me, me, .............. ...... .......... .. .... ........ ... ................. ... ..................... ...... Bul BBull uulll et-H t ole ole Disc Diiscc Cas Dis C aas t Alluumin Ca mi ium min um um .... .............. ........ ......... ..... .............. ......... ........ ........ .......... ........ .. .... ........ . ........ .... ................ .. ...... ... ......Dunl Dunnlop® o D408 400 8F 140/75 408 14 0/7 00/75 /77 R17 R117 17 Re : ........... Rea Rear ......... ......... .. ... ........ ...... ....... ....... ................... ... 17" ........ 177 " Mirr M rroor or P olis olished oli hed Chro Chhro hroome, me me ......... .... . ........ ... ......... .. .... ....... .......... ... .... ......... .. ..... ... .... . ...... Bull .... Bul ulllet-H t-HHole Dis Disc Cas Di Disc C as a t Al A um Alumin umin m ium min um m ........... ......... .... ... .. ..... .... ........ ................. .... .. .... ........ ......... .. .... ... ..... .. .... ... .......... .... .. ..Dun Dunl un op® pp® D407 0 7 200 07 200/5 000 /55R / 5 55R 177 COLO COLO OLO OUR R OPTIO T IO TIO ON S 5 ON VVivi Viv ivv d Bl Blaack; ack ckk ; Big Big Blu lue PPee arl; a Mid ar Mi nigh night nig ig t PPee aarl; arl rl;l;; TwoTwoTwo wo-Tone Tone EEmb Tone mber R edd S un uungl ung n o / Merl Mer e loott S ung unng ungl nngl glo

FLS FFL LS So LS Soft ftaiil® l® Sli lm m™ ™ DIMEN EN NS SIONS IO ION O S Leeng thh ((mm) LLeng mm) mm m .......... ....... ........ .... ........ ............ ......... ......... ................ ...... ....... .......... ....... .... ... ............. ....................... ............... 2350 SSeat eat Hei Height ght (mm (mm) mm) m m 1... ..... .......... ........ ......... . ............... ...... ... ........... ...... .... .... ......... . .... ....... .... ... ........ ............... ........... ... .. .... ....... ......... ........... .. . 650 50 RRake k att stee eeering n hhea ng e ad (°)/Tr (° )/Tr / T ail ai (mm) mm ... ......... ........ ....... ........ ..... ........ ............ ......... 31/1 3 47 31/ 4 FFuel Cap Capacit acit city it y (l(itre tre s) tres) s)....... ........ ... .... ........ . ...... ... .... .... .. .............. .................. ... ..... ....... ....... ... .... ......... .... ........ ....... ..... .... .......... 18.9 188 .99 DDry ry Weig Weight ht ( kg) kgg ... .. .... ... ... .............. ............ ............ ...... .............. .... ...... ...... .............. .... ....... . ... ........... ......... .... . ........ ..... ........ .... .... ........ .......... .. .. 305 ... 3005 05 POWER WER W E TRA TR TRAI RA N EEngi g nee 2 .... ... ........ .... ........ ........ ............... .... ... ........ ........ ...... ........ ............ ... ... . AirAir-cool Ai cooooled, cool co d Twi Twin i Cam m 11033B™™ DDisp splace pllace ace cement men (cu ment cu.cm) .cm) m ) ................ .. .... .......... ......... .... .... ........ ....... . .... ....... ...... . ........ .... .. .......... ..... ........ ..... ......... .... .. .. 1690 9 90 BBoree x S trok t rok okkee (m ( m)) ..... ...... .... ............... ... ... ... .... .. .... ........ ........ ..... ......... ............ ........ ........ ..... ... .. 98.4 9 x 1 11.1 111 1 Engine Eng EEngi ne Torqu orquee 3..... ..... . ............. .... ................. 132 1 32 Nm/9 m/9 m m/ /97.4 9 7.4 7 4 ft lbss @ 325 3 250 25 0 rppm

WHEEL WH EE EEL E ELS 4/ T Y YRE ES ES F ron Fron on t: t .... ...... ....... ...... ..... .......... .......... ........ ... .... ....... .... ... .. .... .. .... . ............ .... . 16" 1 6"" Bl Blac llaackk,, L ac aced ced edd Ste St eel e .. ..... .... ......... ..... . ... ....... .... .... .......... .. ........... ........ ....................... ... .... ... ... ....... .... .................. Dun Dunl Dunlop® unloop® p® D4 D400 2 F MT D402 M T 90B1 90B166 90 Rear: Rear ea : ...................... . .... .... .......... .... ........... .... ... ....... .......... ..... ....... ....... ........ ............ ........ ....... .. ........ 16" 1 6" Blac 16 l ck,, LLaced aceed Ste ac aced St ell .... ......... .......... .......... .... . .... .... ........ ........ .... ........ .... ............ .... ... .. ......... ................. .... ............... ........ ... Du .... DDunl Dun unl u op oop® pp® D4 D402 4 02 MU85B16 402 MU8 U 5B16 CO COLO OLO L UR R OPTIO TIO T IONS5 Vivi v d BBllack; ack; ack ack; k; Emb Em Em mberr R eedd S ungl ung nngl ng gllo; o; o; Big i Blue uee Pea P eaarrl;l Blac Blaack De D nim im m

FLS FL ST TN So S fft Soft ftai tai aail® l®® Del elux xe DIMEN ENS NSIO ION ON O NS Leng eng nngg thh (mm) ( mm) m)) ... ....... ......... ......... .......... ........ ........... . .... ....... .......... ....... ....... .... ... .. ..... .......... ....... ...... ........ . ................ ....... . . 2400 240 24 4 00 SSeat eeat HHei Heeight gh t ((mm) (mm mm 1.......... m ..... ...... .... ........... .... ........ ... ... ........ ... .... ......... .... ........ ....... ....... .... ........ ........ ... . ..... .... ...... ........ . .... ......... .... ... .... ...... 670 7700 Rake ake ke att sstee t ri rinnngg heaad ((° )/Tr ring )/TTrail ai (mm) ail mm)).... m ............... ............ .......... .... ........ 332.1 2.11 //147 /14 147 4 F uel Fuel ueell Cap a acitt y (l( litre i tree s) s)... s)... . .... .. ...... ......... .... ............ ............ . .... .... . . .... ......... ........ .... . .......... ........... ................18.9 188 9 118.9 Dry Weig Dry Weeeig i htt ((kg kkg) g ) .............. .... ... .......... .......... .. ......... ... .. ............ .... .... .. ..... ........... . ..... .... ............................. .... ...... .......31 3 133 31 313 POWER OWERTRAI W R TRAI WER TRAIN TR TRA N Enngine Engi nee 2 ............... ...... ... .... .... ..... .... ........... ......... ................. ........ ..... Air A iri ccool AirAi ool oled, d, Twin Tw w Cam am 103 103B™ 10 B B™ Dispplace aceme ace men (cu me ment (cu.c (c .cm) cm) cm m ... ......... ....... ....... ........ ...... .... .. ......... ........ .. .... ....... . ........ ........ ............. ....... 1690 1 9900 Bore ore x S troke tro trok rok oke (mm) (mm) m ) ... ........ ...... ............ .... ........ ...... ....... . ....... ...... . .... .... ......... .... ..... .... .... ......... ........ 98.4 988.44 x 111.1 1 11.1 11 Engi g nnee Torqu rqq e 3........ .... ... .. .... . ........ .... . ........ 132 32 Nm/9 / 97.4 7.4 ftt llbs 7.4 bss @ 3325 32 5 0 rppm

WHEEL WH EEL ELS 4/ T YR YRE RES FFro Fron ron o t:: .........16" 1 6 Chro 16" Chrr ome, m Tubeless Tube Tu Tub uubeless e ss s Pro Profile o file lee Lac a edd Alumi ac A lumi minium nium ........ ... ............. .......... ........... .......... ......... ... . ... ....... ............. .......... ... ....... . ........ ..... ....... ............. . ...... DDunl .... nnlop® op D402 D FM D40 MTT90-1 90-1 90 0 -1 6 R e aarr:: ..... Re Rear Rea ........ .16" . 16" 6" Chro hro r me me, e TTube ubeeless les Pro les P roofile file il LLac ac edd AAlumi lumi lum umi um uminium m nium n um .... ........ ... ............ ..... ....... . .......... ...... .......... ........ ......... ............................ ....... ... .... .. .......Dunl DDuun op Dunl op® pp® D402 4 M 402 MU8 UU88 5B16 5 B166 COL UR COL COLO R OPTI P TIO PTIO TION IONS5 VVivi v id Bl B ack; a Bigg Blu ack Bluee PPe arl; arl Em Ember Emb err R ed Sungl S ungl unng o;; ung TwoTwoTwo w o -Tone T nee Biririrch i chh W hite it e / EEmber ite mber mbe ber be er Re Red edd Sunngl gl glo; glo Twowooo -Tone T Bir Bir chh W hhit hite ttee / M Midni iidni dnn gght ghht h t Pear P l;l; Pe Pea Hard a Candy ard C a ddyy Lucky Can L uck ucky ccky ck ky k Gre G eenn F lak lake akkee ak ake

FFoor or fu full ullll spe peci cififfica ica cati tion ons orr to ffifind on ind nd yoou our uurr lo loca oca cal al au autth aut thor hor ooris iised is sed ed dea eeale aler, leerr,, viissit it www.h-d.com.au


Kiing ngs gs of of the he Roaad siinc n e 1965 199655. The Thhe Ha Harlr eyy-DDavviddson® son® so n Tou ouri urriing ng faam mili y haas be beeenn mak been akinng lloonngg-h g-hhau aul dr drea drea eams m coom m mee trrue ue for or close loosee to ha halflf a cceent ntuurry.y Big ig ennoough ugh to ug to acccom ommo mmo moda d ttee adv date dven enntu t reerrss tra tu rave aveellllin ing so solo lo or wi with th a pas asse sse sengger er, pl pluuss eve verryytthhin hin ing yyoouu’’llll neeed allonng ing tthhe wa way.yy.. Yett the hese se her erititag a ee-styl styly eedd ‘ddrres st e se s rs r ’ an a d ‘bbag agge gers rss’ arre easi easi ea sieerr to m maano noeeuuvvrre th than an you ou mig ight ghtt think hink hi nk. AAnnd wi withh mooddeerrn co comf mforts mf orts or ts lilike ike k airr-a -addjjus u ttaable ble suusp bl spennsiionn, ABBSS,, 6-SSppeeed ed Cruis ruuis ise se Drrivve™™, hhiigh g -eenndd audio uddio io, innte t rrccom ms annd oouur laate t st st 169 690c 0cc en 0c enngi gine gi ne,, yoou mi m gh ght neve neeve veerr wwaantt to ccoome m hom omee agai aggai ainn..


FFLLLHT HTCU HT TCU CU Ult ltra ltra ra Cla lassssiicc™ El Ellec ectr ec ectr trraa Gl Glid idee®® D I ME EN NSION ONS ON S L e g thh ( mm) Leng m ) ... ...... .. ...... .... ......... ........ . ... .... ....... .... ............ .............. . ..... ......... ....... ...... .... .. .... ........ ........ ........... .... ......... .... .............. ..... .. 22515 251 515 515 Seat Sea eeat aatt HHeiight gghht (mm) (mm mm 1.......... ........ ... .. .... . ...... ........ ............. ......... .... .... ....... ............ ............. . .... .......... ........ .... .. ... ... ...... 7740 744 Rake k att stee ke steeeeri r in ring i he heaad (° hea head ( )/T )/Tr /TT ail ai (mm) ai (mm m ......... ........ .... . ......... .............. . .........226/1 266/170 70 FFuel Fue uee Ca Cap ap aacit ap acc t y (l(itre itrres) s).......... s) ............... .......... ........ ... .... .................... .... ....... ....... ........ ........... ........ ........... ............22.7 22 7 22.7 22 Dr W Dry Weig eigght h t ( kg kg ) ... kg) .. .... . .... ... ... ......... ........ .... .... ..... ......... .. ........... ........... ... ........ ........ ............. . . ...................400 .... 400 00 PO OWER WER W ER TRAI E TR RAI RA A IN N Engi ngg nee 2 ....... .... ..................... .... ... ........... ........ .. Airr-cool - cool c edd Twin co Twi w in Cam win m 103™ 03™ 3™ w wit itthh ...... ............. .. ..... ..... ........ ... ......... .......... ... .... .......... .... ........ . .... ... .... .... ... .... ... . . ......... ..... .... ...... Int Inte nnte t ggra grat aat ed Oil-C il Coole oool r ooole Disp splace plac lace acceement menn (cu (cu.cm) (c ..cm) cm cm) m) ... m ........ ........ ................... ....... . ...... ....... .... .......... . ...... ........... .... ....... . .... ........ .. .. 1690 6 0 Bore ore r x S trok okke (m ( m) m ) .......... .. .... ....... ... .......... .. ......... .. .... .................. ........ ....... ...... 98.4 ... 988 . x 111.1 1 11.1 1 .11 Engi ngi g nee Torqu Torqu rqque3.... rqu ........ . ........... .......... . ... . 1134 344 Nm/9 Nm// 8.8 8 8 ft lbss @ 350 3500 rppm m

WH WHEEL HE EE EEL E S 4/ T YRE RE ES F onn t: Fro Fron t ........ ........ ... .... ........ .... .. .... .... ....... ....... 17 17" 17" 7 " Blac B k, Bla Bl k 28-Sp 2 88-Sp 8-S -Sp S oke oke Cas C a t Alu Cast AAll mini mi ium min m ............ ... .............. ...... ... ..... .......... ...................... ...... ... .... ... ...... ....... ........... ...... ............ .... Dun DDunl unl n op® op ® DD408 408 4 8F 8F 11330/80 0/800B17 B 177 B1 Rea Rear eaa : ....... . ..... . ... .......... .... ... .......... ....... ....... 16" 166 Black, Blac aacckk,, 2 888-Sp -Sp Sp S oke okkkee Cast C s t Alu lum lu mini iniium ium m .... .......... ...... .......... ............ ........ .... .......... ... .. .......... ........ .... .... .. .... ..... ..... ....... ....... .... ...... Dunlop® ...... Dunl un oop® unl opp ® D407 D 44077 180/65B D4 1 8 /65B 18 180 / 655BB16 166 COLO OLOUR OLO UR U R OPTIO PT NS5 Vivi Vi Viv i v d BBlaack; ack ; Emb mbberr R ed S ungl ung o;; W White hi tte Hot hite hit H Pea Ho P ea e arl;; T o Tone Two TwoTone ne Big B Blu B uee PPe aarll / Vi vid vi Blac Bla k;; Two Twow Ton wo Toone Mid Tone Midnigh Mi nig t Pe nigh P e arl a / Br ar B illiliant liiant n t Silv lvv eerr P earl ear a ar arl

FLLH HR R Rooaad K Kiing g® DIMEN ENSION IO ONS O Leeng Leng ngg tthh ( mm) mm m ......... ........ .... .. .... ........ ...... ....... .. ...... .. .......... .... ........ .... ........ .... ..................... .... ......... ... ... .... .. ... ....... .. .... ......... ........ . . 2465 246 46 Se a t HHei Sea Seat e ghtt (mm) ( mm mm) m 1... m) ......... ........ ........ ..... ......... ............... ..... . ..... .... ........ ..... . ............. .... ......... . .... .. .... .......... . .... ... . ............ .......... ... . 740 7400 Rak RRake ake at a stee ste tteeering rin ri in hea hhee ad ((° )/T )/Trr ail ai (mm) (mm mm m))... . .... ......... ............. .... ........ .... .........26/1 ... 26/1 66/1 /170 70 Fuel uel e Cap C apacit acit aci aac c y (litre (litre tre tr r s) s ... ....... . ......... ... .......... ..... ............ ............... ........ ......... ....... ................ . .... ........ .. ......22.7 222 7 Dry We Weig eigghtt ( kg) g)) .... ........... ....... .. ........ ......... ....... .... ............ ................. .... ....... .. .... ...... .. ...... ....... ............. ... ......... . .... ......... ............ 3555 POWE OW OWER O WE TR TRAI TRA TRAI R AI A N Engg ne EEngi ne 2 ............ .... .. . ..................... ........ .. ..... ....... ......... ............ ......Air Airirir cool coo ooo ed e d Tw win in CCam am m 103™ 03™ 3™™ ........ .... .. ......... .... . ..... ......... ........ ......... ........ ........ ... ......... .... ....... ...... .... ......... . ...... .... ........ ...with witt h In with Int n t egra grr a ted grated t edd Oil Oil-l- Cool Co er Coo Disp Di Disp isplace ace ac ccemen meenntt (c ment m (cu ccu.cm) cm) cm m) ........ m ........ ....... . .......... ........... ........... ....... .... .......... ... ..... ... ............. ................ ......... 1690 1 0 Bo x S trok Bor Bore troke tr ke (m (mm) mm m)) ... . .... . ..... .. ......... .... ........ ........ .... ........... .... ......... .. ......... ......... 98.4 98 4 x 1111.1 1 1.1 11 11.1 1 .1 Engg nnee Torqu En Engi rrqu rq que 3...... ....... ........... .. .... .......134 134 3344 Nm/9 Nm Nm/ m/9 m /98.8 8 .88 ftt lbss @ 350 8.8 355 0 rpm

To Tou ou urin riing ing mod ode d ls de ls co co com ome wit ith th a 103 th 103 3 cu. cu. in. cu n. Engine Eng Eng gine ne e, ABS ABS BS and d Se Secur cu urity ty S ty Syys ste te tem as sttan an a nda ndar dar arrd d..

WHEE WH EEL EL E ELS L S 4/ T Y YRES YRE F t: Fron t :... .. .... ... ........... ......... ... .... .... ....... .... ........... ............ ........ .............. ............ ........ ........... ..... 17" ... 177 Bla BBlac lack,, 2 8-sp 8 - poke 8-s okke k ......... . .... ......... ........ .......... .... Cast s Alu Alumini umini min um, m Dunl Dun u op® D408 4 F 13 1 0/80 /80B17 8 B17 1 17 RRear eaa : ... .. .... ............ .... ....... ........ ............. ........ ...... ... ........ .... ... .... .. .... ........... .... ..... ................. ........ .... .. ... . 16" 16 " Blac a k,, 28-sp 2 8-sp 8-spoke oke k ........ .... ........ .... ....... ......... .. ....... ...... Cast Ca t Alu Al mini m um, Dunl mi D op® D407 Dun D400 180/65B 180 8 /65B /65B16 16 16 CO COLO OLOUR OL L UR U OPTIO T NS 5 Vivv d Bl Vivi Black; c ; Emb mbeerr RRed edd Sungl ng o;; M ngl Midni idn ght idni h Pear ht Pearl;; Two-T o-TToonee Cand aanddy OOrange annge g / Beerr Bott Bottle; Bot Bo le; e; TTwowowo o -Tone T n An Ann n iver iversary sary ary ar Vin age Vin Vint agge Bron Bron ronze / AAnn n iver verrsary ar Vin ary i tage t Bla Black cckk

FLT FL TR RX Ro Road ad Gli lide Cus usttoom m®® DIMEN NSIO ION ON NS Leng e th en t h ( mm) m ) .... ...... ....... ...... ......... .......................... ........ ... . ....... ....... . ........... ...... .. .... ... .... . ........... ........ ......... .... .. ......... . ... .. .2457 .... 2457 457 457 45 S eeat Seat a Hei Hee ght h (m (mm) (mm mm 1......... .... ...... ........... .. ..... .... .. ......... ..... .... ......... ........ ... ......................... ... .... .... .................. ......71 715 1 Rake Rake aakke at a stee steering teering ngg hea eead ((° )/T )/Tr //TTr Trail r ail a (mm) ai (m (m (mm mm ... ....... ......... ... .... ........... ............. ... ....... .... . 26 26/1 6/1 /170 17700 F uel Capp ac Fuel aci acit ccitt y (l( litre t re s) tr s)... .......... . .... .... ....... .......... ...... ......... ........ .... ......... ........ .... .... ........................ ........ . .... .... ..... ..22.7 22 7 22.7 D Weig Dry Weight Wei ht ( kg kg) ... ....... .... .. ...... ................. .... . .......... ......... . .... ........ ........ ........ .... ......... .... ........ ..... ....... ........ ..... ........ ... . ....... ...... 367 3677 POWER WER R TRA TRAI A N Enngine 2 ......... Engi ............... .... ........ ......... .............. ....... ....... . ................. Ai AAiri coo ccool oool o edd Twin w inn Ca Cam a 103™ 003™ wit w h ..... ......... .... ....... .... ........ . ... ......... ........ ... ...... ............... ........ ..... ........ .... .... ........ ... ........ ............ ... .... ... ............ ... ... .... ........... ......Inte Int Inte nte t ggrat gra ra rat a edd Oil-C - oole ol r Disp ispllace a ement ace ment m ent ntt (cu cu.cm cu .cm) ccm) cm m ) ... .. .... ......... ... ...... ...... .................. .... ........ ... .... .. .......... ...... ........ . .... ........... . .... . .... .......... ......... .... .. . 169 11690 690 90 BBore Bor ore or x S trok tro r kee (m mm) m .......... ....... .. .... .... ... .. .... . ...... .... ........ .......... ... ......... .... .... ......... ..... .... ......98.4 988.44 x 1 11.1 98.4 111 1 11. Engi En Eng nngggine ne Torqu Torqu o e 3.... orq .. ... .... ....... ....... ..... ............. 134 133344 Nm Nm/ m// 98.8 m 988 8 ft f t lbss @ 335 00 00 r pm m

WH W HEE EEL EEL LS 4/ T YRE RE R ES Fron Front: ro t: ron t : ........ ........ .... . .... .. 18" 188 Blac Bla la k, Slott lack, lac l edd 5 -Spo lo lot -Sp Spo pooke C aast s t Alum lum minium iniu ni m niu .... .......... .... ....... .... ......... ... ....... .................. ........ ... ......... ....... .... ... ........ .... ... . .......... Dun Dunlop®® DD408 Du Dunl 4 8F 13 1 30/70 0 70B18 0/7 70B18 1188 R : ... Re Rear ........ ........ .......... ...... ...16" 166 Blac 16" Black, Bl k , Slott ott tttt ed ed 5 -Spo -Sp Sp kee C ast ass Aluminiu Alum l miniu nium i m ..... ........ ....... .................................. ........ .... . ..... ...... ............ .... ............ ..................... Dunl Dun unn op® op ® DD407 D40 D4 4077 180 1 80/65B / 65B /65B 6 5BB16 166 CO C COLO OLOUR UR OPTIO IO ON S 5 VVivi ivi i v d Bl Black ack; ckk CChr ck; hrome r ome om m Yell ell ow ell w PPearl ea ; earl ea Emb Embe m er er Re Redd SSunnglo glo; Midnig Mi Middnig nig ight ighhtt PPearl ear eearl ar ; Bl Blac aack ckk Deni D m De Den

FLHX FL LHX H Str treeet G Glid Gl lid ide® e® DIMEN ENS SIO ION O S Length Len Leng thh ( m mm) m ) ........ ... ............ .... . .......... . ........ .... .... .. ......... ............. ........ ....................... .. ..... .......... ........... .... .. .... ... . 2430 2 430 4 Seaa t Hei Seat eight eight hhtt (mm) (mm m 1... ....... .... ......... ... .... .... ......... ........ .... .......... ........ ........ ........ .... ... .... .... ......... ..... .... ........ .... ..... ...... .............. .. .... . ... .... . .71 715 15 15 R ake Rake k at a stee steering t ri ring rin ing heaad (° ((°)/Tr ° )/Tr ) /Trrail aii (mm) aail (mm mm .......... mm) ......... ....... .......... ............... ... ..... 26/1 26/ 66/1 / 70 7 FFuel eel Cap Capac ap ac aci acit c y ((litre ci tre ree s) s)... )......... ........ .......... . ....... ........ .. ......................... .... ........... ....... .... .................. ................22.7 22 7 Dr y Weight Dry Weig e ghtt ((kg) kgg .......... kg) ....... .... ... ........ .............. ....... ....... ...... . ...... ........... .. ...... ..... ...... . .... ......... ......... .......... .......... ... ...... ...... ... .... ........ ... ... ... . 355 3 PO OWER WER R TRAIN RTRAI TRA TRAI R AIIN E ngi Engi En Eng ginee 2 .......... ............. ........ ............. .. ..... .... .. .... .... ... ... AirAir-cool Air cool oooledd Tw oool win in Cam aam 103™ 1 3™ w 103 wit itth th .......................... .............. ... ................... .......... ......... ......... . ............ .............. .... . ...... ....... ... IInte ntte nte t egrat g edd Oil-C l-C l-Coole -C oole ooler ol r Displac Di Disp laac men llace ment m en (cu cuu.cm) cu.cm cm ........ cm) . ......... .... . ...... .......... ........... .. ..... .... ....... .... ....... .......... .......... .... . .... ...... .... ........ .... .. . 1690 .... 1 690 690 Bor Bore or x S tro t e (m trok ( mm) m ) ............... . ........ ........... ................ .... .... . ...... .................... ............ ....... ... 98.4 98 4 x 1111.1 11 1 11.1 E ne Eng Engi ne Tor orqu orq rrqu quue 3.... ........ .............. ........ 1344 Nm/ Nm m/ 98. m 988.8 ft 998.8 f lbs b s @ 35 33500 000 r pm pm

WH W HE EEL E EL LS 4/ T YRE YR RES RE S Fron Fro oon t:....... t : ............ t: ....... ..... .. 18" 1888" Blac Blac a kk, Slott oott ttt edd 5 -Spo Spoke kee C ast stt Alum lum miniu niu ni i m .......... . ............ ..... ... ... ........ ..... ........... ........ .... ................ . ...... .... . ..... ..... .................... .... ................. ...... ....... ... ... .... . Dun .... Dunl Dunl n oop® p D408 p® 4 8F 1330/70 0 B18 0/7 B1 Rear: Rear ear: ....... .................... ........16" 166"" Blac Bllacck, k Slott ott t t edd 5 -Spo poke kee C astt Alum A lumiiniu Alu niuum .... ........ ....... ........... .... ......... ........... ........ ..... ........... .... ............... ... .... ......... .... . .................... Dunlop® Dunllop® D4077 180 Dun Du Dunl 1 /65B 18 665BB 16 16 CO COLO OLOUR R OPTIO P TIO PTI PT T ON ON S 5 Vividd BBlack Vivi ack; ac ck; Chr Chhr ome me Yell Yel e ow w P earl e arll;; Ember Embe mber Red Red Su S nglo ng o; M Miidnig dnig dni dnig dn n htt P earl ear arl;; Bl B ack c Deni Denim Den m

FFoor full fuullll spe p ciifica fificaattiionns orr to fifinndd youur loca loocal caal au auth thhor o is ised ed dea ed eale aleerr,, vis isit it www.h-d.com.au

Lau a nc n heed inn 200 002, the 002, hese hese se long onng aannd lo low ow wo works rkks ooff art r aree the mosst ra radi d caal ed edgee of th the HHaarrlleyy-DDaavviddsoon® n® lin inee-up eup. A mu mussccul u ar a mixx of ddrragg-sstr tripp perfo errfo form rm maannce ce anndd men e ac acin inng, g, str tree et look lo ookks.s. Exp x lo losi osi s vee, offoff-f-th of thehee--liline n powwer cou oupl plled ed witth cu ed cutt uttin ttinngtt g ed edge ge tec echnnoolloggy.y. We wo workked work e witi h ssoome me of Eu Euro urroope’ pe’s leeaaddiing pe ng perfo eerrffoorm rman maanncee eng nginnee eerss too crreeaatte th thee VV-RRod o ® fa fam miilyly’s liqqui uidd cool coooolleedd 122550c 500ccc cc VV--Tw Twin in Rev evol o uuttio ol ionn®® enggin ine.e. ine. Thhenn we br brou ough ou g t BBrrembo gh embboo® em o® perf peerfrfor o ma manc ncce br nce brak akes ak akes e , a sl slippppeer clclut uttch utch ch andd hiddde den AB ABS too the he paarrtyy, aadddiing ng a layer ayer ay er of smoo sm moo ooth othh pre recicisi sioonn to aalll thhaatt rug u geed po poweer.r


VR VR RSC SCF SC S CF VCF V-Ro Rod Mu Mussccle le® DIMEN ENSIO ION ON O ONS NS L eng Leng Le ng thh ( mm) ng m ... .............. ........ .... ........... ....... ...... .................. .. .... .... .... ........... ............. ........ .... .......... .... .... ..... ........ . ...... .......... ....... ... ......... ............... .... .......... ......... .... ......... ............ ........ ......... ........ .... ........ ........ ...............2410 24 2410 24 241 Seat eatt Hei Heigh ght h t (mm (mm) mm 1..... ....... ....... ... ........ ........ ......... ......... . ..... ... .... ....... .............. .... ... .... ........ .... .............. .... . .............. .. ... ... ..... .... ........ ........ ................ .... ..... ..... .. ............. ......... .... ........ ... .... ....... .............. .... ....... . ...... .......... ......... ....... ... .... 7705 ... 05 Rak at stee Rake Rak ste ring ing hea he d ((°° )/T ))/Tr /Tr /T aaili (m ( mm (mm (mm) mm) ........ .... ....... .................... ... ......... .......... .... . .......... .. .......... ... ........ ......... ..... ... ... . ............ ........ ....... .... ...... ... . .... . ... ................. 34/1 4 /142 42 F CCapp acitt y (litre Fu Fue Fuel (litre t re res) s ... s) ....... .......... . ... .... ... .......... ....... .... .... ........ ...... ............. ... ........... ...... .... ............ .................... ......... ........ ......... ... .... .. .... ... ............. .. ................ ... .... ..... .............. ..... ......... ......... ....... ........ ...... 18.9 1 18 Dry ry Weig Wee htt ( kkg) g) ... .......... ........ ... ... .... ... ......... ........ .... .... .. .......... ................. ....... . .... ....... .. ..... ..... .... ......... ... ......... ......... ..... . ...... .... ........... ............... ... ......... ...... .. .......... ... .......... .. ..... .... .... ......... ..... .. ... ........... .... .... ............ ................... 292 2 POWER OWER WE ER TRAI TRA RA N Enn ne 2 ................. Engi ......... ........ .............. ......... ... ....... ................. ........ ......... ..... .......... ........ . .......... .... .... .... .. .... .......... .. Liqu L id-c idd-cc ooled, oool d, oole d, RRevol eevol v olutio u t onn ®, 60 60°° VV Twin Twi Tw wn Disp issplaceement enn (cu ( .cm) .cm c ) ....... cm) ......... ................ . ..... .......... ...... .... ....... ............. ..... .. ............ ......................... ...... ........ .... ..... ................ ....... .... ............. ........ .... ....... .............. .......... ........ ...... .... .......... .... ... . .... ...... .... .... 1250 250 550 Boree x S ttrok tro roke (m mm) ... ....... .......... . ..... ..... ....................... ........ .......... ..... ......... ........ ..... . ...... ...................... ........ .......... ........ .... . ... ........... ........ ......... ....... ........ .. .... .... ....... ........ ........... .... ....... .... ......... .... .... ... .......... .......... ...... .... 105 055 x 722 Engi ngine ngi nee Torq orquee 3.... orqu ........ ...... ... .... ... ..... .......... ..... .............. . ...... ....... ..................... ......... ............. .............. .. ......... ....... 1155 Nm/8 Nm m 84.8 4 ftt lbbs @ 650 4.8 6 000 rrpm

VR V RSC SCDX SCDX DX Nig igh htt Rod od® d® Sp Sp pec eecia ec ciaal DIMEN ENSIONS ION IO O S Leng ength n th t h ((mm) mm)) ........ mm .......... .............. ........... .... ....... ....... .......... . . .... ........ .... ...... ........ .... ......... ...... .... ................. .. ............. ... ..... ..... ......... ..... 24 .... 2440 44440 Seeat SSeat eaat Hei Heeigght ghh (mm) mm m 1... ....... .. ............... ............. ........... ...... ......... .................... . ..... ......... ..... ......... .......... .... ................... ........ ...... ....... ........ ....... . . 67 6675 7755 Raake at Rak Rake a t stee sste teering ring ing ngg he hea eeaad (°° )/Tr /TT ai ailil (mm) (mm mm) m m ........ .... . .... ....... ........ .... . ... ......... 34/1 334/ 4/ 4/1 / 4422 FFuel Fue ue uel eell Cap ap ac aci aacit ci t y ((litre ttre tr re ss))............ ......... .............. .... ........... ......... ........ . ...... . .... ... ............ ...... ....... .......... .... ...... .... ....... 118 18.9 8 .9 .9 Drry Weig Dry Weeigghtt ( kkg W Wei kg) g ) ... ... .......... .... ......... ......... ... .... ......... ... .... .. ........ .... .. ..... .... . ..... .... ...... ......... .......... ......... ..... ............. .......... .. ............ ..........289 28 9 2289 POWE OW OWER WER W ER T TRA TRAI RAIIN IN Eng Engi ng ne ngi ng ne 2 ........... ................. ....... .......Li L iq Liqu iqu quid-c d -c oole d-c oooled,, R evol evo vol o utio uti ttioon ®, 6600 ° VV-Tw ti Twin Twi w in in Dis Di Disp isplac lace lace cement ce meen ment men en ((cu ccu.cm) .cm ccm) m)) ......... . ... ........... .... ... ........ ........... ................. .... ......... ..... ....... .... ........... ... ........... . ... .... .... ....... .... ...... 12 1 0 1250 BBore orr x S tro ore t oke trok oke (m ((mm) mm)) ............. ............ .... ........ ......... ... ......... .... . .... ... ........ ......... ......... .............. ...... ....... ... ..... .. . 1105 ... 1005 x 72 72 Engginee Torqu Engi Torqu orq rrquuee 3......... ... .... . ...... ......... .... ... .....111 111 111 Nm/8 m/8 //88 2 ft f t lbs bbss @ 7 250 2 50 rpm 25 m

WHEELS WH EEL EL LS 4/ T YRE YRE YR ES F o t: Fron Fro t:... .......................... 19" 19 Blac Blackk, Split plit litt 5-S 5- Sppoke okke ke Cas C as t Al Cast A umin um ium umi um um ....... ...... .... ...... ....... ......................... ....... ........... ............... ..... ........ .. .... . ......... ......... ... ........ .... .... .... .... ........ . ............... w wit with ithh Orange Orrange Or Ora nge g PPi Pins iins nss trip tripe .............. .... ............. . ........... . .... . .... ...... .. .. Mich chelin elilin® eelin lin lin ® Scc orcher™ orch orch cher er™™ “11” “11 “1 111 12 120 200 /70Z / 00ZZ R-19 R 199 R-1 RR e ar:: ........... Rea Rear ....... ... .... ............ ........... ..... 18 18" 8 Blac Blaa kk,, Split Black, pliit 5-S 5 -SSpoke po Cas pok Castt Al Alumin umin umi um m ium m ..... ....... ... .... .... ... ............ ...... . .... ........... . ..... ...... ...... ......... ........ ........ . ......... .... .... ........ .... ....... ........ .... .... with tth Or Orange Ora ngg Pins Pinstrip t ip e trip .... ........ .. ......... .. ...... ......... .. .... ......... ... . ............... Mich ich c elin e n®® SSc or orc orch orcher™ rchher™ er ™ “11” 1 1” 11” 11 1 24 240 4 0 /40R /40 40R-18 0RR -18 18 COLOUR COLO UR OPTION PTIO TIIONS5 Viv Vivi ivi iv v id Bl B ack; aack ckk; ck; k Bla B acckk Denim Denim enim m;; Em E mber Ember bee Red Reeedd Sung S ungloo Sun

Allll VR A Al VRSC SC models mo mod o els ls co com me e wi witth ABS BS a an and n S Se ecu ecur cur urity ittyy Sy Sys ste tem a as s sta ttan an a nda dar ard d..

WHEEL WH EL E ELS LS 4/ T YR YRE Y RE RES ES FFron Fro o tt:: ... ....... ........ ........ ... ...... .... ....... ........... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ .... .. .......... ........ ........ .......... ........ .... .. .... ......... ........ ......... 19" 199 Bl Bla k, Blac k , 5 -Spo S ke Spo ke Cast C as ast Alum ast A luminiu ini nni m ........ .... .......... ........ ........ ...... .... .... ........ ......... ........ ........ ....... .......... ..... ....... .... ... .............. . ............................ ........ .. .... ......... ...... M Mic Mich iicc elin lin lin® in ® Sc SScorch oorch orc rch rc c er™ ch r™™ “11” “111” 1 120 2 0 //70Z 20 700Z 0 Z R-19 R R-1 Rear: .......... Rear .. .... ... ........ .... ... ........ ......... .......... ......... .... .... ......... ....... .......... ......... .......................... ......... ........ ... ........ ... .... ....... 18" 8 Blac 8" Bll ck, k , 5 -Spo SSpokee C aast st Alum luminiu lum innium iniu ............. ....... .... ....... .... ....... ......... .............. ........ . ..... ........... .. .... ........ ........ ........ ....... ........... . ......... . .... ....... .......... . ..... . ...... .... ........ . Mich M helinn ® Sc S c orch o her™ orc her™ er™ r “11” 11 240 244 /40R 40R 0R -18 -1 COLO COLO O UR UR OPTI PTIO P T NS 5 Vivi i d Bl iv ivi Blac ack; Whi ack ack; Whhhittee Hott Denim enn m;; Ca C nndy dy OOran r nge; gee; Tw Twowoo TTone Ton o Mi Mi nigh Mid n g t Pearl Pearl arrll / BBrrilli lllliant nt Silv ilv lvver er



Cust Cu stoom m Vehic ehhiciclele Ope perraatition ons™ s is wheerre wee get wh et to re realally real llyy shhoow of off – annd ssoo doe oes an anyo yone one ne see een rriiddiin een ing ng the rreesu the th sulttss.. In 19 1999 999 99 we ddeecciiddeed to takke a seeleeccttio to i n ooff our ur lat atesst mode mo delslsls and puussh th them m to thhe lilim miit,t, creeaattiinng thhe ul ulttitima mate ttee, fact fact fa ctorry ctor cust cust cu stom om m tou ourss de ffoorcce.e Eac achh of thhesse lilimi miteed eddittioon m maach chinnes es is pro pr rou ouddlly and annd me meti etiticu icu culo lous lo usslyy bui usly uilt by thhe Ha the Haarlrlrleeyy spe pecciialis allisst te t aam m. EEaachh hass beeeen gi give ven en a la larg rgger rg er er 118802 02ccc engin 02cc nnggin ine,e, moorre cchhroome ine, me,, moore re shi hinnee, th t e ffiine nest st comp co mpon onen on ents, en ts, th ts t e laatest testt te teech chno noolo logy ogy gy and nd an ex exclclus usivivivee paint pa innt jo jobb.. Anndd eac a h re r pprreessen ents tss tthhe pu p rest resstt piinnnaaclcle of re o wha hat Harlrley Ha ey-D ey-D -Dav Daavvid viddson son caan be so be..

CVO CVO™ CV CVO O™ ™ Roa oaad d King Kiing Ki ng® n ng g® DIMEN ENSIION IO ON ON S Leng eeng ng thh ( mm) mm)... mm m)) ... ....... . .... .......... ......... . ......... .. ........ ........ .... ....... .............. .... .... ........... . .... ........ .. ........... ........ ....... 2413 413 113 Seat Sea eat HHe ea Hei e gght h t (mm ht (m (m (mm) mm) m 1... ....... .... .... .... ....... .... ... ........... ........ . ........ .... ........ ....... . .... ........ .... .................. .......... . ..... ... .. ......... ... . 696 9966 RRake akkkee att stee t eering e ri ee rin ring ing n hea hea he e ad ((° )/Tr ))/T /TT ail /Tr aill ((mm) ai (mm (m mm ....... m ... ..... ..... ........ ........ ..... .......26/1 ........ 26/ 26/1 6 170 6/1 70 Fuel Fue Fu e Cap C app aacit Ca accit y (litre itr tre s) s ......... ....... ........... ......... ... ....... .... ........ ........ ........... . .............. ..... ............ ........ .... .... ....... .... ...... ... .. 222 ... 22.7 22. 2.7 .7 Dryy W Weig e ght h t ( kg) g ) .......... ....... . .... ........ ............... ........ ......... ........ .................. ..... . .... . .... ... ........ .... ...... .......... ......... ..... ..366 3366 66 POWER OWER T OWE TRAI R RAI AIN EEngi n ine ne 2 .......... . ........... .... ........ ......... ........ ...................... ........ ...................AirA cool Ai Airoo ed, d Tw d, Twin w Cam win m 110 1 10B™ 11 B Disp splace sp lace ccem men ment ent ((cu cuu.cm) c ...... .... .............. ......... ........ ........ .... ............... ... ...... .... ............... ....... .......... ........... .... . .... ....... .....1802 180 800 B or Bore oore x S trok ttroooke (m (mm) m) ... ....... ............. ... .... ...... .... ........ .... . .... ... ........ ... ..... .... ... ......... ....... ........ ........... .. 101. ....101. 1 6 x 111. 101 11. 3 11 Engi ngg nee Torqu o uee 3.... ....... ........ .......... ... . ... .. 159 155 9 Nm/ Nm/118 m/ 118 1 1 ft lbs 11 lbbss @ 375 377 5 0 rppm

CV C V VO™ O™ Road O oad Gl oa Glid Glid iide dee®® Cus ussto tom to WHEEL WHEEL WH EELS / T YRE EELS EE YR YR RE ES S F ronn tt:: ........ Fron ......... ........ .......... ....... .............. 19"" M Mirr Mir Mi irr oor Chrom hrrom om mee Agitat Agitat ita t t orr W Wheel hee heel ee s ..... . ...... ........ ..................... ............ ..... . ..... .... ......... .... . .... .... .... . ....... ....... .. .. DDunl ...... unllop® pp®® D408 40 F 13 1 300/60 130/60 0/6 0/ /66 B1 B19 1 R eearr: ... Rear . .......... ...... .. ............ .... .. ......... .... . .... .......18" ... 18 1 8"" M 18" Mirirr ror Mirr orr Chrome hhro hrom rom me Aggiitat ittat ttator orr W Wheel heeel he heel els ls ............. .... ........ .. .... ........ ............. ......... ........ .. .... .......... ................. ... . ........ ............... ..... ..... Du Dunl n oop® opp D407 D40 4407 180 18 0 /55 /55B18 /55B 55 1188 COLO COL OLO O OU UR R OPTIO P ON S 5 PTI Burg Bu uur gundy nndy d Blaa zee w ith Hot H FFusi u oon Gra raph aphics; cs; s Crr hed Cru Crus hed Sappphire hi w hir wit i h Cold Coldd F usio sionn Gr Gr aph a h cs; ap aphi s Anni n vers v erss ary ver ryy Diamond Diamond Diam ond Dust & Obsid b ian bsi ann with Palladiu Pal Pall adi m Grap adiu Graphics hics c

POWER OWE WER TRAI TR R N RA Engi En nggiinee 2 ....... ........ . ........ ...... ....... . ...... .... ...... ....... ..... ............ ................ ................ .. ... AirAir ccool ooled ed Tw win in Cam am m 11 110B 110B™ 10BB ™ D lac Disp lacement lace ment men enn t (cu ent c u..cm) cu .cm cm ....... cm ....... . ................. .. ..... .. .... .. ..... ... .... ....... ............ .... .... . .... ... .... ...... ... ........ ..... .... ........ ...... . 18 180 11802 8 2 Bor BBore orr x S tro ttrok rok oke (m ( mm m)) .............. ............... .... .. ........ .... .......... . .... ................. ..... ......... .........101. 101. 10 0011 6 x 111 1 13 111. Enggi Engi g nee Torqu orquue3........... or ........... ........... .......... ............160 600 Nm/1 m/11 18 f t lbbs @ 3750 m/118 37 50 rrpm pm m

POWER WER ERTRAI R TRAI TR T R N RAI Eng Engi ngine n 2 ........... ......... .. .... ........ .... ............ .. .... ..... . ..... ........ ........ ........ ......... .... .....AirA irAirir-cool coo edd Tw cool win wi in Cam Cam 110B 1 ™ Disp iispplace cement men (cu ment ( .cm) cm) ......... ........ .... ........... ........ .... ..... .... .......... ................ ........ .... ... ... .... .... ......... ... ......... .... ....... ... .......... ....... ... ....11802 80 802 0 Bo x Strok Bore S trok r e (m mm) m ) ........ ......... .......... . .... ....... ....... .......... .. ..... .... ....... ... .......... ... .... ........ .... . 101 1 01. 6 x 111. 10 101.6 101. 111.3 1 3 Eng ne Engi ne Torqu Torquue 3 ............ .. ........ .... . ...... ............ .. ....165 ..... .... ....165 Nm/122 Nm/1 m/1 22 ft f t lbbs @ 3750 37 0 rpm

W EEL WH EELS 4/ T Y EE EELS YRES YRE ES Front: Fron t : ... t:. t: ...... 19" 1 9 7-Sp 19 7 Spoke, 7-S oke oke, oke kke, e Con on tra t ras tras aass t Chhrome r om Agi rom Agitato Ag taa r Wheels tato Whheels W eeel eels ls .. .... .... ... .... ... . ..... ... ................ ...... ......... ........ ........ .... ........ .......... ...... ......... .. ........ .. .. ..... ..... .Dunl .... D nlop oop® p ® D408 D 408 130 D40 1 30 13 30 /60B /60 /6 6 199 60 60B 60B19 RRear ear: ........ 18" 18 7-Sp 7-Sp S oke oke, ke, Con ke, Coon ontras trr t Ch ttras Chrome romee Ag Agi ggi tat taato tato t or or Wh W eeels eel e els .......... ..... . ...... ... ........ ... ....... . .... .. .... ....... ... .... ... .... . .... ........... ................... .. .... ... ....... ........ ........ ........... ......... .. ... Dunl D lop® op® op p D4 D407 407 180 800 /5 /55B 5 5 18 1 COLOUR COLO O U UR R OPTIO TIO T ON S 5 Atom Atom omic Orang om Orang annge ang ge & Gala Gal Galaxy a a xy x y Grey r eyy wit with tth Edg EEddgggee Graphi G aphi Gr aph phi pph hics; c s; cs s; Romann Goold Roma ldd & Bur ur nt E merald ur mera me mera e ld ld with w it i th ith t h Edge Edg GGra Ed ra r aphic phic h s; s; An vers Anni versary ary ryy DDiam mond on Dus DDust ust & Obs b si ian bsi bsid an with wit h Paalladiu Pall i m Gra iu Graphics Grap aphic hiccs hics

CVO™ C CV VO O™ ™ Bre reak aakou ou utt™ ™

CVO CV VO™ O™ Ultra ltra lt ra Cla lass ass ssic ic™ Ele lectra lect ctra ct ra Gli llid ide dee® d DIMEN ENS SION ONS O Leng n thh ( mm) m ............ mm ........ ....... .... ............ ... ... .......... ... .... .... ............ ........ ... . ...... ......... ........................ ... ........ .... .. ...................... .... .. .... ....... ... ....... ....... .......... .... ........ . ..251 2510 25 511 Seat eeat Hei eeight ghht h (mm) (m mm) m m 1........... ... .... ......... ......... ........ ......... ......... ... .... .... .... ................ ........... .... . ..... ..... .... .... ........ ......... .......... .........757 ... 577 Rakee at a t stee teeering r ing ngg hhea he ad ((° )/T )/Tr /Tr Tr ail Tr ai (mm) (mm mm)................. mm .......... ... .... ......... ........ .... ...... ..... 26/1 2266 /170 70 Fuee Cap Fu FFuel Caa acit ci t y (l( itre cit itr e s))....... ... .............. .. .............. .... ..... ................ ...... ............... ....... ........ .......... .... .......... ........ 222 22.7 27 Dry Weig Dry Weight h t ( kg) ht kg ... ............... .......................... .......... ........... ...... .. .... ........ ....... ... .................... ........ ........ .... ...... .... ................ .... ....... ..... .............. ......4404 0044

DIMEN ENSION ON S ON L ength Leng th (mm) ( mm)) ........ . .... ........ ........ . ... .......... .... .. ............ ......... ....... ........ .... ......... ........ ............. ...... .... . .... ........... ......... ......... ..... . 2443 .... 44433 S Hei Seat Heightt (mm) He mm ) 1.......... ........ . .......... . ......... ... .......... ................. .... ... ...................... ........ . .... ... ....... .... ........ ........6698 9 R att stee Rak Rake stee ring rinng hea heea e ad (° ( )/Tr Trail Tr ai (mm ail ai (m (mm) mm) ........ ... ........ ......... ............ .... ........ .. ....26/1 ... .....226/1 ... 6// 170 6/1 70 F Cap Fu Fuel a acitt y (litre (l( itre tree s) s)....... s)... ......... ... ........ ........ ........ ........ .... . .... .......... ................. .. ........... ... ...... ........ .... .... ........ ............ .... ..... .. ... ....22.7 222 7 22.7 Dr Weig Dry Weighht ( kkg) Weight g)) ... .......... ....... ........ ......... ......... ........ .. .... ........... .. ................ .. ....... ... ............ ....... .... ................ ........ ..... ... 371 7711


WH W HEEL EELS 4/ T YRE Y S Fron Fr ron t: ro t :... ....... ... .. ... .... .......... ............. ......... . .... ... . ............ .... . ........... .... ......... .... ....17", 1 ", M Mirr ror or Chro hro hr rroome me Chise hisel his ...... ......... . ................. ..................... ................. .... ..... .... .... ....... .... .... ...... .......... ....... ......Dunl . Dunl Dunlop® unloop® opp DD408 D44 008 130/80B 1330 130 30 /80B 80B 0 17 17 Rear Rea eaa : ... ear .. ..... .... ... .... ... .... ... ........ . ....... .... .......... ... ......... . ... ... ............ ............. .. ..... .... ......16" ... 1 M 16 16" 16", Mir irrror r or ro ror o Chro Chh me Chise Chr Chise hise iss l .... ....... .............. .... .. ..... ........ .... .............. ......... ......... ........ ... .... ........ .. ......... ... ..... Du DDunl unlop nlop op® pp® D407 407 440 0 18 180 8 0 /65B / 65B16 /65 65B 166

COL C COLO OLO OL LOUR R OPTIO PT TI NS5 SStar St Sta t dust ust s Sil Sill ver vee & Da D rkk Slate laate & T itan t a ium um m Dust u t with witt h Th T hun uunde ndderbla r bl de rbl de Grap rraph aph phhics; phics; iccs; c s TTriibal b al OOran Orrraangee & Dark D ar k Sl Dar Slat aate te & In fe fern fer er no Or OOrange r ange annge with ang w it h Th wi wit T unde un rb rbla b addee Graph bla blade rap aaphics ics; ics; s Typ yphoon yp hoon hoo o Mar oon Maa oon oo & Bl B ack Black acck Diam iam am mond on & Burgun B rgun Bu gunnddyy Blaze gundy aze wit az withh Thunde T unde Th und nderbla rbblade rbla rbl lade Graph Graph phhics; iics cs cs; Anni Ann An nn vers versary e s ary ry Diam am mon ond nd Dust ust st & Obsid bsidian iaa with ian ith Pal Paallladi adi ad d uum m Grap G aphics hhics iicc

For full Fo fullll speci fu peciiffiicaattiion pe ionns orr to fif nd n you our looca our c l au auth uth thor oris or ised is e dea ed e leer,r, vissitt www.h-d.com.au

DIMENS ENSION EN IO ON S Leeenng thh ((mm Leng mm ... mm) .......... ......... .... .. .... ... .... . ... .... ........ .... ......... . ............ ........ ... .... ........ .. ....................... ........ ... ..... ........2450 2450 5 Seeaa t He Seat HHei ei e ght ht (mm) mm 1 .... mm) .............. ........ ... ........ ... ..... ............. . . ... .... ....... .. ........ .... ............ ....... .... ......... ........... ... ...... . ..... ... .... ... ....... 668 66 8 RRake aake at a t stee t eering r he he d ((° )/Tr hea / r ailil ((mm) /Tr mm mm) m ......... ...................... ................... 37/1 337/ 77/ 7/14466 FFuel Fue u Ca C ap acit Cap aaci citt y (litre ttre rre s) s ................ ...... .......... ... .... ...... .. ......... .... ... ......... .......... ........ ........... ......... .. .... ........ ...... ....... ................. ....... .... ... ......18.9 1 8.99 18 Dry ryy We Weight Weig e ht eig h t ((kg) kg) g)) ......... ....... . .. .... ...... .... ........ ............ . ...... .... ........... ........... .... ... ... .... ....... ............ ........... .. .... ... ....... ..... ........... 316 1

POWER WE WER ER RTRAI TRAI TRA AIIN Eng Engi ngg nee 2 ... . ... .... . .... .................. ........ ... ....... ....... ........ ........... . Air... r-coo coo ccool oolled ed Twin i Cam am 110B 1100B 0B™™ Disp Displace isp splace a mentt (cu.cm) (cu c .cm) cm cm) m) ......... .... ......... ... .... ........... ...... .... ...... ... ........ .... ......... .... ......... ........... .. ..... . ...... ....... ... .... .... 180 1802 8 Bore x S trok Bore ro e (mm rok m)) ......... ..... .. ..... ... .......... ....... .. ..... ... ........ .... ... ............. .... ..... ......... .............. .... 101.6 101 101. 0 6 x 111. 111 11 11 3 Engi Eng ngiinee TTorqu ng or e 3 ... orqu orq ....... ........ ....... .... .. .... .......... . . 150 50 NNm/1 Nm// 1 11 f t lbs l s @ 325 lb 32 rpm 3250 pm

W EEL WH EEL ELS LS4/ T YRE YR S Fron ronn tt:: ......... ........ .... ....... ...... ...... ....... . ...... ........ ... ........ ..... 21"" M Mirr Mi irrrr oorr Chrom hrom me TTurbin binee W bin Whheels lss .... .... ... ........... ............. .... .... .... ........... .......... .. ........ ............... ..... ........ ........ ........... ........ ... ............ ....... ....... Dunl .... Dun u op® un p DD408 408 4 1300 /60B21 /60B 21 /6 /60B 2 RRea Rear e a : ... ....... ........... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ........ .. ............ ........18" 88"" M Mirr irr rrror oorr Chhrom hro roome rrom ome TTurbin r bi e Wheels rb W Whheels eel eelss .... ........ .................. ... ... .... ... .... ......... ............ .... .. .... .. .... .......... ....... .... .............. ............. .... ... ..... . Dun Dunl un op®® D407 407 007 2240 400 /40R /4 0 188 /40

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Th The he Tr he Tri Glid de Ultr Ultr t a Clas tr Clas as a s ssic sic ic cc co omes mes e w wiitth h an an A Air i -C -Co Co C oole oole o ed Tw win in n Ca Cam 103 10 03 3 cu. cu u in n. Engine ng ngi gine ne , ABS BS and an a se sec ecu ec urrity uri t y pac packag ac ckag kage ka ea as s stan stan tan ndar dar da ard. d.

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