1 minute read
In this edition
pages 3-4
Council Tax freeze agreed pages 20-21
Council Leader sets out what our budget means for you.
Funding secured for regeneration page 22-23

Town Centre regeneration boosted with new funding.
What’s on this spring
Things to do and see this spring.
Cover photograph: Daffodils in Harlow Town Park, taken by Mr and Mrs Pitcher as part of the Chair’s 2022 photography competition.

Harlow Times is published quarterly by Harlow Council to keep you informed.
This magazine is distributed by Royal Mail. In some areas where postcodes overlap the boundaries of Harlow and other councils, a small number of residents outside Harlow will also receive this magazine.
We hope our residents will appreciate that this system of delivery is one of the most efficient and that our extra readers on the borders of the town will enjoy their complimentary copies and news about their nearest important town.
Copyright for most images owned by Brian Thomas Photography (www.btphotography.co.uk) unless stated. Printed by Swan Print Ltd.
© Harlow Council 2023. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence v2.0. View this licence: www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/opengovernment-licence/version/2/ or email psi@nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk
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Enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to Communications, Harlow Council, Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow, Essex CM20 1WG or email communications@harlow.gov.uk
Voter ID is coming
From 4 May 2023, you will need to show photo ID to vote in polling stations.

£1m secured to help improve lives
Harlow Council has secured £1 million from the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund to invest in a variety of projects over the next three years.

If you don’t have accepted photo ID you can apply for a free ID document, which is known as a Voter Authority Certificate.
If you need any help with applying for a Voter Authority Certificate, contact our Elections team at registration@harlow.gov.uk or call 01279 446042.
For more information on the changes visit www. electoralcommission.org. uk/voterID or call 0800 328 0280.
The funding will help deliver a range of community projects. These include crime prevention activities in the town centre, improvements to the Harlow Museum, and more funds to support the local Community Hub helping vulnerable residents. Funding has been awarded to projects focused on business support and the visitor economy too.
Provision for new skills and training opportunities has also been factored into the final year of the council’s investment plan.